• June 6 Dinner

    2016 EPIC Champions of Freedom Awards Dinner

    The 2016 EPIC Awards dinner will be held on June 6th at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Register today!

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  • SCOTUS image

    EPIC Urges Supreme Court to Uphold Fourth Amendment Safeguards for Police Stops

    EPIC has filed a "friend-of-the-court" brief in Utah v. Strieff, a U.S. Supreme Court case about whether the Fourth Amendment allows evidence to be admitted after an illegal stop. In a brief, signed by twenty-one technical experts and legal scholars, EPIC detailed a number of sweeping government databases that contain inaccurate and detailed records about Americans' noncriminal activity.

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  • Data Protection 2016 image

    EPIC Launches "Data Protection 2016" to Make Privacy a Campaign Issue

    Noting widespread concern about the state of privacy in America, EPIC has launched "Data Protection 2016," a non-partisan campaign to make data protection an issue in the 2016 election. DataProtection2016 shows widespread support for stronger privacy protections in the United States. Campaign materials, including buttons and stickers, are available.

    Visit dataprotection2016.org »

  • EPIC Cloud 2016

    EPIC 2016

    EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2016, EPIC has important work to do on algorithmic transparency, student privacy, and government surveillace, among many other issues. Please donate to EPIC today to help us continue this important work.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • Privacy Law and Society

    Privacy Law and Society Casebook, Third Edition

    The Third Edition of Privacy Law and Society by Anita Allen and Marc Rotenberg is the most comprehensive casebook on privacy law ever produced. It traces the development of modern privacy law, from the early tort cases to present day disputes over drone surveillance, facial recognition, and the Internet of Things.

    Learn more at privacylawandsociety.org »

  • Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2016, EPIC has important work to do on algorithmic transparency, student privacy, and government surveillace, among many other issues. Please donate to EPIC today to help us continue this important work.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • EPIC 2015 brochure image

    EPIC 2015 Brochure

    EPIC has published its 2015 Brochure, highlighting the biggest privacy news stories of the year.

    View the 2015 EPIC Brochure »

  • Privacy In the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions image

    Privacy in the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions

    EPIC's new book, Privacy in the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions is an essential reference for policy makers and researchers, journalists and scholars, and others looking for answers to one of the biggest challenges of our modern day. The premise is clear: there’s a problem - let's find a solution.

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Top News

Senate to Consider FAA Funding but Drone Privacy Safeguards Missing

On March 16, 2016 the Senate will consider the FAA Reauthorization bill. Senator John Thune introduced the legislation to fund the operations of the the federal agency responsible for aviation safety. The bill requires drone operators to post privacy policies, but provides no meaningful privacy safeguards that would limit surveillance by drone operators. EPIC has urged Congress and the FAA to establish real limits on surveillance by drones. EPIC also recommended that the FAA to establish a national database detailing the surveillance capabilities of commercial drones. And after the agency failed to establish privacy rules mandated by Congress, EPIC filed a lawsuit, EPIC v. FAA that is now pending before the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.

EPIC to Testify before Pennsylvania Senate on Domestic Drone Surveillance

EPIC Domestic Surveillance Project Director Jeramie Scot will testify at a hearing on before the Pennsylvania Senate Majority on "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles." The hearing will address the private and public sector use of drones. In a prepared statement, EPIC’s Scott urges the Pennsylvania Senate to enact legislation to limit both law enforcement and commercial drone surveillance. EPIC states, “The increased use of drones to conduct various forms of surveillance must be accompanied by increased privacy protections.” EPIC previously sued the FAA for failing to establish federal privacy rules for commercial drones. EPIC v. FAA is pending before the D.C. Circuit.

EPIC Publishes 2016 FOIA Gallery

In celebration of Sunshine Week, a national recognition of public access to information, EPIC has unveiled the 2016 FOIA Gallery. Since 2001, EPIC has released annual highlights of EPIC's most significant open government cases. In 2015, EPIC obtained records on e-voting tests from the Department of Defense, a secret EU-US data transfer agreement, and a massive boater tracking program operated by the DHS. In the latest FOIA Gallery, EPIC also highlights the victory in EPIC v. DOJ a FOIA case concerning electronic surveillance reports, EPIC v. NSA about cyber surveillance, and EPIC's role as "friend of the court" in an open government case before the California Supreme Court.

FCC to Consider Privacy Rules for ISPs »

FCC Reaches Settlement with Verizon over Hidden "Super Cookies" »

New Congressional Report Explores Legal Issues Regarding Compelled Decryption »

EPIC, Consumer Privacy Groups Urge FCC to Protect Consumer Privacy »

DHS Privacy Office Releases 2015 Data Mining Report »

EPIC Files Brief in Support of Apple and Consumers in FBI iPhone Case »

EPIC news Archive »

EPIC's Work

Open Government image

Open Government »

EPIC v. DOJ: EPIC successfully obtains the EU-US Umbrella Agreement, a framework for transatlantic data transfers between the US and the EU.

Appellate Advocacy image

Appellate Advocacy »

Utah v. Strieff: Does an outstanding arrest warrant attenuate the taint of an unlawful detention?

epic.org/state-policy/ image

EPIC State Policy Project »

EPIC's State Policy project, launched in the Spring of 2015, aims to track legislation across the country to identify trends and emerging issues impacting privacy and civil liberties.

Data Protection 2016 image

Privacy Campaigns »

EPIC has launched "Data Protection 2016," a non-partisan campaign to make data protection an issue in the 2016 election.