- published: 25 Aug 2015
- views: 574544
Shrooms may refer to:
How to Shrooms (psilocybin mushrooms)
Shrooms in 5 Minutes
Weed VS Shrooms Challenge (CONDENSED VERSION)
Your Brain On Shrooms
Mom Eats Shrooms
How To Prepare For Your First PSILOCYBIN Trip || SHROOMS GUIDE
3g Psychedelic Mushrooms & Cannabis Hike | The Drug Dare
"The Shrooms Told Me To SMASH IT” | Trip Report
Tripping on Shrooms!
How to safely and effectively use psilocybin mushrooms to have a magic mushroom trip. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PsychedSubstance Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/psychedsubstance Dosage/Strain Calculator: http://www.shroomery.org/6257/Magic-Mushroom-Dosage-Calculator Thank you so much to everyone supporting us on Patreon! A special thanks to: Aijaz Shaikh, Travis Woods, Bubba, Markus Henriksen, Geoff Hirt, Damian, Muhammed Abdullah Ozmen, Simon Ruane (Substance videos in German: http://tinyurl.com/pw3khks), Anotherrandom, Aaron Porter, GuruKhanTV (he does psych vids: http://tinyurl.com/ophmca3), Skyler Tanche, Justin, Chris Gintz, Daniel Anagnostis, Stephen Jack, Andrey, Moritz Vega, Robert Spanton, Kurtis Lee, Ryan Andrews, and Karina Kusumadewi.
Everything you need to know about shrooms in under 5 minutes. Support us on Patreon: https://goo.gl/EufkcZ Get a Test Kit: http://tinyurl.com/GetTestKit Like us on Facebook: https://goo.gl/UFGP7x 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOWGNAei4hIjOna_JgWGCOA Current Johns Hopkins Study: http://goo.gl/Mygfz6 Cancer Study: http://goo.gl/3ar223 Basic Mushroom Info: http://goo.gl/K3uaRo
Shrooms or Weed - which substance will allow someone to perform better? Watch the video to find out! EXTENDED VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VngzAHtVms Support us on Patreon: https://goo.gl/EufkcZ Get a Test Kit: http://tinyurl.com/GetTestKit Like us on Facebook: https://goo.gl/UFGP7x 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOWGNAei4hIjOna_JgWGCOA THANKS A LOT TO OUR LOVELY PATRONS FOR SUPPORTING US: https://goo.gl/tcwwPI DANCE MUSIC: Alan Walker - Spectre [NCS Release] Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOeY-nDp7hI ➞ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DJWalkzz ➞ SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/walkzz ➞ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/DjWalkzz ➞ Twitter https://twitter.com/IAmAlanWalker ➞ Website http://www.alanwalkermusic.com/
How do "Magic Mushrooms" chemically alter your brain? Type A. vs. Type B. Personalities: http://youtu.be/1PxwRNvk9y0 GET THE BOOK: http://asapscience.com/book/ COME MEET US! March 15 @ 4pm AUSTIN - at SXSW Austin Convention Centre (Ballroom G) March 17 @ 6pm YouTube Space New York RSVP Link: http://bit.ly/1Mq5MAv March 18 @ 7:30pm JERSEY CITY - WORD Jersey City 123 Newark Ave, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 http://on.fb.me/1AcSoNM March 19th @ 7 pm NEW YORK - Barnes & Noble Union Square 33 East 17th St, New York, New York 10003 http://on.fb.me/1DGJUPO March 25th @ 7pm TORONTO - Indigo 55 Bloor Street West, Manulife Centre, Toronto, ON M4W 1A5 http://on.fb.me/1EjU2QH Subscribe! (It's free): http://bit.ly/asapsci Instagram and Twitter: @whalewatchmeplz and @mitchellmoffit Clickable: ...
In this short documentary a 61 year old woman tries mushrooms. Will she get the “Spiritual Experience” she’s after? Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/psychedsubstance Like us on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/pg9lrat Second Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOWGNAei4hIjOna_JgWGCOA Johns Hopkins Mushroom Studies: Long term psychological health study: http://tinyurl.com/3wvx3ur Near Death Cancer Patient study: http://tinyurl.com/n3fefeg Aid in quitting smoking study: http://tinyurl.com/k2xzqz6 THANKS A LOT TO OUR LOVELY PATRONS FOR SUPPORTING US: https://goo.gl/tcwwPI
How to prepare for your first shrooms trip. This is a beginner's guide I made that may help you with your mushroom journey. I wish you all the best, see you on the other side ;) Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3120234&ty;=h Ayahusca Album (trust me, it's fucking mind-blowing!): https://www.aubreymarcus.com/ayahuasca/ My Girlfriend's First MAGIC MUSHROOM Experience | Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcD-4wxagww Check out my blog: www.yourmatetom.com ►►Music: "Ryno's Theme" by KevinMacLeod: https://sellfy.com/KevinMacLeod ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ►►Follow me Instagram https://www.instagram.com/yourmatetom3/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/yourmatetom3 Snapchat ...
** LEGAL CANNABIS PATIENT UNDER PROPOSITION 215 ** WRITE ME? - HaleyIsSoarx P.O. BOX #7006 FOLSOM,CA 95763 CONTACT EMAIL - HALEYFOURTWENTY@GMAIL.COM INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/h4ley20/ TWITTER - http://twitter.com/haley420/ AMAZON WISHLIST - http://amzn.com/w/OEOM7C556DV4 TUMBLR - http://haley420.tumblr.com/ MY BACKUP CHANNEL - http://YOUTUBE.COM/HALEYFOURTWENTY
I meant to find Catawba Falls, but stumbled upon the unmarked "Daniel's Trail" instead. I ate 3 grams of shrooms, then smoked a joint given to me by a Widespread Panic attendee. On the way back, things got a bit crazy, and I was worried that I would get lost before making it back to my car. Thankfully, I made it back safe and sound. Get schwifty with me by posting your own videos to Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/TheDrugDare The Drug Dare | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0kESuBTHXM Contact: steven.casteel@gmail.com
This is the story of a very bizarre experience. From my girlfriend transforming into an Alien, to intense paranoid delusions - no part of this experience was “Fun.” Respect the mushroom, or prepare to be humbled. Support us on Patreon: https://goo.gl/EufkcZ Get a Test Kit: http://tinyurl.com/GetTestKit Like us on Facebook: https://goo.gl/UFGP7x 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOWGNAei4hIjOna_JgWGCOA THANKS A LOT TO OUR LOVELY PATRONS FOR SUPPORTING US: https://goo.gl/tcwwPI Ending Theme Music: https://soundcloud.com/reikishare/skipper
I'm on shrooms during the WHOLE video. ------ The songs I used in the video are: "Easy Jam", "Cambodian Odyssey", "Big Mojo", "Healing", "Pamgaea" - All by Kevin MacLeod (from Incompetech.com) Thank you Kevin! ----- And thank YOU for watching, liking, sharing with your friends, contributing with your wonderful thoughts and comments, and subscribing for more :D
I'm on shrooms! (yaaaaaaaaay! )
I'm on shro-ooms! (yaaaaaaaay! )
I'm on shrooms! (yaaaaaaaay! )
I'm on shrooms!
(Laaa, la-la-la-laa-la-la, lalalaaaaaaaa, la-la-la)
(Laaaaaa, lalalalaaaaa, lalalala)