Featured News

  • Ireland: Government routed in general election

    Ireland: Government routed in general election

    Establishment parties in crisis, as a new Left rises By Danny Byrne, CWI Ireland’s Fine Gael/Labour Party coalition government was routed in general elections on 26 February. A deep class anger at the government’s austerity, especially at the Labour Party’s betrayal of working people, saw voters inflict a humiliating defeat […]

  • Tax the rich, workers are already robbed!

    Tax the rich, workers are already robbed!

    The government has already put taxation on the political agenda for 2016. The issue of raising or broadening the base of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been discussed, though Prime Minister has distanced himself from this proposal from his Treasurer Scott Morrison. Despite this, many in the Liberal […]

  • World relations, economy and the class struggle

    World relations, economy and the class struggle

    CWI 11th World Congress document The following document is an amended version of a draft document on world perspectives which was discussed at the January 2016 World Congress of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI). The very successful week-long meeting was attended by CWI comrades from 34 countries, with […]

  • How the US got Trumped

    How the US got Trumped

    By CWI reporters The 2016 US presidential race so far offers striking evidence of the massive loss of support for the political mainstream. The Great Recession has created widespread social dislocation and a rising fury against the establishment. This can be seen in the social movements that represent a revolt […]

  • Refugees, border protection and the nationalist myth

    Refugees, border protection and the nationalist myth

    Why is there sympathy for those fleeing Syria but contempt for refugees on Nauru? By Emma Linacre The plight of refugees fleeing deadly conflict in the Middle East has generated huge sympathy across the world. In many countries huge demonstrations of ordinary people have demanded governments act to support and […]