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Pizza, Kebabs and Pepper Spray in the Federation Square riot zone

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Melbourne CBD: In the heart of the brawl

RAW VISION: City Square in the heart of Melbourne's CBD rocked by violence on Saturday night.

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Bangladeshi pizza-and-kebab shop owner Mirza Al-Amin, on Swanston Street - in the heart of the weekend's Moomba riot zone - is open all night, 24 hours a day. "We never close," he says. "Every weekend, Friday and Saturday, something happen in this block."

He first smelled trouble at 10.30pm on Saturday. That was when he heard more raucous noise than usual outside his place, Tasty Pizza and Kebabs, in that stretch down from Young and Jacksons toward Flinders Lane. He heard what he thought were slogans being shouted by a lot of people at once, coming from the north. But he couldn't really understand the language of the slogans, only that it was a big crowd shouting the same thing in unison. 

He poked his head out the shop door into what must be the most unsavoury strip of street late at night in Melbourne, and saw gangs - his word - of young people, including very young, he said, rampaging up the footpath past him towards Flinders Sreet Station jumping up and down bashing the shop signs that hung above them. Many of the young people were very tall, he said. 

Police at the Tasty Pizza and Kebabs shop in Swanston Street during the riots on Saturday night.

Police at the Tasty Pizza and Kebabs shop in Swanston Street during the riots on Saturday night. Photo: CCTV screenshot

Then more groups came doing the same thing but from the other direction, from Federation Square.

Police outside the Swanston Street shop on Saturday night.

Police outside Mr Al-Amin's Swanston Street shop on Saturday night.

Ten minutes later it happened again, from both directions. Then the police came and the groups of young people outside - mainly South Sudanese and Polynesian, we now know, fighting each other for reasons unknown - started pushing against the police, who asked Mr Al-Amin to close his shop. CCTV footage from his place - three cameras - shows police wrestling and detaining men and young men in the store as staff and customers recoil. Spot on 11pm they starting dragging rioters who had run at them in the street into the shop, with tasers drawn. Many appear to have been let go.

Mr Al-Amin decided not to shut but he didn't do any business between up to 4am on one of the busiest nights of the year after barricades went up along the block. Police searched for discarded weapons in the shop. He estimates he has lost thousands of dollars profit.

"The police said it was planned fighting and robbing. They told us to shut the shop because shops were being robbed. I thought 'so many police around, why shut?'"

He wandered down to Federation Square to see what was happening and witnessed small fights, one-on-one stuff. "They were drunk," he says. He saw lines of police facing lines of rioters and each side had mobile phones aloft.

After 11pm, the strong smell of capsicum spray wafted in the store, mixing with the kebabs, curries and pizza. People who had been in the store stayed there for safety. One staff member who was supposed to finish at 11pm stayed until 12.30am. "People in here were scared," Mr Al-Amin says. "Everyone is scared. But police tried their hardest." 


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