James Farr is a freelance animator and animation director based at present in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is widely known by the online community for his animated series Xombie, which quickly gained cult status in 2003 and has spawned an illustrated novel, Xombie: Dead on Arrival, a comic book series published by Devil's Due, Xombie: Reanimated, as well as an upcoming animated feature film. His films are particularly popular on Newgrounds, where they have over 4.5 million views. All of the Xombie chapters are almost always within the top-50 list, and James Farr is currently the sixth-highest-rated artist on Newgrounds (for many years, he was in the top three). [1]
His portfolio includes work for Epic Level entertainment, New Line Cinema, GeekRescue.com and the Oklahoma City Blazers. He has a son, Vector Farr, and a Jack Russel Terrier named Courage.
One of the producers for the 2007 film Transformers[citation needed] placed Farr at the scene of an accident involving a Decepticon, at the fictional company website, [2]. There, Farr moonlights as Lead Researcher, the accident occurring while performing an experimental procedure on an unnamed decepticon subject.