

Bernie Sanders speaks to Clarke University in Dubuque, Iowa (Telegraph Herald/screen grab)

Bernie Sanders’ candidacy is a first for Jews. So why isn’t he talking about it?

Historic nature of his presidential bid is drawing a shrug from his co-religionists in Florida, the first state with a large Jewish population to hold a primary Bernie Sanders may be the first credible Jewish candidate for president in American history but, to the heavily Jewish Democratic electorate in Florida, he might as well be chopped liver.
Close up of crossed fingers behind a woman's back (Shutterstock)

Robert Reich explains why ‘free trade’ is such a YUGE deal in the 2016 presidential primaries

Both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are blaming free-trade deals for the decline of working-class jobs and incomes. Are they right?
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Vienna, Ohio on March 14, 2016. (YouTube)

WATCH: Trump makes fun of Chris Christie to his face for being ‘absentee’ governor

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) came under more criticism on Monday for choosing not to attend a state trooper’s funeral in order to campaign with Donald Trump — and then get mocked during the event.
A Palm Beach County Sheriff's deputy boots newspaper columnist Michael Mayo from a rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on March 13, 2016. (Sun-Sentinel)

Florida cop threatens to jail newspaper columnist for ‘trespassing’ at public Trump rally

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” said a campaign official, who only identified himself as Justin.
East Lawn Memorial Gardens in Bloomington, Illinois damaged by Trump supporters (WICS-TV)

Illinois graveyard torn up after Donald Trump supporters turn it into rally parking lot

“There was trash everywhere, where they had driven over numerous stones,” said a local firefighter, John Meckley.
Marc Thiessen (via Facebook)

Bush speechwriter on Trump violence: Lefty protesters are asking to lose some teeth!

Donald Trump has built so much of his campaign on trashing the George W. Bush years. But he’s finally getting some love from former Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen.
US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the American Airlines Center in Dallas on September 14, 2015 (AFP Photo/Laura Backman)

Trump militia forms to ‘forcefully protect’ rally goers against ‘far-left agitators’

In recent days, violence at Trump’s rallies has escalated to match the candidate’s rhetoric. Last week, a man in North Carolina was charged with assault after he sucker-punched a black man.
Trump speaks in Iowa (YouTube/Screenshot)

Trump lies every 5 minutes — according to science

It seems that another day means another lie from Donald Trump, but a research project from Politico Magazine proves it’s actually more than that.
A smoking 12 bore shotgun having ejected spent a cartridge (Shutterstock.com)

Family of five and a sixth person wounded by a single shotgun blast at Florida shooting range

Sheriff’s deputies in Marion County said a 21-year-old man accidentally fired an antique shotgun Saturday afternoon as he attempted to load the weapon.
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to the crowd at a campaign rally on January 27, 2016 in Gilbert, South Carolina (AFP Photo/Sean Rayford)

Here’s how you can use the ‘Facebook effect’ to stop Donald Trump

No matter whether you think the Facebook effect is a good thing or a bad thing, there’s no changing the fact that it is real.
Matthew Opaliski

Gun-loving Tea Party candidate in Delaware to plead guilty to federal firearms charges

The head of the Oath Keepers militia group, which claimed Opaliski as a member, complained that the state’s Republican Party was insufficiently supportive.