Articles Students at Kings College London successfully pressured the university not to renew a major contract with G4S. (

Why the Divestment of G4S from Israel is a Big Deal

By Sabrien Amrov The G4S security company has announced plans to leave the Israeli market. This is a big deal. In 2002, the Israel Defence Forces…

Mar 12 2016 / Read More » /
The blockade imposed on two million people in the Gaza Strip must be lifted immediately and unconditionally. (File)

Europe’s Responsibility towards the Suffocation of Gaza

By Hossam Shaker Gaza drowning in the sea is the famous wish of former Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin, but subsequent officials were guided to an easier…

Mar 11 2016 / Read More » /
'These Americans want a kind of freedom—a freedom to hate.'

Politics Not as Usual: Is This the Age of American Fascism?

By Ramzy Baroud Regardless of the outcome of the American presidential primaries, or even the result of the general elections next November, a frightening phenomenon…

Mar 9 2016 / Read More » /

University College London Union Votes to Support BDS

By Ben White University College London Union (UCLU) voted Tuesday night to support the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, in what campus-based human rights…

Mar 9 2016 / Read More » /
Israel uses the occupied territories as laboratories for testing weapons and surveillance systems on Palestinians. (File)

How Most Aid to the Palestinians Ends up in Israel’s Coffers

By Jonathan Cook – Nazareth  Diplomats may have a reputation for greyness, obfuscation, even hypocrisy, but few have found themselves compared to a serial killer,…

Mar 8 2016 / Read More » /
David Gordis.

‘Major American Jewish Leader Changes His Mind About Israel’

Israel is “a failure,” the Zionist dream has curdled into Jewish selfishness, a major Jewish leader writes in an important article published yesterday. “After a…

Mar 7 2016 / Read More » /

The Destruction of Khirbet Tana – Interview with Ramzy Baroud, RT

The Israeli pretext for demolishing Khirbet Tana, a village to the east of Nablus, was that it is located near firing zones, says Dr. Ramzy…

Mar 6 2016 / Read More » /
Israel has failed to break the will of another prisoner.  (Via Samidoun, file)

Defeating Israel

By Jamal Kanj Last week Palestinian journalist Mohammed Al Qiq ended a record 94-day hunger strike protesting the so-called administrative detention in Israeli jail. Administrative…

Mar 6 2016 / Read More » /
Mohammad Al-Qeeq - 'His primary weapon was, and still is, his will.' (File)

‘We Would Prefer Not To': The Undefeatable Will of Mohammad Al-Qeeq

By Mahmoud Zidan Mohammad Al Qeeq, the Palestinian journalist who was administratively detained by the Israeli colonial army for more than three months, has finally…

Mar 5 2016 / Read More » /
Seventy years after the Nakba, Palestinians won a moral victory: Crimes against them are finally called 'crimes'. (File)

Crimes against the Palestinians Are finally Called ‘Crimes’

By Hasan Afif El-Hasan Unlike the political elites and Zionist activists, Western public had not known or cared much about the Zionist project in Palestine…

Mar 3 2016 / Read More » /
A 1916 map of the Middle East showing French (“A”) and British (“B”) areas of control, according to the secret Sykes-Picot agreement.

‘Plan B’ – Not an Enigma: Why the West is Keen on Dividing the Arabs

By Ramzy Baroud When Arab streets exploded with fury, from Tunis to Sanaa, pan-Arabism seemed, then, like a nominal notion. Neither did the so-called ‘Jasmine…

Mar 1 2016 / Read More » /
Concepcion focusing on Israel was at times even jarring even to me - a Palestinian American. (Supplied)

Nuclear Annihilation of a Radical Message on Israel: The Case of Concepcion Picciotto

By Sam Husseini  There were some lovely, moving moments in the memorial service of Concepcion Picciotto at Luther’s Place Church on Saturday. Concepcion is known…

Feb 28 2016 / Read More » /
Swedish Foreign Minister, Margot Wallstrom. (UN, file)

Israel’s Apartheid Character

By Jamal Kanj Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom created a maelstrom in Israel by merely demanding a “credible investigation into deaths of Palestinians in order…

Feb 28 2016 / Read More » /
Herzo: 'I wish to separate from as many Palestinians as possible, as quickly as possible.'

Racial Segregation as a Constant Policy in Israel

By Majed Al-Sheikh Haim Ramon Former Labor minister Haim Ramon has led a continuous campaign in the Israeli media calling for the establishment of another…

Feb 26 2016 / Read More » /
The Free Zone | Blog
  • March 12, 2016

    Israeli Airstrike Kills Palestinian Child in Gaza (VIDEO)

    A Palestinian boy was killed in the Gaza Strip early Saturday - and two others injured - by an Israeli airstrike, Gaza’s Health Ministry told Anadolu Agency. - Suliman Abu-Khousa, 10, was killed when Israeli warplanes struck targets in the town of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said. - Two other children were seriously injured by flying shrapnel caused by the airstrike,... More →
  • March 12, 2016

    Hamas Delegation Leaves Gaza to Egypt for Talks

    A high-profile Hamas delegation left the Gaza Strip to Cairo on Saturday, where they plan to meet with Egyptian officials, Gaza security sources said. - Sources who preferred to remain anonymous for security reasons told Ma’an that the delegation included senior Hamas leaders Mahmoud al-Zahar, Imad al-Alami, and Khalil al-Hayyah. - They will be joined by exiled Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzouq who reportedly arrived in... More →
  • March 11, 2016

    Gaza Suicide Rates to Rise

    Suicide rates in the Gaza Strip have seen a 35-40 per cent increase in recent months compared to the same period in 2013-15, according to the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor. - The 2014 Israeli war on the Strip, the ongoing siege which has crippled the economy and destroyed employment prospects have been highlighted as the main reasons for the increase. Eighty per cent of Gazan households now live below the... More →
  • March 10, 2016

    EU Companies Demand 'Made in Occupied Territories' Label on Settlement Products

    European companies have asked Israeli farmers in the Jordan Valley to clearly label their produce as coming from “the occupied territories”, Israel Hayom newspaper reported. - According to the newspaper, settlement products exported to the EU are currently repackaged upon arrival at their destination and a small sticker is added indicating the goods' point of origin. - The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture has also... More →
  • March 10, 2016

    South Africa Exposes Israeli Apartheid Policies

    More than 200 events are being held as part of Israeli Apartheid Week in South Africa in cooperation with the ruling party ANC party, Felesteen newspaper reported yesterday. - The South African Council of Churches and a large number of Muslim community leaders are also taking part in the activities. - The events, which include documentaries, art shows, talks and conferences, are being held across the country. - A... More →


Two-State Train


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