- published: 19 Nov 2014
- views: 16476
Mephedrone, also known as 4-methyl methcathinone (4-MMC) or 4-methyl ephedrone, is a synthetic stimulant drug of the amphetamine and cathinone classes. Slang names include drone,M-CAT,White Magic and meow meow. It is chemically similar to the cathinone compounds found in the khat plant of eastern Africa. It comes in the form of tablets or a powder, which users can swallow, snort or inject, producing similar effects to MDMA, amphetamines and cocaine.
In addition to its stimulant effects, mephedrone produces side effects, of which teeth grinding is the most common. The metabolism of mephedrone has been studied in rats and humans and the metabolites can be detected in urine after usage.
Mephedrone was first synthesised in 1929, but did not become widely known until it was rediscovered in 2003 at which point it was legal to produce and possess in many countries. By 2007, mephedrone was reported to be available for sale on the internet, by 2008 law enforcement agencies had become aware of the compound, and by 2010, it had been reported in most of Europe, becoming particularly prevalent in the United Kingdom. Mephedrone was first made illegal in Israel in 2008, followed by Sweden later that year. In 2010, it was made illegal in many European countries and in December 2010, the EU ruled it illegal. In Australia, New Zealand and the USA, it is considered an analog of other illegal drugs and can be controlled by laws similar to the Federal Analog Act. In September 2011, the USA temporarily classified mephedrone as illegal, in effect from October 2011.
"The Man" is a slang phrase that may refer to the government or to some other authority in a position of power. In addition to this derogatory connotation, it may also serve as a term of respect and praise.
The phrase "the Man is keeping me down" is commonly used to describe oppression. The phrase "stick it to the Man" encourages resistance to authority, and essentially means "fight back" or "resist", either passively, openly or via sabotage.
As a phrase meaning "the boss" it dates from at least 1918.
In the Southern U.S. states, the phrase came to be applied to any man or any group in a position of authority, or to authority in the abstract. From about the 1950s the phrase was also an underworld code word for police, the warden of a prison or other law enforcement or penal authorities.
The use of this term was expanded to counterculture groups and their battles against authority, such as the Yippies, which, according to a May 19, 1969 article in U.S. News and World Report, had the "avowed aim ... to destroy 'The Man', their term for the present system of government". The term eventually found its way into humorous usage, such as in a December 1979 motorcycle ad from the magazine Easyriders which featured the tagline, "California residents: Add 6% sales tax for The Man."
Mephedrone (4-MMC): What We Know
Mephedrone - Chemistry Behind the Headlines 1
Mephedrone Experience report
Synthetic Highs : Mephedrone / Meow Meow effects - Hellish roundabout
Synthetic Highs : Mephedrone / Meow Meow effects - Farthest swim
Mixmag's Duncan Dick on Mephedrone
3000 mg Mephedrone
Watch our video interview with the man who discovered Mephedrone, the drug also known as Meow-Meow! Read more here: http://drugreporter.net/drzee Mephedrone (or as chemists call it, 4-methylmethcathinone) is a stimulant drug, first synthetised in 1929, but which did not become known to the wider public until it was rediscovered in 2003 by a man who calls himself Dr. Zee. Is he the “Crazy Chemist” depicted in government-led anti-drug campaigns, using young people as lab rats for testing his substances? Why is he experimenting with unknown substances? Was it his intention to sell these drugs to millions of young people? Does he feel guilty for the harms caused by mephedrone, the deaths, the suffering? The Drugreporter video team met him in New Zealand in March this year, and took the oppo...
Mephedrone, also known as 4-methylmethcathinone (4-MMC) or 4-methylephedrone, is a stimulant and entactogen drug of the phenethylamine, amphetamine, and cathinone chemical classes. Mephedrone is reported as causing effects described as a cross between those of methamphetamine and MDMA ("Ecstasy"), producing euphoria, stimulation, and empathy. Hosted by Krystle Cole. Video by http://www.neurosoup.com/ Please note: This video is only meant to be educational and thought-provoking. It is not intended to promote the use of any substance, whether that substance is legal or illegal. More Mephedrone Info: http://www.neurosoup.com/mephedrone_main_page.htm Submit Trip Reports to Get Free NeuroSoup Membership: http://www.neurosoup.info/new-user-registration Mephedrone Deaths: http://www.theloc...
4-MMC, also known as Mephedrone, is a stimulant with some empathogen qualities. It has been used for around 10 years, with much of its use taking place in the late 2000s and early 2010s. It's a member of the substituted cathinone class. 4-MMC = Mephedrone; 4-Methylmethcathinone; M-Cat Reddit discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDrugClassroom/comments/4ci0zo/mephedrone_4mmc/ ------------ PsychonautWiki Page: https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Mephedrone ------------ Donate to The Drug Classroom: https://www.patreon.com/TheDrugClassroom https://www.paypal.me/TheDrugClassroom Bitcoin: 1HsjCYpBHKcVCaW4uKBraCGkc1LK8xoj1B ------------ The Drug Classroom (TDC) is dedicated to providing the type of drug education everyone should have. Drugs are never going to leave our society and there ...
This video describes the organic chemistry of the 'legal high' drug mephedrone, otherwise known as MMCAT, meow and miaow. By considering the chemical structure of mephedrone, we try to gain an understanding of what this drug may do, and what problems may be associated with it. Mephedrone is sold as a legal high in the UK - this does not mean it is safe or non-addictive. Music by Marillion (Happiness is the Road). Check out the other chemistry videos on my YouTube channel - professordaveatyork. Music by Marillion - 'Wrapped up in Time' from the album 'Happiness is the Road'.
A description of my experience with Mephedrone the original MKAT. Masturbation is plentiful in our nation.
Viewer Discretion Advised. Substance is causing addiction - for rehabilitation, drug treatment advised! Think twice and better thrice. High is short, but consequences - for life and life insurance won't help. This video is made for educational purposes and Anti-Drug Propaganda. It is not intended to offend human rights. What it is: Mephedrone, a stimulant powder that's like a cross between MDMA and coke and causes addiction How it's done: Snort it, eat it, put it in a pill, smoke it, inject it, whatever man! Reported drug effects: Grinding of teeth, face-melting, euphoria, sexual stimulation, violence, depressive disorder, dementia and agitation, paranoia, stupor, coma, diminished urine output and hypotension. Oter names : Bubbles , drone , M-CAT , White Magic Drug addiction rehab faci...
CHOOSELIFE WALES...WEEK IN WEEK OUT GETTING HIGH IN WALES A year after the 'legal high' Mephedrone was banned, Week In Week Out goes undercover to investigate the other party drugs on sale on the high street in Wales. We meet the users, the dealers and show the disturbing effects of these legal drugs. Heroin addiction is plaguing our society as heroin addicts have to fund their heroin habits. The path of addiction start much earlier on in someone's life. Cigarettes are definitely a gateway drug and normally opens the door to cannabis. I really believe that cannabis is the most deceptive drug that there is. We all know that heroin kills people yet cannabis sends a message that it is an okay drug, well it is not. For most heroin users once the heroin is out of their system they then ...
Viewer Discretion Advised. This video is made for educational purposes 18+) It is not intended to offend human rights. What it is: Mephedrone, a stimulant powder that's like a cross between MDMA and coke and causes addiction How it's done: Snort it, eat it, put it in a pill, smoke it, inject it, whatever man! Reported drug effects: Grinding of teeth, face-melting, euphoria, sexual stimulation, violence, depressive disorder, dementia and agitation, paranoia, stupor, coma, diminished urine output and hypotension. Oter names : Bubbles , drone , M-CAT , White Magic Causing addiction - for rehabilitation, drug treatment advised! Think twice and better thrice. High is short, but consequences - for life and life insurance won't help. Drug addiction rehab facilities: substance abuse treatment i...
Last week the world's media went meph crazy and as such they called upon the world's leading authority on youth culture (erm, that'll be us) to decipher just what the hell was going on. We dispatched Duncan Dick to the BBC News offices to tell them what was what using the survey results from our own Mixmag and Dont Stay In Drugs survey. Warning: viewers may find some scenes incredibly informative. More information on mephedrone can be found at http://www.mixmag.net/mephedrone
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