- published: 13 May 2014
- views: 25608
Kanagawa Prefecture (神奈川県, Kanagawa-ken) is a prefecture located in southern Kantō region of Japan. The capital of the prefecture is Yokohama. Kanagawa is part of the Greater Tokyo Area. Kanagawa Prefecture is home to Kamakura and Hakone, two highly popular side trip destinations from Tokyo.
The prefecture has some archaeological sites going back to the Jomon period (around 400 BCE). About 3,000 years ago, Mount Hakone produced a volcanic explosion which resulted in Lake Ashi on the western area of the prefecture.
It is believed that the Yamato Dynasty ruled this area from the 5th century onwards. In the ancient era, its plains were very sparsely inhabited.
Kamakura in central Sagami was the capital of Japan during the Kamakura period (1185–1333).
In medieval Japan, Kanagawa was part of the provinces of Sagami and Musashi.
During the Edo period, the western part of Sagami Province was governed by the daimyo of Odawara Castle, while the eastern part was directly governed by the Tokugawa Shogunate in Edo (Tokyo).
【ご当地ネタ】 神奈川県民チェック!!
恋するフォーチュンクッキー 神奈川県 Ver. / AKB48[公式]
【衝撃映像】神奈川でバイクにとんでもない乗り方をした人が撮影される 2016年12月23日【Twitterで話題】
神奈川県 はなわ
2014夏高校野球 神奈川県大会エンディング(名場面集)
日本神奈川超特別關東煮居酒屋 あっかん《阿倫來吃喝》 跟著阿倫一起吃日本#5
みなとみらいから箱根まで、観光地や特産品など、神奈川の魅力がぎっしり詰まっています。 知事をはじめ県職員、市町村職員や観光客、お店の人まで、神奈川県総力戦で踊り倒します! * 動画中「セキスイハウス」とあるのは「積水ハウス」の、「ナーレイフルホオレノ」とあるのは「ナーレイフルホオヘノ」の誤りです。謹んでお詫びの上、訂正いたします。
【Twitterで話題】2016年12月23日 秦野で凄い人見つけたwww. 最新のアップロード動画↓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1GI75Y-4mA
題名の通り、神奈川県のJRでしか聴けない発車メロディーを集めました。関内の「熱き星たちよ」は一応地下鉄関内と日本大通りでも使用されていますがフルが聴けるのはここだけなので載せました。上溝もここだけのバージョンなので載せておきました。 鎌倉・武蔵溝ノ口などは音質が悪くノイズ多いですがお許しください。 またところどころ放送など被っていたりしますがご了承ください。 補足:鎌倉駅の「鎌倉」は2015年6月30日をもって使用終了したそうです。
位於神奈川縣的鎌倉江之島是一個很東京近郊很著明的古都。 裡面有非常非常多充滿歷史的東西, 另外夏天的鎌倉江之島的湘南海岸 更是日本年輕人非常喜歡去的一個地方。 . 今天阿倫臨時起意想說來個簡單的鎌倉江之島輕旅遊。 來這裡散散步走一走,也順便帶著大家一起來看看, 江之島,到底是個什麼樣的地方哦。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★熱門影片推薦★ ■日本女高中生裙子那麼短,難道不怕被看到內褲嗎? https://goo.gl/uQVqqn ■日本人喜歡台灣的理由-日本男生為什麼會愛上台灣? https://goo.gl/CnDQp5 ■日本女生會想跟台灣男生交往嗎?日本街頭大驗證 https://goo.gl/J0s4kB ■日本Suica卡跟PASMO卡(悠遊卡/八達通)的購買與儲值方法 https://goo.gl/O8iwfD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■阿倫頻道Facebook專頁↓↓↓ https://goo.gl/nP4GjW ■阿倫的instagram↓↓↓ https://goo.gl/42Hara ■阿倫的遊戲頻道【阿倫遊戲】↓↓↓ https://goo.gl/3Rd0YT ■想看阿倫的其他影片?請到阿倫頻道Youtube專頁↓↓↓ https://goo.gl/cZGXKs ■商務聯繫:alaninajapan.1116@gmail.com ---------...
【新着動画を次々にアップ中!】 チャンネル登録はコチラ→https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOkhlpg6ug6z9hcSye53nHg twitterでもオカルト情報配信中→https://twitter.com/yokohama_occult 横浜オカルト研究所がお送りする、神奈川県にある心霊スポットまとめ第一弾です。 みなさまの身近な場所もあるのではないでしょうか? くれぐれも、安易に近づいたりしないように、お気を付けください。 ◆お知らせ◆ 横浜オカルト研究所では、宇宙、宇宙人、UFO、心霊、オーパーツ、宗教、噂、都市伝説、超常現象、神秘、魔術、密教、ムー的話題、黒魔術、白魔術、呪い、予言、超能力、UMA、カルト・・・ 様々な事件、事故、事象、について調べています。 何か気になる事や、調べてほしい事がございましたらご連絡ください。
又到了日本外食的時間啦! 這次阿倫來到了神奈川縣的逗子的一間很特別的居酒屋。 他主要是主打日式關東煮的一間居酒屋, 而且最特別的是他居然還有「炸關東煮」跟「炸玉米」兩道阿倫從來沒聽過也沒吃過的料理, 重點是還很好吃… 一起來看看吧 ※店家資訊※ 【おでん酒場-あっかん】 神奈川県逗子市逗子5-1-12 カサハラビルB棟3階303 電話:046-871-3747 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■日本女生會想跟台灣男生交往嗎?日本街頭大驗證 https://goo.gl/J0s4kB ■日本Suica卡跟PASMO卡(悠遊卡/八達通)的購買與儲值方法 https://goo.gl/O8iwfD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■阿倫頻道Facebook專頁↓↓↓ https://goo.gl/nP4GjW ■阿倫的instagram↓↓↓ https://goo.gl/42Hara ■阿倫的遊戲頻道【阿倫遊戲】↓↓↓ https://goo.gl/3Rd0YT ■想看阿倫的其他影片?請到阿倫頻道Youtube專頁↓↓↓ https://goo.gl/cZGXKs ■商務聯繫:alaninajapan.1116@gmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
神奈川県への移住・定住PRの3分動画です。 神奈川県は、都心まで通勤圏内で、都市の便利さがありながら、海、山、川という自然の魅力も併せ持っています。 ちょこっと田舎でオシャレな神奈川で暮らしませんか。 出演者:中林美和、伊藤愛那花 制作:神奈川県政策局政策部総合政策課
Join Rei for a mini budget break weekend and discover what's on Enoshima Island in Fujisawa (Kanagawa prefecture). Budget is ¥20,000. For more travel information about Enoshima Island visit http://www.japan-talk.com/jt/new/enoshima Wataya Inn (Fujisawa Station) is a 7 minute train ride from Katase-Enoshima station, a 52 minute ride from Shinjuku station using JR Shonan-Shinjuku line (Rapid) and JR Tokaido Main Line (bound for Odwara), and a 48 minute ride from Tokyo station using JR Tokaido Main Line. You can take a taxi from the station for around ¥700, or walk for about 15 minutes. Please note that you should use your phrase book at this hotel, as the owners don't have a lot of English ability, but love having foreigners stay at their inn. They are extremely friendly. For more informa...
Where to visit in each prefecture of the Kanto region, great for day trips!Travel cheaply in Japan by visiting these amazing(mostly free) places and use the benefit of your JR pass! Except for Tokyo many of the other Kanto regions don’t get as much attention as it should! Tokyo is great and all but if you really want to see Japan then just travel a few hours away from Tokyo and you can experience something totally different! Don’t be a tourist, be a traveller :) Places I mentioned in the video in order of appearance CHIBA ・MT NOKOGIRI ・UMI HOTARU ・NARITA-SAN ・KIKKOMAN SOY SAUCE MUSEUM IBARAKI ・ROKKAKUDO ・FUKURODA FALLS ・OARAI ISOSAKI SHIRNE ・HITACHI SEASIDE PARK TOCHIGI ・TOBU WORLD SQUARE ・NIKKO TOSHOGU ・EDO WONDERLAND GUNMA ・KUSATSU ONSEN ・OZE NATIONAL PARK ・GUNMA SAFARI PARK...
Yokohama, Japan trip 2016 - Yokohama, Japan travel guide -Tourist attractions in Yokohama, Japan Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Yokohama officially the City of Yokohama, is the second largest city in Japan by population after Tokyo, and most populous municipality of Japan. It is the capital city of Kanagawa Prefecture. It lies on Tokyo Bay, south of Tokyo, in the Kantō region of the main island of Honshu. It is a major commercial hub of the Greater Tokyo Area. Yokohama's population of 3.7 million makes it Japan's largest incorporated city.[2] Yokohama developed rapidly as Japan's prominent port city following the end of Japan's relative isolation in the mid-19th century, and is today one of its major ports along with Kob...
A travel guide for visiting the city of Yokohama, in Japan. Yokohama is Japan's largest city with 3.7M people. Just a short 30-minute train ride from Tokyo, Yokohama is an easy day trip. Highlights include: Minato Mirai, China Town, Yamashita Park, and the Sea Bass. SUSBCRIBE: http://bit.ly/yellowwsub In this video I cover the major highlights of Yokohama that you can visit in a day-trip to Yokohama. After arriving at Yokohama station, I stop at the Tourist Information booth at the JR Yokohama Station to pick-up english maps. Then I head out the west exit to the Yokohama Station shopping district. On the West side of Yokohama station there are a great selection of stores including Yodobashi Camera, Japan's largest Electronics Store, Tokyu Hands Creative Life Store (my favorite store...
Okinawa (沖縄県, Okinawa-ken) is Japan's southernmost prefecture, consisting of a few dozen, small islands in the southern half of the Nansei Shoto, the island chain which stretches over about one thousand kilometers from Kyushu to Taiwan. Okinawa Prefecture can be divided into three major island groups, the Okinawa Islands (Okinawa Shoto) around Okinawa Island (Okinawa Honto), the Miyako Islands (Miyako Retto) around Miyako Island and the Yaeyama Islands (Yaeyama Retto) around Ishigaki Island. Okinawa's climate is subtropical, with temperatures barely falling below 15 degrees in winter. The seas surrounding Okinawa's islands are considered among the world's most beautiful with coral reefs and abundant marine wildlife. Consequently, snorkeling and scuba diving are among Okinawa's top attracti...
Yokohama Minato Mirai 21 in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, a region facing the Yokohama Port. Urban Landscape 100 election winning district. As a further fine division, Landmark Tower and Nissan, such as headquarters building is there to promote the office building development, "Central District" and "Xingang district" that there is such as red brick warehouses and Cosmo World, of Sogo and there is Sky Building 68 city blocks "Yokohama Station East ExitIt can be divided into districts. "The entire area of the district is about 1.86km², of which from landfill section about 0.76km². 【subscribe】 →https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYJQfgBZzIHwMnqpK-McV-A 【Related Videos】 A Day in the Life of Dan and Phil in JAPAN! →https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljZuro77hbI JAPAN DIARY: Back to Tokyo! →h...
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A travel guide for visiting Kamakura Japan. Kamakura has a rich history of temples and the Daibatsu,aka Giant Buddha. Kamakura is an excellent day trip from Tokyo, with zen temples and shinto shrines that are over 1,000 years old. Check out the "Cool Japan" playlist for more Japan videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL14F9F774CE8798C3 Visit my channel for additional fun travel guides: http://www.youtube.com/user/yellowwproductions Subscribe to receive my latest travel guides in your feed: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=yellowwproductions
5 traveling tips you should know before visiting Japan When you are planning on visiting or moving to Japan, doing research is key to a smooth and enjoyable vacation or transition to your new life while living in Japan. From Tokyo to Osaka To Sapporo to Okinawa - [ESID] Every Situation Is Different yet we all share similar experiences. I received a lot of help, advice and tips before my leap to living in Japan and wish to pass along my additional knowledge I have gained from living in Mito Ibaraki, Nagaoka Niigata, Kawasaki Kanagawa and Tokyo. Hopefully these 5 Tips will help you on your adventure while visiting Japan! 5 Things You Need To Know Before Visiting or Moving To Japan: 1. Trash / Garbage Cans 2. No Tipping 3. Electricity / Outlets 4. Surgical Masks 5. Daiso / 100 Yen Shop...
Prefektur Kanagawa (Bahasa Indonesia) http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prefektur_Kanagawa Kanagawa Prefecture (English) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanagawa_Prefecture Kanagawa Now Japan, Tourist Guide International Website (English) http://www.kanagawa-kankou.or.jp/index-e.html Prefektur Yamanashi (Bahasa Indonesia) http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prefektur_Yamanashi Yamanashi Prefecture (English) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamanashi_Prefecture Panduan Wisata Yamanashi (Bahasa Indonesia) http://www.yamanashi-kankou.jp/indonesia/index.html Official portal site for Kamakura sightseeing (English) http://en.kamakura-info.jp/ Senbei (Bahasa Indonesia) http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senbei Tsukemono (English) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsukemono Zazen (Bahasa Indonesia) http://id.wi...