The Heavy Session

Friday 11:00pm to 1:00am
New metal, old metal, local bands, bands from all over the world, metal news, tour dates and a hell of a lot of screwing around with music you know, music you don't know and stuff you've grown to love.


Chris, James and Roger


Latest episode

The Heavy Session - Chris, James & Roger

About The Heavy Session

The Heavy Session is a Melbourne Heavy Metal Radio Show that broadcasts every Friday night at 11PM (AEST).

Featuring DJ...'s Chris, James & Roger
Playing the latest and greatest of all things metal as well as many trips down memory lane featuring the metal we all grew up listening to!!! 
Tune in, kick back and soak up the hard and heavy sounds of all that is glorious in the World of Metal, old and new. 

We are a "bit" insane, we'll make you laugh as we look at metal in a different light to all other shows. 
Metal Radio has reached a new pinnacle and you can be part of it!!!
Call us on-air (03) 9419-8377

So underground it's on A.M. but so awesome it's available to stream live on the interwebs, digital and in Stereo!!!