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March 14, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Ivan Pierre Aguirre / AP

Donald Trump’s War on the First Amendment

Despite the GOP front-runner's reputation for speaking his mind and "telling it like it is," he is an enemy of freedom of speech, suing anyone who says something he doesn't like. But it gets worse: As president, he promises, he would dismantle safeguards that foster robust discussion of public issues.


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Ivan Pierre Aguirre / AP

The Mexicanization of the United States

The destruction caused by neoliberalism is global. The patterns of economic, social, cultural and political assault that Mexico has suffered are afflicting countries from Greece to the United States. Only a worldwide anti-capitalist resistance movement will save us.
Rich Pedroncelli / AP

Fighting Black Lives Matter Instead of Police Violence

Prosecutors in Los Angeles and environs are coming down harder on protesters than on the officers who abuse and even kill African-Americans. The plea deals being offered to activists are much harsher than those in some other areas of the U.S.
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What on earth are special districts and why are they being paid for with $100 billion in taxes? The “Last Week Tonight” host aims to find out.

In this week’s “Scheer Intelligence”—the Truthdig editor-in-chief’s podcast on KCRW—author, professor and activist D. Watkins discusses his book about life in Baltimore and why he has chosen to stay in the struggling city.

It makes perfect sense that a few days after touting his penis size during a presidential debate, Donald J. Trump would display raw meat, wine and champagne at a press conference.
It makes perfect sense that a few days after touting his penis size during a presidential debate, Donald J. Trump would display raw meat, wine and champagne at a press conference.
Haunted by Ebola: Trio of HBO Documentaries Confronts Epidemic at the Human Level

Each story invites viewers to confront the disease at its various nerve centers: in and out of treatment tents, doctors’ quarters, victims’ homes, makeshift hearses.

Here’s the Truth About Free Trade

Both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are blaming free-trade deals for the decline of working-class jobs and incomes. Are they right?

Canada Set to Test Basic-Income Concept

Our northern neighbor has decided to experiment with an idea already gaining popularity in Switzerland, Germany and Finland.

VIDEO: John Oliver Gives All the Reasons to Be on Apple’s Side in Encryption Fight With the FBI

The “Last Week Tonight” host delves into the complex issues Apple and the U.S. government are battling over since the FBI decided it needs a back door into the company’s products.



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Facebook, Google and WhatsApp Plan to Increase Encryption of User Data

Leading Silicon Valley companies are developing their own enhanced privacy technology as Apple fights the U.S. government over encryption.

Clean Energy Is a Win-Win for the U.S.

Simply implementing its Paris climate conference commitments on reducing greenhouse gas emissions could save the U.S. billions of dollars—and save hundreds of thousands of lives.

What the GOP’s Supreme Court Obstruction Means for Women

Senate Republicans are leaving the women of the United States in limbo on several crucial issues with their stance against any high court nominee by President Obama.

Can a Moderate Left Beat a Radical Right?

Obama Derangement Syndrome is striking Republicans once again. But for progressives to beat back an increasingly virulent right and encourage more temperate conservatism, they must ponder the crisis on their own side.

In Syria, More U.S. Weaponry Goes to al-Qaida

The al-Qaida-affiliated Nusra Front reportedly has repeated scenarios it previously acted out against other “moderate” remnants of the old Free Syrian Army.

Winners and Losers in Five Years of Syrian Civil War

A half-decade after protests began in Damascus and Deraa (mainly Deraa) in Syria, the country is a basket case and its social statistics look like those of Afghanistan in the 1980s.

Why It’s Imperative That We Hear Michigan’s Angry Voices

The Rust Belt state’s primary outcome—victories by Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump—was brought to you by white working-class men and the people from little towns and small cities.

Top Six Signs Donald Trump Is Wrong and Islam Doesn’t ‘Hate Us’

Republican presidential candidate and billionaire bigot Donald J. Trump said in a CNN interview last Wednesday that “Islam hates us.”

Stop, Breathe and Think: Tips for Effective Pre-Election Posting

Those who are active on social media during this contentious presidential campaign may find themselves either firing off or being hit with nasty language, or both. Here’s some advice for more civilized participation in online exchanges.

VIDEO: ‘SNL’ Spoof on Clinton Has Her Co-Opting Sanders’ Message to Woo Young Voters

In a recent “Saturday Night Live” skit, Kate McKinnon plays an increasingly desperate Hillary Clinton willing to do whatever it takes to secure the youth vote—even if that means making a few radical changes to her message and appearance.

‘It’s Not a Threat!’: Donald Trump Says He May Order Supporters to Disrupt Bernie Sanders’ Rallies

“Be careful, Bernie,” warned the Republican front-runner in the wake of disturbances at two of Trump’s recent events.

Clinton Health Care Hit Backfires as Evidence Shows Sanders Literally Right Behind Her

“Where was he when I was trying to get health care in ’93 and ’94?” ... Yeah, the photograph kind of says it all.

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Voter ID Laws

More than 30 states have enacted some version of voter ID law in recent years. How much do these laws change voting rules, and what impact could they have on the general election?

How the Pentagon Is Trying to Cover Up the Toxic Effects of Its Deadly Burn Pits

The military isn’t just in the business of inspiring books: Sometimes it bans them, too.

Which Protest-Busting Dictatorship Is Donald Trump Most Like?

Donald Trump’s incitement chickens came home to roost in Chicago on Friday, when his acolytes attacked the protesters who turned up to a Trump rally.

GOP Debate ‘Civil’? Not With Rubio Extolling Egypt’s Military Junta and Israel’s Stand on Palestine

The headlines Friday about the GOP debate in Miami stressed how relatively civil it was, with less name-calling and pissing matches among the remaining candidates. Those editors have a weird definition of civility.

Blowing the Biggest Political Story of the Last 50 Years

The shocking story isn’t the rise of Donald Trump but how the GOP slowly morphed into a party of hate and obstruction.

VIDEO: Why Did Hillary Clinton Falsely Cast Nancy Reagan as a Champion of AIDS Sufferers?

Hillary Clinton on Friday afternoon walked back a gross misstatement in which she had praised the recently deceased former first lady Nancy Reagan and President Reagan for starting “a national conversation” on the deadly AIDS virus.