15 March 2016

German state elections: Far-right Alternative for Germany gains double-digit support

By Peter Schwarz, 15 March 2016

Sunday’s election results pose the question of why a xenophobic party such as the AfD is able to mobilise dissatisfaction with the established parties for its own ends.

German state elections: The repackaging of right-wing politics

What do the electoral gains of the right-wing Alternative for Germany signify?

Second terrorist attack in a month in Turkish capital kills at least 37

By Halil Celik, 15 March 2016

The ruling elite is exploiting the attack to justify stepped-up security operations in Kurdish areas of Turkey and preparations to invade Syria.

Turkish government intensifies crackdown on media, opposition parties

Trump peddles nationalist poison at Ohio rally

By Jerry White, 15 March 2016

Trump is seeking to exploit the disaffection of sections of workers and lower-middle class people whose economic and social grievances have long been ignored by the Democratic Party and the trade unions.

The Trump campaign: A new stage in the crisis of American democracy

Republican frontrunner Trump steps up attacks on demonstrators

Violence, racism and the Trump campaign

What political conclusions must be drawn from Trump’s Super Tuesday?

More on the 2016 US elections »

Millions join protests in Brazil demanding ouster of Workers Party government

By Bill Van Auken, 15 March 2016

The mass demonstrations came as new figures showed the country’s economy sliding deeper into depression.

Brazil’s president rejects resignation as prosecutors demand Lula’s arrest

The arrest of former President Lula and the crisis of rule in Brazil

Central banks confront unintended consequences

By Nick Beams, 15 March 2016

Markets are awaiting decisions by the Bank of Japan and the US Fed on monetary policies as concerns grow over negative interest rates.

South Korea imposes extra sanctions on North Korea

By Ben McGrath, 15 March 2016

The South Korean sanctions go further than the recent UN resolution in strangling the North Korean economy and exacerbating Pyongyang’s political crisis.

Shadow Chancellor McDonnell pledges UK Labour Party to austerity

By Robert Stevens, 15 March 2016

McDonnell said ensuring Labour’s credibility on the economy to big business was “the struggle of a generation.”

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn deletes criticisms of EU from his web site

English National Opera chorus to strike

By Margot Miller, 15 March 2016

The action was announced on the steps of the headquarters of Arts Council England.

Slumping car sales lead to extended layoff of Fiat Chrysler Sterling Heights workers

By Shannon Jones, 15 March 2016

Last week Fiat Chrysler announced that what had originally been scheduled as a six-week layoff would be extended for another three weeks.

UAW sanctions mass layoffs by farm equipment giant John Deere

More on autoworkers struggles »

Study: Worsening conditions for young people throughout the developed world

By Nick Barrickman, 15 March 2016

Drawing on income statistics from eight of the world’s 15 most advanced economies, the series paints a picture of dimming social prospects for young people.

Hundreds of millions in cuts on the horizon in Louisiana

By Tom Hall, 15 March 2016

Education and health care, two areas of spending not protected from cuts by the state’s constitution, have faced years of budget-slashing.

Sri Lankan government refuses to release Tamil political prisoners

By Subash Somachandran and S. Jayanth, 15 March 2016

The ongoing detention of hundreds of Tamil political prisoners is part of a broader government attack on democratic rights.

New in Spanish

El arresto del ex presidente Lula y la crisis de dominio político en Brasil

Por Bill Van Auken, 15 marzo 2016

La respuesta a esta crisis es luchar para construir un nuevo liderazgo revolucionario de la clase obrera, basado en una perspectiva socialista e internacionalista y forjado en una lucha sin piedad contra las políticas del PT y de sus apologistas.

New in Turkish

Fransa’daki sığınmacı kampı gönüllüsü WSWS’ye konuştu

Jill Lux ve Toby Reese, 15 Mart 2016

Ortadoğu’nun ve Afrika’nın dört bir yanında tırmanan savaşlardan kurtulmak için Avrupa’ya kaçan yüz binlerce insanın katlandığı koşullar, Avrupa toplumuna yönelik bir ithamdır.

Kiev darbesinin ikinci yılı – I. Bölüm

Andrea Peters, 15 Mart 2016

Ukrayna’nın seçilmiş hükümetini devirme hareketi, Yanukoviç’in Avrupa Birliği ile bir ortaklık anlaşmasını imzalamayı son dakikada reddettiği Kasım 2013’te başlatılmıştı.

SEP’in Brexit referandumunu aktif boykot çağrısı üzerine bir yanıt

Chris Marsden, 15 Mart 2016

SEP’in ulusal sekreteri Chris Marsden’in SEP’in Brexit referandumuna ilişkin tutumuna yönelik iki yoruma yanıtını yayınlıyoruz.

New in French

La campagne de Trump: une nouvelle étape dans l’effondrement de la démocratie américaine

Comité rédaction du WSWS, 15 mars 2016

Avec l’éruption de violence à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des rassemblements du milliardaire et candidat à l’investiture républicaine Donald Trump, la politique américaine est arrivée à un tournant

Travailleurs et jeunes manifestent en France contre la réforme du droit du travail

Par Alex Lantier, 15 mars 2016

La brutale répression policière à Lyon souligne que sous couvert d'état d'urgence le Parti socialiste vise à criminaliser les manifestations protégées par la Constitution.

New in German

Trumps Wahlkampf:
Ein neues Verfallsstadium der amerikanischen Demokratie

Redaktion der World Socialist Web Site, 15. März 2016

Die Gewaltausbrüche im Wahlkampf des milliardenschweren Bewerbers um die Präsidentschaftskandidatur der Republikaner sind ein Wendepunkt der amerikanischen Politik.

Landtagswahlen: AfD erzielt zweistellige Ergebnisse

Von Peter Schwarz, 15. März 2016

Das Wahlergebnis vom Sonntag wirft die Frage auf, weshalb eine fremdenfeindliche Partei wie die AfD in der Lage ist, soziale Unzufriedenheit und Wut auf die etablierten Parteien für ihre Zwecke zu mobilisieren.

Frankreich: Arbeiter und Studenten demonstrieren gegen Arbeitmarktreformen

Von Alex Lantier, 15. März 2016

Das brutale Vorgehen der Polizei in Lyon macht deutlich, dass die Sozialistische Partei unter dem Deckmantel des Notstands versucht, das Grundrecht auf Widerstand abzuschaffen.

Tsipras agiert als Türsteher für die Festung Europa

Von Katerina Selin, 15. März 2016

Die griechische Syriza-Regierung spielt eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Durchsetzung der Abschottungspolitik gegen Flüchtlinge.

Verfassungskrise in Polen hält an

Von Clara Weiss, 15. März 2016

Am Samstag demonstrierten in Polen wieder Zehntausende zur Verteidigung des Verfassungsgerichts gegen die PiS-Regierung.

Siemens baut weitere 2500 Arbeitsplätze ab

Von Elisabeth Zimmermann, 15. März 2016

Am 9. März kündigte der Siemens-Konzern den Abbau von weiteren Arbeitsplätzen an. Am stärksten betroffen sind die Motorenwerke in Bayern.

Brasilien: Präsidentin lehnt Rücktritt ab

Von Bill Van Auken, 15. März 2016

Einflussreiche Teile des brasilianischen Großkapitals versuchen, die Roussef-Regierung zu stürzen, um die politische Krise zu lösen und eine drastische „Finanzreform“ durchzusetzen.

Other Languages


Economic nationalism, war and the fight for international socialism

15 March 2016

The end result of the program of economic nationalism can be seen in the experience of the 1930s, when it brought about social devastation and led to world war.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialism and the Fight Against War
Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 18 February 2016

Mehring Books

Public meeting at Leipzig Book Fair
The return of German militarism and the threat of World War III

14 March 2016

Mehring Books speakers will present the book Scholarship or War Propaganda at the Leipzig Book Fair, which begins this week.

ICFI statement “Socialism and the Fight Against War” now available from Mehring Books

9 March 2016

Mehring Books has just published in pamphlet format the statement calling for the building of a new anti-war movement based on the perspective of international socialism.

Arts Review

Beatles producer George Martin dies at 90

By Hiram Lee, 15 March 2016

Legendary music producer George Martin, who supervised almost all of the Beatles’ recordings, died on March 8.

66th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 4:
Flight and persecution—yesterday and today (The Diary of Anne Frank and Meteorstraße)

Book Review

Book Review
$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America

By Debra Watson, 15 March 2016

In the 15 years since President Clinton’s 1996 welfare “reform,” the number of people in the US living in absolute poverty, defined as an income of less than $2.00 per day, has doubled.


Obama backs attack on encrypted communication

By Evan Blake, 14 March 2016

The assault on encryption and the drive to expand police state spying

UK bill hands vast surveillance powers to police and intelligence agencies

By Barry Mason, 14 March 2016

China: Thousands of coal miners protest over unpaid wages

By Peter Symonds, 14 March 2016

Die Zeit campaigns for military intervention in Libya

By Johannes Stern, 14 March 2016

The International Socialist Organization agitates for war with Russia over Syria

By Alex Lantier, 12 March 2016

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: The Americas

15 March 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Workers, students march against French labor law reform

By Alex Lantier, 14 March 2016

California Faculty Association prepares to sell out CSU workers

By Evan Blake and Guillaume Garnier, 14 March 2016

Education crisis in Australia and New Zealand

Australian primary teachers resign in protest at standardised, assessment-based education

By Susan Allan and Linda Tenenbaum, 14 March 2016

Australia: Labor Party, teacher unions prepare further assault on public education

More on education issues in Australia and New Zealand »

The Crisis in Detroit and Flint

As April 8 fiscal deadline approaches
Judge Rhodes threatens shutdown of Detroit Public Schools

By Nancy Hanover, 14 March 2016

Detroit teacher: “Children are made into dollar signs”

The conspiracy against the Chicago teachers

Boston Public Schools students walk out over proposed budget cuts

More on the defense of public education »

Flint meeting examines background of city’s water crisis

By Shannon Jones, 12 March 2016

Flint residents call out government’s failure to act on water poisoning

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

Featured Commentary

For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum!
Statement of the Socialist Equality Party, British section of the International Committee of the Fourth International

29 February 2016

Brexit referendum: Remain camp backs European Union of austerity and militarism

By Robert Stevens and Chris Marsden, 10 March 2016

The 2016 US Elections

Sanders and Clinton posture as defenders of immigrants in Miami debate

By Andre Damon, 11 March 2016

Sanders’ upset win in the Michigan primary

War and the 2016 US elections

Once again on Sanders and socialism

More on the 2016 US elections »

Socialist Equality Party

Sri Lankan SEP to hold Jaffna public meeting on imperialist war and Tamil nationalism

14 March 2016

SEP/IYSSE public meeting in Colombo to introduce Sinhala edition of The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

22 February 2016

25 years ago: Sweeping price increases announced in USSR

On March 19, 1991, the Soviet Stalinist bureaucracy headed by President Mikhail Gorbachev announced plans for sweeping price increases.

More »

50 years ago: Suharto completes Indonesia power grab

On March 16, 1966, CIA-backed Indonesian military strongman Suharto placed under house arrest the vice premier of Indonesia, Chairul Saleh, accusing him of being a communist sympathizer.

More »

75 years ago: Roosevelt acts to quell US defense strikes

On March 19, 1941 President Franklin Roosevelt announced the formation of a war labor mediation board which aimed to quell the growing number of strikes sweeping the defense industry.

More »


100 years ago: German revolutionary Karl Liebknecht denounces militarization of education

On March 18, 1916, Karl Liebknecht delivered a series of remarks in the German Reichstag, denouncing the militarization of education and the glorification of war.

More »

75 Years Since the Assassination Of Leon Trotsky

Security and the Fourth International, the Gelfand Case and the deposition of Mark Zborowski
An open letter from David North to Susan Weissman

10 November 2015

Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Meetings in Germany mark the 75th anniversary of the death of Leon Trotsky