09 March 2016

European Intellectuals Call for Solidarity with Refugees

Following this link, you will be redirected on Transform! website, where you can find a petition launched by Étienne Balibar and others in solidarity with the refugees:

04 March 2016

The EL denounces the murder of the indigenous leader Berta Cáceres and demands an end to impunity in Honduras

The Party of the European Left strongly condemns the murder of Berta Cáceres, coordinator of the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Honduras (Consejo de los pueblos Indígenas de Honduras). This heinous and cowardly crime is an attempt to silence the voice of a determined and combative militant who for years was devoted to defending the rights of indigenous communities and to environmental protection.

17 February 2016

Apéro féministe à Bruxelles le 1er mars 2016


Suivez les dernières infos sur notre évenement facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1722208577993980/



Le 1er mars 2016 à 18h30 à l’Horloge du Sud

 (Rue du Trône 141, 1050 Ixelles)


Le Parti de la Gauche Européenne et son réseau EL-FEM vous invite à l’Apéro féministe ! 


Au programme :

06 February 2016

Pierre Laurent: "The cultural battle is the big battle for the emancipation”

Inaugurated in Brussels the conference

Culture against Austerity