Please, make a contribution toward the defense of the Decarcerate PA movement. Seven people were arrested on Monday, November 19th for an act of civil disobedience to block the construction of two new prisons in Graterford, PA.
by Lorsen (Common Struggle - New York Metro)
The 2012 presidential election is fast approaching and Americans will participate in this ritual of voting for a member of the Democratic Party or Republican Party. This is almost the same as deciding to have Coca-Cola or Pepsi. Democrats and Republicans are constantly arguing and promoting their liberal and conservative views (just different sides of the same corrupt coin). This is merely a show this two party system is owed by the same corporatist elites and funded by the same internationally bankers. They may have different tone, but over all they are both practically the same one comes in a blue can and the other one in a red can, but when those cans are open they both contain the same substance.
Submitted by newengland on Tue, 04/06/2010 - 11:02
Saturday, April 10, 2010
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Community Church of Boston
565 Boylston St.
Boston, MA
Panel, followed by discussion, composed of individuals with experience in different organizations around soliciting grievances and mobilizing around labor, housing, and immigration issues.
Panelists will talk about their organizing experiences and strategic orientation. Specifically panel will address how taking collective action and directly confronting bosses, landlords, and other powerful institutions brings a sense of empowerment and consciousness to those involved. Discussion will focus on how best to support, network, organize, and/or supplement these activities.
by Elie Feasley and Frotchy (Baltimore-Washington NEFAC)
At 3pm on Thursday, February 19th, fifty members and supporters of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) gathered outside a boarded-up rowhome in Highlandtown. ACORN representatives handed out t-shirts printed in black, red, and white proclaiming a foreclosure-free-zone as the crowd of supporters grew. Followed closely by reporters and news cameras, the group used a pair of boltcutters to remove a padlock, broke down the door, and entered the house. Louis Beverly, an organizer with ACORN, declared, "This is our house now!" after cutting off the lock. The house was formerly owned by Donna Hanks, a fiery woman who has seen her life turned upside down by an adjustable rate mortgage and mounting bills. She was evicted last month after falling victim to foreclosure. Clearly exhausted and embittered, but eager to continue the fight, she proclaimed, "This place is gutted. This is wrong." She will soon begin moving back in to the house. Before they left, ACORN replaced the lock on the door with one belonging to Hanks.