Migrants Granted Refugee Status Are Holidaying In Countries They ‘Fled’, At Taxpayers’ Expense

Edit Breitbart 13 Sep 2016
Migrants with recognised refugee status are holidaying in the countries they supposedly "fled", their vacations funded by German taxpayers, a newspaper has found ... ....

Australia's hard-line asylum seeker program costs taxpayers 7.5 bln dollars: report

Edit Xinhua 13 Sep 2016
CANBERRA, Sept ... The report has recommended an increase in Australia's refugee intake to reduce the taxpayer burden, as well as a policy reversal on turning boats around - something the study said puts those fleeing persecution at greater risk. "Our policies attempt to coerce those fleeing persecution to stay where they are, to wait indefinitely and to endure countless dangers, indignities and lives lived in limbo," the report said ... ....

Sugar tax is better than the cost of obesity to the taxpayer

Edit Irish Independent 13 Sep 2016
The arguments against the introduction of a sugar tax promulgated by the sugar industry are boringly predictable ... ....

Webcam killer Brian Dickson denied taxpayer-funded lawyer for appeal

Edit Canoe 13 Sep 2016
A man who killed a York University student from China in an attack partly witnessed via webcam has been denied a request for a government-paid lawyer to represent him in an appeal of his conviction ... ....

School’s out for ITT: The for-profit network was bad for U.S. taxpayers

Edit Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 13 Sep 2016
The sudden closing of ITT Technical Institutes throughout the nation shocked students and staff members last week. The shutdown, which included two Pittsburgh locations, left 35,000 students and 8,000 employees wondering what went wrong ... ....

Minister of Finance: New Community Participation and Additional Resources Without affecting the poor, are the Objectives of the Additional 5 %Tax (Ministry of Finance of the Arab Republic of Egypt)

Edit Public Technologies 13 Sep 2016
It also considers social dimension as it is imposed on the higher income segment of taxpayers whose year income exceeds one million EGP ... 91 / 2005.He noted that the most significant of the new tax is that it grants taxpayer the right to direct the paid tax amount to finance social or public project in health, education or any other public service project....

CO-llapse: And Then There Were Six (US House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce)

Edit Public Technologies 13 Sep 2016
(Source. US House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce). WASHINGTON, DC - The news keeps getting worse by the day for Obamacare ... New Jersey brings the total to 17 of the original 23 Obamacare CO-OPs that have failed, at a total cost to taxpayers of over $1.8 billion ... CO-OPs that have failed and taxpayer dollars received (in order by closing announcement).. CoOportunity Health - Iowa and Nebraska. Cost ... TOTAL TAXPAYER DOLLARS....

Baltimore City Council votes down inclusionary housing proposal

Edit Baltimore Sun 13 Sep 2016
The City Council defeated a bill Monday that would have required developers who receive taxpayer dollars to build housing for lower-income families. The council voted 4-9 to defeat the bill. Two members abstained. Councilman Bill Henry of North Baltimore pushed for the legislation to replace an existing... ....

‘No’ camp’s plans for plebiscite funding

Edit The Daily Telegraph Australia 13 Sep 2016
THE Australian Christian Lobby has revealed how it will spend some of the $7.5 million of taxpayers money in opposing same sex marriage ... ....

First estimates of judicial costs of crime, from homicide to theft

Edit Science Daily 13 Sep 2016
When considering the costs of crime, most discussion focuses on the price of incarceration of criminals and the cost faced by victims of criminal activity. A new study focuses on the cost of individual crimes on the judicial system, aiming to provide taxpayers a broader picture of the financial impact of major crimes and potential savings from crime reduction measures ... ....

Comment on Concert to benefit homeless in Waikiki by FD808

Edit Star Advertiser 13 Sep 2016
Yes! And yet the taxpaying public can’t use many of the public sidewalks, parks, beaches, and bus stops because they have been taken over by the homeless ... ....

Same Violation — Two Sets of Rules: Franklin County Prosecutor Tough On Local Official, While Letting Lt. Gov. Aide Off The Hook (Ohio Democratic Party)

Edit Public Technologies 13 Sep 2016
(Source. Ohio Democratic Party) ... Gov ... O'Brien decided to pass on investigating Mary Taylor's chief of staff, who apparently was actively involved in the re-election campaign, while being paid by the taxpayers of Ohio ... Reports showed that in the time period in question, while being paid by taxpayers, the aide made more phone calls to political strategists than to Taylor herself ... Hansen is also the husband of Gov ... ### ... (noodl. 35325369) ....

Modi government resorting to 'tax terrorism': Congress

Edit Deccan Chronicle 13 Sep 2016
New Delhi. Congress on Tuesday accused the Modi government of resorting to "tax terrorism" through "incessant" raids on traders and businessmen after "failure" to bring out black money through income disclosure schemes. "Don't perpetrate a tax terrorism on the honest taxpayer ... 4164 crore while the total tax collected was Rs ... "Don't perpetrate a tax terrorism on the honest taxpayer ... ....