Beware of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Here are the links to additional information about
HRT and Bio-identical hormones:
5 steps to natural menopause:
Beware of HRT:
In the next 5 minutes, I want to share with you essential truths about hormone replacement therapy—HRT. This stuff that vitally important for you to know. But first, let me ask this: Do you feel or have you fever been afraid, confused or frustrated about your own menstrual, peri-menopausal or menopausal issues? I know I once did.
Intense hormonal changes can make you feel like you’re going crazy, so you’re not even sure who you are any more. And these symptoms can start as early as 10 years before menopause arrives.
Natural hormonal shifts are natural transformations in every woman’s life. And, believe it or not, they can even be profoundly beneficial. But you need to learn how best o handle them.
We women are constantly told that we have to take drug-based artificial hormone drugs known as HRT to do this. I’m here to tell you this is most certainly not the way to go. Why? Because medically based HRT— using synthetic drugs can produce massive side effects. It is also incapable of delivering genuine healing. It cannot treat fundamental causes. It can only mask symptoms
. In the process, synthetic HRT hormones can poison your body long-term.
Drug-based synthetic estrogens, progestins and progestogens commonly prescribed as HRT are fundamentally dangerous.
Used long-term, they may even be life-threatening. We women need to band together and challenge the “wisdom” of conventional medical practices.
It’s time for us to turn away from the widespread propaganda that accompanies the promotion of HRT as the solution to all our problems. Indiscriminate doling out of potent drug-based hormones can undermine a woman’s fertility as well as trigger the development of her menstrual agonies—from
PMS and endometriosis to cancer of the breast and womb. The current attempt to make every woman a “patient” for the rest of her life by subjecting her body to long-term HRT is also a way of diminishing her personal power and undermining her control over her own body. Conventional HRT is most certainly not the answer.
I believe passionately that it’s time for a radical overhaul in how we handle women’s issues. There are safer, better, more effective ways.
As celebrated expert in the natural treatment of peri-menopause and menopause,
Dr Jonathan Wright,
Medical Director of Tahoma
Clinic in
Washington—a long-time advocate of bio-identical, that is natural hormones—says, “Replacing estrogen that your body is no longer producing with the synthetic versions found in conventional HRT is like replacing parts designed for a Chevy with those made for a
Mercedes.” More about thes alternatives in a moment.
Meanwhile, let me share with you a couple of scientific studies carried out in the last 15 years which show just how potentially dangerous and ineffective conventionally prescribed HRT can be: In
2002, researchers called a halt to a huge government- run study involving 16,
000 women on HRT under the
Women’s Health Initiative. Researchers found that long-term use of synthetic estrogen and progestin significantly increased women’s danger of stroke, blood clots, heart attack, invasive breast cancer and stroke.
Then the
Journal of the
American Medical Association (
JAMA) published another study, showing that women who take a combination of synthetic estrogen and progestin are also at high risk of getting a highly aggressive form of breast cancer. Other studies have revealed that HRT can increase your risk of
Alzheimer’s, dementia and asthma. More new research indicates that combined synthetic estrogen-progestin HRT increases your risk of severe forms of breast cancer as well as your chances of dying, from the disease as well as other causes.
Let’s look at the alternatives. There are many. Bio-identical hormones—commonly known as “natural” hormones—do a far safer, more effective job of helping most women handle the challenges they face. This is a truth now well supported by scientific research.
Here are the links to additional information about HRT and Bio-identical hormones:
5 steps to natural menopause:
Beware of HRT: