Posts Tagged ‘Hillary Clinton’

Varieties of Krugmanesque experience

Posted by: Doug Henwood on March 14, 2016

Liberal redbaiting

Posted by: Doug Henwood on February 24, 2016

Blaming Hillary for Bill

Posted by: Doug Henwood on January 31, 2016

Fresh audio product

Posted by: Doug Henwood on January 29, 2016

Katha Pollitt, 1996 vs. 2016

Posted by: Doug Henwood on January 29, 2016

Pollitt responds to my response

Posted by: Doug Henwood on January 15, 2016

Katha Pollitt on My Turn

Posted by: Doug Henwood on January 7, 2016

My anti-Hillary book is shipping!

Posted by: Doug Henwood on December 1, 2015

Fresh audio product

Posted by: Doug Henwood on October 16, 2015

Fresh audio product

Posted by: Doug Henwood on December 4, 2014

Hillary publicity roundup

Posted by: Doug Henwood on October 28, 2014

On Hillary

Posted by: Doug Henwood on October 24, 2014

Minimum wage politics

Posted by: Doug Henwood on October 24, 2014


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