Memoria del Saqueo - Argentina (2003)
La tragedia que nos tocó vivir con el derrumbe del gobierno liberal de De la Rúa, me impulsaron a volver a mis inicios en el cine, hace más de 40 años, cuando la búsqueda de una identidad política y cinematográfica y la resistencia a la dictadura, me llevaron a filmar "La Hora de los Hornos". Las circunstancias han cambiado y para mal: ¿Cómo fue posible que en el "granero del mu
Sur (Fernando Solanas, 1988)
site oficial do filme:
La Hora de los Hornos - Fernando Pino Solanas y Octavio Getino (1968)
Se filmó en 1968 por los cineastas Fernando "Pino" Solanas y Octavio Getino quienes integraban el "Grupo de Cine Liberación". La pelícuala está dividido en t...
Pino Solanas - Memoria del Saqueo Full HD - (2004)
"La Guerra del Fracking" documental de Pino Solanas sobre la explotación de petróleo no convencional con la técnica denominada Fracking. Descripción "La guer...
La Dignidad de los Nadies - De Pino Solanas (2005)
La película se centra en la vida de diversos personajes de la Argentina luego de la crisis institucional y socio-económica ocurrida en el país en el año 2001...
Fernando Solanas - El Sur
Magnifique filme de Fernando E. Solanas.
Sur-Solanas Part 1
Uploaded with Free Video Converter from Freemake http://www.freemake.com/free_video_converter/
Il viaggio - (El viaje, 1993) - Fernando Solanas
Entrevista a Fernando Pino Solanas por Julio Gracía Espinosa
Entrevista a Fernando Pino Solanas por Julio Gracía Espinosa.
Los Hijos de Fierro - Fernando Pino Solanas (1975)
La idea original de la película comenzó a gestarse bajo la dictadura de Juan Carlos Onganía y con Juan Domingo Perón en el exilio. Fue realizada ya en democr...
POPE FRANCIS unmissable interview by film director Fernando E. Solanas
Multi award winning film director and argentinian senator Fernando E. Solanas made this amazing interview where Pope Francis talks about environment contamin...
Memoria del Saqueo - Pino Solanas (2004)
La hora de los Hornos Neocolonialismo y Violencia - F. "Pino" Solanas
Este film está dividido en tres partes: "Neocolonialismo y violencia"; "Acto para la liberación", dividido a su vez en dos grandes momentos "Crónica del pero...
Torno al Sud Vuelvo al Sur di Fernando Solanas
Torno al Sud musica di Astor Piazzola canta Roberto Goyeneche
Scritta per la colonna sonora del film "Sur". Fernando Solanas, il regista del film, è anche l'autore del testo.
Torno al sud
come si torna sempre all'amore
torno da te
col mio desiderio, col mio timore
Porto il sud
come un destino del cuore
sono del sud
come le arie del bandoneon
Sogno il sud
immensa luna, cielo capovol
Argentina Latente - De Pino Solanas (2007)
El director recorre distintas zonas de la Argentina, entrevistando a técnicos, ingenieros, trabajadores y científicos, poniendo en evidencia el potencial eco...
la argentina latente pino solanas
Sur - Fernando Solanas 1988 (Part 1/10) (Sottotitoli italiano Part1)
Fernando Ezequiel (Pino) Solanas, Argentino di Buenos Aires, artista dalle mille sfaccettature :Regista, Attore, Sceneggiatore, Scrittore, Autore, Fumettista.
Sono suoi due grandi capolavori dedicati al tango argentino :
Tangos - El exilio de Gardel del 1985 e Sur del 1988
Sur è un film onirico e suggestivo, dove i morti si mescolano ai vivi, dove amore, gelosia,tristezza speranza,attesa,p
Sur - Fernando Solanas 1988 (Part 2/10)
Fernando Ezequiel (Pino) Solanas, Argentino di Buenos Aires, artista dalle mille sfaccettature :Regista, Attore, Sceneggiatore, Scrittore, Autore, Fumettista.
Sono suoi due grandi capolavori dedicati al tango argentino :
Tangos - El exilio de Gardel del 1985 e Sur del 1988
Sur è un film onirico e suggestivo, dove i morti si mescolano ai vivi, dove amore, gelosia,tristezza speranza,attesa,p
Fernando Solanas - Memorias del Saqueo (2003) Parte 1
Fernando Solanas - Memorias del Saqueo (2003) Parte 1.
La Próxima Estación - De Pino Solanas (2008)
Narra la historia de los ferrocarriles argentinos desde 1857 hasta la crisis del sistema de transporte actual. El cierre de ramales de las líneas de ferrocar...
Hommage Fernando Solanas
Memoria del Saqueo - Argentina (2003)
La tragedia que nos tocó vivir con el derrumbe del gobierno liberal de De la Rúa, me impulsaron a volver a mis inicios en el cine, hace más d...
La tragedia que nos tocó vivir con el derrumbe del gobierno liberal de De la Rúa, me impulsaron a volver a mis inicios en el cine, hace más de 40 años, cuando la búsqueda de una identidad política y cinematográfica y la resistencia a la dictadura, me llevaron a filmar "La Hora de los Hornos". Las circunstancias han cambiado y para mal: ¿Cómo fue posible que en el "granero del mundo" se padeciera hambre? El país había sido devastado por un nuevo tipo de agresión, silenciosa y sistemática, que dejaba más muertos que los del terrorismo de Estado y la guerra de Malvinas. En nombre de la globalización y el libre comercio, las recetas económicas de los organismos internacionales terminaron en el genocidio social y el vaciamiento financiero del país. La responsabilidad de los gobiernos de Menem y De la Rúa no exime al FMI, al Banco Mundial ni a sus países mandantes. Buscando beneficios extraordinarios nos impusieron planes neoracistas que suprimían derechos sociales adquiridos y condenaron a muerte por desnutrición, vejez prematura o enfermedades curables, a millones de personas. Eran crímenes de lesa humanidad en tiempos de paz.
Una vez más, la realidad me impuso recontextualizar las imágenes y componer un fresco vivo de lo que habíamos soportado durante las tres décadas que van de la dictadura de Videla a la rebelión popular del 19 y 20 de diciembre de 2001, que terminó con el gobierno de la Alianza. "Memoria del Saqueo" es mi manera de contribuir al debate que en Argentina y el mundo se está desarrollando con la certeza que frente a la globalización deshumanizada, "otro mundo es posible".
Fernando E. Solanas
Cientos de veces me he preguntado cómo es posible que en un país tan rico la pobreza y el hambre alcanzara tal magnitud? ¿Qué sucedió con las promesas de modernidad, trabajo y bienestar que pregonaran políticos, empresarios, economistas iluminados y sus comunicadores mediáticos, si jamás el país conoció estos aberrantes niveles de desocupación e indigencia? ¿Cómo puede entenderse la enajenación del patrimonio público para pagar la deuda, si el endeudamiento se multiplicó varias veces comprometiendo el futuro por varias generaciones? ¿Cómo fue posible en democracia tanta burla al mandato del voto , tanta degradación de las instituciones republicanas, tanta sumisión a los poderes externos, tanta impunidad, corrupción y pérdida de derechos sociales?
Responder a los interrogantes que dejó la catástrofe social o repasar los capítulos bochornosos de la historia reciente, sería imposible en los limitados márgenes de una película: hacen falta muchas más, junto a investigaciones, debates y estudios para dar cuenta de la magnitud de esa catástrofe.
Esta película nació para aportar a la memoria contra el olvido, reconstruir la historia de una de las etapas más graves de la Argentina para incitar a denunciar las causas que provocaron el vaciamiento económico y el genocidio social. "Memoria del saqueo" es también un cine libre y creativo realizado en los inciertos meses de 2002 , cuando no existían certezas sobre el futuro político del país. A treinta y cinco años de "La Hora de los Hornos", he querido retomar la historia desde las palabras y gestos de sus protagonistas y recuperar las imágenes en su contexto. Procesos e imágenes que con sus rasgos propios también han golpeado a otros países hermanos. Es una manera de contribuir a la tarea plural de una refundación democrática de la Argentina y al debate que en el mundo se desarrolla frente a la globalización deshumanizada con la certeza de que "otro mundo es posible".
Fernando Solanas / Marzo 2004
Dirección: Fernando E. Solanas / Guión, relato y vos: Fernando E. Solanas / Investigación: Alcira Argumedo - Fernando E. Solanas / Dirección de Producción: Daniel Samyn / Asistentes: I. Gotthold, R. Pravatto, Flexa Correa, M. Cane Solanas, E. Romero / Productor Asociado: María Marta Solanas / Producción Delegada y Ejecutiva: Pierre-Alain Meier - Alain Rozanes - Fernando E. Solanas i / Imagen: A. Fernández Mouján y Fernando Solanas /Montaje: Juan Carlos Macías, Fernando Solanas, Sebastián Mignona, A. Ponce / Sonido: J. Kuschnir, M. Dickinson, G. Scheuer, E. Vaucher / Mezcla de Sonido: Bruno Tarriere / Música Original: Gerardo Gandini / Asesor Legal: Julio Raffo
Rodada en Argentina. Fue filmada en el año 2002 en las regiones de Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Rosario, Tucumán, Corrientes y Neuquén.
Se montó en Buenos Aires en el 2003 y la terminación técnica de la imagen se realizó en Zurich (Swiss Efect Laboratorio) y París (Eclair) La mezcla de Sonido se realizó en París (S y S París)
Fuente y más información: http://www.pinosolanas.com/memoria_info.htm
wn.com/Memoria Del Saqueo Argentina (2003)
La tragedia que nos tocó vivir con el derrumbe del gobierno liberal de De la Rúa, me impulsaron a volver a mis inicios en el cine, hace más de 40 años, cuando la búsqueda de una identidad política y cinematográfica y la resistencia a la dictadura, me llevaron a filmar "La Hora de los Hornos". Las circunstancias han cambiado y para mal: ¿Cómo fue posible que en el "granero del mundo" se padeciera hambre? El país había sido devastado por un nuevo tipo de agresión, silenciosa y sistemática, que dejaba más muertos que los del terrorismo de Estado y la guerra de Malvinas. En nombre de la globalización y el libre comercio, las recetas económicas de los organismos internacionales terminaron en el genocidio social y el vaciamiento financiero del país. La responsabilidad de los gobiernos de Menem y De la Rúa no exime al FMI, al Banco Mundial ni a sus países mandantes. Buscando beneficios extraordinarios nos impusieron planes neoracistas que suprimían derechos sociales adquiridos y condenaron a muerte por desnutrición, vejez prematura o enfermedades curables, a millones de personas. Eran crímenes de lesa humanidad en tiempos de paz.
Una vez más, la realidad me impuso recontextualizar las imágenes y componer un fresco vivo de lo que habíamos soportado durante las tres décadas que van de la dictadura de Videla a la rebelión popular del 19 y 20 de diciembre de 2001, que terminó con el gobierno de la Alianza. "Memoria del Saqueo" es mi manera de contribuir al debate que en Argentina y el mundo se está desarrollando con la certeza que frente a la globalización deshumanizada, "otro mundo es posible".
Fernando E. Solanas
Cientos de veces me he preguntado cómo es posible que en un país tan rico la pobreza y el hambre alcanzara tal magnitud? ¿Qué sucedió con las promesas de modernidad, trabajo y bienestar que pregonaran políticos, empresarios, economistas iluminados y sus comunicadores mediáticos, si jamás el país conoció estos aberrantes niveles de desocupación e indigencia? ¿Cómo puede entenderse la enajenación del patrimonio público para pagar la deuda, si el endeudamiento se multiplicó varias veces comprometiendo el futuro por varias generaciones? ¿Cómo fue posible en democracia tanta burla al mandato del voto , tanta degradación de las instituciones republicanas, tanta sumisión a los poderes externos, tanta impunidad, corrupción y pérdida de derechos sociales?
Responder a los interrogantes que dejó la catástrofe social o repasar los capítulos bochornosos de la historia reciente, sería imposible en los limitados márgenes de una película: hacen falta muchas más, junto a investigaciones, debates y estudios para dar cuenta de la magnitud de esa catástrofe.
Esta película nació para aportar a la memoria contra el olvido, reconstruir la historia de una de las etapas más graves de la Argentina para incitar a denunciar las causas que provocaron el vaciamiento económico y el genocidio social. "Memoria del saqueo" es también un cine libre y creativo realizado en los inciertos meses de 2002 , cuando no existían certezas sobre el futuro político del país. A treinta y cinco años de "La Hora de los Hornos", he querido retomar la historia desde las palabras y gestos de sus protagonistas y recuperar las imágenes en su contexto. Procesos e imágenes que con sus rasgos propios también han golpeado a otros países hermanos. Es una manera de contribuir a la tarea plural de una refundación democrática de la Argentina y al debate que en el mundo se desarrolla frente a la globalización deshumanizada con la certeza de que "otro mundo es posible".
Fernando Solanas / Marzo 2004
Dirección: Fernando E. Solanas / Guión, relato y vos: Fernando E. Solanas / Investigación: Alcira Argumedo - Fernando E. Solanas / Dirección de Producción: Daniel Samyn / Asistentes: I. Gotthold, R. Pravatto, Flexa Correa, M. Cane Solanas, E. Romero / Productor Asociado: María Marta Solanas / Producción Delegada y Ejecutiva: Pierre-Alain Meier - Alain Rozanes - Fernando E. Solanas i / Imagen: A. Fernández Mouján y Fernando Solanas /Montaje: Juan Carlos Macías, Fernando Solanas, Sebastián Mignona, A. Ponce / Sonido: J. Kuschnir, M. Dickinson, G. Scheuer, E. Vaucher / Mezcla de Sonido: Bruno Tarriere / Música Original: Gerardo Gandini / Asesor Legal: Julio Raffo
Rodada en Argentina. Fue filmada en el año 2002 en las regiones de Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Rosario, Tucumán, Corrientes y Neuquén.
Se montó en Buenos Aires en el 2003 y la terminación técnica de la imagen se realizó en Zurich (Swiss Efect Laboratorio) y París (Eclair) La mezcla de Sonido se realizó en París (S y S París)
Fuente y más información: http://www.pinosolanas.com/memoria_info.htm
- published: 19 Dec 2011
- views: 77627
Sur (Fernando Solanas, 1988)
site oficial do filme:
site oficial do filme:
wn.com/Sur (Fernando Solanas, 1988)
site oficial do filme:
- published: 01 Jun 2015
- views: 0
La Hora de los Hornos - Fernando Pino Solanas y Octavio Getino (1968)
Se filmó en 1968 por los cineastas Fernando "Pino" Solanas y Octavio Getino quienes integraban el "Grupo de Cine Liberación". La pelícuala está dividido en t......
Se filmó en 1968 por los cineastas Fernando "Pino" Solanas y Octavio Getino quienes integraban el "Grupo de Cine Liberación". La pelícuala está dividido en t...
wn.com/La Hora De Los Hornos Fernando Pino Solanas Y Octavio Getino (1968)
Se filmó en 1968 por los cineastas Fernando "Pino" Solanas y Octavio Getino quienes integraban el "Grupo de Cine Liberación". La pelícuala está dividido en t...
"La Guerra del Fracking" documental de Pino Solanas sobre la explotación de petróleo no convencional con la técnica denominada Fracking. Descripción "La guer......
"La Guerra del Fracking" documental de Pino Solanas sobre la explotación de petróleo no convencional con la técnica denominada Fracking. Descripción "La guer...
wn.com/Hd La Guerra Del Fracking De Pino Solanas
"La Guerra del Fracking" documental de Pino Solanas sobre la explotación de petróleo no convencional con la técnica denominada Fracking. Descripción "La guer...
- published: 17 Oct 2013
- views: 106971
author: Cinesur SA
La Dignidad de los Nadies - De Pino Solanas (2005)
La película se centra en la vida de diversos personajes de la Argentina luego de la crisis institucional y socio-económica ocurrida en el país en el año 2001......
La película se centra en la vida de diversos personajes de la Argentina luego de la crisis institucional y socio-económica ocurrida en el país en el año 2001...
wn.com/La Dignidad De Los Nadies De Pino Solanas (2005)
La película se centra en la vida de diversos personajes de la Argentina luego de la crisis institucional y socio-económica ocurrida en el país en el año 2001...
Fernando Solanas - El Sur
Magnifique filme de Fernando E. Solanas....
Magnifique filme de Fernando E. Solanas.
wn.com/Fernando Solanas El Sur
Magnifique filme de Fernando E. Solanas.
- published: 26 Nov 2008
- views: 16464
author: Comounhacha
Sur-Solanas Part 1
Uploaded with Free Video Converter from Freemake http://www.freemake.com/free_video_converter/...
Uploaded with Free Video Converter from Freemake http://www.freemake.com/free_video_converter/
wn.com/Sur Solanas Part 1
Uploaded with Free Video Converter from Freemake http://www.freemake.com/free_video_converter/
- published: 19 Dec 2013
- views: 448
author: Tangofa100
Los Hijos de Fierro - Fernando Pino Solanas (1975)
La idea original de la película comenzó a gestarse bajo la dictadura de Juan Carlos Onganía y con Juan Domingo Perón en el exilio. Fue realizada ya en democr......
La idea original de la película comenzó a gestarse bajo la dictadura de Juan Carlos Onganía y con Juan Domingo Perón en el exilio. Fue realizada ya en democr...
wn.com/Los Hijos De Fierro Fernando Pino Solanas (1975)
La idea original de la película comenzó a gestarse bajo la dictadura de Juan Carlos Onganía y con Juan Domingo Perón en el exilio. Fue realizada ya en democr...
POPE FRANCIS unmissable interview by film director Fernando E. Solanas
Multi award winning film director and argentinian senator Fernando E. Solanas made this amazing interview where Pope Francis talks about environment contamin......
Multi award winning film director and argentinian senator Fernando E. Solanas made this amazing interview where Pope Francis talks about environment contamin...
wn.com/Pope Francis Unmissable Interview By Film Director Fernando E. Solanas
Multi award winning film director and argentinian senator Fernando E. Solanas made this amazing interview where Pope Francis talks about environment contamin...
- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 8479
author: Cinesur SA
La hora de los Hornos Neocolonialismo y Violencia - F. "Pino" Solanas
Este film está dividido en tres partes: "Neocolonialismo y violencia"; "Acto para la liberación", dividido a su vez en dos grandes momentos "Crónica del pero......
Este film está dividido en tres partes: "Neocolonialismo y violencia"; "Acto para la liberación", dividido a su vez en dos grandes momentos "Crónica del pero...
wn.com/La Hora De Los Hornos Neocolonialismo Y Violencia F. Pino Solanas
Este film está dividido en tres partes: "Neocolonialismo y violencia"; "Acto para la liberación", dividido a su vez en dos grandes momentos "Crónica del pero...
wn.com/C5N Ypf, La Expropiacion | Fernando Solanas
- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 3786
author: c5n
Torno al Sud Vuelvo al Sur di Fernando Solanas
Torno al Sud musica di Astor Piazzola canta Roberto Goyeneche
Scritta per la colonna sonora del film "Sur". Fernando Solanas, il regista del film, è anche l'aut...
Torno al Sud musica di Astor Piazzola canta Roberto Goyeneche
Scritta per la colonna sonora del film "Sur". Fernando Solanas, il regista del film, è anche l'autore del testo.
Torno al sud
come si torna sempre all'amore
torno da te
col mio desiderio, col mio timore
Porto il sud
come un destino del cuore
sono del sud
come le arie del bandoneon
Sogno il sud
immensa luna, cielo capovolto
cerco il sud
il tempo aperto e il suo seguito
Amo il sud
la sua buona gente, la sua dignità
sento il sud
come il tuo corpo nell'intimità
Ti amo sud
sud ti amo
Torno al sud
come si torna sempre all'amore
torno da te
col mio desiderio, col mio timore
Amo il sud
la sua buona gente, la sua dignità
sento il sud
come il tuo corpo nell'intimità
Torno al sud
porto il sud
ti amo sud
ti amo sud
Il film si svolge nel 1983: in Argentina è appena caduta la dittatura. Floreal, operaio di Buenos Aires, dopo cinque anni può finalmente uscire di prigione. Arrivato davanti alla porta di casa però l'uomo esita ad entrare, temendo che la moglie lo abbia tradito con il compagno di lavoro Roberto. Così preferisce vagare nella notte per la città, accompagnato dal fantasma del suo amico 'El Negro', alla ricerca del suo passato. La mattina il fantasma si dissolve e Floreal torna a riabbracciare la moglie e il suo bambino.
Vuelvo al Sur música de Astor Piazzola canta Roberto Goyeneche
Escrita por la banda sonora de la película ”Sur”. Fernando Solanas, director de la película es el autor del texto.
Vuelvo al Sur,
como se vuelve siempre al amor,
vuelvo a vos,
con mi deseo, con mi temor.
Llevo el Sur,
como un destino del corazón,
soy del Sur,
como los aires del bandoneón.
Sueño el Sur,
inmensa luna, cielo al reves,
busco el Sur,
el tiempo abierto, y su después.
Quiero al Sur,
su buena gente, su dignidad,
siento el Sur,
como tu cuerpo en la intimidad.
Te quiero Sur,
Sur, te quiero.
Vuelvo al Sur,
como se vuelve siempre al amor,
vuelvo a vos,
con mi deseo, con mi temor.
Quiero al Sur,
su buena gente, su dignidad,
siento el Sur,
como tu cuerpo en la intimidad.
Vuelvo al Sur,
llevo el Sur,
te quiero Sur,
te quiero Sur...
La película se desarrolla en 1983: En Argentina acaba de caer la dictatura. Floreal, obreo de Buenos aires, después de cinco años puede finalmente salir de la cárcel. Llegato frente a la puerta de su casa pero el hombre titubea al entrar, temiendo qie la esposa lo haya traicionado con el compañero de trabajo Roberto. Así prefiere vagar en la noche por la ciudad, acompañado por el fantasma de su amigo “El Negro” en la búsqueda de su pasado. En la mañana el fantasma se disuelve y Floreal regresa volviendo a abrazar su esposa e hijo
wn.com/Torno Al Sud Vuelvo Al Sur Di Fernando Solanas
Torno al Sud musica di Astor Piazzola canta Roberto Goyeneche
Scritta per la colonna sonora del film "Sur". Fernando Solanas, il regista del film, è anche l'autore del testo.
Torno al sud
come si torna sempre all'amore
torno da te
col mio desiderio, col mio timore
Porto il sud
come un destino del cuore
sono del sud
come le arie del bandoneon
Sogno il sud
immensa luna, cielo capovolto
cerco il sud
il tempo aperto e il suo seguito
Amo il sud
la sua buona gente, la sua dignità
sento il sud
come il tuo corpo nell'intimità
Ti amo sud
sud ti amo
Torno al sud
come si torna sempre all'amore
torno da te
col mio desiderio, col mio timore
Amo il sud
la sua buona gente, la sua dignità
sento il sud
come il tuo corpo nell'intimità
Torno al sud
porto il sud
ti amo sud
ti amo sud
Il film si svolge nel 1983: in Argentina è appena caduta la dittatura. Floreal, operaio di Buenos Aires, dopo cinque anni può finalmente uscire di prigione. Arrivato davanti alla porta di casa però l'uomo esita ad entrare, temendo che la moglie lo abbia tradito con il compagno di lavoro Roberto. Così preferisce vagare nella notte per la città, accompagnato dal fantasma del suo amico 'El Negro', alla ricerca del suo passato. La mattina il fantasma si dissolve e Floreal torna a riabbracciare la moglie e il suo bambino.
Vuelvo al Sur música de Astor Piazzola canta Roberto Goyeneche
Escrita por la banda sonora de la película ”Sur”. Fernando Solanas, director de la película es el autor del texto.
Vuelvo al Sur,
como se vuelve siempre al amor,
vuelvo a vos,
con mi deseo, con mi temor.
Llevo el Sur,
como un destino del corazón,
soy del Sur,
como los aires del bandoneón.
Sueño el Sur,
inmensa luna, cielo al reves,
busco el Sur,
el tiempo abierto, y su después.
Quiero al Sur,
su buena gente, su dignidad,
siento el Sur,
como tu cuerpo en la intimidad.
Te quiero Sur,
Sur, te quiero.
Vuelvo al Sur,
como se vuelve siempre al amor,
vuelvo a vos,
con mi deseo, con mi temor.
Quiero al Sur,
su buena gente, su dignidad,
siento el Sur,
como tu cuerpo en la intimidad.
Vuelvo al Sur,
llevo el Sur,
te quiero Sur,
te quiero Sur...
La película se desarrolla en 1983: En Argentina acaba de caer la dictatura. Floreal, obreo de Buenos aires, después de cinco años puede finalmente salir de la cárcel. Llegato frente a la puerta de su casa pero el hombre titubea al entrar, temiendo qie la esposa lo haya traicionado con el compañero de trabajo Roberto. Así prefiere vagar en la noche por la ciudad, acompañado por el fantasma de su amigo “El Negro” en la búsqueda de su pasado. En la mañana el fantasma se disuelve y Floreal regresa volviendo a abrazar su esposa e hijo
- published: 29 Jan 2015
- views: 95
Argentina Latente - De Pino Solanas (2007)
El director recorre distintas zonas de la Argentina, entrevistando a técnicos, ingenieros, trabajadores y científicos, poniendo en evidencia el potencial eco......
El director recorre distintas zonas de la Argentina, entrevistando a técnicos, ingenieros, trabajadores y científicos, poniendo en evidencia el potencial eco...
wn.com/Argentina Latente De Pino Solanas (2007)
El director recorre distintas zonas de la Argentina, entrevistando a técnicos, ingenieros, trabajadores y científicos, poniendo en evidencia el potencial eco...
Sur - Fernando Solanas 1988 (Part 1/10) (Sottotitoli italiano Part1)
Fernando Ezequiel (Pino) Solanas, Argentino di Buenos Aires, artista dalle mille sfaccettature :Regista, Attore, Sceneggiatore, Scrittore, Autore, Fumettista.
Fernando Ezequiel (Pino) Solanas, Argentino di Buenos Aires, artista dalle mille sfaccettature :Regista, Attore, Sceneggiatore, Scrittore, Autore, Fumettista.
Sono suoi due grandi capolavori dedicati al tango argentino :
Tangos - El exilio de Gardel del 1985 e Sur del 1988
Sur è un film onirico e suggestivo, dove i morti si mescolano ai vivi, dove amore, gelosia,tristezza speranza,attesa,politica,persecuzione si mescolano in una lunghissima e incredibile notte!
wn.com/Sur Fernando Solanas 1988 (Part 1 10) (Sottotitoli Italiano Part1)
Fernando Ezequiel (Pino) Solanas, Argentino di Buenos Aires, artista dalle mille sfaccettature :Regista, Attore, Sceneggiatore, Scrittore, Autore, Fumettista.
Sono suoi due grandi capolavori dedicati al tango argentino :
Tangos - El exilio de Gardel del 1985 e Sur del 1988
Sur è un film onirico e suggestivo, dove i morti si mescolano ai vivi, dove amore, gelosia,tristezza speranza,attesa,politica,persecuzione si mescolano in una lunghissima e incredibile notte!
- published: 04 Aug 2015
- views: 6
Sur - Fernando Solanas 1988 (Part 2/10)
Fernando Ezequiel (Pino) Solanas, Argentino di Buenos Aires, artista dalle mille sfaccettature :Regista, Attore, Sceneggiatore, Scrittore, Autore, Fumettista.
Fernando Ezequiel (Pino) Solanas, Argentino di Buenos Aires, artista dalle mille sfaccettature :Regista, Attore, Sceneggiatore, Scrittore, Autore, Fumettista.
Sono suoi due grandi capolavori dedicati al tango argentino :
Tangos - El exilio de Gardel del 1985 e Sur del 1988
Sur è un film onirico e suggestivo, dove i morti si mescolano ai vivi, dove amore, gelosia,tristezza speranza,attesa,politica,persecuzione si mescolano in una lunghissima e incredibile notte!
wn.com/Sur Fernando Solanas 1988 (Part 2 10)
Fernando Ezequiel (Pino) Solanas, Argentino di Buenos Aires, artista dalle mille sfaccettature :Regista, Attore, Sceneggiatore, Scrittore, Autore, Fumettista.
Sono suoi due grandi capolavori dedicati al tango argentino :
Tangos - El exilio de Gardel del 1985 e Sur del 1988
Sur è un film onirico e suggestivo, dove i morti si mescolano ai vivi, dove amore, gelosia,tristezza speranza,attesa,politica,persecuzione si mescolano in una lunghissima e incredibile notte!
- published: 04 Aug 2015
- views: 6
La Próxima Estación - De Pino Solanas (2008)
Narra la historia de los ferrocarriles argentinos desde 1857 hasta la crisis del sistema de transporte actual. El cierre de ramales de las líneas de ferrocar......
Narra la historia de los ferrocarriles argentinos desde 1857 hasta la crisis del sistema de transporte actual. El cierre de ramales de las líneas de ferrocar...
wn.com/La Próxima Estación De Pino Solanas (2008)
Narra la historia de los ferrocarriles argentinos desde 1857 hasta la crisis del sistema de transporte actual. El cierre de ramales de las líneas de ferrocar...
Malta: With so many things to see we have included: Sliema, Valletta, Grand Harbour, Comino, the Blue Lagoon, the Azure Window, Gozo, and Victoria / Rabat.
Malta is probably the best Mediterranean Island and gives any Greek Island a run for it's money.
Medieval Shopping by TeknoAXE
-is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
A Perfect Day in Barcelona
What makes for the perfect day in Barcelona? That is a tough one...but Brian & Ivette think they are up to the task. They take you on a private tour through one of their favorite cities and include helpful tips to get the most out of your next trip to the amazing city, regardless of how much time you have to spend there. Follow them as they show you the perfect day in Barcelona.
If you have any
Univerity of Virginia Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The Lawn
during winter, with tracks through the snow. At center is The Rotunda,
which was the original library building at the head of Jefferson's
Academical Village. Father of the University of Virginia, Thomas
Jefferson was the first and only President of the United States to
found an institution of higher learning. James Madison served
Visit Jandia Playa in the Canary Islands | Travel Guide | Travel Tips
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Travel Guide to Canary Islands http://bit.ly/1ai2qw8 Jandia Playa is located on the peninsula of Jandia, w...
GERMANY Travel Video || Visit COLOGNE || Shamira Solana
Don't blink;) Here's some highlights from my recent trip to KOLN, GERMANY with my bro!!!! + DANKE SCHON to all the supercool and amazing Germans that we've met during our stay in Cologne. It means the world to us. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. I hope you enjoy watching this 3min video^-^ Special thanks to Hansi!!!
Watch my previous video: '' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG_dsz14cP
Travel Vlog || BARCELONA PART 1
HOLAAAAAAAAA beautiful people!! I hope you enjoy this travel vlog PART 1 from my recent Barcelona trip with my 2 BROS and friends. Let me know what you think. ;)
♥Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shamir...
♥Instagram: https://instagram.com/shamirasolana/
♥Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShamiraSolana
♥Snapchat: shamirasolana
SUBSCRIBE to get instant updates.
Beijing Travel Guide - Merry Christmas 2016
Merry Christmas! All the best wishes to my fans!
This is my trip to Barcelona and this is what i loved about it!!!
Travel Vlog || Lisbon, Portugal
My very first video uploaded on this channel. My recent Portugal 3 days trip. Compilation of our videos we had from my phone, Jane's phone, dslr camera and my go-pro.
I know it's not perfect but I believe it's a learning process. Let me know what you guys think.
Please SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more and feel free to make suggestions.
Mauritius Tourist Guide February Photo Competition Images
The Mauritius Tourist Guide Photo Competition, participants images are in no particular order Thank you to all those who took part.
BARCELONA PART 2 || Travel Vlog - W hotel, night out, Barceloneta beach
Hi guysssss! THANKS FOR WATCHING!!!!!! BARCELONA Part2 is finally HERE! DON'T FORGET to click that THUMBS UP button ;) ;)
Mauritius trip (HD)
Mauritius trip - Mauritius tourism & vacations - Tourist Attractions in Mauritius
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Mauritius is a small, multi-cultural island in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar, NorthEast of Reunion and southeast of the Seychelles. Mauritius also controls Rodrigues Island and the remote, sparsely populated Ag
Free Orlando Travel Guide www.UsaTips4Brits.co.uk Disney, Universal, Sea World & More!
Check out our amazing FREE travel guide to Orlando Florida, Disney, Universal, and more at www.usatips4brits.co.uk. Find us on Facebook and tell all your fri...
Solana Beach Mauritius
Solana Beach, which forms part of the group Southern Cross Hotels, is a stunning beach resort with all the rooms open right on the beach. This 4 star resort embodies a fresh concept with eye catching patterns in bright colours combined with neutral shades furniture. With its pronounced colours of the 1960’s and 70’s, associated with trendy decors, Solana Beach is a blend of natural beauty and cont
Top 10 Ranking Travel in the World Guide #8 Barcelona | World Guide | World Travel
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Barcelona (English /bɑrsɨˈloʊnə/, Catalan: [bərsəˈɫonə], Spanish: [barθeˈlona]
THE TRAVEL GUIDE - 01/23/2015
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Solana Beach offers coastal and expanded Real Estate all the way East to Rancho Santa Fe. From the Cedros Design District to Fletcher Cove to the San Elijo Lagoon, Solana Beach is loved by outdoor enthusiasts from surfers to triathletes. Solana Beach offers a small town feel with all the luxury of a
Family Travel in Spain: Costa Brava | CloudMom
BLOG: http://cloudmom.com
My Spain Travel Guide continues with Costa Brava, which has some of the best beaches and Roman ruins in Spain.
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Benidorm Series Solana Hotel
http://www.spainmadesimple.com/costa-blanca/benidorm/where-is-benidorm/ The setting and location for the ITV smash-hot comedy drama Benidorm starring Johnny ...
TRAVEL MOVIE | Barcelona
My first travel movie: GRAB YOUR BAGS goes Barcelona! I seriously never expected that I would enjoy filming as much as I did and I am actually kind of proud of the result. I tried to capture the daily life during the warm summer days. For some reason Youtube doesn't automatically play it in HD, so please check the quality!
Hopefully you like the video and subscribe to my channel for more GRAB YO
SB Road Trip: The Ultimate Pampanga Guide
TRAVEL: Portugal | uglyfaceofbeautyvlog
I recently went to Portugal for 6 days with Curvy Kate and their team. Unfortunately both my camera and phone suffered water damage and my camera only worked the first day LOL, both are repaired now so this is a little bit of a failed vlog. Either way - I hope you like it and it gets you in the mood for summer and holidays.
My Site - http://fave.co/1g2tTtU
Cheap military hotels deals, MilitaryTravelzone.com, Miami, Dallas, NYC, Los Angeles
MilitaryTravelZone.com MilitaryTravelZone.com offers easy to book accommodations at the lowest rates, rivaling those of Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity. Prov...
Malta: With so many things to see we have included: Sliema, Valletta, Grand Harbour, Comino, the Blue Lagoon, the Azure Window, Gozo, and Victoria / Rabat.
Malta: With so many things to see we have included: Sliema, Valletta, Grand Harbour, Comino, the Blue Lagoon, the Azure Window, Gozo, and Victoria / Rabat.
Malta is probably the best Mediterranean Island and gives any Greek Island a run for it's money.
Medieval Shopping by TeknoAXE
-is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
On My Mind by TeknoAXE
- is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Heavy Interlude by Kevin MacLeod.
Available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
Filling the Void by TeknoAXE
-is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
wn.com/Hd Malta Travel Guide
Malta: With so many things to see we have included: Sliema, Valletta, Grand Harbour, Comino, the Blue Lagoon, the Azure Window, Gozo, and Victoria / Rabat.
Malta is probably the best Mediterranean Island and gives any Greek Island a run for it's money.
Medieval Shopping by TeknoAXE
-is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
On My Mind by TeknoAXE
- is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Heavy Interlude by Kevin MacLeod.
Available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
Filling the Void by TeknoAXE
-is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 71708
A Perfect Day in Barcelona
What makes for the perfect day in Barcelona? That is a tough one...but Brian & Ivette think they are up to the task. They take you on a private tour through one...
What makes for the perfect day in Barcelona? That is a tough one...but Brian & Ivette think they are up to the task. They take you on a private tour through one of their favorite cities and include helpful tips to get the most out of your next trip to the amazing city, regardless of how much time you have to spend there. Follow them as they show you the perfect day in Barcelona.
If you have any questions about Barcelona please leave them in the comments below and they will be glad to respond :)
All the activities taken in Barcelona were booked on GetYourGuide (http://bit.ly/1Rq8xpR). Visit the GetYourGuide website, you can book tours and activities all over the world! If you want to see more of the GetYourGuide adventures, subscribe to their channel: http://bit.ly/1JNi2dM
Sagrada Skip the Line link - http://www.getyourguide.com/barcelona-l45/sagrada-familia-skip-the-line-ticket-t50027/
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wn.com/A Perfect Day In Barcelona
What makes for the perfect day in Barcelona? That is a tough one...but Brian & Ivette think they are up to the task. They take you on a private tour through one of their favorite cities and include helpful tips to get the most out of your next trip to the amazing city, regardless of how much time you have to spend there. Follow them as they show you the perfect day in Barcelona.
If you have any questions about Barcelona please leave them in the comments below and they will be glad to respond :)
All the activities taken in Barcelona were booked on GetYourGuide (http://bit.ly/1Rq8xpR). Visit the GetYourGuide website, you can book tours and activities all over the world! If you want to see more of the GetYourGuide adventures, subscribe to their channel: http://bit.ly/1JNi2dM
Sagrada Skip the Line link - http://www.getyourguide.com/barcelona-l45/sagrada-familia-skip-the-line-ticket-t50027/
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Blog: http://thetravelvlogger.com/
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- published: 02 Jun 2015
- views: 182
Univerity of Virginia Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The Lawn
during winter, with tracks through the snow. At center is The Rotunda,
which was the origin...
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The Lawn
during winter, with tracks through the snow. At center is The Rotunda,
which was the original library building at the head of Jefferson's
Academical Village. Father of the University of Virginia, Thomas
Jefferson was the first and only President of the United States to
found an institution of higher learning. James Madison served as the
second Rector of the University of Virginia until his death
(18261836). Elevation of The Rotunda drawn by Thomas Jefferson in
1819. The Great Rotunda Fire, 1895. The Rotunda today. Georgia O'Keeffe
(photo at U.Va.1915) was inspired to take up painting again during
Summer Session, and was later a Teaching Assistant for several years,
before becoming one of the world's most famous modernists. Edgar Allan
Poe lived on the Range during the University's second session before
dropping out in 1826 after going into debt. Homer statue on the Lawn.
Julian Bond - University Professor and former Chairman of the NAACP.
John Paul Jones Arena is new for 2006. Alderman Library is a favorite
study spot for students. This plaque in honor of the university's first
President Edwin Alderman, with a quote from founder Thomas Jefferson,
was donated by the Seven Society, one of the University's many secret
societies. As at many universities, a portion of U.Va. students consume
alcohol socially. (Notice The Rotunda in the reflection of this
Chardonnay.). Woodrow Wilson. Robert F. Kennedy. Javier Solana. Katie
wn.com/Univerity Of Virginia Wikipedia Travel Guide Video. Created By Stupeflix.Com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The Lawn
during winter, with tracks through the snow. At center is The Rotunda,
which was the original library building at the head of Jefferson's
Academical Village. Father of the University of Virginia, Thomas
Jefferson was the first and only President of the United States to
found an institution of higher learning. James Madison served as the
second Rector of the University of Virginia until his death
(18261836). Elevation of The Rotunda drawn by Thomas Jefferson in
1819. The Great Rotunda Fire, 1895. The Rotunda today. Georgia O'Keeffe
(photo at U.Va.1915) was inspired to take up painting again during
Summer Session, and was later a Teaching Assistant for several years,
before becoming one of the world's most famous modernists. Edgar Allan
Poe lived on the Range during the University's second session before
dropping out in 1826 after going into debt. Homer statue on the Lawn.
Julian Bond - University Professor and former Chairman of the NAACP.
John Paul Jones Arena is new for 2006. Alderman Library is a favorite
study spot for students. This plaque in honor of the university's first
President Edwin Alderman, with a quote from founder Thomas Jefferson,
was donated by the Seven Society, one of the University's many secret
societies. As at many universities, a portion of U.Va. students consume
alcohol socially. (Notice The Rotunda in the reflection of this
Chardonnay.). Woodrow Wilson. Robert F. Kennedy. Javier Solana. Katie
- published: 18 Mar 2010
- views: 104
Visit Jandia Playa in the Canary Islands | Travel Guide | Travel Tips
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Travel Guide to Canary Islands http://bit.ly/1ai2qw8 Jandia Playa is located on the peninsula of Jandia, w......
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Travel Guide to Canary Islands http://bit.ly/1ai2qw8 Jandia Playa is located on the peninsula of Jandia, w...
wn.com/Visit Jandia Playa In The Canary Islands | Travel Guide | Travel Tips
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Travel Guide to Canary Islands http://bit.ly/1ai2qw8 Jandia Playa is located on the peninsula of Jandia, w...
GERMANY Travel Video || Visit COLOGNE || Shamira Solana
Don't blink;) Here's some highlights from my recent trip to KOLN, GERMANY with my bro!!!! + DANKE SCHON to all the supercool and amazing Germans that we've met ...
Don't blink;) Here's some highlights from my recent trip to KOLN, GERMANY with my bro!!!! + DANKE SCHON to all the supercool and amazing Germans that we've met during our stay in Cologne. It means the world to us. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. I hope you enjoy watching this 3min video^-^ Special thanks to Hansi!!!
Watch my previous video: '' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG_dsz14cPM ''
♥Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/shamira.solana?ref=bookmarks
♥Instagram: shamirasolana https://instagram.com/shamirasolana/
♥Twitter: shamirasolana https://twitter.com/ShamiraSolana
♥Snapchat: shamirasolana
I hope you enjoyed the video, and if you did please give it a big thumbs up and comment a video suggestion down below =D
Business inquiries: whysooSHAM@gmail.com
SUBSCRIBE to get instant updates.
THANK YOU!!!!!! ;)
Much looove,
wn.com/Germany Travel Video || Visit Cologne || Shamira Solana
Don't blink;) Here's some highlights from my recent trip to KOLN, GERMANY with my bro!!!! + DANKE SCHON to all the supercool and amazing Germans that we've met during our stay in Cologne. It means the world to us. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. I hope you enjoy watching this 3min video^-^ Special thanks to Hansi!!!
Watch my previous video: '' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG_dsz14cPM ''
♥Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/shamira.solana?ref=bookmarks
♥Instagram: shamirasolana https://instagram.com/shamirasolana/
♥Twitter: shamirasolana https://twitter.com/ShamiraSolana
♥Snapchat: shamirasolana
I hope you enjoyed the video, and if you did please give it a big thumbs up and comment a video suggestion down below =D
Business inquiries: whysooSHAM@gmail.com
SUBSCRIBE to get instant updates.
THANK YOU!!!!!! ;)
Much looove,
- published: 01 Dec 2015
- views: 133
Travel Vlog || BARCELONA PART 1
HOLAAAAAAAAA beautiful people!! I hope you enjoy this travel vlog PART 1 from my recent Barcelona trip with my 2 BROS and friends. Let me know what you think. ;...
HOLAAAAAAAAA beautiful people!! I hope you enjoy this travel vlog PART 1 from my recent Barcelona trip with my 2 BROS and friends. Let me know what you think. ;)
♥Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shamir...
♥Instagram: https://instagram.com/shamirasolana/
♥Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShamiraSolana
♥Snapchat: shamirasolana
SUBSCRIBE to get instant updates.
Much looove,
wn.com/Travel Vlog || Barcelona Part 1
HOLAAAAAAAAA beautiful people!! I hope you enjoy this travel vlog PART 1 from my recent Barcelona trip with my 2 BROS and friends. Let me know what you think. ;)
♥Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shamir...
♥Instagram: https://instagram.com/shamirasolana/
♥Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShamiraSolana
♥Snapchat: shamirasolana
SUBSCRIBE to get instant updates.
Much looove,
- published: 06 Jul 2015
- views: 35
Beijing Travel Guide - Merry Christmas 2016
Merry Christmas! All the best wishes to my fans!...
Merry Christmas! All the best wishes to my fans!
wn.com/Beijing Travel Guide Merry Christmas 2016
Merry Christmas! All the best wishes to my fans!
- published: 24 Dec 2015
- views: 16
This is my trip to Barcelona and this is what i loved about it!!!...
This is my trip to Barcelona and this is what i loved about it!!!
wn.com/Barcelona Travel Guide What To See Hd 2015
This is my trip to Barcelona and this is what i loved about it!!!
- published: 16 Jun 2015
- views: 19
Travel Vlog || Lisbon, Portugal
My very first video uploaded on this channel. My recent Portugal 3 days trip. Compilation of our videos we had from my phone, Jane's phone, dslr camera and my g...
My very first video uploaded on this channel. My recent Portugal 3 days trip. Compilation of our videos we had from my phone, Jane's phone, dslr camera and my go-pro.
I know it's not perfect but I believe it's a learning process. Let me know what you guys think.
Please SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more and feel free to make suggestions.
wn.com/Travel Vlog || Lisbon, Portugal
My very first video uploaded on this channel. My recent Portugal 3 days trip. Compilation of our videos we had from my phone, Jane's phone, dslr camera and my go-pro.
I know it's not perfect but I believe it's a learning process. Let me know what you guys think.
Please SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more and feel free to make suggestions.
- published: 11 May 2015
- views: 98
Mauritius Tourist Guide February Photo Competition Images
The Mauritius Tourist Guide Photo Competition, participants images are in no particular order Thank you to all those who took part....
The Mauritius Tourist Guide Photo Competition, participants images are in no particular order Thank you to all those who took part.
wn.com/Mauritius Tourist Guide February Photo Competition Images
The Mauritius Tourist Guide Photo Competition, participants images are in no particular order Thank you to all those who took part.
BARCELONA PART 2 || Travel Vlog - W hotel, night out, Barceloneta beach
Hi guysssss! THANKS FOR WATCHING!!!!!! BARCELONA Part2 is finally HERE! DON'T FORGET to click that THUMBS UP button ;) ;)...
Hi guysssss! THANKS FOR WATCHING!!!!!! BARCELONA Part2 is finally HERE! DON'T FORGET to click that THUMBS UP button ;) ;)
wn.com/Barcelona Part 2 || Travel Vlog W Hotel, Night Out, Barceloneta Beach
Hi guysssss! THANKS FOR WATCHING!!!!!! BARCELONA Part2 is finally HERE! DON'T FORGET to click that THUMBS UP button ;) ;)
- published: 22 Jul 2015
- views: 226
Mauritius trip (HD)
Mauritius trip - Mauritius tourism & vacations - Tourist Attractions in Mauritius
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_cent...
Mauritius trip - Mauritius tourism & vacations - Tourist Attractions in Mauritius
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Mauritius is a small, multi-cultural island in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar, NorthEast of Reunion and southeast of the Seychelles. Mauritius also controls Rodrigues Island and the remote, sparsely populated Agalega and Cargados Garayos (Saint Brandon) islands.
See in Mauritius
Grand Bay was the first area of the island to fully experience the tourist boom. A shopping and leisure paradise, Grand Bay is also where Mauritians go when they want a fun-filled night out (restaurants, bars and discos). Recently renovated, La Cuvette beach is well worth a visit.
Pereybere — The wonderful Pereybere public beach is popular because of its shopping facilities, restaurants and pubs. This is one of the best beaches for swimming.
Balaclava Ruins — Near (a few metres) Baie aux Tortues, which 17th century sailors named after the many tortoises in the area, can be found the ruins of the old Balaclava estate. Visitors can see the sea walls, whose initial foundations were laid down by Mahé de Labourdonnais. The location of the ruins now form part of Maritim Hotel, and public access may not be possible.
The Triolet Shivala — The longest village on the island, Triolet offers an opportunity to visit the biggest Hindu temple, the Maheswarnath, first built in 1819 in honour of the Gods Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu, Muruga, Brahma and Ganesha.
The Labourdonnais Orchards — Discover a large variety of tropical fruit trees, and colourful and perfumed exotic flowers. Trips on mountain bikes or hiking are possible.
The Caudan Waterfront — The Caudan Waterfront and its surroundings has a great collection of local souvenir shops and other foreign brand materials such as clothes, and spirits. In addition to the harbor of Mauritius, you will also find the movie theater, game arcades, and local restaurants.
The Bazaar of Port-Louis — Literally translated as "The Market of Port Louis" — here you will find a variety of local snacks and tropical fruits, the cheapest food you will find in the capital city. Numerous shops sell well made traditional crafted objects such as the "goni" basket. Unfortunately you will also find a lot of stalls selling pirate versions of programs, movies and games: they are extremely cheap but still are illegal and do not guarantee quality. You may get a version that is not the original, but created by other than what is stated. Like all crowded areas, be wary of your surroundings and keep your belongings close to you. Food sold on the street may have health issues, but that is, for the most part, rare. If you have any allergies, refrain from eating at these stalls.
The SSR Botanical Garden If you want to see some plants originating from Mauritius, then this is the place for you. The SSR botanical garden is the oldest botanical garden in the Southern Hemisphere. It was founded by Pierre Poivre (1719 – 1786) in 1770, contains some flora unique to Mauritius and covers an area of around 37 hectares. It also has several animals, being especially famous for its fish, deer and tortoises, as well as an old replica of a sugar mill.
Aquarium Situated near Pointe Aux Piments, this aquarium contains a wide variety of fishes and crabs. You can also see some sharks and turtles in a big tank placed in the aquarium. Stone fish and muray fish can also be seen in the aquarium.
Restaurants — Don't hesitate to go to the various local restaurants around the city. Although many of them advertise a specific ethnic cuisine, like everywhere around the world they have their own mix of traditional and local. Fried rice, for example, may be different than your usual experience.
wn.com/Mauritius Trip (Hd)
Mauritius trip - Mauritius tourism & vacations - Tourist Attractions in Mauritius
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Mauritius is a small, multi-cultural island in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar, NorthEast of Reunion and southeast of the Seychelles. Mauritius also controls Rodrigues Island and the remote, sparsely populated Agalega and Cargados Garayos (Saint Brandon) islands.
See in Mauritius
Grand Bay was the first area of the island to fully experience the tourist boom. A shopping and leisure paradise, Grand Bay is also where Mauritians go when they want a fun-filled night out (restaurants, bars and discos). Recently renovated, La Cuvette beach is well worth a visit.
Pereybere — The wonderful Pereybere public beach is popular because of its shopping facilities, restaurants and pubs. This is one of the best beaches for swimming.
Balaclava Ruins — Near (a few metres) Baie aux Tortues, which 17th century sailors named after the many tortoises in the area, can be found the ruins of the old Balaclava estate. Visitors can see the sea walls, whose initial foundations were laid down by Mahé de Labourdonnais. The location of the ruins now form part of Maritim Hotel, and public access may not be possible.
The Triolet Shivala — The longest village on the island, Triolet offers an opportunity to visit the biggest Hindu temple, the Maheswarnath, first built in 1819 in honour of the Gods Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu, Muruga, Brahma and Ganesha.
The Labourdonnais Orchards — Discover a large variety of tropical fruit trees, and colourful and perfumed exotic flowers. Trips on mountain bikes or hiking are possible.
The Caudan Waterfront — The Caudan Waterfront and its surroundings has a great collection of local souvenir shops and other foreign brand materials such as clothes, and spirits. In addition to the harbor of Mauritius, you will also find the movie theater, game arcades, and local restaurants.
The Bazaar of Port-Louis — Literally translated as "The Market of Port Louis" — here you will find a variety of local snacks and tropical fruits, the cheapest food you will find in the capital city. Numerous shops sell well made traditional crafted objects such as the "goni" basket. Unfortunately you will also find a lot of stalls selling pirate versions of programs, movies and games: they are extremely cheap but still are illegal and do not guarantee quality. You may get a version that is not the original, but created by other than what is stated. Like all crowded areas, be wary of your surroundings and keep your belongings close to you. Food sold on the street may have health issues, but that is, for the most part, rare. If you have any allergies, refrain from eating at these stalls.
The SSR Botanical Garden If you want to see some plants originating from Mauritius, then this is the place for you. The SSR botanical garden is the oldest botanical garden in the Southern Hemisphere. It was founded by Pierre Poivre (1719 – 1786) in 1770, contains some flora unique to Mauritius and covers an area of around 37 hectares. It also has several animals, being especially famous for its fish, deer and tortoises, as well as an old replica of a sugar mill.
Aquarium Situated near Pointe Aux Piments, this aquarium contains a wide variety of fishes and crabs. You can also see some sharks and turtles in a big tank placed in the aquarium. Stone fish and muray fish can also be seen in the aquarium.
Restaurants — Don't hesitate to go to the various local restaurants around the city. Although many of them advertise a specific ethnic cuisine, like everywhere around the world they have their own mix of traditional and local. Fried rice, for example, may be different than your usual experience.
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 63
Free Orlando Travel Guide www.UsaTips4Brits.co.uk Disney, Universal, Sea World & More!
Check out our amazing FREE travel guide to Orlando Florida, Disney, Universal, and more at www.usatips4brits.co.uk. Find us on Facebook and tell all your fri......
Check out our amazing FREE travel guide to Orlando Florida, Disney, Universal, and more at www.usatips4brits.co.uk. Find us on Facebook and tell all your fri...
wn.com/Free Orlando Travel Guide Www.Usatips4Brits.Co.Uk Disney, Universal, Sea World More
Check out our amazing FREE travel guide to Orlando Florida, Disney, Universal, and more at www.usatips4brits.co.uk. Find us on Facebook and tell all your fri...
Solana Beach Mauritius
Solana Beach, which forms part of the group Southern Cross Hotels, is a stunning beach resort with all the rooms open right on the beach. This 4 star resort emb...
Solana Beach, which forms part of the group Southern Cross Hotels, is a stunning beach resort with all the rooms open right on the beach. This 4 star resort embodies a fresh concept with eye catching patterns in bright colours combined with neutral shades furniture. With its pronounced colours of the 1960’s and 70’s, associated with trendy decors, Solana Beach is a blend of natural beauty and contemporary design.
All 117 rooms in all categories, open straight on the beach, facing the sea. Between the rooms and the endless ocean out of sight, nothing but coconut trees dotted and your private sandy white beach!
Green mountains and hills stretching as far as the eyes can see, the lagoon composed of countless shades of green and blue, the sun, the proximity to the Belle Mare beach AND straight on the beach location add colour to this out of the world magical painting of your next holidays in this 4 star hotel.
wn.com/Solana Beach Mauritius
Solana Beach, which forms part of the group Southern Cross Hotels, is a stunning beach resort with all the rooms open right on the beach. This 4 star resort embodies a fresh concept with eye catching patterns in bright colours combined with neutral shades furniture. With its pronounced colours of the 1960’s and 70’s, associated with trendy decors, Solana Beach is a blend of natural beauty and contemporary design.
All 117 rooms in all categories, open straight on the beach, facing the sea. Between the rooms and the endless ocean out of sight, nothing but coconut trees dotted and your private sandy white beach!
Green mountains and hills stretching as far as the eyes can see, the lagoon composed of countless shades of green and blue, the sun, the proximity to the Belle Mare beach AND straight on the beach location add colour to this out of the world magical painting of your next holidays in this 4 star hotel.
- published: 18 Sep 2014
- views: 243
Top 10 Ranking Travel in the World Guide #8 Barcelona | World Guide | World Travel
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Barcelona (English /bɑrsɨˈloʊnə/, Catalan: [bərsəˈɫonə], Spanish: [barθeˈlona]) is the capital city of the autonomous community of Catalonia in Spain and the country's 2nd largest city, with a population of 1.6 million[1] within its administrative limits. Its urban area extends beyond the administrative city limits with a population of around 4.5 million people, being the sixth-most populous urban area in the European Union after Paris, London, Madrid, the Ruhr area and Milan. About five million[2][3][4][5][6] people live in the Barcelona metropolitan area. It is the largest metropolis on the Mediterranean Sea, located on the coast between the mouths of the rivers Llobregat and Besòs, and bounded to the west by the Serra de Collserola mountain range, the tallest peak of which is 512 metres (1,680 ft) high. More info click....
Moyan Brenn
Moyan Brenn
Jesus Solana
Hugo Cadavez
Hugo Cadavez
Harshil Shah
Pablo Matamoros
Pablo Matamoros
wn.com/Top 10 Ranking Travel In The World Guide 8 Barcelona | World Guide | World Travel
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Barcelona (English /bɑrsɨˈloʊnə/, Catalan: [bərsəˈɫonə], Spanish: [barθeˈlona]) is the capital city of the autonomous community of Catalonia in Spain and the country's 2nd largest city, with a population of 1.6 million[1] within its administrative limits. Its urban area extends beyond the administrative city limits with a population of around 4.5 million people, being the sixth-most populous urban area in the European Union after Paris, London, Madrid, the Ruhr area and Milan. About five million[2][3][4][5][6] people live in the Barcelona metropolitan area. It is the largest metropolis on the Mediterranean Sea, located on the coast between the mouths of the rivers Llobregat and Besòs, and bounded to the west by the Serra de Collserola mountain range, the tallest peak of which is 512 metres (1,680 ft) high. More info click....
Moyan Brenn
Moyan Brenn
Jesus Solana
Hugo Cadavez
Hugo Cadavez
Harshil Shah
Pablo Matamoros
Pablo Matamoros
- published: 30 Sep 2014
- views: 17
THE TRAVEL GUIDE - 01/23/2015
Live @ Replay Lounge
Lawrence KS
Live @ Replay Lounge
Lawrence KS
wn.com/The Travel Guide 01 23 2015
Live @ Replay Lounge
Lawrence KS
- published: 29 Jan 2015
- views: 5
A Luxurious Community with a Small Town Feel in Solana Beach, California
Presented by Pacific Sotheby’s International Realty
For more information go to http://ow.ly/BoFSh
Solana Beach offers coastal and expanded Real Estate all the...
Presented by Pacific Sotheby’s International Realty
For more information go to http://ow.ly/BoFSh
Solana Beach offers coastal and expanded Real Estate all the way East to Rancho Santa Fe. From the Cedros Design District to Fletcher Cove to the San Elijo Lagoon, Solana Beach is loved by outdoor enthusiasts from surfers to triathletes. Solana Beach offers a small town feel with all the luxury of a high-end community with great schools and a perfect family life.
wn.com/A Luxurious Community With A Small Town Feel In Solana Beach, California
Presented by Pacific Sotheby’s International Realty
For more information go to http://ow.ly/BoFSh
Solana Beach offers coastal and expanded Real Estate all the way East to Rancho Santa Fe. From the Cedros Design District to Fletcher Cove to the San Elijo Lagoon, Solana Beach is loved by outdoor enthusiasts from surfers to triathletes. Solana Beach offers a small town feel with all the luxury of a high-end community with great schools and a perfect family life.
- published: 15 Sep 2014
- views: 207
Family Travel in Spain: Costa Brava | CloudMom
BLOG: http://cloudmom.com
My Spain Travel Guide continues with Costa Brava, which has some of the best beaches and Roman ruins in Spain.
You also might like:
• ...
BLOG: http://cloudmom.com
My Spain Travel Guide continues with Costa Brava, which has some of the best beaches and Roman ruins in Spain.
You also might like:
• Barcelona with Kids: History and Chocolate Plus GIVEAWAY http://cloudmom.com/motherhood/barcelona-with-kids-history-and-chocolate-plus-giveaway/
• Making Science Fun At Cosmo Caixa http://cloudmom.com/motherhood/making-science-fun-at-cosmo-caixa/
• 5 American Kids Hit Barcelona’s Miro Museum http://cloudmom.com/motherhood/5-american-kids-hit-barcelonas-miro-museum/
Hello my dears! Can't believe we are already three weeks into our summer adventure. Those who have followed me for a while know that we came to Barcelona for the first time last year to visit family and friends. We had such a wonderful time that we decided to come back, and to try to throw in some weekend trips to get to know Spain a bit better.
One of the main places to visit in Spain on our family's list has been the Costa Brava. The Costa Brava boasts some of the best beaches in Spain plus some amazing history. Among the most well-preserved Roman ruins in Spain are those of Empurias, which we witnessed at the beginning of today's video.
After several fascinating hours of seeing the walls constructed by the Greeks and Romans -- and a Fanta break (boy, it was hot!) our tour bus took off to explore several coastal villages including Begur, Sa Tuna and Sa Riega. Charming and small, these villages speckle the Costa Brava, each boasting it's own unique character.For example, Sa Tuna houses small casitas formerly belonging to fisherman. As with Sa Tuna, the beach of each coastal town we visited was framed by the rocky mountainside, making each beach an enclave.
Sinking our eyes into the deep blue waters of the Mediterranean proved exhilarating.
Watch my video for more. Although the winds were heavy and you can hear them too much in my audio (sorry!) hope you will enjoy the sights as much as we did.
Stay tuned each Friday for more from my little Spain travel guide and thanks so much for reading! Next week we are heading to Madrid (or Real Madrid, as the boys say)! I've heard so much about the magical city of Madrid -- we are all so excited to see it for the first time.
Stay tuned for more how-to video guides for parents, from one mom to you and don't forget to subscribe for weekly videos: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=CloudMomShows
Let's connect! :)
Blog: http://cloudmom.com
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CloudMom on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CloudMomShows
CloudMom on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CloudMom_Melissa
Business inquiries: contact@cloudmom.com
wn.com/Family Travel In Spain Costa Brava | Cloudmom
BLOG: http://cloudmom.com
My Spain Travel Guide continues with Costa Brava, which has some of the best beaches and Roman ruins in Spain.
You also might like:
• Barcelona with Kids: History and Chocolate Plus GIVEAWAY http://cloudmom.com/motherhood/barcelona-with-kids-history-and-chocolate-plus-giveaway/
• Making Science Fun At Cosmo Caixa http://cloudmom.com/motherhood/making-science-fun-at-cosmo-caixa/
• 5 American Kids Hit Barcelona’s Miro Museum http://cloudmom.com/motherhood/5-american-kids-hit-barcelonas-miro-museum/
Hello my dears! Can't believe we are already three weeks into our summer adventure. Those who have followed me for a while know that we came to Barcelona for the first time last year to visit family and friends. We had such a wonderful time that we decided to come back, and to try to throw in some weekend trips to get to know Spain a bit better.
One of the main places to visit in Spain on our family's list has been the Costa Brava. The Costa Brava boasts some of the best beaches in Spain plus some amazing history. Among the most well-preserved Roman ruins in Spain are those of Empurias, which we witnessed at the beginning of today's video.
After several fascinating hours of seeing the walls constructed by the Greeks and Romans -- and a Fanta break (boy, it was hot!) our tour bus took off to explore several coastal villages including Begur, Sa Tuna and Sa Riega. Charming and small, these villages speckle the Costa Brava, each boasting it's own unique character.For example, Sa Tuna houses small casitas formerly belonging to fisherman. As with Sa Tuna, the beach of each coastal town we visited was framed by the rocky mountainside, making each beach an enclave.
Sinking our eyes into the deep blue waters of the Mediterranean proved exhilarating.
Watch my video for more. Although the winds were heavy and you can hear them too much in my audio (sorry!) hope you will enjoy the sights as much as we did.
Stay tuned each Friday for more from my little Spain travel guide and thanks so much for reading! Next week we are heading to Madrid (or Real Madrid, as the boys say)! I've heard so much about the magical city of Madrid -- we are all so excited to see it for the first time.
Stay tuned for more how-to video guides for parents, from one mom to you and don't forget to subscribe for weekly videos: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=CloudMomShows
Let's connect! :)
Blog: http://cloudmom.com
CloudMom on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cloudmom
CloudMom on Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/CloudMom/
CloudMom on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloudMom
CloudMom on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+CloudmomMelissa/
CloudMom on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CloudMomShows
CloudMom on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CloudMom_Melissa
Business inquiries: contact@cloudmom.com
- published: 25 Jun 2015
- views: 118
Benidorm Series Solana Hotel
http://www.spainmadesimple.com/costa-blanca/benidorm/where-is-benidorm/ The setting and location for the ITV smash-hot comedy drama Benidorm starring Johnny ......
http://www.spainmadesimple.com/costa-blanca/benidorm/where-is-benidorm/ The setting and location for the ITV smash-hot comedy drama Benidorm starring Johnny ...
wn.com/Benidorm Series Solana Hotel
http://www.spainmadesimple.com/costa-blanca/benidorm/where-is-benidorm/ The setting and location for the ITV smash-hot comedy drama Benidorm starring Johnny ...
TRAVEL MOVIE | Barcelona
My first travel movie: GRAB YOUR BAGS goes Barcelona! I seriously never expected that I would enjoy filming as much as I did and I am actually kind of proud of ...
My first travel movie: GRAB YOUR BAGS goes Barcelona! I seriously never expected that I would enjoy filming as much as I did and I am actually kind of proud of the result. I tried to capture the daily life during the warm summer days. For some reason Youtube doesn't automatically play it in HD, so please check the quality!
Hopefully you like the video and subscribe to my channel for more GRAB YOUR BAGS travel movies! Oh, and a city guide featuring the best hotspots in town is coming up, so keep an eye on my blog!
BLOG: http://grabyourbags.nl
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/grabyourbagsnl
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/grabyourbagsnl
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/grabyourbagsnl
wn.com/Travel Movie | Barcelona
My first travel movie: GRAB YOUR BAGS goes Barcelona! I seriously never expected that I would enjoy filming as much as I did and I am actually kind of proud of the result. I tried to capture the daily life during the warm summer days. For some reason Youtube doesn't automatically play it in HD, so please check the quality!
Hopefully you like the video and subscribe to my channel for more GRAB YOUR BAGS travel movies! Oh, and a city guide featuring the best hotspots in town is coming up, so keep an eye on my blog!
BLOG: http://grabyourbags.nl
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/grabyourbagsnl
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/grabyourbagsnl
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/grabyourbagsnl
- published: 21 Jun 2015
- views: 107
TRAVEL: Portugal | uglyfaceofbeautyvlog
I recently went to Portugal for 6 days with Curvy Kate and their team. Unfortunately both my camera and phone suffered water damage and my camera only worked th...
I recently went to Portugal for 6 days with Curvy Kate and their team. Unfortunately both my camera and phone suffered water damage and my camera only worked the first day LOL, both are repaired now so this is a little bit of a failed vlog. Either way - I hope you like it and it gets you in the mood for summer and holidays.
My Site - http://fave.co/1g2tTtU
Blog Lovin - http://fave.co/1uWDcxN
Twitter - http://fave.co/1uWDhBI
Tumblr - http://fave.co/1uWDkNM
Instagram - http://fave.co/UzzE9D
My Depop - http://fave.co/UzzIWW
Business Enquiries Only - Theuglyfaceofbeauty@tripleamedia.com
Camera - Canon EOSS 700D & Canon 50mm lense
Editing - FCPX 10
Lighting - 2x soft box lighting with 2 bulbs
Vlogging Camera - Nikon S9600
1. Age? 24
2. Race? West Indian, Greek & White British
3. Location? Just outside North West London
4. Job? Full-time blogger & vlogger, however I occasionally work in children's homes across the UK with children who have EBD.
All opinions and views are my own. As of August 2013 all items that have been sent to me for an interest in a review, or as a gift will be marked with an asterix (*) This video is not sponsored. Some of the above links may be affiliate links.
wn.com/Travel Portugal | Uglyfaceofbeautyvlog
I recently went to Portugal for 6 days with Curvy Kate and their team. Unfortunately both my camera and phone suffered water damage and my camera only worked the first day LOL, both are repaired now so this is a little bit of a failed vlog. Either way - I hope you like it and it gets you in the mood for summer and holidays.
My Site - http://fave.co/1g2tTtU
Blog Lovin - http://fave.co/1uWDcxN
Twitter - http://fave.co/1uWDhBI
Tumblr - http://fave.co/1uWDkNM
Instagram - http://fave.co/UzzE9D
My Depop - http://fave.co/UzzIWW
Business Enquiries Only - Theuglyfaceofbeauty@tripleamedia.com
Camera - Canon EOSS 700D & Canon 50mm lense
Editing - FCPX 10
Lighting - 2x soft box lighting with 2 bulbs
Vlogging Camera - Nikon S9600
1. Age? 24
2. Race? West Indian, Greek & White British
3. Location? Just outside North West London
4. Job? Full-time blogger & vlogger, however I occasionally work in children's homes across the UK with children who have EBD.
All opinions and views are my own. As of August 2013 all items that have been sent to me for an interest in a review, or as a gift will be marked with an asterix (*) This video is not sponsored. Some of the above links may be affiliate links.
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 5292
Cheap military hotels deals, MilitaryTravelzone.com, Miami, Dallas, NYC, Los Angeles
MilitaryTravelZone.com MilitaryTravelZone.com offers easy to book accommodations at the lowest rates, rivaling those of Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity. Prov......
MilitaryTravelZone.com MilitaryTravelZone.com offers easy to book accommodations at the lowest rates, rivaling those of Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity. Prov...
wn.com/Cheap Military Hotels Deals, Militarytravelzone.Com, Miami, Dallas, Nyc, Los Angeles
MilitaryTravelZone.com MilitaryTravelZone.com offers easy to book accommodations at the lowest rates, rivaling those of Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity. Prov...
Solanas "Mi luz"
Solanas "El Circo"
Solanas "El circo"
Ensayo Shonda Zaragoza
The fracking war documentary - HD - Pino Solanas - Eng sub
Trip to inner south america and witness the consequences of fracking when brutal political repression and dirty business are unleash - Acclaimed film director and sennator Fernando Solanas undress the geolopolitical interests playing in the border of the petrol civilization.
Aunque tu no lo sepas "Enrique Urquijo" Versión de "Solanas"
Versión del tema de Enrique Urquijo de "Solanas".
Solanas en la COP21: "La delegación argentina cede al lobby petrolero y bloquea las negociaciones”
Fernando "Pino" Solanas, senador nacional de Proyecto Sur, participó en la Cumbre Climática de las Naciones Unidas COP21 / París 2015.
Solanas en la COP21: Entrevista a Oscar Soria, vocero AVAAZ (2era parte)
Fernando "Pino" Solanas, senador nacional de Proyecto Sur e integrante de la delegación argentina que participó de la Cumbre Climática París 2015/COP21, entrevisto a Oscar Soria, vocero de la AVAAZ.
Solanas en la COP21: Entrevista a Oscar Soria, vocero AVAAZ (1era parte)
Fernando "Pino" Solanas, senador nacional de Proyecto Sur e integrante de la delegación argentina que participó de la Cumbre Climática París 2015/COP21, entrevisto a Oscar Soria, vocero de la AVAAZ.
DiFilm - Vota Pino Solanas elecciones 1992 senadores nacionales 1992
Bs. As.: Elecciones 1992 para elegir senadores nacionales. Llega el candidato del Frente del Sur, el cineasta Fernando "Pino" Solanas a la escuela ubicada en la calle Larrea 1254 acompañado de un grupo de personas y se acerca a la mesa 7162 para saludar a los fiscales. Luego ingresa al cuarto oscuro. Imagen del documento de identidad de Pino Solanas. Sale del cuarto oscuro y coloca su voto en la u
Solanas "Don´t think twice" & "Deporte" con Isaac Miguel.
Prueba de sonido en "El Juglar", Madrid 2010.
Pino Solanas en Tercera Posición 23-11-2015
El Senador Fernando Pino Solanas analizó el resultado de las elecciones presidenciales del 22 de noviembre 2015, en el programa Tercera Posición con Rolando Graña.
Kızgın Fırınların Saati - La Hora De Los Hornos / 1968
1. Bölüm Yeni Sömürgecilik ve Şiddet
Yönetmen: Fernando E. Solanas, Octavio Getino
Solanas "Flores"
Solanas "Canciones Tristes"
Solanas "Ayúdame "
Solanas "Izad las velas"
Vivo Rock Fernando Solanas Band Sala Creedence 30/10/2015
Vivo Rock: Una hora en la que Vickie Valero te dará un audio-paseo por las obras maestras del Rock en directo, desgranando la biografía de la banda homenajeada para ofrecerte aquellos datos, curiosidades y anécdotas de su carrera artística.
Vivo Rock Zaragoza Edition: Desde Septiembre, entrevistas y actuaciones en directo desde Zaragoza para todo el mundo.
Vivo Rock Especial Batiburrillo Edition:
MOV 0016
MOV 0017
MOV 0020
MOV 0021
Discurso del Senador Fernando "Pino" Solanas en el debate sobre Megaminería del Senado el 8-10-15
Discurso del Senador Fernando "PIno" Solanas, como Presidente de la Comisión de la Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, en el debate sobre Megaminería, organizado por él en el Senado el 8-10-2015.
Pino Solanas 19 10 2015
De cara a las elecciones generales del próximo 25 de octubre en el ARCHIVO DE LOS MEDIOS dialogamos con Fernando Pino Solanas sobre su visión del panorama político que nos espera. Hay nuevos candidatos y un posible recambio.
Solanas "El circo"
Ensayo Shonda Zaragoza...
Ensayo Shonda Zaragoza
wn.com/Solanas El Circo
Ensayo Shonda Zaragoza
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 6
The fracking war documentary - HD - Pino Solanas - Eng sub
Trip to inner south america and witness the consequences of fracking when brutal political repression and dirty business are unleash - Acclaimed film director a...
Trip to inner south america and witness the consequences of fracking when brutal political repression and dirty business are unleash - Acclaimed film director and sennator Fernando Solanas undress the geolopolitical interests playing in the border of the petrol civilization.
wn.com/The Fracking War Documentary Hd Pino Solanas Eng Sub
Trip to inner south america and witness the consequences of fracking when brutal political repression and dirty business are unleash - Acclaimed film director and sennator Fernando Solanas undress the geolopolitical interests playing in the border of the petrol civilization.
- published: 31 Dec 2015
- views: 23
Aunque tu no lo sepas "Enrique Urquijo" Versión de "Solanas"
Versión del tema de Enrique Urquijo de "Solanas".
Versión del tema de Enrique Urquijo de "Solanas".
wn.com/Aunque Tu No Lo Sepas Enrique Urquijo Versión De Solanas
Versión del tema de Enrique Urquijo de "Solanas".
- published: 14 Dec 2015
- views: 66
Solanas en la COP21: "La delegación argentina cede al lobby petrolero y bloquea las negociaciones”
Fernando "Pino" Solanas, senador nacional de Proyecto Sur, participó en la Cumbre Climática de las Naciones Unidas COP21 / París 2015....
Fernando "Pino" Solanas, senador nacional de Proyecto Sur, participó en la Cumbre Climática de las Naciones Unidas COP21 / París 2015.
wn.com/Solanas En La Cop21 La Delegación Argentina Cede Al Lobby Petrolero Y Bloquea Las Negociaciones”
Fernando "Pino" Solanas, senador nacional de Proyecto Sur, participó en la Cumbre Climática de las Naciones Unidas COP21 / París 2015.
- published: 09 Dec 2015
- views: 106
Solanas en la COP21: Entrevista a Oscar Soria, vocero AVAAZ (2era parte)
Fernando "Pino" Solanas, senador nacional de Proyecto Sur e integrante de la delegación argentina que participó de la Cumbre Climática París 2015/COP21, entrevi...
Fernando "Pino" Solanas, senador nacional de Proyecto Sur e integrante de la delegación argentina que participó de la Cumbre Climática París 2015/COP21, entrevisto a Oscar Soria, vocero de la AVAAZ.
wn.com/Solanas En La Cop21 Entrevista A Oscar Soria, Vocero Avaaz (2Era Parte)
Fernando "Pino" Solanas, senador nacional de Proyecto Sur e integrante de la delegación argentina que participó de la Cumbre Climática París 2015/COP21, entrevisto a Oscar Soria, vocero de la AVAAZ.
- published: 08 Dec 2015
- views: 112
Solanas en la COP21: Entrevista a Oscar Soria, vocero AVAAZ (1era parte)
Fernando "Pino" Solanas, senador nacional de Proyecto Sur e integrante de la delegación argentina que participó de la Cumbre Climática París 2015/COP21, entrevi...
Fernando "Pino" Solanas, senador nacional de Proyecto Sur e integrante de la delegación argentina que participó de la Cumbre Climática París 2015/COP21, entrevisto a Oscar Soria, vocero de la AVAAZ.
wn.com/Solanas En La Cop21 Entrevista A Oscar Soria, Vocero Avaaz (1Era Parte)
Fernando "Pino" Solanas, senador nacional de Proyecto Sur e integrante de la delegación argentina que participó de la Cumbre Climática París 2015/COP21, entrevisto a Oscar Soria, vocero de la AVAAZ.
- published: 08 Dec 2015
- views: 67
DiFilm - Vota Pino Solanas elecciones 1992 senadores nacionales 1992
Bs. As.: Elecciones 1992 para elegir senadores nacionales. Llega el candidato del Frente del Sur, el cineasta Fernando "Pino" Solanas a la escuela ubicada en la...
Bs. As.: Elecciones 1992 para elegir senadores nacionales. Llega el candidato del Frente del Sur, el cineasta Fernando "Pino" Solanas a la escuela ubicada en la calle Larrea 1254 acompañado de un grupo de personas y se acerca a la mesa 7162 para saludar a los fiscales. Luego ingresa al cuarto oscuro. Imagen del documento de identidad de Pino Solanas. Sale del cuarto oscuro y coloca su voto en la urna. Reportaje a Pino Solanas, en el cual se le pregunta: -¿Su primera participación en una elección en las líneas políticas como han transcurrido, como ve esta campaña? -¿Cómo va a continuar su día en el día de hoy, como lo va a seguir? -¿Con Pino Solanas es la tercera fuerza? -¿Qué cree que pasara hoy?
Fecha: 28/6/1992
Duración: 5 minutos 33 segundos
Código: DV-09815
Copyright Archivo DiFilm - Consultas por material de archivo difilm@sinectis.com.ar - http://www.difilm-argentina.com
Más videos e información en: https://www.facebook.com/difilm o Seguinos en: https://twitter.com/archivodifilm
wn.com/Difilm Vota Pino Solanas Elecciones 1992 Senadores Nacionales 1992
Bs. As.: Elecciones 1992 para elegir senadores nacionales. Llega el candidato del Frente del Sur, el cineasta Fernando "Pino" Solanas a la escuela ubicada en la calle Larrea 1254 acompañado de un grupo de personas y se acerca a la mesa 7162 para saludar a los fiscales. Luego ingresa al cuarto oscuro. Imagen del documento de identidad de Pino Solanas. Sale del cuarto oscuro y coloca su voto en la urna. Reportaje a Pino Solanas, en el cual se le pregunta: -¿Su primera participación en una elección en las líneas políticas como han transcurrido, como ve esta campaña? -¿Cómo va a continuar su día en el día de hoy, como lo va a seguir? -¿Con Pino Solanas es la tercera fuerza? -¿Qué cree que pasara hoy?
Fecha: 28/6/1992
Duración: 5 minutos 33 segundos
Código: DV-09815
Copyright Archivo DiFilm - Consultas por material de archivo difilm@sinectis.com.ar - http://www.difilm-argentina.com
Más videos e información en: https://www.facebook.com/difilm o Seguinos en: https://twitter.com/archivodifilm
- published: 05 Dec 2015
- views: 29
Pino Solanas en Tercera Posición 23-11-2015
El Senador Fernando Pino Solanas analizó el resultado de las elecciones presidenciales del 22 de noviembre 2015, en el programa Tercera Posición con Rolando Gr...
El Senador Fernando Pino Solanas analizó el resultado de las elecciones presidenciales del 22 de noviembre 2015, en el programa Tercera Posición con Rolando Graña.
wn.com/Pino Solanas En Tercera Posición 23 11 2015
El Senador Fernando Pino Solanas analizó el resultado de las elecciones presidenciales del 22 de noviembre 2015, en el programa Tercera Posición con Rolando Graña.
- published: 24 Nov 2015
- views: 78
Kızgın Fırınların Saati - La Hora De Los Hornos / 1968
1. Bölüm Yeni Sömürgecilik ve Şiddet
Yönetmen: Fernando E. Solanas, Octavio Getino...
1. Bölüm Yeni Sömürgecilik ve Şiddet
Yönetmen: Fernando E. Solanas, Octavio Getino
wn.com/Kızgın Fırınların Saati La Hora De Los Hornos 1968
1. Bölüm Yeni Sömürgecilik ve Şiddet
Yönetmen: Fernando E. Solanas, Octavio Getino
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 30
Vivo Rock Fernando Solanas Band Sala Creedence 30/10/2015
Vivo Rock: Una hora en la que Vickie Valero te dará un audio-paseo por las obras maestras del Rock en directo, desgranando la biografía de la banda homenajeada ...
Vivo Rock: Una hora en la que Vickie Valero te dará un audio-paseo por las obras maestras del Rock en directo, desgranando la biografía de la banda homenajeada para ofrecerte aquellos datos, curiosidades y anécdotas de su carrera artística.
Vivo Rock Zaragoza Edition: Desde Septiembre, entrevistas y actuaciones en directo desde Zaragoza para todo el mundo.
Vivo Rock Especial Batiburrillo Edition: una selección de los mejores directos de todos los tiempos, épocas y lugares.
Vivo Rock en Tea Fm 98.9 Zraragoza y teafm.net.
¡Esto es Vivo Rock!
wn.com/Vivo Rock Fernando Solanas Band Sala Creedence 30 10 2015
Vivo Rock: Una hora en la que Vickie Valero te dará un audio-paseo por las obras maestras del Rock en directo, desgranando la biografía de la banda homenajeada para ofrecerte aquellos datos, curiosidades y anécdotas de su carrera artística.
Vivo Rock Zaragoza Edition: Desde Septiembre, entrevistas y actuaciones en directo desde Zaragoza para todo el mundo.
Vivo Rock Especial Batiburrillo Edition: una selección de los mejores directos de todos los tiempos, épocas y lugares.
Vivo Rock en Tea Fm 98.9 Zraragoza y teafm.net.
¡Esto es Vivo Rock!
- published: 31 Oct 2015
- views: 54
Discurso del Senador Fernando "Pino" Solanas en el debate sobre Megaminería del Senado el 8-10-15
Discurso del Senador Fernando "PIno" Solanas, como Presidente de la Comisión de la Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, en el debate sobre Megaminería...
Discurso del Senador Fernando "PIno" Solanas, como Presidente de la Comisión de la Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, en el debate sobre Megaminería, organizado por él en el Senado el 8-10-2015.
wn.com/Discurso Del Senador Fernando Pino Solanas En El Debate Sobre Megaminería Del Senado El 8 10 15
Discurso del Senador Fernando "PIno" Solanas, como Presidente de la Comisión de la Comisión de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, en el debate sobre Megaminería, organizado por él en el Senado el 8-10-2015.
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 28
Pino Solanas 19 10 2015
De cara a las elecciones generales del próximo 25 de octubre en el ARCHIVO DE LOS MEDIOS dialogamos con Fernando Pino Solanas sobre su visión del panorama polít...
De cara a las elecciones generales del próximo 25 de octubre en el ARCHIVO DE LOS MEDIOS dialogamos con Fernando Pino Solanas sobre su visión del panorama político que nos espera. Hay nuevos candidatos y un posible recambio.
wn.com/Pino Solanas 19 10 2015
De cara a las elecciones generales del próximo 25 de octubre en el ARCHIVO DE LOS MEDIOS dialogamos con Fernando Pino Solanas sobre su visión del panorama político que nos espera. Hay nuevos candidatos y un posible recambio.
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 7
Solanas "Tierra Sublevada II: Oro Negro" "Tierra Sublevada II: Oro Negro" Es el sexto film de Pino Solanas, que marca el cierre de la serie "Causa Sur", un f...
Elisa Carrió Fernando Solanas - Candidatos a diputada y senador- Unen
Carrió comentó que en la Ciudad se construyeron marchas no violentas y un camino de república. Paso a paso, primero las PASO. Unen está integrada por la CC y...
oro impuro pino solanas completo
Mineria Argentina
Memoria del saqueo (resumido)
Fragmento seleccionado del genial documental del cineasta argentino Pino Solanas. Una maravillosa reflexión acerca de los métodos que condujeron al país al c...
Sur - Fernando Solanas (Part 10/10)
Fernando Ezequiel (Pino) Solanas, Argentino di Buenos Aires, artista dalle mille sfaccettature :Regista, Attore, Sceneggiatore, Scrittore, Autore, Fumettista.
Sono suoi due grandi capolavori dedicati al tango argentino :
Tangos - El exilio de Gardel del 1985 e Sur del 1988
Sur è un film onirico e suggestivo, dove i morti si mescolano ai vivi, dove amore, gelosia,tristezza speranza,attesa,p
Perón, Actualización Política y Doctrinaria Para La Toma Del Poder [Completo] | Documental
Parte de una entrevista realizada en Madrid en 1971 por los cineastas Fernando "Pino" Solanas y Octavio Getino al líder político argentino Juan Domingo Perón...
Imperdible Pino Solanas cuestiona a Randazzo por proyecto de ferrocarriles
Fernando Solanas en "Cuarto día" 10-02-2011
A casi 2 años de las elecciones legislativas de 2009 Pino Solanas sigue difundiendo las propuestas del Proyecto Sur , abarcando gran cantidad de temas y dand...
Juan Domingo Perón - La revolución justicialista (1971)
Documental de Getino-Solanas Sinopsis Entrevista a Juan Domingo Perón a cargo de Octavio Getino y Fernando Solanas, realizada en Madrid entre junio y octubre...
Solanas "Tierra Sublevada II: Oro Negro" "Tierra Sublevada II: Oro Negro" Es el sexto film de Pino Solanas, que marca el cierre de la serie "Causa Sur", un f......
Solanas "Tierra Sublevada II: Oro Negro" "Tierra Sublevada II: Oro Negro" Es el sexto film de Pino Solanas, que marca el cierre de la serie "Causa Sur", un f...
wn.com/Oro Negro
Solanas "Tierra Sublevada II: Oro Negro" "Tierra Sublevada II: Oro Negro" Es el sexto film de Pino Solanas, que marca el cierre de la serie "Causa Sur", un f...
Elisa Carrió Fernando Solanas - Candidatos a diputada y senador- Unen
Carrió comentó que en la Ciudad se construyeron marchas no violentas y un camino de república. Paso a paso, primero las PASO. Unen está integrada por la CC y......
Carrió comentó que en la Ciudad se construyeron marchas no violentas y un camino de república. Paso a paso, primero las PASO. Unen está integrada por la CC y...
wn.com/Elisa Carrió Fernando Solanas Candidatos A Diputada Y Senador Unen
Carrió comentó que en la Ciudad se construyeron marchas no violentas y un camino de república. Paso a paso, primero las PASO. Unen está integrada por la CC y...
Memoria del saqueo (resumido)
Fragmento seleccionado del genial documental del cineasta argentino Pino Solanas. Una maravillosa reflexión acerca de los métodos que condujeron al país al c......
Fragmento seleccionado del genial documental del cineasta argentino Pino Solanas. Una maravillosa reflexión acerca de los métodos que condujeron al país al c...
wn.com/Memoria Del Saqueo (Resumido)
Fragmento seleccionado del genial documental del cineasta argentino Pino Solanas. Una maravillosa reflexión acerca de los métodos que condujeron al país al c...
Sur - Fernando Solanas (Part 10/10)
Fernando Ezequiel (Pino) Solanas, Argentino di Buenos Aires, artista dalle mille sfaccettature :Regista, Attore, Sceneggiatore, Scrittore, Autore, Fumettista.
Fernando Ezequiel (Pino) Solanas, Argentino di Buenos Aires, artista dalle mille sfaccettature :Regista, Attore, Sceneggiatore, Scrittore, Autore, Fumettista.
Sono suoi due grandi capolavori dedicati al tango argentino :
Tangos - El exilio de Gardel del 1985 e Sur del 1988
Sur è un film onirico e suggestivo, dove i morti si mescolano ai vivi, dove amore, gelosia,tristezza speranza,attesa,politica,persecuzione si mescolano in una lunghissima e incredibile notte!
wn.com/Sur Fernando Solanas (Part 10 10)
Fernando Ezequiel (Pino) Solanas, Argentino di Buenos Aires, artista dalle mille sfaccettature :Regista, Attore, Sceneggiatore, Scrittore, Autore, Fumettista.
Sono suoi due grandi capolavori dedicati al tango argentino :
Tangos - El exilio de Gardel del 1985 e Sur del 1988
Sur è un film onirico e suggestivo, dove i morti si mescolano ai vivi, dove amore, gelosia,tristezza speranza,attesa,politica,persecuzione si mescolano in una lunghissima e incredibile notte!
- published: 04 Aug 2015
- views: 3
Perón, Actualización Política y Doctrinaria Para La Toma Del Poder [Completo] | Documental
Parte de una entrevista realizada en Madrid en 1971 por los cineastas Fernando "Pino" Solanas y Octavio Getino al líder político argentino Juan Domingo Perón......
Parte de una entrevista realizada en Madrid en 1971 por los cineastas Fernando "Pino" Solanas y Octavio Getino al líder político argentino Juan Domingo Perón...
wn.com/Perón, Actualización Política Y Doctrinaria Para La Toma Del Poder Completo | Documental
Parte de una entrevista realizada en Madrid en 1971 por los cineastas Fernando "Pino" Solanas y Octavio Getino al líder político argentino Juan Domingo Perón...
Fernando Solanas en "Cuarto día" 10-02-2011
A casi 2 años de las elecciones legislativas de 2009 Pino Solanas sigue difundiendo las propuestas del Proyecto Sur , abarcando gran cantidad de temas y dand......
A casi 2 años de las elecciones legislativas de 2009 Pino Solanas sigue difundiendo las propuestas del Proyecto Sur , abarcando gran cantidad de temas y dand...
wn.com/Fernando Solanas En Cuarto Día 10 02 2011
A casi 2 años de las elecciones legislativas de 2009 Pino Solanas sigue difundiendo las propuestas del Proyecto Sur , abarcando gran cantidad de temas y dand...
Juan Domingo Perón - La revolución justicialista (1971)
Documental de Getino-Solanas Sinopsis Entrevista a Juan Domingo Perón a cargo de Octavio Getino y Fernando Solanas, realizada en Madrid entre junio y octubre......
Documental de Getino-Solanas Sinopsis Entrevista a Juan Domingo Perón a cargo de Octavio Getino y Fernando Solanas, realizada en Madrid entre junio y octubre...
wn.com/Juan Domingo Perón La Revolución Justicialista (1971)
Documental de Getino-Solanas Sinopsis Entrevista a Juan Domingo Perón a cargo de Octavio Getino y Fernando Solanas, realizada en Madrid entre junio y octubre...