
Chelsea exposes dangerous nature of Insider Threat Program

March 22, 2016. Chelsea Manning filed a FOIA from prison to get training materials from the Insider Threat program. This document, released to the Guardian last week, could mean thousands of government employees are under surveillance.Read more »

‘The broad sweep of the program means officials have been given a blank check for surveillance.’ Photograph: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

When will the US government stop persecuting whistleblowers?

March 18, 2016. In her new Guardian op-ed, Chelsea Manning speaks on the danger the National Insider Threat Task Force poses to many, including whistleblowers.Read more »


Listen to Chelsea's story: In her own words

Feb 15, 2016. Amnesty International's new podcast series, "In Their Own Words", devoted to telling the story of human rights activists, features Chelsea Manning in its second episode. Chelsea is portrayed by actress Michelle Hendley.Read more »


Prison keeps us isolated

February 8, 2016. Although, "prisons function by isolating those of us who are incarcerated from any means of support," Chelsea tells us of a rare and meaningful friendship she had while behind bars.Read more »


"We need transparency laws." Chelsea on big data, official secrecy, DNA, and citizenship

January 25, 2016. 3D sculptures created using Chelsea Manning's DNA inspire an interview. Chelsea talks not only on genetic art, but big data, transparency, and our role as citizens to protect our own interests.Read more »


I won't lose hope

December 24, 2015. Chelsea writes, "I refuse to give up. I open the mail I receive – which spikes in December, as people send me birthday and then Christmas cards, but I get letters and well-wishing cards all year – and am happily reminded that I am real and that I do exist for people outside this prison."Read more »


Isis shouldn't dictate how we address refugees: op-ed by Chelsea Manning

November 25, 2015. Chelsea Manning calls out xenophobia in her latest Guardian op-ed; blame placed on minority groups, refugees is not a viable solution to terrorism.Read more »

A protester with the organization Code Pink at the House Select Intelligence Committee hearing on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (Fisa) on 29 October 2013. Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

FISA courts stifle due process: Chelsea's new Guardian op-ed

November 3, 2015. In her latest Guardian op-ed, Chelsea Manning recommends abolishing secret FISA courts that keep the American public in the dark about government surveillance. Penned from prison, her new bill (the FIS Reform Act) addresses this and seeks to correct other surveillance and privacy issues.Read more »


New whistleblower steps forward: The Drone Papers

October 16, 2015. Revealing documents on drones leaked to the Intercept by an anonymous source. Daniel Ellsberg says this source, Manning, and Snowden, "did the right thing."Read more »


Restrictions begin for Chelsea Manning; 21 days for expired toothpaste, books

September 18, 2015. Chelsea Manning's 21-days of restriction began last night. This sentence was the result of her being convicted by a Fort Leavenworth panel of possessing a tube of expired toothpaste, and reading material that she received via the prison mail system. The Support Network believes that Chelsea is being punished for continuing to write and speak out while in prison.Read more »

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True Stories From the Hole

February 16, 2016. Chelsea shares how "Hell is a Very Small Place", a novel containing prisoner accounts of their experiences in solitary confinement, resonates with her personally. She says, "it was one of the hardest books for me to read in years."Read more »


’60 Minutes’ Pushes National Security Propaganda To Cast Snowden, Manning As Traitors

Nov 12, 2015. "60 minutes" stands with government secret keepers and not whistleblowers as it assassinates the character of Manning, Snowden in its program titled "In Dangerous Hands".Read more »


Chelsea's statement for Aaron Swatz Day

November 9, 2015. Chelsea reminds us to consider the 'Human element' when it comes to technology in a special statement written for Aaron Swartz Day 2015.Read more »


"Homeland" TV show highlights "I'm Chelsea Manning" sign

November 6, 2015. Last week's episode of Homeland prominently features "I'm Chelsea Manning" sign during staged protest scene. Read more »


Chelsea blogs: the challenge of writing a bill in prison

November 3, 2015. In a new Medium blog, Chelsea Manning dissects the challenges of writing her new government surveillance bill (FIS Reform Act) while in prison.Read more »


Chelsea continues to speak out in new Medium blog

October 19, 2015. Chelsea Manning continues to blog with her second post to Medium this month. Read her thoughts on "Becoming Nicole", a true story of a trans girl and her family.Read more »


"What it’s like to live, and grow as a human being: transitioning in a military prison." Chelsea shares her story on Medium

October 7, 2015. Through Medium, Chelsea Manning gains another platform to share her story. Read her first posted story on her experience transitioning while in a military prison.Read more »


Chelsea Manning Defense Fund information

Updated October 2, 2015. About Chelsea Manning's defense fund, including the various ways to donate and our regular fiscal accounting.Read more »


Chelsea denied right to follow recommended grooming standards

September 21, 2015. The military issued another denial to Chelsea's request to follow female grooming standards, including growing her hair, while incarcerated at Fort Leavenworth, KS. Chelsea announced her intent to continue fighting in court on Fri.Read more »


NY Times review: ‘Whistleblower,’ a dance-theater take on Chelsea Manning

September 20, 2015. The New York Times theater critic Alexis Soloski reviews the new play "Whistleblower", by Mark Dendy, starring Liv Bruce as Chelsea Manning, at Dixon Place. Read more »

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