- published: 08 Aug 2015
- views: 156
Hydrotaea is a genus of insects in the housefly family, Muscidae. They occur in most regions of the world, but are more populous in warmer climates. They are often found on feces in summer months, and are therefore generally found in close proximity to livestock. Among the 130 known species in this genus, one of the most commonly recognized is the dump fly.
Along with many others genera in the family, Hydrotaea is of forensic importance in both the economic and public health scene. Flies in general are considered by many authorities to be the most important insects involved in human and veterinary medicine. Certain Hydrotaea species have been proven to carry and transmit certain diseases to warm blooded animals, including humans. Researchers continue to monitor these vectors of disease as they have been connected with the spread of mastitis.
There are 130 known species in this genus. They include:
Larvae of this genus are often dimorphic obligate carnivores. The second and third instars are predators, and the first is also carnivorous in some species. Some species have cannibalistic final instars. The smallest larvae are under 6 mm and the largest are up to 16 mm. The abdomen has ventral welts and large spiracles with sinuate slits.
Миллион Долларов За Идею: Био-Муха Hydrotaea aenescence, Kiev, Ukraine. VIDEO =https://youtu.be/i-FWtkVo29w ИДЕЯ НА МИЛЛИОН ДОЛЛАРОВ ОТ ЭНТОМОЛОГА: СУПЕР-МУХА!!! 25.06.2015 Киев Украина. И ЭТО ВАМ НЕ ШУТКА, А РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ!!!!!! ВАМ ИНТЕРЕСНА Идея На Миллион Долларов от Энтомолога: ЧТО ТАКОЕ СУПЕР-МУХА???? 25.06.2015. Энтомолог, кандидат биологических наук Виктор Фурсов рассказывает о том, как сделать миллион долларов - Конечно, если Вы бизнесмен и этого хотите? Рассказ про Супермуху - Биомуху Hydrotaea aenescens (Wiedemann, 1830) (Diptera, Muscidae) - личинки которой хищные и активно уничтожают личинок комнатной мухи Musca domestica (Diptera, Muscidae) - на фермерских хозяйствах (свиноводческих хозяйствах и других животноводческих комплексах) в США, Канаде, Германии и Дании. А вот территори...
Flesh flies - probably a Sarcophaga nodosa - Sarcophagidae - Hræbokka - Maðkafluga - Hræfluga - Skítafluga - Náfluga. They differ from most flies in that they are ovoviviparous, opportunistically depositing hatched or hatching maggots instead of eggs on carrion, dung, decaying material, or open wounds of mammals, hence their common name. Some flesh fly larvae are internal parasites of other insects. The majority of species in the large genus Sarcophaga are scavengers of small carrion, such as dead insects and snails or smaller vertebrates. A few species feed on larger vertebrate carcasses. Flesh fly maggots occasionally eat other larvae, although this is usually because the other larvae are smaller and get in the way. Flesh flies and their larvae are also known to eat decaying veget...
Flesh flies - probably a Sarcophaga nodosa - Sarcophagidae - Red eyes and a bristled abdomen - Hræfluga - Skítafluga. The Diptera are the true flies. The Diptera is one of the largest orders in the class Insecta, with over 120,000 described species. The larvae (maggots or grubs) are completely different in structure and behaviour to the winged adults and, as a result, dipterous flies can be parasites as larvae or adults, but they are rarely parasites in both life-cycle stages. Adult flies of veterinary importance may feed on blood, sweat, skin secretions, tears, saliva, urine or faeces of the domestic animals to which they are attracted. See more: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/biology/research/ecological/vpe/flies.html They differ from most flies in that they are ovoviviparous, opportun...
Flesh flies - probably a Sarcophaga carnaria - Sarcophagidae - Red eyes and a bristled abdomen - Hræfluga - Skítafluga. Flesh-flies Sarcophaga carnaria - have black and gray longitudinal stripes on the thorax and black and white checker markings along the abdomen. The eggs are laid on rotting carcasses, or dung in some species. The larvae (maggots) reach their full size in just a few days, then burrow into the soil to pupate through the winter. They emerge as adult flies in the summer. See more: http://www.uksafari.com/fleshflies.htm The Diptera are the true flies. The Diptera is one of the largest orders in the class Insecta, with over 120,000 described species. The larvae (maggots or grubs) are completely different in structure and behaviour to the winged adults and, as a resu...
Flesh Fly - Sarcophaga - Rotfluga - Fiskifluga - Húsfluga Some larvae being pushed out of the fly. Upon further investigation more larvae appeared to leave the fly. : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tAYPNEEjmU Well-known species are Sarcophaga africa, Sarcophaga bercaea, the grey flesh-fly Sarcophaga bullata, Sarcophaga carnaria, Sarcophaga crassipalpis, the friendly fly Sarcophaga aldrichi and the red-tailed flesh-fly Sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis. : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcophaga Eftirfarandi er listi yfir smádýr með íslenskum nöfnum. : http://is.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listi_yfir_sm%C3%A1d%C3%BDr_sem_fjalla%C3%B0_er_um_%C3%AD_Dulin_ver%C3%B6ld Mykjufluga er - Scathophaga stercoraria. Húsfluga er - Musca domestica. Gistifluga er - Helina annosa. Skarnfluga er - ...
На днях в городском акимате прошло совещание координационного совета, который определял, стоит ли выдавать безвозвратные гранты начинающим и действующим предпринимателям. Претендентов на грант было всего трое. http://trk-sfera.kz (c)
Кормление цихлид "чёрной львинкой "
По крайней мере три инвестиционные группы Китая вложили миллионы долларов в строительство мусороперерабатывающих заводов на базе колоний мухи черная львинка. О технологии выращивания личинок черной львинки можно узнать http://www.nasadki.net/index/kitaj_stanovitsja_mirovym_liderom_po_razvedeniju_oparysha_na_pishhevykh_otkhodakh/0-593
You keep on accusing me
Of making your life misery
But if that’s not abusing me, what isn’t
You wanna be my friend, well it’s too late
My love for you has turned to hate
And I think that it’s a permanent condition
You say you wanna make the peace
Smile and turn the other cheek
I can’t put myself in such a weak position
Now I’m willing to accept this fate
You and me just can’t cohabitate
We agree to hate and that’s our fast decision
Hatred, hatred
Is the only thing that keeps us together
Hatred, hatred
Is the only thing that lasts forever
Driven by hate, driven by hate
Driven by hate, driven by hate
On the surface I’m a mild-mannered person
That’s until you scratch the animal inside
Then you bring out all my animal aggression
I gotta hatred for you that is never gonna die
Driven to hate, driven to hate
Driven to hate, driven to hate
Hatred, hatred
Is the only thing that lasts forever
Hatred, hatred
Is the only thing that keeps us together
While races try to integrate
Nations try to gravitate
Towards equal rights, regardless of religion
Politicians might decree
For the sake of humanity
Love and peace instead of a collision
You and me accept reality
There’s no way that we can agree
The world can’t make us alter this position
At least you and I know where we stand
We can’t be friends, walk hand in hand
My hostility for you defies description
Hatred, hatred
Is the only thing that keeps us together
Hatred, hatred
Is the only thing that lasts forever
Driven by hate, driven by hate
Driven by hate, driven by hate
Hate’s the only thing we have in common
There’s no escape, we’ll always be this way
So we might as well just learn to live together
’cos we’re gonna be this way till our dying day
Driven by hate, driven by hate
Driven by hate, driven by hate
If you keep on putting me down
Rub my name into the ground
I’ll drag the dirt all over town about you
And if you spread the filth on me
I’ll only have one remedy
I’ll spill the beans, you’ll see I’ve got a mouth, too
Chorus (2x)
Yeah, hatred
Your attitude is downright rude
Your jokes appall me, they’re so crude
Why don’t you just drop dead and don’t recover
I’m the mirror to your mood
You hate me and I hate you
So at least we understand each other
Hatred, hatred is the only thing that lasts, what is it?
Hatred, hatred
Hatred, hatred
Is the only thing that lasts forever
Hatred, hatred
Is the only thing that lasts forever