Showing newest posts with label لبنان. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label لبنان. Show older posts

Mar 12, 2010

report: "nahr al-bared camp still far from being rebuilt"

after the palestinian refugee camp nahr al-bared was totally destroyed in a war in 2007, the lebanese government promised the 30.000 refugees a quick reconstruction and the return to the camp. however, the government's words haven't materialized yet, while the camp remains under the tight grip of the lebanese army. (...) [read more]

Jan 18, 2010

report: "nahr al-bared's economic recovery hampered by military siege"

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more than two years after the end of the fighting, the war-torn palestinian refugee camp of nahr al-bared, located in northern lebanon, is far from the model the lebanese government has promised the camp would become. instead, reconstruction of the camp is delayed, the area is a military zone with restricted access, and the camp's economy is stalled and residents are largely unemployed. (...) [read more]

report: "new lebanese security approach rejected by palestinians"

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recent inter-factional clashes in lebanon's ain al-hilweh refugee camp once more illustrated the fragile security situation in some of its palestinian camps. lebanese plans to take over security within the camps are rejected by the palestinians. (...) [read more]

Dec 29, 2009

report: "rebellious rhymes from a destroyed refugee camp"

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the hip-hop beats ringing through the muddy, unlit streets of the burnt-out palestinian refugee camp nahr al-bared seem incongruous. but the rhymes are camp-grown - and courageous. (...) [read more]

Nov 25, 2009

report: "refugees remain sceptical of nahr al-bared reconstruction"

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more than two years after their refugee camp was destroyed in a war between the lebanese army and the islamist militant group fatah al-islam, nahr al-bared refugees wednesday witnessed the start of the camp’s reconstruction. their relief is mixed with scepticism, however. (...) [read more]

Oct 1, 2009

report: "nahr al-bared reconstruction delays protested"


since the end of august, construction equipment in the palestinian refugee camp of nahr al-bared, near the northern lebanese city of tripoli, has stood unused after the lebanese state council granted a two month moratorium for the reconstruction of the camp. nahr al-bared, home to approximately 30,000 refugees, was destroyed during a three-month-long battle between the lebanese army and the militant group fatah al-islam in the summer of 2007. (...) [read more]

Sep 23, 2009

report: "nahr al-bared's reconstruction in limbo"

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since the end of august, construction machines in the palestinian refugee camp nahr al-bared are resting. the lebanese state council granted a two month moratorium for the reconstruction of the destroyed camp. (...) [read more]

Aug 25, 2009

report: "shattered camp revives under military eyes"

palestinian refugees at nahr al-bared in north lebanon are living under tight military siege two years after a war destroyed the refugee camp. it has now become a test case for a new approach in lebanon's security policy towards palestinian refugee camps. (...) [read more]

Jun 15, 2009

report: "the forgotten prime areas"

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the three-month-long war between the lebanese army and fatah al-islam militants in the palestinian refugee camp of nahr al-bared in northern lebanon ended on 2 september 2007. while the lebanese army has allowed displaced residents to return to some parts of the camp, the fate of other parts of the camp still under the army's control remains unclear. (...) [read more]

May 24, 2009

report: "no work in nahr al-bared"

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mohammad and mahmoud sat on an idle field on the edge of the palestinian refugee camp of nahr al-bared in northern lebanon. while mahmoud sang to the songs being played on his mobile phone, mohammad used his for gaming. mohammad looked up and explained, "we spend our days doing nothing. we get up and sit at the cafe for a few hours. then we go home and pray. we gather again and return to the cafe. there we sit until the evening. every day passes like this." (...) [read more]

May 17, 2009

report: "growing resentment in nahr al-bared"

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about two years ago, a battle broke out between the lebanese army and the militant group fatah al-islam in the palestinian refugee camp of nahr al-bared in northern lebanon. the summer-long battle concluded in september 2007 and the camp was totally destroyed - the rubble indicating that the destruction was systematic, most likely committed by the lebanese army. after several delays, the UN-mandated core of the camp, the so-called "old camp," has meanwhile been cleared of approximately 600,000 meters of rubble. yet, reconstruction hasn't begun and residents are still unable to enter the old camp, the access of which is controlled by the lebanese army, and displaced refugees are increasingly resentful. (...) [read more]

Oct 14, 2008

report: "picking oranges the palestinian way"

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the sun has yet to rise at an orange plantation in the hinterland of the southern lebanese city of tyre. muhammad has just transferred ten buckets of oranges into black plastic boxes at the edge of the orange grove. after carrying the empty buckets back to the other workers, he says: "after this work i return home, rest for an hour and leave for my second job as a decorator. harvesting oranges alone doesn't feed my family." (...) [read more]

Jun 25, 2008

video: "cleaning up"

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the first few hundred palestinian families were allowed to return to their destroyed or damaged homes at the outskirts of nahr al-bared camp in winter 2007/08. they faced a very difficult situation. many of them lost their homes and most of their property was either destroyed or stolen.
this short video documents the refugee's experiences once they returned to their camp and their efforts to deal with their new reality.

for security reasons, only an anonymized version of the film is published. it can be downloaded here (.mpeg/247mb) and here (.mov/109mb) in good quality. also, it can be watched here on youtube or below.

May 22, 2008

video: "writings on the walls"

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this short film documents many racist, sexist, humiliating and insulting graffiti that lebanese soldiers had written on the walls of the houses in the destroyed palestinian refugee camp of nahr al-bared.
while many graffiti are directed against the non-palestinian islamist militant group fatah al-islam and its leader shaker al-abssi, others address the palestinian refugees. in some cases, the destruction of the camp is portrayed as a revenge for massacres committed by palestinian militias in the lebanese civil war.

the graffiti can be understood as instruments of psychological warfare and as an additional method regarding the political strategy of the lebanese army to demoralize the refugees and keep them from returning to their destroyed camp. however, the graffiti also illustrate the frustrations and personal attitudes of the soldiers during the fighting. almost 200 soldiers were killed in the 3-month battle.
as a reaction to related reports in the lebanese media, the army has covered many sprayings and drawings with paint.

this 7-minute film was produced in winter 2007/08. also in the houses that the military has handed back to their owners in spring 2008, such graffiti can be found.

for security reasons, only an anonymized version of the film is published. it can be downloaded here (.mpeg/235mb) and here (.mov/86mb) in good quality. also, it can be watched here on youtube or below.

report: "more questions than answers"

one year ago, on 20 May 2007, the fighting began between the lebanese army and the militant group fatah al-islam in nahr al-bared refugee camp in northern lebanon. during more than three months of fighting between the army and the extremist group, more than 47 Palestinian civilians, 178 soldiers and at least 220 militants were killed. more than half a year after the battle came to an end, only a fraction of its residents have been allowed to return. (...) [read more]

May 1, 2008

video: "traces of collective dispossession"

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on march 31st 2008, the lebanese army made 20 houses in majles street in the destroyed palestinian refugee camp of nahr al-bared accessible. all 20 buildings had signs of burning. often, entire rooms or even floors were completely burnt. at least in 16 houses, traces of flammable liquids could be found on the walls.

from the official end date of the fighting in early september 2007 until march 30th 2008, all of majles street was under the exclusive control of the lebanese army. the amount of looting, arson and intentional destruction in majles street and in nahr al-bared camp in general point to a systematic collective dispossession of the camp's residents by the lebanese army.

the lebanese army has so far strongly forbidden any filming or photographing in nahr al-bared. the army, its secret service and local collaborators make sure that nobody breaks this unwritten law.

the 10-minute film documents the mentioned accusations in detail. it can be downloaded here (.mpeg/329mb) and here (.mov/125mb) in good quality. also, it can be watched here on youtube or below.

Apr 30, 2008

report: "who burned nahr al-bared?"

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on march 31st 2008, the lebanese army allowed access to a few dozen houses in sahabe and majles street in the destroyed palestinian refugee camp of nahr al-bared. in almost all houses, clear evidence for arson can be found. (...) [read more]

Apr 8, 2008

report: "the 'humanitarian' sidelining of nahr al-bared"

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a 5 april 2008 television report by al jazeera english from the destroyed palestinian nahr al-bared refugee camp in northern lebanon characterizes the media's sidelining of the nahr al-bared story as a purely humanitarian question rather than one with a political dimension. since the battle between the lebanese army and the militant islamist group moved from the streets of tripoli to nahr al-bared camp about this time last year, the media have mainly only reported on the military strife between the army and the islamist group. on the rare occasions the media have covered the situation of the camp's more than 30,000 Palestinian inhabitants who fled the camp during the fighting, they have done so with only a narrow focus on the humanitarian problems they face - ignoring the glaring political questions that only the camp residents seem to be left asking. (...) [read more]

Mar 23, 2008

video: "landscape of destruction"

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the 3-month battle of nahr al-bared (north lebanon) in 2007 left tens of thousands of palestinian refugees homeless - once again. in winter, a few thousands of them where allowed to return to their destroyed refugee camp, where they've started to rebuild their homes.

this short video conveys impressions from inside nahr al-bared camp. it can be downloaded in good quality here (.mpeg/186mb) or here (.mov/48mb).
it can be watched here on youtube or below:

Nov 26, 2007

video: "taxi"

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after almost 60 years in lebanon, palestinian refugees are still facing harsh conditions in their daily lives. they suffer from severe housing conditions in the refugee camps, poverty, racism and many forms of social, political and legal discrimination. in dozens of jobs, especially in those requiring special skills and higher education, palestinians are forbidden to work. one result of this discriminating policy is being treated in this short film: many well-educated refugees can't find jobs and therefore end up as taxi drivers, day laborers or shopkeepers.

this short film was produced in bourj ash-shamali refugee camp, near sour (south lebanon). bourj ash-shamali hosts 20,000 palestinian refugees, mostly from the north of palestine. thousands of its residents work in day labor, meaning: hard work, low wages, no job and therefore no income security.

the 10-minute film is a result of a video-workshop by a-films in october 2007. it can be downloaded here (.mov/129mb) and here (.mpeg/322mb) on archive as well as here (.mov/129mb) on indymedia.
it can be watched here on youtube or below: