Articles by Roger Bate

Green Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

There is little more annoying for a policy analyst than when two types of wrong-headedness conspire to undermine his case. Such is the case for policies driven by the pursuit of a pesticide free -- or at least pesticide... Read More

Green Policies, Rather Than a Warming Planet, Will Cause More Death

There is little more annoying for a policy analyst than when two types of wrong-headedness conspire to undermine his case. Such is the case for policies driven by the pursuit of a pesticide free -- or at least pesticide... Read More

New Malaria Drugs to Be Approved, But Do They Work and Are They Safe?

The market for treatments of malaria - which kills over one million people a year -- is of almost no commercial value: Although patients seek over 300 million treatments a year, and perhaps as many suffer without treatment, few... Read More

India: Patently Wrong

DELHI -- While many Indians are still upset by their countrymen's premature departure from the Cricket World Cup, those interested in Indian prosperity should be even more upset by the equally recent departure of the head of a technical committee... Read More

Asian Patent Wars

The largest drug company in the world, Pfizer, has been in a bit of trouble lately. It recently announced it would fire 10,000 staff, close two factories and 5 research facilities. And the stock market has beaten up its... Read More

Libyan AIDS Trial Exposes Wider Truths

Moammar Gaddafi's regime has condemned to death five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor for "deliberately" infecting Libyan children with HIV in a hospital in Benghazi. The media have reported confessions made under torture and systematic sexual abuse of... Read More

New Research Looks at the UN's Failure on AIDS

Another World AIDS Day has arrived today and, although hard to believe, the situation across the globe is worse than before. The AIDS epidemic is described by the United Nations as the "most destructive in human history" and accounting... Read More

Corrupting Health

GUATEMALA CITY -- Transparency International (TI) celebrated its 12th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) last week in Guatemala. Founded by ex-World Bankers and influential government officials from developing countries such as Kenya and Bangladesh, T Read More

Why Consensus In Malaria Policy Is a Killer

Last week the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partnership, a coalition of multilateral organizations whose aim is to halve malaria by 2010, joined World Bank chief Paul Wolfowitz in musical concert at the Bank to remind the public that the... Read More

"Water, Water Everywhere, But..."

As Summer temperatures are set to be some of the hottest on record, and much hyperbole is written about whether this is influenced by man's activities, Skeptical Environmentalist, Bjorn Lomberg, is about to set off to Australia to promote his... Read More

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