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Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)

RAWA is the oldest political/social organization of Afghan women struggling for peace, freedom, democracy and women's rights in fundamentalism-blighted Afghanistan since 1977.
جمعیت انقلابی زنان افغانستان (راوا) قدیمی ترین سازمان سیاسی - اجتماعی زنان افغان است كه از سال ۱۳۵۶ بدینسو بخاطر آزادی، دموكراسی و احقاق حقوق زنان در افغانستان بنیادگرا زده می‌رزمد.

If you are freedom-loving and anti-fundamentalist, you are with RAWA. Support and help us.

Our martyred leader Meena
Meena (1956-1987)
RAWA's martyred founder

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RAWA in Media

تجلیل از بیست و نهمین سالروز شهادت مینا در کابل

RAWA commemorates the 29th anniversary of Meena’s martyrdom
February 5, 2016

RAWA commemorates the 29th anniversary of Meena’s martyrdom

RAWA member attends ‘Women in Black’ conference in India
December 1, 2015

RAWA member attends ‘Women in Black’ conference in India

هفت و هشت ثوری‌های جانی عوامل سیهروزی مردم ما!

The murderous criminals of 27th and 28th April are responsible for our people’s suffering!
April 27, 2015

The murderous criminals of 27th and 28th April are responsible for our people’s suffering!

RAWA member attends the First Middle East Democratic Youth Conference in Turkey
March 28, 2015

RAWA member attends the First Middle East Democratic Youth Conference in Turkey

فرخنده در آتش جانیان سوخت، بنیادگرایان باید در آتش خشم مردم ما بسوزند!

Farkhunda burned in the fire of murderers, fundamentalists should burn in the fire of our people’s wrath!
March 26, 2015

Farkhunda burned in the fire of murderers, fundamentalists should burn in the fire of our people’s wrath!

Events held to commemorate the 28th martyrdom anniversary of Meena
February 6, 2015

Events held to commemorate the 28th martyrdom anniversary of Meena

با وحدت سرتاسری، اشغالگران امریکایی و ناتو را بروبیم!

سرتاسري یووالي سره امریکایي او ناټو نیواکګر دمنځه یوسو!

Let us drive away the US and NATO occupiers with our unity!
13th anniversary of US invasion - October 7, 2014

Let us drive away the US and NATO occupiers with our unity

«انتخابات» جنایتکاران
سگ زرد برادر شغال
Elections in Afghanistan

عاملان فجایع هشت و هفت ثور تا کنون حاکم اند

The perpetrators of the disasters of 28th and 27th April are still dominant
April 28, 2014

The perpetrators of the disasters of 28th and 27th April are still dominant

«راوا» بیست و هفتمین سالیاد شهادت مینا را برگزار نمود

RAWA commemorates the 27th anniversary of Meena’s martyrdom
February 6, 2014

RAWA commemorates the 27th anniversary of Meena’s martyrdom

کسب استقلال، شرط اول بهروزی وطن و مردم ما

د خپلواکي ترلاسه کول، زموږ د خلکو او هیواد د بریالیتوب لومړنی شرط

Independence, the first condition for the prosperity of our homeland and people
12th anniversary of US invasion - October 7, 2013

RAWA statement on twelfth anniversary of US occupation

داغ های ننگین هفتم و هشتم ثور را با نابودی عاملین آن ها از تقویم خواهیم زدود !

د غویي اتمې او اوومې ننګونې به د دې د لاملینو د منځه وړلو سره له کلیزې لیرې کړو!

RAWA statement on the dark day of April 28

زنان افغان در آتش بیداد بنیادگرایان و اشغالگران می‌سوزند

افغانې ښځې د بنسټپالو او نیواکګرو د بې عدالتۍ په اور کې سوزي

Afghan women burn in the fire of the oppression of the occupiers and fundamentalists
International Women's Day - March 8, 2013

RAWA statement on the International Women's Day

«کنفرانس پاریس»: نه می‌بخشیم، نه فراموش می‌کنیم!

«د پاریس کنفرانس»: نه یې بخښو، نه یې له یاده اوباسو!

Paris Conference: We Will Neither Forgive nor Forget!

پنجال جلادان هشت ثوری و هفت ثوری را از سرنوشت وطن خود کوتاه سازیم!

Let us cut off the claws of the 28th and 27th April criminals from the fate of our country!
April 28, 2012: RAWA statement on the Dark Day of April 28
رهایی زنان افغان از چنگ بنیادگرایی، اشغال و مردسالاری با مبارزه خود شان میسر است!

Afghan womens freedom from the clutch of fundamentalism,
occupation and patriarchy is only possible with their own struggle!

March 8, 2012: RAWA statement on the International Women's Day
RAWA commemorates the 25th anniversary of Meenas martyrdom

Feb.6, 2012 - Kabul

RAWA event to commemorate Meena

صلح با جنایتکاران جنگ با مردم!

Peace with Criminals, War with People!
June 1, 2010: RAWA statement on "Consultative Peace Jirga"
نه امریکا، نه خاینان ۸ ثور، ۷ ثور و طالبی، افغانستانی مستقل و دموکراتیک!
Emancipation of Afghan women not attainable as long as
the occupation, Taliban and National Front criminals are not sacked!

بدون راندن اشغالگران و جنایت پیشگان طالبی و «جبهه ملی»، رهایی زنان افغانستان ممکن نیست!

د طالبي، ملي جبهې او اشغا‌لګرانو د ځغلولو پرته؛ د افغانستان د ښځو خلاصون شونى نه دى!

Italiano | Español | 日本語
Bala Baluk Massacre Let's rise against the war crimes of U.S. and its fundamentalist lackeys!

علیه جنایات جنگی امریکا و نوکران بنیادگرایش بپا خیزیم!

(Photos) تصاویر قتل عام بالابلوک | فلمی از قربانیان

RAWA celebrates the International Women's Day
March 8, 2008 - Kabul

RAWA Statement on the International Women's Day (Mar.8, 2008)

زنان افغان در دوزخ بنیادگرایان و اشغالگران میسوزند

د افغانستان ښځی د بنسټپالو او تیری کوونکو په دوزخ کی سوځی

طرح ننگین مصالحه ملی، آخرین میخ بر تابوت دموکراسی کاذب

Disgraceful Bill of "National Conciliation":
The last nail into the coffin of fake democracy

... more RAWA Statements and Past Events

Reality of life in so-called "liberated" AfghanistanDownload our updates and news through RSS readers
HRW: Afghanistan’s Legal System Fails Farkhunda, Again March 9, 2016, HRW: It’s a bitter irony that the latest blow to justice for Farkhunda Malikzada occurred on the eve of International Women’s Day. This week, Afghanistan’s Supreme Court granted significant sentence reductions to 13 men convicted of Farkhunda’s brutal murder in March 2015. The men were part of a mob that beat Farkhunda to death in broad daylight in central Kabul while police stood by and watched.

Afghanistan: 25 people killed in two separate suicide attacks (PHOTOS) February 27, 2016, BBC News: A suicide bombing near the defence ministry in the Afghan capital of Kabul has killed at least 12 people, the government says. A spokesperson told the BBC that 10 of the dead were civilians, and that eight people were injured. The Taliban has said it carried out the attack, which happened as offices closed for the day. Earlier, an attack near a market in the eastern Afghan province of Kunar killed at least 13 people, officials said.

Will probe of “executions” at Afghan clinic bring justice? February 25, 2016, IRIN: Both Afghanistan’s government and NATO are investigating an Afghan special forces raid on a clinic in which three people were said to have been executed, including a teenage boy. But Afghanistan and NATO have a history of impunity in such cases, casting doubt on whether the investigations will reveal the truth and bring accountability.

Afghan Girls Mourn Lost Education February 22, 2016, IWPR: Soala gazes at her prized high school diploma with tears in her eyes. Having graduated at the top of her class from the Zarghuna Ana high school in Kandahar province, she had dreamed of going on to study medicine. But her hopes were dashed when her father and older brother said that they would not allow her to carry on her education.

Dark Days For Afghan Women’s Rights February 21, 2016, IWPR: Women in the eastern province of Nangarhar are increasingly falling victim to summary justice procedures, according to speakers at an IWPR-organised debate in provincial capital Jalalabad. The event heard that tribal courts operating in the province, particularly in more remote areas, often meted out brutal punishments to vulnerable women, including stoning, mutilation, beating and forced marriage.


Books on RAWA and Afghan women:

Meena: Heroine of Afghanistan, click here to order it

Meena - Heroine
of Afghanistan

The Martyr
who founded RAWA

Melody Ermachild Chavis

Italian version published

Bleeding Afghanistan, click here to order it

Bleeding Afghanistan:
Washington, Warlords,
and the Propaganda of Silence

By Sonali Kolhatkar
James Ingalls

Zoya's Story, click here to order it

Zoya's Story:
An Afghan Woman's
Battle for Freedom

by Zoya with
John Follain
and Rita Cristofari

With All Our Strength, click here to order it

With All Our
The Revolutionary
Association of the
Women of

By Anne Brodsky

more on these books...

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Copyright © Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) 1997-