Greece: Kurdish refugee on 35th day of hunger strike

  • Posted on: 20 June 2005
  • By: worker

Greece, Thessaloniki: Bahoz Demanding Political Asylum on 35th Day of Hunger Strike!

translated by ainfos and edited by andy
Mon, 20 Jun 2005

Zülküf Murat Bora (known as Bahoz) from Diyarbakir (Turkey/Kurdistan), who moved to Greece in 1995 and demanded political asylum because of the political repressions he had faced, started a hunger strike on the 17th of May, 2005, despite 10 years having passed over and his demand of political asylum having not been accepted yet.

Bolivian Mass Organizations Form Revolutionary Council

  • Posted on: 16 June 2005
  • By: worker

Bolivian Mass Organizations Form Revolutionary Council

Bolivia’s Mass Organizations — Trade Unions, Peasant Unions, Neighborhood Councils — Unite to Form Their Own Governing Body El Alto Proclaimed ‘General Headquarters of the Bolivian Revolution of the 21st Century’ The translated document below, containing the decisions made on June 8 at the first enlarged meeting of the National People’s Assembly Originaria, states that a United Leadership of the Assembly is being formed. It states that the Assembly and its leadership will be an “INSTRUMENT OF POWER.� Action committees were formed, including one for self-defense. The leadership of the Assembly will apparently be made up of the leaders of the mass organizations, which are as follows:

FERAL VISIONS against Civilization June Update

  • Posted on: 15 June 2005
  • By: worker

This is the second and last communique from the Feral Visions crew down here in the southern Appalachian mountains of western North Carolina. We recently had a meeting, and we're getting excited about the upcoming gathering, as well as nervous about it going smoothly and being as fun and memorable as we can imagine. anyone who wants to come early to help us set up and hasn't already contacted us should do so soon...

Founding Conference for an Federation of Revolutionary Anarchists in the Southeast

  • Posted on: 15 June 2005
  • By: worker

Anarchism is the only political movement of the last 100 years to seek the liberation of all people from Capital and Government. But our accomplishments pale beside our ideals. That is, anarchism has so far failed in its task largely because of an unwillingness or inability to organize effectively, and to act collectively against the bosses and politicians.

CrimethINC Sabatour in Progress

  • Posted on: 15 June 2005
  • By: worker

Disaster? Yes, disaster.

When you think of disasters, perhaps some secret part of you thrills at the idea of something happening, something interrupting the tedious routines that comprise existence for so many of us. You might not be ready to own up to actually desiring one, but a disaster would at least offer a chance to escape your cage and allow you to explore the unknown for a little while. what anguish, to live in longing for a reprieve from your own life, never knowing when and if it might come!

Update on Flag and

  • Posted on: 14 June 2005
  • By: worker

The server hosting,, and related websites and email lists has been offline since Monday, June 6. We apologize for this inconvenience to our many visitors, fans, and users. The downtime is the result of our server being unplugged by the person who has provided free hosting to us for many years. As, Flag, and related websites have gotten more popular, this has monopolized most of the bandwidth that our good friend graciously provided to us.
