- published: 13 Apr 2015
- views: 2422666
"War on..." is a phrase used to describe an effort for or against something.
Examples of "war on..." include:
Against may refer to:
War is a state of armed conflict between societies. It is generally characterized by extreme collective aggression, destruction, and usually high mortality. The set of techniques and actions used to conduct war is known as warfare. An absence of war is usually called "peace". Total war is warfare that is not restricted to purely legitimate military targets, and can result in massive civilian or other non-combatant casualties.
While some scholars see war as a universal and ancestral aspect of human nature, others argue that it is only a result of specific socio-cultural or ecological circumstances.
In 2013 war resulted in 31,000 deaths down from 72,000 deaths in 1990. The deadliest war in history, in terms of the cumulative number of deaths since its start, is the Second World War, from 1939 to 1945, with 60–85 million deaths, followed by the Mongol conquests which was greater than 41 million. Proportionally speaking, the most destructive war in modern history is the War of the Triple Alliance, which took the lives of over 60% of Paraguay's population, according to Steven Pinker. In 2003, Richard Smalley identified war as the sixth (of ten) biggest problem facing humanity for the next fifty years. War usually results in significant deterioration of infrastructure and the ecosystem, a decrease in social spending, famine, large-scale emigration from the war zone, and often the mistreatment of prisoners of war or civilians. Another byproduct of some wars is the prevalence of propaganda by some or all parties in the conflict, and increased revenues by weapons manufacturers.
The War may refer to:
In film and television:
In music:
In other uses:
Boko Haram, referred to by themselves as Wilāyat Gharb Ifrīqīyyah (Arabic: الولاية الإسلامية غرب أفريقيا, (Islamic State West Africa Province, ISWAP), and Jamā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād (Arabic: جماعة أهل السنة للدعوة والجهاد, "Group of the People of Sunnah for Preaching and Jihad"), is an Islamic extremist group based in northeastern Nigeria, also active in Chad, Niger and northern Cameroon. The group's leader is Abubakar Shekau. The group had alleged links to al-Qaeda, but in March 2015, it announced its allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Since the current insurgency started in 2009, it has killed 20,000 and displaced 2.3 million from their homes.
After its founding in 2002, Boko Haram's increasing radicalization led to a violent uprising in July 2009 in which its leader was summarily executed. Its unexpected resurgence, following a mass prison break in September 2010, was accompanied by increasingly sophisticated attacks, initially against soft targets, and progressing in 2011 to include suicide bombings of police buildings and the United Nations office in Abuja. The government's establishment of a state of emergency at the beginning of 2012, extended in the following year to cover the entire northeast of Nigeria, led to an increase in both security force abuses and militant attacks.
The War Against Boko Haram (Full Length)
Winning the War Against SJWs | Gavin McInnes and Stefan Molyneux
Rise Against - Hero Of War
Wilkerson: If Trump Moves U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, War Against Iran Could Come Next
Gmod RP - The War Against Minecraft - Funny Moments
Full Show - Trump Transitions To Leadership, Media Goes To War Against Him - 11/16/2016
THE WALKING DEAD Season 7: The War Against Negan Explained (2016)
United States Act of War Against Russia | True News
War Against Spiritual Robbers
Since 2009, the militant Islamist group known as Boko Haram has wreaked havoc in northern Nigeria. Instilling terror through bombings, abductions, and beheadings, Boko Haram is fighting to create an Islamic state in the most populous country in Africa. VICE News traveled to Nigeria to embed with the country's army as it ramped up its fight against Boko Haram, whose rise has caused a state of emergency. As the only journalists on the front line in northern Nigeria, we witnessed the beginning of the largest military insurgency to date. Kay Larsen discusses Boko Haram on The Young Turks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQt1zdzxVAY More from TYT on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheYoungTurks Watch "The Human Cost of War in the Central African Republic” - http://bit.ly/15xC4L2 Watc...
MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3505/winning-the-war-against-sjws-gavin-mcinnes-and-stefan-molyneux Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneux/fdr-3505-winning-the-war-against-sjws-gavin-mcinnes-and-stefan-molyneux What is the state of the culture wars within the western world? Gavin McInnes joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the fallout from the presidential election, the rise and fall of social justice warriors culture, the failure of the victimhood mentality, liberal projection, the lack of null hypothesis among leftists and the growth of alternative media. Gavin McInnes is the host of The Gavin McInnes Show with Compound Media, a contributor with TheRebel Media and was an original co-founder of VICE Media. Compound Media: https://www.compoundmedia.com/show/the-gavin-mcinne...
Music video by Rise Against performing Hero Of War. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,972,407. (C) 2009 DGC Records
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson and Paul Jay discuss Trump's foreign policy team and whether it's a continuation of policy under Cheney Visit http://therealnews.com for more videos.
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On this Wednesday, Nov. 16 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, we look at the peak oil myth and Saudi Arabia's warnings to Trump against blocking oil imports, while Texas discovers a $900 billion oil deposit. We'll also break down crony capitalism in the age of self-driving cars, as the dollar hits a 14-year high following Trump's election. And the Brexit and globalism are stalled amid a tsunami of populism and nationalism taking hold all over the world. Follow David on Twitter - https://twitter.com/libertytarian Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones Like Alex on FACEBO...
The Walking Dead Season 7 The War Against Negan Explained - 2016 amc Series Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=serientrailermp Folgt uns bei Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SerienBeiMoviepilot Alle Infos zu The Walking Dead Staffel 7: http://www.moviepilot.de/serie/the-walking-dead--2 Die siebte Staffel der US-amerikanischen Zombie-Horror-Serie The Walking Dead feierte im Oktober 2016 ihre Premiere auf AMC und umfasst 16 Episoden. AMC verlängerte das erfolgreiche Format, bevor die sechste Staffel überhaupt schon zu Ende war. The Walking Dead - Staffel 7 erzählt vom Kampf gegen den diabolischen Bösewicht Negan, der seine Opfer vorzugsweise mit einem Baseballschläger zerschmettert.
MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3485/united-states-act-of-war-against-russia-true-news Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneux/fdr-3485-united-states-act-of-war-against-russia-true-news Hillary Clinton recently claimed that cyberattacks by foreign nations would be considered as an act of war against the United States. NBC News recently reported that the U.S. Government is planning cyberattacks against Russia if they suspect an attempt to influence the Presidential election on Election Day. Wait, what? Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/u-s-hackers-ready-hit-back-if-russia-disrupts-election-n677936 Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at: http://www.freedom...
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Political Line..Is India ready for war against China? | Indian Military Ready for War against China, Pakistan
I speak now of the merciless unseen
An invisible force feeds, malevolent
It's lokced up inside me
I will never be free from the disease...
It won't get the best of me!
My addiction, my intervention!
Focus, refocus! easily said on paper
This is my life... and I want it... yes!
Sometimes I stumble
but I choose to fight, because my other option is death
Your spirit stands... aided by sticks and poles
Responsible for your own sobriety
You topple... everyone goes down with you
War Against!