Jordan Furlong is a strategic consultant and analyst who forecasts the impact of the changing legal market on lawyers, law firms and legal organizations.

The Brink


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Filed under: Billing, Innovation, New Lawyers, Outsourcing

Momentum is one of those things everyone talks about but nobody can ever precisely define or quantify. It’s that sense that things are turning around or gathering speed in a certain direction, usually for the better — with a corollary borrowed from physics that the larger the object and the greater its velocity, the more… Read more »

The UK crucible

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Filed under: Competition, Governance, Innovation

North American lawyers have been fretting lately about the effects of this recession and what it means for their future. But the recession is only an amplifier or accelerator of change, not its source, and it doesn’t tell us much about the shape of things to come. If you  really want to know what the… Read more »

The best and the brightest?

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Filed under: Big Firms, Law School, Talent

It’s a small thing, but it’s been bothering me disproportionately, so I want to say a few words about one of my least favourite current phrases in the law:  “the best and the brightest.” It’s normally used in a talent recruitment or institutional marketing capacity to describe the very small group of the very best… Read more »

The canary in our coal mine

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Filed under: Compensation, Law School, New Lawyers

My newest column has been posted at Slaw, winner of the Canadian Association of Law Librarians’ 2009 Hugh Lawford Award for Excellence in Legal Publishing. It’s the latest honour for Canada’s best legal website, and yet another reason to read this post there and take in the rest of the terrific content.

The legacy of work-life balance

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Filed under: Big Firms, Billing, New Lawyers, Purpose, Satisfaction, Talent

I think we’ll soon be closing the book on one of the legal profession’s most-used and least-understood phrases of the last decade: “work-life balance.” It was still all the rage just a couple of years ago — new lawyers invoked it as a mantra, talent recruiters bandied it about, and many legal publications (including those… Read more »

Trust and the marketing department

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Filed under: Management, Marketing

Timothy Corcoran’s excellent and essential new blog tracks and expands upon a provocative article at the AmLaw Daily called “How essential is a CMO?” As many large firms scale back their marketing spending or lose their Chief Marketing Officers, Tim finds both lawyers and marketers can share some blame. I was especially drawn to this… Read more »

Get ready for the process era

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Filed under: Management

You know the old expression, “Life’s not a destination, it’s a journey”? I have to say, it’s never worked for me. I’m all about the destination — the journey is the time-consuming necessity between Point A and Point B that I’d dispense with if I could. I don’t have much interest in the scenic route… Read more »

Graduating into a recession

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Filed under: Careers, New Lawyers, Recession

It’s rare that a reader asks me to write something on a specific topic, rarer still that multiple requests for the same subject come in. So the fact that a few people have now asked for a post about law students and the recession indicates just how much anxiety is rising in law schools and… Read more »

Figuring out Twitter

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Filed under: Marketing, Publishing

I’ve been on Twitter for a little more than six months now, and in that time, I’ve assembled a loose collection of reasons not to follow people. As a general rule,  I won’t follow your Twitter feed if: your Twitter account doesn’t show your name or link to a web page you’ve been on Twitter… Read more »

Blawg Review #207

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Filed under: Law21

Blawg Review #207: All the News That Fits April 13, 2009 Section A – News The Recession Prosecutors on the Ropes Same-sex Marriage Section B – World International Justice Spotlight: Canada Section C – Business Law Practice Innovation Google Copyright Section D – Life Section E – Sports Section F – Technology Section G –… Read more »

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