Posts Categorized: Demographics

Time bomb

Posted by & filed under Demographics, Generations.

“This,” says The Economist in a recent special report, “is a slow-moving but relentless development that in time will have vast economic, social and political consequences.” Peak oil? The fiscal crisis? Climate change? None of these  — it’s the fact that the world is aging. Specifically, people are having far fewer children and living much… Read more »

What diversity looks like today

Posted by & filed under Demographics, Diversity.

Back in November, before this blog started up, the National Association of Law Placement published some analyses of its 2007-08 NALP Directory of Legal Employers, an annual compendium of legal employer data. You may have already seen these results, and I apologize for the redundancy if so, but they only belatedly caught my eye in… Read more »

Coping with fewer associates

Posted by & filed under Big Firms, Compensation, Demographics, Talent.

The Ottawa Citizen ran an article over the weekend that caught my eye, thanks in part to this succinct summary of the gigantic demographic challenge facing the North American economy: Baby boomers are retiring and the number of young adults behind them is on an irreversible slide. Starting in 2011, Canada’s workforce will lose two… Read more »

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