It’s not #TheDress, but a new illusion is stumping the public (Rice University)

Edit Public Technologies 02 May 2016
Pomerantz, who has a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in psychology from Yale, conducts research focusing on human visual perception with an emphasis on the perception of form and of structure in visual patterns, Gestalt psychology and the role of attention in perceptual organization....

Do you see what I see? Rice visual perception expert weighs in on latest optical puzzle (Rice University)

Edit Public Technologies 28 Apr 2016
James Pomerantz, a professor of psychology at Rice University and an expert on visual perception, is available to comment on the black-and-white image that has puzzled 'thousands,' according to some media ... in psychology from Yale, conducts research focusing on human visual perception with an emphasis on the perception of form and of structure in visual patterns, Gestalt psychology and the role of attention in perceptual organization....

What Is Figure-Ground Perception?

Edit 16 Feb 2016
The concept of figure-ground perception emerged out of the field of Gestalt psychology. According to the Gestalt approach, the whole is more (or different) than the sum of its parts ... Their work led to what are known as the Gestalt laws of perceptual organization ... While the concept of figure-ground perception is an important principle in Gestalt psychology, it is usually not identified as one of the laws of perceptual organization....

10 Myths About the Rule of Thirds

Edit PetaPixel 30 Jan 2016
For this we use Gestalt psychology techniques like Figure-Ground Relationship (FGR) to clearly separate the subject from the background ... When we learn of another Gestalt psychology technique called the Law of Continuity, we’ll discover several tools we can use to create movement and unity, which will move the eye around the image ... Glover is also an educator about applying Gestalt psychology principles to photography and art....

A Christian critique of Gestalt therapy

Edit The Examiner 25 Dec 2015
Gestalt therapy is a highly experience-based and pragmatism-based form of therapy ... "The academic Gestalt psychology tradition in Europe, which researched sensation and perception, also influenced Perls ... He eventually forged Gestalt therapy as a creative merger of concepts from existential philosophy, psychoanalytic and Gestalt psychology, and techniques developed in the creative or expressive arts."....

Gestalt Theory and Composition in Art

Edit 29 Sep 2015
Gestalt psychology is a theory about perception that states that "the whole is more than (or, in other interpretations, 'different than') the sum of its parts." Gestalt comes from the German word meaning "shape" or "form" and suggests how we as humans make shape of, or form, in our minds a unified whole out of separate and distinct elements by grouping them into the most easily understood arrangements....

Software can automatically critique composition of digital photographs (Penn State - The Pennsylvania State University) ...

Edit Public Technologies 14 Aug 2015
(Source. Penn State - The Pennsylvania State University). UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa ... Li added that the software the team developed relies on psychological theories of human vision as well as on the opinions of people to help classify images. For example, the researchers considered work done in Gestalt psychology, which focuses on how people perceive shape and form, in the development of the software ... distributed by ... (noodl. 29463094) ....

Psychology Glossary Terms E Through M

Edit 11 Jul 2015
This index offers a selection of psychology terms beginning with the letters E through M. Terms A - D . Terms E - M . Terms N - Z. E. ego. ego ideal. ego strength. electra complex. electroconvulsive therapy (ect). emotion. entp ... existentialism ... experimental psychology ... forensic psychology ... gestalt psychology ... industrial-organizational psychology ... More Psychology Definitions. The Psychology Dictionary. Browse the Psychology Dictionary ... ....

Is #TheDress white and gold or blue and black? Rice University expert on visual perception weighs in (Rice University)

Edit noodls 28 Feb 2015
in psychology from Yale, conducts research focusing on human visual perception with an emphasis on the perception of form and of structure in visual patterns, Gestalt psychology and the role of attention in perceptual organization. He has also published on motion perception, color perception, texture perception, visual imagery and theoretical approaches to perception....

Eben Alexander Has a GPS for Heaven

Edit The Daily Beast 08 Oct 2014
You surely think that Eben Alexander is either a fraud or sent from Heaven, but there’s little middle ground. Ironically, it's Alexander who says it’s middle ground we badly need. Hmm. This is tricky. How to review The Map of Heaven ... And, actually, they cross every demographic line you can name ... Like the foreground-background reversals in Gestalt psychology, it eventually became impossible to perceive both maps simultaneously ... C.S ... ....

Conversion Optimization: Is the Whole Really Greater Than Than the Sum of its Parts?

Edit Yahoo Daily News 14 Jul 2014
Many people miss this repetition thanks to the law of experience – a principle in gestalt psychology that suggests that people use prior knowledge in order to understand certain elements, and look at sentences as a whole and not at each individual word. Gestalt psychology or gestaltism aims to understand how people perceive and make sense of visual information ... Do you use any gestalt psychology tricks on your site? Tell us how....

Our Ruling Ideology Is Denial

Edit The Daily Beast 12 May 2014
Future generations will look back on this decade and wonder how the world didn’t act sooner to fight global warming and economic depression—the twin threats to civilization ... Rather, the narrative has gone something like this ... Jerome Brumer, father of gestalt psychology, demonstrated this in a celebrated experiment in which he showed people a deck of cards salted with the wrong colors for different suits such as a red ace of spades ... ....