- published: 03 Jul 2015
- views: 7361
Myanmar (myan-MARi/miɑːnˈmɑːr/ mee-ahn-MAR,/miˈɛnmɑːr/ mee-EN-mar or /maɪˈænmɑːr/ my-AN-mar (also with the stress on first syllable); Burmese pronunciation: [mjəmà]), officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and also known as Burma, is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia bordered by Bangladesh, India, China, Laos and Thailand. One-third of Myanmar's total perimeter of 1,930 km (1,200 miles) forms an uninterrupted coastline along the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. The country's 2014 census revealed a much lower population than expected, with 51 million people recorded. Myanmar is 676,578 square kilometres (261,227 sq mi) in size. Its capital city is Naypyidaw and its largest city is Yangon (Rangoon).
Early civilisations in Myanmar included the Tibeto-Burman-speaking Pyu city-states in Upper Burma and the Mon kingdoms in Lower Burma. In the 9th century, the Bamar people entered the upper Irrawaddy valley and, following the establishment of the Pagan Kingdom in the 1050s, the Burmese language, culture and Theravada Buddhism slowly became dominant in the country. The Pagan Kingdom fell due to the Mongol invasions and several warring states emerged. In the 16th century, reunified by the Taungoo Dynasty, the country was for a brief period the largest empire in the history of Southeast Asia. The early 19th century Konbaung Dynasty ruled over an area that included modern Myanmar and briefly controlled Manipur and Assam as well. The British conquered Myanmar after three Anglo-Burmese Wars in the 19th century and the country became a British colony. Myanmar became an independent nation in 1948, initially as a democratic nation and then, following a coup d'état in 1962, a military dictatorship. While the military dictatorship formally ended in 2011, most of the party leaders are former military officers.
http://stickyrice.co/ Documental que se adentra en la hermética realidad de Myanmar (antigua Birmania), país del sudeste asiático, fuertemente reprimido por un gobierno militar que mantiene a su población bajo una férrea dictadura. Gracias al incuestionable trabajo de un grupo de video-periodistas, este magnífico documental nos ofrece un valioso testimonio sobre la censura informativa a la que es sometida el país a manos de sus dirigentes. Bajo la constante amenaza de ser encarcelados, e incluso arriesgando sus propias vidas, estos tenaces periodistas se proponen burlar el exhaustivo control de las fuerzas de seguridad y lograr mostrar a la sociedad internacional el horror vivido dentro del país. Un trabajo periodístico llevado a cabo en la clandestinidad gracias al cual el mundo pudo ver ...
Un'avventura in Myanmar: dalle tea house di Rangoon alla valle dei templi di Bagan, dalla calma del lago Inle, a Mrauk-U, l'antico porto del golfo del Bengala, la Birmania e' uno delle nazioni più affascinanti e suggestive che abbiamo mai visto.
Todos los destinos en http://www.telemadrid.es/mxm Myanmar, todavía conocida como la antigua Birmania, está todavía despertando de la dictadura militar más prolongada del planeta. Hace tan sólo dos años que comenzó a abrirse al turismo, y mientras su vecina Tailandia recibe cerca de 30 millones de turistas al año los birmanos reciben cerca de 1 milloó de visitantes. Hacemos la maleta y nos vamos a 9.288 kilómetros de Madrid, al país continental con mayor área geográfica del sureste asiático. Hugo llegó hace algo más de un año a Myanmar como asesor político. Con éste madrileño de Aravaca hemos recorrido el este del país, una de las zonas más conflictivas. Colegios en mitad de la nada, en un lugar en el que la escolaridad es bajísima, paisajes increíbles, recolectadores de arroz...conforma...
Myanmar (Birmania) es un país fascinante. Pero si me tuviera que quedar con uno solo de sus encantos, no lo dudaría: las ruinas de Bagan, uno de los mejores complejos arqueológicos del mundo. ¡Suscríbete ya! http://www.smarturl.it/7qp4s0 Blog www.paconadal.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/paco.nadal.9 Twitter https://twitter.com/paconadal Google+ http://smarturl.it/i2bz7c
Apuntes de la vida en Birmania. Veremos distintos aspectos de la vida del país: los artesanos, la religión, la escuela, la vida rural, el mercado, etc. Se trata se indicar sólo algunas características distintivas de la realidad actual de este páis asiático.
La importancia de Birmania para los aliados y japoneses radicaba en el hecho de que era la única vía importante de comunicación con la República de China, que se encontraba aislada por Japón en el norte, este y sur. Era una plaza que debía conseguirse a toda costa.
PAGINA WEB http://www.gabehash.com/ YOUTUBE http://www.youtube.com/Gabehash (Canal Español) http://www.youtube.com/GabehashTV (English Channel) TWITTER https://twitter.com/GABEHASH FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/GabeHashOfficial PAGINA WEB http://www.gabehash.com/ YOUTUBE http://www.youtube.com/Gabehash (Canal Español) http://www.youtube.com/GabehashTV (English Channel) TWITTER https://twitter.com/GABEHASH FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/GabeHashOfficial Birmania: Un sismo magnitud 6.8 golpeo el centro de Birmania hoy 24 de agosto de 2016 y se sintió en la India, Nepal, Bangladés y Tailandia. El sismo duro alrededor de 10 segundos y su epicentro fue localizado a 143 kilómetros al oeste de la ciudad de Meiktila y a 84 kilómetros de profundida de acuerdo a la USGS. Hasta el momento al men...
Tre anni dopo le prime elezioni democratiche tenute dopo 50 anni di dittatura militare, viaggio in Myanmar, l’ex Birmania, tra i templi che incantano i turisti e le stridenti contraddizioni di un cambiamento appena avviato: il boom degli investimenti stranieri che cambiano il volto di Yangon, la vecchia capitale; la rapida penetrazione di internet tra i giovani; a fianco dell’estrema povertà della gran parte della popolazione e delle lotte dei contadini contro l’esproprio delle terre da parte dei militari. La forte spiritualità delle pagode dedicate a Budda, e le persecuzioni etniche e religiose delle minoranze. La megalomania della nuova capitale, Naiypydaw, una delle più stravaganti del mondo, quasi disabitata, e lo scenario mozzafiato delle mille pagode di Bagan, uno dei luoghi archeolo...
Un viaje a un país todavía por descubrir. BIRMANIA, uno de los pocos lugares del sudeste asiático que apenas han sido tocados por el turismo occidental. ¿Quieres saber más? http://www.pasaporte3.com/asia/viajes/birmania_grupo/birmania_grupo.php
Viagem realizada pela Pinto Lopes Viagens em 24 Mar 2015 - 04 Abr 2015 | Guia PLV: Rui Pinto Lopes Yangon | Heho | Pindaya | Nyaung Shwe | Inle | Indein | Heho | Mandalay | Mingun | Mandalay | Amarapura | Inwa | Bagan Os mosteiros da antiga capital Mandalay, a nostalgia e o charme colonial de Yangon, a magia e monumentalidade de Bagan, conhecida como a cidade dos 1.000 pagodes, o Lago Inle com os seus mercados flutuantes, os extraordinários templos, mosteiros e mercados formam a paradisíaca Myanmar, antiga Birmânia. Seja bem-vindo! :-) Consulte esta e outras viagens no nosso site, em www.pintolopesviagens.com
✱ 625 Hotels in Myanmar - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/SQazTt Travel video about destination Myanmar. Myanmar is a land of golden pagodas in which rivers, paddy fields and Buddhism dominate the lives of this country’s people who are made up of a variety of ethnic groups. But behind the bamboo curtain is a sleepy fairy tale land.Yangon is a river city and the capital of Myanmar. It is surrounded by India, China, Laos and Thailand. Few cities in Asia boast such a fascinating mêlée of tribes and cultures. A tranquil harmony of churches, pagodas, Hindu temples and mosques. The Chaukhtatkyi Pagoda contains one of the largest prone Buddha statues in the world. Its length makes up for its lack of artistry as it is seventy metres long! The Shan State Express is a sonorous name for a uni...
http://grrrltraveler.com/countries/asia/myanmar/9-types-transportation-myanmar-burma/ Travelling in Myanmar | Myanmar Travel Guide What are your transportation options for traveling in Myanmar? Here's 9 ways I got around the country and they're all a little different. Below is a breakdown of rides and costs during my stay in Myanmar. 1. Local city bus Under $1 2. Night Bus $10-15 3. Horse carriage taxi $7 4. Shared taxi pickup (included in long-distance day bus costs) 5. Long distance day bus $10 6. One day Boat tour $15 7. VIP luxury bus $23 (yow! What a deal) 8. Taxi $7 (split between 4 solo travelers) 9. Guesthouse airport shuttle bus $0 Free with stay My Other Travel Guides: New York Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/New-York-Travel-Guide Coney Island Travel Guide ...
Myanmar (Burma) trip 2016 - Myanmar tourism & Vacations 2016 - Myanmar travel guide 2016 Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Myanmar, or Burma, officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar which is derived from the Burmese Empire (1500-1000BC) is a country in Southeast Asia. It lies on the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea coast with Bangladesh and India to the west, China to the north, and Laos and Thailand to the east. See in Burma =========== Myanmar's attractions lie largely in the area of the spiritual. Temples, pagodas and historical sites abound with some areas such as Bagan boasting so many attractions that it would be impossible to take them in during a single visit. With landscapes, a tropical climate, beaches, che...
Join as as we travel around Yangon, Myanmar, to show off the top things to see and do for the luxury traveler, including the Sule Shangri-La Hotel, Cafe Sula, The Strand Hotel, Traditional High Tea, and the Yangon Yangon rooftop bar. Please subscribe to our channel and as always, we appreciate your likes, comments, and shares!
11 Things to Do in Yangon, Myanmar | Yangon Travel Guide | More details on my written post: 19 Things to Know before you go to Myanmar: http://grrrltraveler.com/countries/asia/myanmar/20-things-to-know-before-you-go-to-myanmar/ 9 Types of Transportation in Myanmar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67TYZQpsTf4 Cultural Things to Know: *Discovering Yangon* : http://youtu.be/C0jnxahWTJw . More helpful Posts on my blog about Myanmar: http://grrrltraveler.com/category/countries/asia/myanmar/ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ My Other Travel Guides: New York Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/New-York-Travel-Guide Coney Island Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Coney-Island-Guide Los Angeles Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Los-Angeles-Travel-Guide Venice Beach Travel Guide ✈ http://bi...
HG Travel's Destination Video Guide on Myanmar. 'This is Burma', wrote Kipling. 'It is quite unlike any place you know about.' How right he was, and more than a century later Myanmar remains a world apart. Contemplate 4000 sacred stupas scattered across the plains of Bagan. Stare in disbelief at the golden rock teetering impossibly on the edge of a chasm. Encounter men wearing skirt-like longyi, women smothered in thanaka (traditional make-up) and betel-chewing grannies with blood red juices dripping from their mouths -- and that's just the airport! Meet the multitalented monks who have taught their cats to jump. Ride a Wild West stagecoach past grand British mansions. Trade jokes about the rulers who move capitals on the whim of a fortune teller. Indeed, this is Burma. (Lonelyplanet)
We fly into Yangon, formerly Rangoon, Myanmar (formerly Burma) to see the sights. Despite the horrendous traffic of downtown, we still find a whole lot to enjoy about this upcoming Asian destination.
Things to see & do in Burma (HD) - Myanmar tourism & Vacations 2015 - Myanmar travel guide Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Myanmar, or Burma, officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar which is derived from the Burmese Empire (1500-1000BC) is a country in Southeast Asia. It lies on the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea coast with Bangladesh and India to the west, China to the north, and Laos and Thailand to the east. See in Burma =========== Myanmar's attractions lie largely in the area of the spiritual. Temples, pagodas and historical sites abound with some areas such as Bagan boasting so many attractions that it would be impossible to take them in during a single visit. With landscapes, a tropical climate, beaches, c...
Visiting Burma is much easier than it was even just a few years ago. The days of needing to take perfect dollar notes and nothing else are gone. Hope this guide gives you some ideas about what to do, what to expect. It's a fascinating place - but take care crossing the roads.
I’d like to thank the guy who wrote the song
That made my baby fall in love with me
Who put the bomp
In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp
Who put the ram
In the rama lama ding dong
Who put the bop
In the bop shoo bop shoo bop
Who put the dip
In the dip da dip da dip
Who was that man, I’d like to shake his hand
He made my baby fall in love with me [Yeah]
When my baby heard
Bomp bah bah bomp
Bah bomp bah bomp bah
Every word went right into her heart
And when she heard them singin’
Rama lama lama lama
Lama ding dong
She said we’d never have to part
So who put the bomp
In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp
Who put the ram
In the rama lama ding dong
Who put the bop
In the bop shoo bop shoo bop
Who put the dip
In the dip da dip da dip
Who was that man, I’d like to shake his hand
He made my baby fall in love with me [Yeah]
Each time that we’re alone
Boogity boogity boogity
Boogity boogity boogity shoo
Sets my baby’s heart all aglow
And everytime we dance to
Dip da dip da dip
Dip da dip da dip
She always says she loves me so
So who put the bomp
In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp
Who put the ram
In the rama lama ding dong
Who put the bop
In the bop shoo bop shoo bop
Who put the dip
In the dip da dip da dip
Who was that man, I’d like to shake his hand
He made my baby fall in love with me [Yeah]
Darling, bomp bah bah bomp, bah bomp bah bomp bomp
And my honey, rama lama ding dong forever
And when I say, dip da dip da dip da dip
You know I mean it from the bottom of my boogity boogity boogity shoo