Charyn Canyon in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan, June 2013. Charyn Canyon national park.
Music: Zack Hemsey - Mind Heist
from Denis Frantsouzov
Charyn Canyon in Kazakhstan
Learn English with video! Enjoy your time! We had a wonderful trip to the Charyn Canyon last weekend. I'm going to begin with a short story about this wonder...
3-minute edit of Steppe Tales visiting Charyn Canyon in Kazakhstan
Short clip from Steppe Tales travel documentary about Kazakhstan. Presenter Jonathan Newell explores Charyn Canyon in Eastern Kazakhstan and bathes in the ho...
Charyn Canyon - Almaty'15
Charyn Canyon - Almaty'15
The Charyn Canyon national park in Kazakhstan.
Openning Motocycle Season:2015!
The Charyn Canyon is located in the Charyn National Park about 215km east of Almaty and approximately a 3 hour drive by car or 2 hour by motorbike ;-)
charyn canyon - turgen waterfall campit.kz
The Charyn Canyon is located in the Charyn National Park about 215km east of Almaty and approximately a 3 hour drive via the A 351 and A 352. The Canyon has been described as the Grand Canyon’s little brother. This is not to detract from the sheer splendor of the canyon itself. The vista of dramatic erosion made by the river Charyn below and the elements has created a dramatic and impressive l
Чарынский каньон - Charyn canyon.
Чарынский каньон, по праву считается младшим братом Большого Каньона США и так же заслужено часто с ним сравнивается. Естественные размеры этого грандиозного творения природы составляют, в отношении протяжности 200 км и в отношении высоты от 100 и свыше 300 метров.
Charyn Canyon
The Charyn Canyon is located in the Charyn National Park about 215km east of Almaty and approximately a 3 hour drive via the A 351 and A 352. The Canyon has ...
Шарын каньоны, Чарынский каньон, Charyn Canyon, «Мой Казахстан»
Автор стихов -- Айгүл Сағымбайқызы
Автор музыки -- Giovanni Marradi «Tgether again»
Автор фотоматериалов -- Взятый из различных источников «Неизвестный»
Редактировал -- Бақытжан Бекмұхаммедұлы
И что за сказочный, здесь мир,
Строй, фантастических скульптур.
Долина замков, как на пир,
Собрался, сказочный, здесь мир.
Он младший брат, Гранд Каньона,
Наполнен светом, теплотой.
В переливах красных,
Чарынский каньон. Charyn Canyon.
Наш четырехдневный поход в Чарынский каньон.
20-24 марта 2015г.
Charyn Canyon
Charyn Canyon Kazakstan
Charyn canyon 2015
Чарынский каньон 2015 , в период с 20 марта по 25 марта в компании Десы , Вади , Беси , Вовы , Жеки , Тимы , Кипиша . Пока что самое яркое и запоминающееся мое событие за 2015 год .
Charyn Canyon Film
Walk Charyn Canyon
East of Almaty, 200 km by highway, is an amazing Valley of Castles of the Charyn river. The Charyn Canyon is a long narrow gorge featuring steep sheer rocks ...
Charyn Canyon (Valley of Castles), Kazakhstan
Charyn Canyon (Kazakh: Шарын шатқалы / Russian: Чарынский каньон) is a canyon in Kazakhstan, 200km from its largest city, Almaty. Within the Charyn Canyon is...
Trip to the Charyn Canyon Поездка на Чарынский Каньон
Осеняя семейная недельная поездка в районы Чарынского Каньона.
Charyn canyon, Kazakhstan
View from inside the Charyn canyon, Kazakhstan.
Charyn Canyon by CamFly
altyn emel.charyn canyon (Алтын емел, Чарын каньон)
Kazakhstan altyn emel charyn canyon.
Cycling out of Charyn Canyon
Get Lost Project: Charyn Canyon Kazakhstan
The best of the best places to visit in Kazakhstan. Perfect for rest, trek, camping. we decided not to stay longer as the temperature was way below zero by night so we slept in the car. If not this, we would stay there for a while...
Shogun Kazakhstan - Charyn Canyon (MISSION 3) Soundtrack Music Rise of the Renegade
Stage Music from Shogun Rise of The Renegade Bullet Hell Shooter Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.int13.shogun iOS: https://itunes....
Charyn Canyon | WALTR
Charyn Canyon in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan, June 2013. Charyn Canyon national park.
Music: Zack Hemsey - Mind Heist
from Denis Frantsouzov
Kazakhstan, June 2013. Charyn Canyon national park.
Music: Zack Hemsey - Mind Heist
from Denis Frantsouzov
wn.com/Charyn Canyon In Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan, June 2013. Charyn Canyon national park.
Music: Zack Hemsey - Mind Heist
from Denis Frantsouzov
- published: 22 Jun 2014
- views: 18
Charyn Canyon in Kazakhstan
Learn English with video! Enjoy your time! We had a wonderful trip to the Charyn Canyon last weekend. I'm going to begin with a short story about this wonder......
Learn English with video! Enjoy your time! We had a wonderful trip to the Charyn Canyon last weekend. I'm going to begin with a short story about this wonder...
wn.com/Charyn Canyon In Kazakhstan
Learn English with video! Enjoy your time! We had a wonderful trip to the Charyn Canyon last weekend. I'm going to begin with a short story about this wonder...
3-minute edit of Steppe Tales visiting Charyn Canyon in Kazakhstan
Short clip from Steppe Tales travel documentary about Kazakhstan. Presenter Jonathan Newell explores Charyn Canyon in Eastern Kazakhstan and bathes in the ho......
Short clip from Steppe Tales travel documentary about Kazakhstan. Presenter Jonathan Newell explores Charyn Canyon in Eastern Kazakhstan and bathes in the ho...
wn.com/3 Minute Edit Of Steppe Tales Visiting Charyn Canyon In Kazakhstan
Short clip from Steppe Tales travel documentary about Kazakhstan. Presenter Jonathan Newell explores Charyn Canyon in Eastern Kazakhstan and bathes in the ho...
Charyn Canyon - Almaty'15
Charyn Canyon - Almaty'15...
Charyn Canyon - Almaty'15
wn.com/Charyn Canyon Almaty'15
Charyn Canyon - Almaty'15
- published: 11 Aug 2015
- views: 45
The Charyn Canyon national park in Kazakhstan.
Openning Motocycle Season:2015!
The Charyn Canyon is located in the Charyn National Park about 215km east of Almaty and approximately a 3 hour drive by car or 2...
Openning Motocycle Season:2015!
The Charyn Canyon is located in the Charyn National Park about 215km east of Almaty and approximately a 3 hour drive by car or 2 hour by motorbike ;-)
wn.com/The Charyn Canyon National Park In Kazakhstan.
Openning Motocycle Season:2015!
The Charyn Canyon is located in the Charyn National Park about 215km east of Almaty and approximately a 3 hour drive by car or 2 hour by motorbike ;-)
- published: 04 May 2015
- views: 16
charyn canyon - turgen waterfall campit.kz
The Charyn Canyon is located in the Charyn National Park about 215km east of Almaty and approximately a 3 hour drive via the A 351 and A 352. The Canyon has b...
The Charyn Canyon is located in the Charyn National Park about 215km east of Almaty and approximately a 3 hour drive via the A 351 and A 352. The Canyon has been described as the Grand Canyon’s little brother. This is not to detract from the sheer splendor of the canyon itself. The vista of dramatic erosion made by the river Charyn below and the elements has created a dramatic and impressive landscape.
The Canyon itself is approximately 150 km long, and, in places up to 300 meters deep.
One area of particular interest, is an area of 2km called the Valley of Castles, due to the pillars and rock formations forming imposing, almost man made structures.
The story of the Canyon is that it was formed about 3 million years ago as the land around the canyon started to rise. A very large lake existed in the area around the top of the canyon and it started to empty. Over the next million years the canyon was formed by the Charyn river. Approximately 2 million years ago a large earthquake disturbed the flow of the river by blocking it with a land-slip. The visitor part of the canyon then has suffered from the elements forming the rock sculptures. The Charyn River still flows at the bottom of the canyon forming the next great canyon. Because the area used to be a large inland sea, the deposits revealed on the sides of the canyon are relatively soft and are a geologists dream, revealing hundreds of millions of years of the earth’s history at this location.
Turgen Gorge in the Ili-Alatau National Park (90 km from Almaty) is an ideal place to enjoy the beauty of nature. The gorge has hot springs, a trout farm, waterfalls and thick forests. Rich in coniferous and mixed trees, alpine and sub-alpine meadows, lakes and springs, medicinal herbs and berries, the gorge plunges 44 km into the vast Assy plateau (2,560m). Long ago, caravans from Europe and Asia passed through the "Royal Gates" on their way to China and India. The broad valley stretches east for 60 km.
The Turgen Gorge is well known for its seven waterfalls. The Medvezhy (Bear) falls drop 30 meters in a beautiful setting amidst overhanging cliffs and green fir trees, while the Bozgul Falls, known for the force of their water, have worn away an entire tunnel in the rock. Another notable feature of the gorge are the ancient Chin-Turgen mossy fir forests which cover the ground and form a thick wall of trees.
The most popular spot in the Turgen Gorge is Boten, the hunting base. Here, where three rivers meet, the gorge is at its deepest - 920 meters. The Turgen river flows southwest, while the Kishi-Turgen runs southeast. There is an observatory on the plateau. Ancient burial mounds and rock drawings are dotted along the Asy river. The are quite a few Sacae and Usun graves in the gorge, dating from 500 BC-300 AD. Resorts such as Sinegorye and Tauturgen are located where hot springs flow into the rapid Turgen river. The Sinegorye, situated 1,50 0m above sea level in the scenic Mirushino gorge (70 km from Almaty), offers a wide choice of accommodations. The small mountain lakes above the Sinegorye are wonderful for bathing and fishing, while lower down is a trout farm where you may catch your own fish and cook them for supper.
Request for tour price & booking https://instagram.com/campit.kz
wn.com/Charyn Canyon Turgen Waterfall Campit.Kz
The Charyn Canyon is located in the Charyn National Park about 215km east of Almaty and approximately a 3 hour drive via the A 351 and A 352. The Canyon has been described as the Grand Canyon’s little brother. This is not to detract from the sheer splendor of the canyon itself. The vista of dramatic erosion made by the river Charyn below and the elements has created a dramatic and impressive landscape.
The Canyon itself is approximately 150 km long, and, in places up to 300 meters deep.
One area of particular interest, is an area of 2km called the Valley of Castles, due to the pillars and rock formations forming imposing, almost man made structures.
The story of the Canyon is that it was formed about 3 million years ago as the land around the canyon started to rise. A very large lake existed in the area around the top of the canyon and it started to empty. Over the next million years the canyon was formed by the Charyn river. Approximately 2 million years ago a large earthquake disturbed the flow of the river by blocking it with a land-slip. The visitor part of the canyon then has suffered from the elements forming the rock sculptures. The Charyn River still flows at the bottom of the canyon forming the next great canyon. Because the area used to be a large inland sea, the deposits revealed on the sides of the canyon are relatively soft and are a geologists dream, revealing hundreds of millions of years of the earth’s history at this location.
Turgen Gorge in the Ili-Alatau National Park (90 km from Almaty) is an ideal place to enjoy the beauty of nature. The gorge has hot springs, a trout farm, waterfalls and thick forests. Rich in coniferous and mixed trees, alpine and sub-alpine meadows, lakes and springs, medicinal herbs and berries, the gorge plunges 44 km into the vast Assy plateau (2,560m). Long ago, caravans from Europe and Asia passed through the "Royal Gates" on their way to China and India. The broad valley stretches east for 60 km.
The Turgen Gorge is well known for its seven waterfalls. The Medvezhy (Bear) falls drop 30 meters in a beautiful setting amidst overhanging cliffs and green fir trees, while the Bozgul Falls, known for the force of their water, have worn away an entire tunnel in the rock. Another notable feature of the gorge are the ancient Chin-Turgen mossy fir forests which cover the ground and form a thick wall of trees.
The most popular spot in the Turgen Gorge is Boten, the hunting base. Here, where three rivers meet, the gorge is at its deepest - 920 meters. The Turgen river flows southwest, while the Kishi-Turgen runs southeast. There is an observatory on the plateau. Ancient burial mounds and rock drawings are dotted along the Asy river. The are quite a few Sacae and Usun graves in the gorge, dating from 500 BC-300 AD. Resorts such as Sinegorye and Tauturgen are located where hot springs flow into the rapid Turgen river. The Sinegorye, situated 1,50 0m above sea level in the scenic Mirushino gorge (70 km from Almaty), offers a wide choice of accommodations. The small mountain lakes above the Sinegorye are wonderful for bathing and fishing, while lower down is a trout farm where you may catch your own fish and cook them for supper.
Request for tour price & booking https://instagram.com/campit.kz
- published: 17 Jun 2015
- views: 49
Чарынский каньон - Charyn canyon.
Чарынский каньон, по праву считается младшим братом Большого Каньона США и так же заслужено часто с ним сравнивается. Естественные размеры этого грандиозного тв...
Чарынский каньон, по праву считается младшим братом Большого Каньона США и так же заслужено часто с ним сравнивается. Естественные размеры этого грандиозного творения природы составляют, в отношении протяжности 200 км и в отношении высоты от 100 и свыше 300 метров.
wn.com/Чарынский Каньон Charyn Canyon.
Чарынский каньон, по праву считается младшим братом Большого Каньона США и так же заслужено часто с ним сравнивается. Естественные размеры этого грандиозного творения природы составляют, в отношении протяжности 200 км и в отношении высоты от 100 и свыше 300 метров.
- published: 24 Jul 2015
- views: 97
Charyn Canyon
The Charyn Canyon is located in the Charyn National Park about 215km east of Almaty and approximately a 3 hour drive via the A 351 and A 352. The Canyon has ......
The Charyn Canyon is located in the Charyn National Park about 215km east of Almaty and approximately a 3 hour drive via the A 351 and A 352. The Canyon has ...
wn.com/Charyn Canyon
The Charyn Canyon is located in the Charyn National Park about 215km east of Almaty and approximately a 3 hour drive via the A 351 and A 352. The Canyon has ...
Шарын каньоны, Чарынский каньон, Charyn Canyon, «Мой Казахстан»
Автор стихов -- Айгүл Сағымбайқызы
Автор музыки -- Giovanni Marradi «Tgether again»
Автор фотоматериалов -- Взятый из различных источников «Неизвестный»
Автор стихов -- Айгүл Сағымбайқызы
Автор музыки -- Giovanni Marradi «Tgether again»
Автор фотоматериалов -- Взятый из различных источников «Неизвестный»
Редактировал -- Бақытжан Бекмұхаммедұлы
И что за сказочный, здесь мир,
Строй, фантастических скульптур.
Долина замков, как на пир,
Собрался, сказочный, здесь мир.
Он младший брат, Гранд Каньона,
Наполнен светом, теплотой.
В переливах красных, здесь стена,
В которых отблеск, лика золотой.
Пещеры, гроты, так стоят,
Как будто, что-то говорят.
Или задумчиво, молчат,
И этой, тишиной манят.
Реликтовая ясень, здесь растет,
Что пережила, миллионы лет.
И нежностью, под тень завет,
Под шелест, где много, так секрет.
О мир, чудес и красоты,
Симфония звуков и мечты.
Возвышенность, полет души,
Где ты с природой, лишь на ты.
wn.com/Шарын Каньоны, Чарынский Каньон, Charyn Canyon, «Мой Казахстан»
Автор стихов -- Айгүл Сағымбайқызы
Автор музыки -- Giovanni Marradi «Tgether again»
Автор фотоматериалов -- Взятый из различных источников «Неизвестный»
Редактировал -- Бақытжан Бекмұхаммедұлы
И что за сказочный, здесь мир,
Строй, фантастических скульптур.
Долина замков, как на пир,
Собрался, сказочный, здесь мир.
Он младший брат, Гранд Каньона,
Наполнен светом, теплотой.
В переливах красных, здесь стена,
В которых отблеск, лика золотой.
Пещеры, гроты, так стоят,
Как будто, что-то говорят.
Или задумчиво, молчат,
И этой, тишиной манят.
Реликтовая ясень, здесь растет,
Что пережила, миллионы лет.
И нежностью, под тень завет,
Под шелест, где много, так секрет.
О мир, чудес и красоты,
Симфония звуков и мечты.
Возвышенность, полет души,
Где ты с природой, лишь на ты.
- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 34
Чарынский каньон. Charyn Canyon.
Наш четырехдневный поход в Чарынский каньон.
20-24 марта 2015г....
Наш четырехдневный поход в Чарынский каньон.
20-24 марта 2015г.
wn.com/Чарынский Каньон. Charyn Canyon.
Наш четырехдневный поход в Чарынский каньон.
20-24 марта 2015г.
- published: 26 Mar 2015
- views: 119
Charyn Canyon
Charyn Canyon Kazakstan...
Charyn Canyon Kazakstan
wn.com/Charyn Canyon
Charyn Canyon Kazakstan
- published: 10 Sep 2014
- views: 69
Charyn canyon 2015
Чарынский каньон 2015 , в период с 20 марта по 25 марта в компании Десы , Вади , Беси , Вовы , Жеки , Тимы , Кипиша . Пока что самое яркое и запоминающееся мое ...
Чарынский каньон 2015 , в период с 20 марта по 25 марта в компании Десы , Вади , Беси , Вовы , Жеки , Тимы , Кипиша . Пока что самое яркое и запоминающееся мое событие за 2015 год .
wn.com/Charyn Canyon 2015
Чарынский каньон 2015 , в период с 20 марта по 25 марта в компании Десы , Вади , Беси , Вовы , Жеки , Тимы , Кипиша . Пока что самое яркое и запоминающееся мое событие за 2015 год .
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 69
Walk Charyn Canyon
East of Almaty, 200 km by highway, is an amazing Valley of Castles of the Charyn river. The Charyn Canyon is a long narrow gorge featuring steep sheer rocks ......
East of Almaty, 200 km by highway, is an amazing Valley of Castles of the Charyn river. The Charyn Canyon is a long narrow gorge featuring steep sheer rocks ...
wn.com/Walk Charyn Canyon
East of Almaty, 200 km by highway, is an amazing Valley of Castles of the Charyn river. The Charyn Canyon is a long narrow gorge featuring steep sheer rocks ...
Charyn Canyon (Valley of Castles), Kazakhstan
Charyn Canyon (Kazakh: Шарын шатқалы / Russian: Чарынский каньон) is a canyon in Kazakhstan, 200km from its largest city, Almaty. Within the Charyn Canyon is......
Charyn Canyon (Kazakh: Шарын шатқалы / Russian: Чарынский каньон) is a canyon in Kazakhstan, 200km from its largest city, Almaty. Within the Charyn Canyon is...
wn.com/Charyn Canyon (Valley Of Castles), Kazakhstan
Charyn Canyon (Kazakh: Шарын шатқалы / Russian: Чарынский каньон) is a canyon in Kazakhstan, 200km from its largest city, Almaty. Within the Charyn Canyon is...
Trip to the Charyn Canyon Поездка на Чарынский Каньон
Осеняя семейная недельная поездка в районы Чарынского Каньона....
Осеняя семейная недельная поездка в районы Чарынского Каньона.
wn.com/Trip To The Charyn Canyon Поездка На Чарынский Каньон
Осеняя семейная недельная поездка в районы Чарынского Каньона.
- published: 28 Aug 2013
- views: 11
Charyn canyon, Kazakhstan
View from inside the Charyn canyon, Kazakhstan....
View from inside the Charyn canyon, Kazakhstan.
wn.com/Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan
View from inside the Charyn canyon, Kazakhstan.
Charyn Canyon by CamFly
wn.com/Charyn Canyon By Camfly
- published: 11 May 2015
- views: 1259
Get Lost Project: Charyn Canyon Kazakhstan
The best of the best places to visit in Kazakhstan. Perfect for rest, trek, camping. we decided not to stay longer as the temperature was way below zero by nigh...
The best of the best places to visit in Kazakhstan. Perfect for rest, trek, camping. we decided not to stay longer as the temperature was way below zero by night so we slept in the car. If not this, we would stay there for a while...
wn.com/Get Lost Project Charyn Canyon Kazakhstan
The best of the best places to visit in Kazakhstan. Perfect for rest, trek, camping. we decided not to stay longer as the temperature was way below zero by night so we slept in the car. If not this, we would stay there for a while...
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 1
Shogun Kazakhstan - Charyn Canyon (MISSION 3) Soundtrack Music Rise of the Renegade
Stage Music from Shogun Rise of The Renegade Bullet Hell Shooter Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.int13.shogun iOS: https://itunes.......
Stage Music from Shogun Rise of The Renegade Bullet Hell Shooter Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.int13.shogun iOS: https://itunes....
wn.com/Shogun Kazakhstan Charyn Canyon (Mission 3) Soundtrack Music Rise Of The Renegade
Stage Music from Shogun Rise of The Renegade Bullet Hell Shooter Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.int13.shogun iOS: https://itunes....
Charyn Canyon
Things to do in Kazakhstan, and must see if you are travelling through Kazakhstan. Charyn Canyon is an 80 km canyon in Kazakhstan on the Charyn River, 200 ki...
Almaty City Guide
Travel documentary about Kazakhstan focusing on the Almaty region tourist areas including Lake Issyk and Charyn Canyon We do not own the rights to this video...
Kazakhstan Tourist Attractions: 15 Top Places to Visit
Planning to visit Kazakhstan? Check out our Kazakhstan Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Kazakhstan.
Top Places to visit in Kazakhstan:
Ascension Cathedral, Medeu, Bayterek Tower, Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center, Nur-Astana Mosque, Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Central State Museum of Kazakhstan, Almaty Tower, Duman Entertainment Ce
Clip from Steppe Tales on the tourist trail around Kazakhstan's Almaty Region
Short clip from Steppe Tales travel documentary about Kazakhstan in which presenter Jonathan Newell travels around the Almaty region tourist areas including ...
Driving in Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan
The Charyn Canyon in southern Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan CHARYN canyon
Travel to Kazakhstan
Travel to Kazakhstan EFLECTION OF THE UNIVERSE Two days which allow us to visit different planets of our universe due to the unique landscape of the land of ...
travel to kazakhstan
Travel to Kazakhstan
Like a steppe eagle, eternal guard of the great steppe and ally of wind, you can embrace the entire unimaginable vastness of Zhetisu from Altyn-Emel to Kolsay lakes in six exciting days. You will be delighted, surprised, confused, intrigued, will understand and fall in love... And, surely, you will come back!
DAY 1.
Almaty - Altyn Emel
Travel to Kazakhstan
Travel to Kazakhstan
Two days which allow us to visit different planets of our universe due to the unique landscape of the land of Kazakhstan. This journey will introduce you to the most famous and at the same time mysterious canyons of Jetysu: Kyzylzhar, Temirlik, Bestamak, Moon Valley and the Valley of the Castles of Charyn Canyon ...
Travel to Kazakhstan
Travel to Kazakhstan
Two Capitals of Kazakhstan
The dates of the English speaking groups:
24.06.15-04.07.15, 22.07.15-01.08.15, 19.08.15-29.08.15
Welcome to Kazakhstan. This trip you will meet two Capitals of Kazakhstan – Astana city and Almaty city and can compare two absolutely different regions Akmola region and Almaty region also.
The type of tour: active and historical
Kazakhstan Almaty & First Trip Abroad
I'm 17 , It was my first day abroad in Almaty . An unbelievable journey , we've been to the Koktobe Tower, to the Charyn Canyon, visited 1st President's Park, been bicycling in the Botanical Garden, seen the Issyk Lake and even visited traditional Kazakh wedding!
Driving in Astana Street Scenes Kazakhstan Trip Travel Video Guide
Astana (Астана) is the capital of Kazakhstan (Қазақстан). It is located on the Ishim River in the north portion of Kazakhstan, within Akmola Region, though administrated separately from the region as the city with special status. The 2014 census reported a population of 835,153 within the city, making it the second-largest city in Kazakhstan.
Founded in 1830
The Ultimate Adventure Travel Video!
"Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", packed with practical travel info, is only $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info and to read reviews: http://www.amazon.co...
Kazakhstan Travel Video
Kazakhstan Travel Video - Easily the most economically advanced of the stans, post-Soviet Kazakhstan is reinventing itself as a uniquely prosperous and modern Eurasian nation. The leafy commercial and social hub, Almaty, has an almost European feel with its quality hotels, slick boutiques, chic cafés and streets thick with BMWs and Mercedes. Astana, in the north, is being transformed at quickfire
Charyn - Der Film | Trailer | Hope is just a sunrise away | HD
Hallo, zum ersten und einzigen Trailer von Charyn - Der Film Hier kurz gezeigt welche Szenen ihr im Film zu sehen bekommt, doch im Film ist ein großteil verb...
??? ????? ????????? ? ???????? Android.
Top 10 Adventure Travel Activities India ( HD )
India is one of the premier adventure destinations on the planet. As India is blessed with a mind-blowing variety of landscape, vacationers here have enough ...
BBC Travel - Snake Castle - Turkey/Adana
Question: What is the reason for the name of Snake Castle? Did it get its name because there are a lot of snakes? Will you tell us about it please? More... V...
Mountain Viewlies Travel to Kazakhstan by Veronica
A family from Mountain View travels to Kazakhstan to visit their ancestral home and meet their relatives. Edited by Veronica.
4WD Travel Wales off road reis
trektocht door midden en noord Wales.
Travel to the apple country - part 2
Committee of Tourism Industry presents the documentary film "Travel to the apple country" "Kazakhstan is the first, and possibly, that very biblical apple. I...
Charyn Canyon
Things to do in Kazakhstan, and must see if you are travelling through Kazakhstan. Charyn Canyon is an 80 km canyon in Kazakhstan on the Charyn River, 200 ki......
Things to do in Kazakhstan, and must see if you are travelling through Kazakhstan. Charyn Canyon is an 80 km canyon in Kazakhstan on the Charyn River, 200 ki...
wn.com/Charyn Canyon
Things to do in Kazakhstan, and must see if you are travelling through Kazakhstan. Charyn Canyon is an 80 km canyon in Kazakhstan on the Charyn River, 200 ki...
Almaty City Guide
Travel documentary about Kazakhstan focusing on the Almaty region tourist areas including Lake Issyk and Charyn Canyon We do not own the rights to this video......
Travel documentary about Kazakhstan focusing on the Almaty region tourist areas including Lake Issyk and Charyn Canyon We do not own the rights to this video...
wn.com/Almaty City Guide
Travel documentary about Kazakhstan focusing on the Almaty region tourist areas including Lake Issyk and Charyn Canyon We do not own the rights to this video...
Kazakhstan Tourist Attractions: 15 Top Places to Visit
Planning to visit Kazakhstan? Check out our Kazakhstan Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Kazakhstan.
Top Places to visit in Kazakhstan...
Planning to visit Kazakhstan? Check out our Kazakhstan Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Kazakhstan.
Top Places to visit in Kazakhstan:
Ascension Cathedral, Medeu, Bayterek Tower, Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center, Nur-Astana Mosque, Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Central State Museum of Kazakhstan, Almaty Tower, Duman Entertainment Center, Charyn Canyon, Panfilov Park, Kolsai Lakes, Kok Tobe Hill, First President's Park
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wn.com/Kazakhstan Tourist Attractions 15 Top Places To Visit
Planning to visit Kazakhstan? Check out our Kazakhstan Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Kazakhstan.
Top Places to visit in Kazakhstan:
Ascension Cathedral, Medeu, Bayterek Tower, Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center, Nur-Astana Mosque, Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Central State Museum of Kazakhstan, Almaty Tower, Duman Entertainment Center, Charyn Canyon, Panfilov Park, Kolsai Lakes, Kok Tobe Hill, First President's Park
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- published: 19 Oct 2015
- views: 8
Clip from Steppe Tales on the tourist trail around Kazakhstan's Almaty Region
Short clip from Steppe Tales travel documentary about Kazakhstan in which presenter Jonathan Newell travels around the Almaty region tourist areas including ......
Short clip from Steppe Tales travel documentary about Kazakhstan in which presenter Jonathan Newell travels around the Almaty region tourist areas including ...
wn.com/Clip From Steppe Tales On The Tourist Trail Around Kazakhstan's Almaty Region
Short clip from Steppe Tales travel documentary about Kazakhstan in which presenter Jonathan Newell travels around the Almaty region tourist areas including ...
Driving in Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan
The Charyn Canyon in southern Kazakhstan.
The Charyn Canyon in southern Kazakhstan.
wn.com/Driving In Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan
The Charyn Canyon in southern Kazakhstan.
- published: 05 May 2014
- views: 5
Travel to Kazakhstan
Travel to Kazakhstan EFLECTION OF THE UNIVERSE Two days which allow us to visit different planets of our universe due to the unique landscape of the land of ......
Travel to Kazakhstan EFLECTION OF THE UNIVERSE Two days which allow us to visit different planets of our universe due to the unique landscape of the land of ...
wn.com/Travel To Kazakhstan
Travel to Kazakhstan EFLECTION OF THE UNIVERSE Two days which allow us to visit different planets of our universe due to the unique landscape of the land of ...
travel to kazakhstan
Travel to Kazakhstan
Like a steppe eagle, eternal guard of the great steppe and ally of wind, you can embrace the entire unimagina...
Travel to Kazakhstan
Like a steppe eagle, eternal guard of the great steppe and ally of wind, you can embrace the entire unimaginable vastness of Zhetisu from Altyn-Emel to Kolsay lakes in six exciting days. You will be delighted, surprised, confused, intrigued, will understand and fall in love... And, surely, you will come back!
DAY 1.
Almaty - Altyn Emel
Departure from Almaty at 07:00 h. Arrival in reserve "Altyn Emel" at 10:00 h. The excursion to the petroglyphs "Kyzylauyz.". Picnic.
Petroglyphs "Kyzylauyz" - this is an amazing collection of rock paintings in the Tibetan language, as well as drawings of the generic characters, a variety of animals, hunting scenes and collective celebrations, left to us by the ancestors and survived to this day.
Excursion to the mounds "Besshatyr."
One more attractive place of the park Altyn-Emel are grandiose tombs of the Saks kings "Besshatyr", which means "Five tents" - the biggest ones of the 31 mound, which always attract the attention of outstanding scholars archaeologists as well as curious tourists.
Excursion to the Singing Dune.
Singing Dune - the unique natural monument and the main treasure of the Altyn-Emel National Park. Huge sand hill having height of 150 m and a length of 3 km, formed as a result of long-term weathering sand dust from the Ili River sandbars. From the top of the dune offers an extraordinary view of the other natural attractions of the region. These are purple mountains Sogety and Boguty in the south, and the purple-blue cascades of Jungar Alatau, and from the west and the east dune surrounded by steep slopes of the Big and Small Kalkan. When the wind picks up, the sand begins to sing, spreading around the neighborhood loud noise like a cry, the lower registers of organ, and seeking turns into a roar of a jet plane! Truly a magical natural phenomenon certainly worth hearing by yourself, and at the same time listen to intriguing tales in search for an answer to the eternal question: "Why Dune sings?"
Transfer to the hotel "Altyn Emel." Dinner and overnight in the reserve.
DAY 2.
Breakfast at 07:30 am. Excursion to the mountains of Aktau and Katutau
Aktau, in Kazakh means "White Mountain". But in fact the White Mountain - is only part of the Cretaceous mountains, with the rest full of other interesting colors and shades, from gray and yellow to bright orange and red, and sometimes even greenish. Every 100 meters open new colors and textures, so you should definitely take a walk deep into the mountain massif of Aktau!
Continuing our journey, we go into the mysterious and severe world - mountains Katutau or Harsh mountain - the tomb of long dormant volcano, which has a unique form of ancient volcanic formations, domes, huge cracks and multicolored rock outcrops. Incredible peace and quiet where once raged fiery lava flows and were not ceasing the powerful eruptions!
Transfer to the hotel. Dinner and overnight in the reserve.
DAY 3.
Breakfast at 08:00 am. Transfer to the Ash Grove on the river Temerlik. Excursion and picnic.
In the lower reaches of the Charyn River, next to the "Valley of Castles" is another highlight of the venerable age - relic Ash Grove. First Sogdian ash came here 10 million years ago. Some of the 30-meter giant, vaguely reminiscent of baobabs, more than 300 years. This Ash species has experienced several periods of icing. Now it is a natural monument and protected by law. In the world there is only one grove of the same age - in Canada.
Transfer to Charyn Canyon. Sightseeing in the "Valley of Castles".
Charyn Canyon - one of the most unusual natural monuments of the region of seven rivers, striking for its fantastic scenery. The road to it will take a little about 3 hours. Canyon more than 12 million years old. It was formed under the influence of continuous processes of weathering of sedimentary rocks, its depth reaches 300 meters. Excellent artists - rain and wind - bared ancient rocks and cliffs with imprints of plants and animals lived 300 million years ago. The most popular part of the canyon among tourists is the "Valley of Castles". This is a collection of incredible rock formations resembling a big tale city! An amazing journey to the edge of reality and fantasy in the Charyn Canyon is waiting for you!
Departure from the national park to Kolsay lakes at 16:00. Arriving in Saty settlement. Dinner, rest, a night in a guest house in the settlement.
Lake Kaindy or Birch lake got its name from a birch grove, located iwith water. This disaster has given us amazing beauty like nothing else: over clear turquoise surface towering pillars - skeletons of the submerged fir trees, resembling the mysterious guards of sunken city, all surrounded by steep cliffs and evergreen slopes of the Tien Shan!
Return to Saty settlement. Dinner and overnight at the guest house.
travel to kazakhstan
wn.com/Travel To Kazakhstan
Travel to Kazakhstan
Like a steppe eagle, eternal guard of the great steppe and ally of wind, you can embrace the entire unimaginable vastness of Zhetisu from Altyn-Emel to Kolsay lakes in six exciting days. You will be delighted, surprised, confused, intrigued, will understand and fall in love... And, surely, you will come back!
DAY 1.
Almaty - Altyn Emel
Departure from Almaty at 07:00 h. Arrival in reserve "Altyn Emel" at 10:00 h. The excursion to the petroglyphs "Kyzylauyz.". Picnic.
Petroglyphs "Kyzylauyz" - this is an amazing collection of rock paintings in the Tibetan language, as well as drawings of the generic characters, a variety of animals, hunting scenes and collective celebrations, left to us by the ancestors and survived to this day.
Excursion to the mounds "Besshatyr."
One more attractive place of the park Altyn-Emel are grandiose tombs of the Saks kings "Besshatyr", which means "Five tents" - the biggest ones of the 31 mound, which always attract the attention of outstanding scholars archaeologists as well as curious tourists.
Excursion to the Singing Dune.
Singing Dune - the unique natural monument and the main treasure of the Altyn-Emel National Park. Huge sand hill having height of 150 m and a length of 3 km, formed as a result of long-term weathering sand dust from the Ili River sandbars. From the top of the dune offers an extraordinary view of the other natural attractions of the region. These are purple mountains Sogety and Boguty in the south, and the purple-blue cascades of Jungar Alatau, and from the west and the east dune surrounded by steep slopes of the Big and Small Kalkan. When the wind picks up, the sand begins to sing, spreading around the neighborhood loud noise like a cry, the lower registers of organ, and seeking turns into a roar of a jet plane! Truly a magical natural phenomenon certainly worth hearing by yourself, and at the same time listen to intriguing tales in search for an answer to the eternal question: "Why Dune sings?"
Transfer to the hotel "Altyn Emel." Dinner and overnight in the reserve.
DAY 2.
Breakfast at 07:30 am. Excursion to the mountains of Aktau and Katutau
Aktau, in Kazakh means "White Mountain". But in fact the White Mountain - is only part of the Cretaceous mountains, with the rest full of other interesting colors and shades, from gray and yellow to bright orange and red, and sometimes even greenish. Every 100 meters open new colors and textures, so you should definitely take a walk deep into the mountain massif of Aktau!
Continuing our journey, we go into the mysterious and severe world - mountains Katutau or Harsh mountain - the tomb of long dormant volcano, which has a unique form of ancient volcanic formations, domes, huge cracks and multicolored rock outcrops. Incredible peace and quiet where once raged fiery lava flows and were not ceasing the powerful eruptions!
Transfer to the hotel. Dinner and overnight in the reserve.
DAY 3.
Breakfast at 08:00 am. Transfer to the Ash Grove on the river Temerlik. Excursion and picnic.
In the lower reaches of the Charyn River, next to the "Valley of Castles" is another highlight of the venerable age - relic Ash Grove. First Sogdian ash came here 10 million years ago. Some of the 30-meter giant, vaguely reminiscent of baobabs, more than 300 years. This Ash species has experienced several periods of icing. Now it is a natural monument and protected by law. In the world there is only one grove of the same age - in Canada.
Transfer to Charyn Canyon. Sightseeing in the "Valley of Castles".
Charyn Canyon - one of the most unusual natural monuments of the region of seven rivers, striking for its fantastic scenery. The road to it will take a little about 3 hours. Canyon more than 12 million years old. It was formed under the influence of continuous processes of weathering of sedimentary rocks, its depth reaches 300 meters. Excellent artists - rain and wind - bared ancient rocks and cliffs with imprints of plants and animals lived 300 million years ago. The most popular part of the canyon among tourists is the "Valley of Castles". This is a collection of incredible rock formations resembling a big tale city! An amazing journey to the edge of reality and fantasy in the Charyn Canyon is waiting for you!
Departure from the national park to Kolsay lakes at 16:00. Arriving in Saty settlement. Dinner, rest, a night in a guest house in the settlement.
Lake Kaindy or Birch lake got its name from a birch grove, located iwith water. This disaster has given us amazing beauty like nothing else: over clear turquoise surface towering pillars - skeletons of the submerged fir trees, resembling the mysterious guards of sunken city, all surrounded by steep cliffs and evergreen slopes of the Tien Shan!
Return to Saty settlement. Dinner and overnight at the guest house.
travel to kazakhstan
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 12
Travel to Kazakhstan
Travel to Kazakhstan
Two days which allow us to visit different planets of our universe due to the unique landscape of the land of K...
Travel to Kazakhstan
Two days which allow us to visit different planets of our universe due to the unique landscape of the land of Kazakhstan. This journey will introduce you to the most famous and at the same time mysterious canyons of Jetysu: Kyzylzhar, Temirlik, Bestamak, Moon Valley and the Valley of the Castles of Charyn Canyon ...
DAY 1. ALMATY - KYZYLZHAR CANYON - CANYON TEMIRLIK Departure from Almaty at 06:00am. Arriving at the canyon Kyzylzhar (Red Canyon) in the mountains Boguty. Excursion in the canyon.
Red Canyon, formed by the eruption of an ancient, long-sleeping volcano, with numerous clumps of fossilized ashes incredibly resembles landscape of the planet Mars, especially after rain, when the clay acquires an intense red color. Actually, hence the name of the canyon Kyzylzhar that in Kazakh means "Red ground". Canyon is located between two rivers, the Charyn and Chilik on two mountain ranges - Ulken Boguty and Bala Boguty, or Big and Small Boguty, in the foothill of Trans-Ili Alatau. To get to these mountains have to go down, not up.
Transfer to Chundzha settlement. Lunch in the cafe. Transfer to the canyon Temirlik. Walk along the canyon, fishing (on request).
Canyon Temirlik amaze you with the variety of flora and fauna. At the bottom of the canyon flows one of the tributaries of Charyn, Temirlik river, immersed in the greenery of unique species of flora as maple Semenov, barberry, elm, Halimodendron, tamarisk, haloxylon and indispensable treasureof Zhetysu - Sogdian ash - a unique plant that survived the Ice Age, one of the rarest in the world that grows only on the territory of Kazakhstan and North America. Thereby Ash grove in 1964 was declared a natural monument of the Republic of Kazakhstan and protected by the state. Fauna canyon presented by rabbits, goats and gazelles. On the territory inhabit rare wildlife species - the black stork. A magical melody in the performance of the nightingales in canyon is simply enchanting!
A campcraft, dinner and overnight at a fire in camp.
Wake up at 07:00 am, breakfast. Gathering at the camp and drive to the canyon Bestamak. Walk and lunch in the field. Transfer to Moon Valley. Walking through the canyon.
Each of us has ever dreamed of going to the moon. "Moon Valley" of Charyn canyon will allow you to do this without leaving the earth. Thanks to its unusual landscapes and streamlining forms, Canyon extremely similar to the surface of the moon, and certainly leave unforgettable impressions about the beauty of Kazakh land.
Transfer to Charyn Canyon. Walking in the Castles Valley.
Charyn Canyon - one of the most unusual natural monuments of the region of seven rivers, striking for its fantastic scenery. The road to it will take a little about 3 hours. Canyon more than 12 million years old. It was formed under the influence of continuous processes of weathering of sedimentary rocks, its depth reaches 300 meters. Excellent artists - rain and wind - bared ancient rocks and cliffs with imprints of plants and animals lived 300 million years ago. The most popular part of the canyon among tourists is the "Valley of Castles". This is a collection of incredible rock formations resembling a big tale city! An amazing journey to the edge of reality and fantasy in the Charyn Canyon is waiting for you!
Departure to Almaty. Arrival in Almaty at 20:30pm.
wn.com/Travel To Kazakhstan
Travel to Kazakhstan
Two days which allow us to visit different planets of our universe due to the unique landscape of the land of Kazakhstan. This journey will introduce you to the most famous and at the same time mysterious canyons of Jetysu: Kyzylzhar, Temirlik, Bestamak, Moon Valley and the Valley of the Castles of Charyn Canyon ...
DAY 1. ALMATY - KYZYLZHAR CANYON - CANYON TEMIRLIK Departure from Almaty at 06:00am. Arriving at the canyon Kyzylzhar (Red Canyon) in the mountains Boguty. Excursion in the canyon.
Red Canyon, formed by the eruption of an ancient, long-sleeping volcano, with numerous clumps of fossilized ashes incredibly resembles landscape of the planet Mars, especially after rain, when the clay acquires an intense red color. Actually, hence the name of the canyon Kyzylzhar that in Kazakh means "Red ground". Canyon is located between two rivers, the Charyn and Chilik on two mountain ranges - Ulken Boguty and Bala Boguty, or Big and Small Boguty, in the foothill of Trans-Ili Alatau. To get to these mountains have to go down, not up.
Transfer to Chundzha settlement. Lunch in the cafe. Transfer to the canyon Temirlik. Walk along the canyon, fishing (on request).
Canyon Temirlik amaze you with the variety of flora and fauna. At the bottom of the canyon flows one of the tributaries of Charyn, Temirlik river, immersed in the greenery of unique species of flora as maple Semenov, barberry, elm, Halimodendron, tamarisk, haloxylon and indispensable treasureof Zhetysu - Sogdian ash - a unique plant that survived the Ice Age, one of the rarest in the world that grows only on the territory of Kazakhstan and North America. Thereby Ash grove in 1964 was declared a natural monument of the Republic of Kazakhstan and protected by the state. Fauna canyon presented by rabbits, goats and gazelles. On the territory inhabit rare wildlife species - the black stork. A magical melody in the performance of the nightingales in canyon is simply enchanting!
A campcraft, dinner and overnight at a fire in camp.
Wake up at 07:00 am, breakfast. Gathering at the camp and drive to the canyon Bestamak. Walk and lunch in the field. Transfer to Moon Valley. Walking through the canyon.
Each of us has ever dreamed of going to the moon. "Moon Valley" of Charyn canyon will allow you to do this without leaving the earth. Thanks to its unusual landscapes and streamlining forms, Canyon extremely similar to the surface of the moon, and certainly leave unforgettable impressions about the beauty of Kazakh land.
Transfer to Charyn Canyon. Walking in the Castles Valley.
Charyn Canyon - one of the most unusual natural monuments of the region of seven rivers, striking for its fantastic scenery. The road to it will take a little about 3 hours. Canyon more than 12 million years old. It was formed under the influence of continuous processes of weathering of sedimentary rocks, its depth reaches 300 meters. Excellent artists - rain and wind - bared ancient rocks and cliffs with imprints of plants and animals lived 300 million years ago. The most popular part of the canyon among tourists is the "Valley of Castles". This is a collection of incredible rock formations resembling a big tale city! An amazing journey to the edge of reality and fantasy in the Charyn Canyon is waiting for you!
Departure to Almaty. Arrival in Almaty at 20:30pm.
- published: 06 Jan 2014
- views: 0
Travel to Kazakhstan
Travel to Kazakhstan
Two Capitals of Kazakhstan
The dates of the English speaking groups:
24.06.15-04.07.15, 22.07.15-01.08.15, 19.08.15-29.0...
Travel to Kazakhstan
Two Capitals of Kazakhstan
The dates of the English speaking groups:
24.06.15-04.07.15, 22.07.15-01.08.15, 19.08.15-29.08.15
Welcome to Kazakhstan. This trip you will meet two Capitals of Kazakhstan – Astana city and Almaty city and can compare two absolutely different regions Akmola region and Almaty region also.
The type of tour: active and historical
The season: June – September
The duration: 11 days – 10 nights
The program of the tour:
1 day. Wednesday
Arrival to Astana city by Turkish Airlines or Air Astana flights. Transfer to the hotel. Leave your luggage at the reception.
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 City tour for half day around Astana city. You will visit Baiterek, Independence Square, National Museum.
13:00 Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation. Free time.
2 day. Thursday
08:00 Breakfast at the hotel. Transfer to the Borovoe resort.
12:00 Arrival to Borovoe, accommodation at the hotel.
14:00 Sightseeing tour around the National Park Burabai.
19:55 Departure.
Night at the hotel.
3 day. Friday
Breakfast. Free time for walking.
13:00 Transfer to Astana city.
16:30 Arrival to Astana city.
17:00 Dinner (for extra charge)
18:00 Transfer to the train station.
18:55 Departure from Astana city to Almaty
4 day. Saturday
07:40 Arrival to Almaty city. Transfer to the hotel. You can leave you luggage at the reception.
08:00 Breakfast.
09.00 – The Almaty city tour for half day. You will visit The 28 Panfilov Park and Museum of musical instruments, The New Square, Medeo skating stadium and high mountain skiing resort Shymbulak,
13:00 You will be back to the hotel. Accommodation at the hotel. Free time.
5 day. Sunday.
Breakfast at the hotel. Free day. This day you can visit the East market and enjoy atmosphere and hospitality of the East. Also you can take some additional tours around Almaty city and Almaty region: visit the Park of the First President of Kazakhstan and Falcon show, visit the Big Almaty Lake, different tours around Museums of Almaty city, master classes of national (ремесел) ………, Issyk Lake, sakhs sauna, Petroglyphs under UNESCO (защитой) and so on.
6 day. Monday.
06-00 Breakfast at the hotel. Earlier check out the hotel.
07-00 departure from the hotel.
11-00 Arrival to the Altyn Emel national Park. Accommodation at the guest houses. Trip to the Singing dunes. Picnic. Trip to the Aktau and Katutau mountains. Sunset at the Katutau.
19-00 Come back to the guest houses.
20-00 Dinner and night.
7 day Tuesday.
07:00 Breakfast.
08:00 You depart from the Altyn Emel National Park.
10:00 you will arrive to Zharkent city that situated only in 20 kilometers from the Chinese border. Here you have a short trip around Zharkent city where you can visit The Dungan Mosque, Orthodox Church and local market.
12:00 you depart from the Zharkent city
15:00 arrival to the Charyn Canyons. You will walk around canyons and have a picnic on the Charyn river.
17:00 departure from the canyons
20:00 arrival to the Kolsay Lake 1. Accommodation at the high mountain resort. Free time.
21:00 Dinner and night.
8 day. Wednesday.
08:00 Breakfast.
09-00 trekking to the Kolsay Lake 2 (if you wish).
13-00 On the Lake 2 you will have a picnic. Who will stay at the Kolsay Lake 1 they have a rest and picnic at the Kolsay lake 1.
17:00 You will be back to the Kolsay Lake 1.
19:00 Dinner and night.
wn.com/Travel To Kazakhstan
Travel to Kazakhstan
Two Capitals of Kazakhstan
The dates of the English speaking groups:
24.06.15-04.07.15, 22.07.15-01.08.15, 19.08.15-29.08.15
Welcome to Kazakhstan. This trip you will meet two Capitals of Kazakhstan – Astana city and Almaty city and can compare two absolutely different regions Akmola region and Almaty region also.
The type of tour: active and historical
The season: June – September
The duration: 11 days – 10 nights
The program of the tour:
1 day. Wednesday
Arrival to Astana city by Turkish Airlines or Air Astana flights. Transfer to the hotel. Leave your luggage at the reception.
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 City tour for half day around Astana city. You will visit Baiterek, Independence Square, National Museum.
13:00 Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation. Free time.
2 day. Thursday
08:00 Breakfast at the hotel. Transfer to the Borovoe resort.
12:00 Arrival to Borovoe, accommodation at the hotel.
14:00 Sightseeing tour around the National Park Burabai.
19:55 Departure.
Night at the hotel.
3 day. Friday
Breakfast. Free time for walking.
13:00 Transfer to Astana city.
16:30 Arrival to Astana city.
17:00 Dinner (for extra charge)
18:00 Transfer to the train station.
18:55 Departure from Astana city to Almaty
4 day. Saturday
07:40 Arrival to Almaty city. Transfer to the hotel. You can leave you luggage at the reception.
08:00 Breakfast.
09.00 – The Almaty city tour for half day. You will visit The 28 Panfilov Park and Museum of musical instruments, The New Square, Medeo skating stadium and high mountain skiing resort Shymbulak,
13:00 You will be back to the hotel. Accommodation at the hotel. Free time.
5 day. Sunday.
Breakfast at the hotel. Free day. This day you can visit the East market and enjoy atmosphere and hospitality of the East. Also you can take some additional tours around Almaty city and Almaty region: visit the Park of the First President of Kazakhstan and Falcon show, visit the Big Almaty Lake, different tours around Museums of Almaty city, master classes of national (ремесел) ………, Issyk Lake, sakhs sauna, Petroglyphs under UNESCO (защитой) and so on.
6 day. Monday.
06-00 Breakfast at the hotel. Earlier check out the hotel.
07-00 departure from the hotel.
11-00 Arrival to the Altyn Emel national Park. Accommodation at the guest houses. Trip to the Singing dunes. Picnic. Trip to the Aktau and Katutau mountains. Sunset at the Katutau.
19-00 Come back to the guest houses.
20-00 Dinner and night.
7 day Tuesday.
07:00 Breakfast.
08:00 You depart from the Altyn Emel National Park.
10:00 you will arrive to Zharkent city that situated only in 20 kilometers from the Chinese border. Here you have a short trip around Zharkent city where you can visit The Dungan Mosque, Orthodox Church and local market.
12:00 you depart from the Zharkent city
15:00 arrival to the Charyn Canyons. You will walk around canyons and have a picnic on the Charyn river.
17:00 departure from the canyons
20:00 arrival to the Kolsay Lake 1. Accommodation at the high mountain resort. Free time.
21:00 Dinner and night.
8 day. Wednesday.
08:00 Breakfast.
09-00 trekking to the Kolsay Lake 2 (if you wish).
13-00 On the Lake 2 you will have a picnic. Who will stay at the Kolsay Lake 1 they have a rest and picnic at the Kolsay lake 1.
17:00 You will be back to the Kolsay Lake 1.
19:00 Dinner and night.
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 2
Kazakhstan Almaty & First Trip Abroad
I'm 17 , It was my first day abroad in Almaty . An unbelievable journey , we've been to the Koktobe Tower, to the Charyn Canyon, visited 1st President's Park, ...
I'm 17 , It was my first day abroad in Almaty . An unbelievable journey , we've been to the Koktobe Tower, to the Charyn Canyon, visited 1st President's Park, been bicycling in the Botanical Garden, seen the Issyk Lake and even visited traditional Kazakh wedding!
wn.com/Kazakhstan Almaty First Trip Abroad
I'm 17 , It was my first day abroad in Almaty . An unbelievable journey , we've been to the Koktobe Tower, to the Charyn Canyon, visited 1st President's Park, been bicycling in the Botanical Garden, seen the Issyk Lake and even visited traditional Kazakh wedding!
- published: 01 Sep 2015
- views: 32
Driving in Astana Street Scenes Kazakhstan Trip Travel Video Guide
Astana (Астана) is the capital of Kazakhstan (Қазақстан). It is located on the Ishim River in the north portion of Kazakh...
Astana (Астана) is the capital of Kazakhstan (Қазақстан). It is located on the Ishim River in the north portion of Kazakhstan, within Akmola Region, though administrated separately from the region as the city with special status. The 2014 census reported a population of 835,153 within the city, making it the second-largest city in Kazakhstan.
Founded in 1830 as the settlement of Akmoly (Kazakh: Ақмолы) or Akmolinsky prikaz (Russian: Акмолинский приказ), it served as fortification of the Siberian Cossacks. In 1832, the settlement was granted a town status and renamed Akmolinsk (Russian: Акмолинск). On 20 March 1961, the city was renamed to Tselinograd (Russian: Целиноград) to mark the city's evolution as a cultural and administrative center of the Virgin Lands Campaign. In 1992, it was renamed Akmola (Kazakh: Ақмола), the modified original name meaning "a white grave". On 10 December 1997, Akmola replaced Almaty to become the capital of Kazakhstan. On 6 May 1998, it was renamed Astana, which means "the capital" in Kazakh.
Soundtrack Credit:
"Cherry Blossom" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Cherry Blossom by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under CC
Attribution 3.0.
Direct Link: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-
ISRC: USUAN1100382
© 2007 Kevin MacLeod
wn.com/Driving In Astana Street Scenes Kazakhstan Trip Travel Video Guide
Astana (Астана) is the capital of Kazakhstan (Қазақстан). It is located on the Ishim River in the north portion of Kazakhstan, within Akmola Region, though administrated separately from the region as the city with special status. The 2014 census reported a population of 835,153 within the city, making it the second-largest city in Kazakhstan.
Founded in 1830 as the settlement of Akmoly (Kazakh: Ақмолы) or Akmolinsky prikaz (Russian: Акмолинский приказ), it served as fortification of the Siberian Cossacks. In 1832, the settlement was granted a town status and renamed Akmolinsk (Russian: Акмолинск). On 20 March 1961, the city was renamed to Tselinograd (Russian: Целиноград) to mark the city's evolution as a cultural and administrative center of the Virgin Lands Campaign. In 1992, it was renamed Akmola (Kazakh: Ақмола), the modified original name meaning "a white grave". On 10 December 1997, Akmola replaced Almaty to become the capital of Kazakhstan. On 6 May 1998, it was renamed Astana, which means "the capital" in Kazakh.
Soundtrack Credit:
"Cherry Blossom" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Cherry Blossom by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under CC
Attribution 3.0.
Direct Link: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-
ISRC: USUAN1100382
© 2007 Kevin MacLeod
- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 49
The Ultimate Adventure Travel Video!
"Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", packed with practical travel info, is only $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info and to read reviews: http://www.amazon.co......
"Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", packed with practical travel info, is only $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info and to read reviews: http://www.amazon.co...
wn.com/The Ultimate Adventure Travel Video
"Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", packed with practical travel info, is only $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info and to read reviews: http://www.amazon.co...
Kazakhstan Travel Video
Kazakhstan Travel Video - Easily the most economically advanced of the stans, post-Soviet Kazakhstan is reinventing itself as a uniquely prosperous and modern E...
Kazakhstan Travel Video - Easily the most economically advanced of the stans, post-Soviet Kazakhstan is reinventing itself as a uniquely prosperous and modern Eurasian nation. The leafy commercial and social hub, Almaty, has an almost European feel with its quality hotels, slick boutiques, chic cafés and streets thick with BMWs and Mercedes. Astana, in the north, is being transformed at quickfire speed into a 21st-century capital with a unique mix of Islamic, Western, Soviet and wacky futuristic architecture. President Nursultan Nazarbaev, who has ruled Kazakhstan since Soviet times, doesnt encourage political opposition but is managing to forge a peaceful, multiethnic nation -- which makes him on the whole pretty popular.
Around the fringes of the great steppes where the once nomadic Kazakh people -- still famed for their horse skills and unique equestrian sports -- used to roam, Kazakhstan presents an array of surprising adventures. You can trek on foot or horse in the spectacular Tian Shan or Altay Mountains, watch flamingos on steppe lakes or discover mysterious underground mosques near the Caspian Sea. Community ecoTravelism programmes in some of the most beautiful areas enable travellers to stay with village families at affordable cost.
With travellers still rare here, a foreign guest is usually treated not as just another Travelist but with real hospitality, and locals will often go out of their way to help you. Enjoy it while it lasts!
Ready to go?
These Travel activities make it easy:
Follow the central Silk Road through Kazakhstans green forests
Push your limits on an expedition to Khan Tengri
Visit Kazakhstan on the overland trip of a lifetime from Istanbul to Beijing
Enjoy Your Kazakhstan Travel Video!
wn.com/Kazakhstan Travel Video
Kazakhstan Travel Video - Easily the most economically advanced of the stans, post-Soviet Kazakhstan is reinventing itself as a uniquely prosperous and modern Eurasian nation. The leafy commercial and social hub, Almaty, has an almost European feel with its quality hotels, slick boutiques, chic cafés and streets thick with BMWs and Mercedes. Astana, in the north, is being transformed at quickfire speed into a 21st-century capital with a unique mix of Islamic, Western, Soviet and wacky futuristic architecture. President Nursultan Nazarbaev, who has ruled Kazakhstan since Soviet times, doesnt encourage political opposition but is managing to forge a peaceful, multiethnic nation -- which makes him on the whole pretty popular.
Around the fringes of the great steppes where the once nomadic Kazakh people -- still famed for their horse skills and unique equestrian sports -- used to roam, Kazakhstan presents an array of surprising adventures. You can trek on foot or horse in the spectacular Tian Shan or Altay Mountains, watch flamingos on steppe lakes or discover mysterious underground mosques near the Caspian Sea. Community ecoTravelism programmes in some of the most beautiful areas enable travellers to stay with village families at affordable cost.
With travellers still rare here, a foreign guest is usually treated not as just another Travelist but with real hospitality, and locals will often go out of their way to help you. Enjoy it while it lasts!
Ready to go?
These Travel activities make it easy:
Follow the central Silk Road through Kazakhstans green forests
Push your limits on an expedition to Khan Tengri
Visit Kazakhstan on the overland trip of a lifetime from Istanbul to Beijing
Enjoy Your Kazakhstan Travel Video!
- published: 11 Aug 2014
- views: 47
Charyn - Der Film | Trailer | Hope is just a sunrise away | HD
Hallo, zum ersten und einzigen Trailer von Charyn - Der Film Hier kurz gezeigt welche Szenen ihr im Film zu sehen bekommt, doch im Film ist ein großteil verb......
Hallo, zum ersten und einzigen Trailer von Charyn - Der Film Hier kurz gezeigt welche Szenen ihr im Film zu sehen bekommt, doch im Film ist ein großteil verb...
wn.com/Charyn Der Film | Trailer | Hope Is Just A Sunrise Away | Hd
Hallo, zum ersten und einzigen Trailer von Charyn - Der Film Hier kurz gezeigt welche Szenen ihr im Film zu sehen bekommt, doch im Film ist ein großteil verb...
??? ????? ????????? ? ???????? Android....
??? ????? ????????? ? ???????? Android.
??? ????? ????????? ? ???????? Android.
- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 12
Top 10 Adventure Travel Activities India ( HD )
India is one of the premier adventure destinations on the planet. As India is blessed with a mind-blowing variety of landscape, vacationers here have enough ......
India is one of the premier adventure destinations on the planet. As India is blessed with a mind-blowing variety of landscape, vacationers here have enough ...
wn.com/Top 10 Adventure Travel Activities India ( Hd )
India is one of the premier adventure destinations on the planet. As India is blessed with a mind-blowing variety of landscape, vacationers here have enough ...
- published: 13 Oct 2012
- views: 1551
author: vcdcvfv
BBC Travel - Snake Castle - Turkey/Adana
Question: What is the reason for the name of Snake Castle? Did it get its name because there are a lot of snakes? Will you tell us about it please? More... V......
Question: What is the reason for the name of Snake Castle? Did it get its name because there are a lot of snakes? Will you tell us about it please? More... V...
wn.com/BBC Travel Snake Castle Turkey Adana
Question: What is the reason for the name of Snake Castle? Did it get its name because there are a lot of snakes? Will you tell us about it please? More... V...
- published: 04 Jun 2014
- views: 57
author: Crazy Cars
Mountain Viewlies Travel to Kazakhstan by Veronica
A family from Mountain View travels to Kazakhstan to visit their ancestral home and meet their relatives. Edited by Veronica....
A family from Mountain View travels to Kazakhstan to visit their ancestral home and meet their relatives. Edited by Veronica.
wn.com/Mountain Viewlies Travel To Kazakhstan By Veronica
A family from Mountain View travels to Kazakhstan to visit their ancestral home and meet their relatives. Edited by Veronica.
4WD Travel Wales off road reis
trektocht door midden en noord Wales....
trektocht door midden en noord Wales.
wn.com/4Wd Travel Wales Off Road Reis
trektocht door midden en noord Wales.
Travel to the apple country - part 2
Committee of Tourism Industry presents the documentary film "Travel to the apple country" "Kazakhstan is the first, and possibly, that very biblical apple. I......
Committee of Tourism Industry presents the documentary film "Travel to the apple country" "Kazakhstan is the first, and possibly, that very biblical apple. I...
wn.com/Travel To The Apple Country Part 2
Committee of Tourism Industry presents the documentary film "Travel to the apple country" "Kazakhstan is the first, and possibly, that very biblical apple. I...