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latest news

A chance for the trade unions to lead the EU referendum debate

11/03/2016: For a socialist, working class no campaign


Refugee crisis

10/03/2016: Cruel capitalist regimes responsible


European Union
Alliance with Turkey to close borders

09/03/2016: Crises for refugees - and the EU – continues

  Europe, Turkey

Between hatred and solidarity

08/03/2016: The situation in Germany


 International Women’s Day

07/03/2016: Working women’s fight for a world without oppression


Sanders campaign at a crossroads

04/03/2016: Bernie’s political revolution will be strangled if it remains imprisoned within the corporate-controlled Democratic Party.


No intervention in Syria! Stop the war on the Kurds!

01/03/2016: Two articles on the current situation in Turkey and Kurdistan

  Kurdistan, Syria, Turkey

Government routed in general election

29/02/2016: Establishment parties in crisis, as a new Left rises

  Ireland Republic

Crisis set to deepen

27/02/2016: Year of the Monkey opens with economy in worst situation for decades


Nevada Goes to Clinton – Sanders Looks to Super Tuesday

26/02/2016: Huge enthusiasm for Bernie Sanders’ call for a political revolution leads to serious challenge to Hillary Clinton


South Africa
Worker and student protests intensify

25/02/2016: #OutsourcingMustFall campaign becomes point of reference for the working class

  South Africa

Britain - EU referendum
Vote OUT the Tories

24/02/2016: The referendum on 23 June is not just about the EU but is also an opportunity to pass verdict on Cameron and his rotten government

  Britain, Europe

Successful AAA-PBP electoral rally in Dublin

23/02/2016: Below, videos of TD’s (members of Irish Parliament) Paul Murphy and Ruth Coppinger at a public meeting of the Anti-Austerity Alliance/People Before Profit, after a mass demonstration of tens of thousands against water charges in Dublin

  Ireland Republic, Video

Five years on from the “Arab Spring”

20/02/2016: The “Arab Spring” revolutionary wave brought dictators in Tunisia and Egypt crashing down. It swept through the Middle East, inspiring workers and youth the world over. It has since ebbed, however, leaving the region wracked with war and sectarian conflict.

  Middle East

Roman politics riddled with scandal

19/02/2016: Five Star Movement can gain


Over 140 attend successful ‘Socialism Conference’

18/02/2016: Israeli and Palestinian activists discuss resisting Nentanyahu and urgent need to build socialist forces

  Israel / Palestine

A Marxist view of Modi’s Hindutva

17/02/2016: Analysis of the present situation in India from an internationalist perspective

  India, Video

Farmers occupy central Athens over pensions bill

17/02/2016: “All together, workers and poor farmers, at Syntagma Square, against austerity”


State’s massacre in Cizre

16/02/2016: Looming civil war can only be countered by a united struggle of working people

  Kurdistan, Turkey

 CWI 11th World Congress
South Asia wracked by instability

15/02/2016: Huge potential for workers’ struggles

  Asia, CWI

Lack of strategy and exclusions threaten ‘Momentum’

15/02/2016: Left must mobilise millions to militant anti-austerity banner & building of political organisation to give it voice


Bernie’s political revolution opens new era for American politics

13/02/2016: Build a #Movement4Bernie to Defeat the Billionaire Class and the Democratic Party Establishment.


 CWI 11th World Congress
Upheaval of traditional European political framework

12/02/2016: Workers’ fury at austerity and capitalist system will find more expression

  CWI, Europe

Ireland North
Hundreds protest against manufacturing destruction

12/02/2016: Union movement should step up call for nationalisation of threatened factories

  Ireland North

 11th CWI World Congress
A World in turmoil

11/02/2016: Renewed economic crisis, wars, political polarisation & class struggle perspectives

  Africa, Asia, CWI, Latin America, Middle East, Russia, US, World Economy

Hong Kong
‘Fishball Revolution’!

10/02/2016: Brutal policing must be condemned

  Hong Kong

Hunger and deadly repression

09/02/2016: Crisis for imperialism and a fight-back from below


Powerful general strike opposes cuts to pensions

09/02/2016: All out in the struggle! Coordinate and develop the fight now!


New political storms and mass struggles

08/02/2016: Opportunities will arise for working class and poor to organise



Lack of strategy and exclusions threaten ‘Momentum’, 15/02/2016
website of the committee for a workers' international, CWI

Left must mobilise millions to militant anti-austerity banner & building of political organisation to give it voice

From The Socialist (weekly lnewspaper of the Socialist Party England & Wales)

On Saturday 6 February Momentum organised its first national committee. The response of John McTernan, former Blairite advisor, was: "It’s war." Well, if it is a war, and it is, then Momentum is unfortunately setting itself up for defeat.

Where was the democracy in this process? An organisation that claimed to be open, broad and, in its initial aims, "involving all those who support Jeremy Corbyn inside and outside Labour" had attempted to appoint regional delegates.

When protests came in, it then limited those who could stand to Labour members only. The details of the meeting were organised like a secret society - it was impossible for others to leaflet and discuss with delegates.


Why was it done like this? The primary purpose was to exclude the serious forces on the left, in particular the Socialist Party. Outrageously for example, Tony Mulhearn, a leader of the magnificent battle of Liverpool City Council against Thatcher’s onslaught in the 1980s, was excluded from a meeting in the city.

But they will not succeed in excluding the Socialist Party and our ideas from the battle.

A report from Labour’s local government conference, also held over the weekend, confirms that there is a war on between the two parties that exist within Labour. Right-winger Luke Akehurst reports that these councillors are "mad as hell with the antics of the national leadership".

This is the mountain that must be overcome - and that won’t be done by an attempt to mollify the right wing.

Compare the approach of the Momentum leadership to the local government committees in the Unite and Unison trade unions. There, Socialist Party members have successfully moved resolutions that call on councils not to implement the latest round of cuts to jobs and services. This shows what is necessary - the creation of a mass vehicle for working class political representation that has been absent in Britain for nearly 30 years.

In Momentum meetings across the country, Socialist Party members have found interest and enthusiasm for the strategy of fighting council cuts - by calling on Corbynista councillors to fight for no-cuts budgets and refuse to pass on Tory austerity.

We will continue to put forward such a strategy, in Momentum meetings and elsewhere. If Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and Momentum were pursuing this energetically it would bring millions of people to the party as fighters.

But the Momentum leadership has issued no serious strategy to rally the millions angry about austerity into action.

The situation of two parties in one cannot continue indefinitely. Will a new anti-austerity party come from Corbyn and McDonnell leading a fight that can force out the Blairite rump from Labour? Or will the enthusiastic Corbynistas, without a clear lead, give up on the idea that Labour is the vehicle for their struggle?

The movement against the bombing of Syria gave a glimpse of the potential if a clear appeal was made to the working class and the youth to fight the right. Around 70,000 people contacted their MPs at Jeremy’s request to demand a No vote to the Tories’ warmongering.

This was not an exclusively Labour Party event by any means - for example in Walthamstow Socialist Party members joined with others inside and outside Labour to march on local MP Stella Creasy’s office and demand a No vote.

As a result of this pressure, four times more Labour MPs voted with Jeremy Corbyn than had nominated him to stand for leader.


The 66 Red Tories who sided with Cameron faced calls of deselection from angry young people and workers, with Socialist Party members making the call on TV in the face of vicious attacks from the right wingers in Labour and the media.

We warned that this odium was as nothing compared to how the right wing would attempt to crush any serious moves to curb the interests of the 1%, such as nationalisation of the energy companies, an end to the anti-trade union laws or the scrapping of student fees.

Instead of readying the troops for future battles, unfortunately, the leadership of Momentum when faced with attacks chose to abandon the call for re-selection and attacked the Socialist Party for raising it.

The primary task for the left is to mobilise the millions who could be drawn to a militant anti-austerity banner and the building of a political organisation that can give it a voice. The Momentum leadership’s decisions show it is not at all prepared for this struggle.




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Ireland: Establishment parties hit a wall of anger
14/03/2016, By Cillian Gillespie and Ruth Coppinger MP, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) members:
Political crisis looms

Britain: A chance for the trade unions to lead the EU referendum debate
11/03/2016, Clive Heemskerk, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
For a socialist, working class no campaign

Refugee crisis
10/03/2016, Editorial from the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
Cruel capitalist regimes responsible

International Women’s Day
07/03/2016, Clare Doyle, CWI:
Working women’s fight for a world without oppression

Sanders campaign at a crossroads
04/03/2016,, US:
Bernie’s political revolution will be strangled if it remains imprisoned within the corporate-controlled Democratic Party.

Ireland South: Voters reject ’two-and-a-half party system’
03/03/2016, Interview with Ruth Coppinger TD:
Left makes important gains

Ireland: Government routed in general election
29/02/2016, Danny Byrne, CWI:
Establishment parties in crisis, as a new Left rises

China: Crisis set to deepen
27/02/2016, Editorial from《社会主义者》Socialist magazine issue 36 (February-March 2016):
Year of the Monkey opens with economy in worst situation for decades

South Africa: Worker and student protests intensify
25/02/2016, Reporters from the WASP (Workers and Socialist Party, CWI in South Africa):
#OutsourcingMustFall campaign becomes point of reference for the working class

Britain - EU referendum: Vote OUT the Tories
24/02/2016, Editorial of the Socialist, weekly paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
The referendum on 23 June is not just about the EU but is also an opportunity to pass verdict on Cameron and his rotten government

Ireland: Successful AAA-PBP electoral rally in Dublin
Below, videos of TD’s (members of Irish Parliament) Paul Murphy and Ruth Coppinger at a public meeting of the Anti-Austerity Alliance/People Before Profit, after a mass demonstration of tens of thousands against water charges in Dublin

Italy: Roman politics riddled with scandal
19/02/2016, Giuliano Brunetti, ControCorrente (CWI in Italy):
Five Star Movement can gain

Israel/Palestine: Over 140 attend successful ‘Socialism Conference’
18/02/2016, Youval Sorek, Socialist Struggle (CWI in Israel-Palestine):
Israeli and Palestinian activists discuss resisting Nentanyahu and urgent need to build socialist forces

India: A Marxist view of Modi’s Hindutva
17/02/2016, Peter Taaffe speaks to Jagadish Chandra, New Socialist Alternative (CWI in India):
Analysis of the present situation in India from an internationalist perspective

Greece: Farmers occupy central Athens over pensions bill
17/02/2016, Text of leaflet produced by Xekinima (CWI Greece):
“All together, workers and poor farmers, at Syntagma Square, against austerity”

Turkey: State’s massacre in Cizre
16/02/2016, Batuhan Eren Ünlü, Sosyalist Alternatif (CWI Turkey):
Looming civil war can only be countered by a united struggle of working people

Britain: Lack of strategy and exclusions threaten ‘Momentum’
15/02/2016, From The Socialist (weekly lnewspaper of the Socialist Party England & Wales):
Left must mobilise millions to militant anti-austerity banner & building of political organisation to give it voice

Ireland North: Hundreds protest against manufacturing destruction
12/02/2016, Daniel Waldron, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland), Belfast:
Union movement should step up call for nationalisation of threatened factories

Hong Kong: ‘Fishball Revolution’!
10/02/2016, Eyewitness report from Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong):
Brutal policing must be condemned

Ethiopia: Hunger and deadly repression
09/02/2016, Per-Ãke Westerlund, Rattvisepartiet Socialisterna (CWI in Sweden):
Crisis for imperialism and a fight-back from below

Greece: Powerful general strike opposes cuts to pensions
09/02/2016, Editorial from Xekinima, fortnightly newspaper of the CWI, Greece:
All out in the struggle! Coordinate and develop the fight now!

US: #Movement4Bernie Takes Off Around the Country
06/02/2016, Socialist Alternative, CWI in the USA:
Bernie Sanders’ call for a political revolution against the billionaire class enthuses millions

Brazil: Devastating outbreak of Zika virus
04/02/2016, Isabel Keppler, LSR (CWI Brazil):
Another healthcare system failure

Pakistan: PIA strike continues despite state repression
04/02/2016, Fazal Abbas Shah and Rukhsana Manzoor, Socialist Movement Pakistan, Lahore:
Four workers killed, eight injured as security forces open fire on protesting workers

US: Iowa results reveal crisis of establishment politics - Sanders and Clinton tie
03/02/2016, Joshua Koritz, Socialist Alternative (CWI in the US):
“It’s too late for establishment politics, establishment economics!”

CWI Comment and Analysis


European Union: Alliance with Turkey to close borders
09/03/2016, Per-Ãke Westerlund, from Offensiv - the weekly paper of Rattvisepartiet Socialisterna (CWI in Sweden):
Crises for refugees - and the EU – continues

Germany: Between hatred and solidarity
08/03/2016, By Sascha Stanicic, Sozialistische Alternative (CWI in Germany):
The situation in Germany

Turkey: No intervention in Syria! Stop the war on the Kurds!
01/03/2016, By Murat Karin, Sosyalist Alternatif (CWI in Turkey) and Paula Mitchell, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
Two articles on the current situation in Turkey and Kurdistan

US: Nevada Goes to Clinton – Sanders Looks to Super Tuesday
26/02/2016, Calvin Priest, Socialist Alternative (CWI in the USA):
Huge enthusiasm for Bernie Sanders’ call for a political revolution leads to serious challenge to Hillary Clinton

Five years on from the “Arab Spring”
20/02/2016, Serge Jordan (CWI), article to be published in the March 2016 edition of Socialism Today, No.196.:
The “Arab Spring” revolutionary wave brought dictators in Tunisia and Egypt crashing down. It swept through the Middle East, inspiring workers and youth the world over. It has since ebbed, however, leaving the region wracked with war and sectarian conflict.

CWI 11th World Congress: South Asia wracked by instability
15/02/2016, Geert Cool, CWI Belgium:
Huge potential for workers’ struggles

US: Bernie’s political revolution opens new era for American politics
13/02/2016, Patrick Ayers, Socialist Alternative (CWI in the USA):
Build a #Movement4Bernie to Defeat the Billionaire Class and the Democratic Party Establishment.

CWI 11th World Congress 2016: Women and oppression in class society
13/02/2016, CWI World Congress Document:
A socialist approach

CWI 11th World Congress: Upheaval of traditional European political framework
12/02/2016, Sarah Wrack, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
Workers’ fury at austerity and capitalist system will find more expression

11th CWI World Congress: A World in turmoil
11/02/2016, Kevin Parslow, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales):
Renewed economic crisis, wars, political polarisation & class struggle perspectives

Africa: New political storms and mass struggles
08/02/2016, CWI 11th World Congress Document:
Opportunities will arise for working class and poor to organise

India: Rising class struggle reflects seething anger of working class
08/02/2016, Anand Kumar, from Dudiyora Horaata (Workers’ Struggle – newspaper of the CWI in India), Bangalore:
Is ‘Modimania’ on the wane?

World relations, economy and the class struggle
CWI 11th World Congress document

Spain: A break in the political establishment
07/02/2016, Danny Byrne, CWI (article from issue 195 of ’Socialism Today’):
December’s elections broke the hold of the two main capitalist parties for the first time since the Franco dictatorship. The high vote for representatives of workers’ and social movements, and the recovery of the left-populist Podemos, open up a new phase in the struggle against austerity.

Japan: Social and political unease after “twenty lost years”
03/02/2016, Carl Simmons, Kokusai Rentai (CWI in Japan):
Weakness of opposition is Prime Minister Abe’s only strength

World Economy: Capitalism buffeted by choppy waters
02/02/2016, Lynn Walsh, from The Socialist (weekly paper of the Socialist Party, CWI England & Wales):
Bosses strive to offload cost of crisis on working class - a struggle for system change is needed

Venezuela: Right-wing landslide
20/01/2016, Tony Saunois, from February edition of Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
First electoral defeat suffered by the Chavistas since Hugo Chávez was first elected president in 1998

Leningrad: ‘Hero City’
19/01/2016, Clare Doyle (fuller version of a review article to be published in the February 2016 issue of Socialism Today):
900 days of siege in World War Two

China: Financial turmoil spreads fear across global markets
14/01/2016, Per-Åke Westerlund, with additional reporting by Vincent Kolo:
Setting the tone for 2016?

2016: Crisis-ridden capitalism will meet with bitter mood of resistance
05/01/2016, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) general secretary:
Socialist alternative is essential

Environment: A world of change
23/12/2015, Jess Spear, Socialist Alternative (CWI in USA):
Human beings have radically altered the Earth, adapting nature in the struggle to survive and thrive…

Venezuela: Elections – who won and who lost?
16/12/2015, Johan Rivas, Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI in Venezuela):
Victory for the right wing reflects popular discontent

Pakistan: Religious extremism, military operations and increased intolerance
15/12/2015, Khalid Bhatti SMP (CWI in Pakistan):
Revolutionary movement of the working class needs to finally defeat religious extremism and intolerance

Côte d’Ivoire : Ouattara reelected in a “frighteningly quiet” atmosphere
14/12/2015, CWI in Ivory Coast:
Dictatorship consolidating while opposition ridicules itself. Time to “turn the page”!

Environment: Socialism or ecological catastrophe
05/12/2015, Articles from Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
25 years of hot air from establishment