
Police ignored warnings about planned violent rampage

Victoria Police ignored credible warnings that a violent rampage was planned for Melbourne's central business district on Saturday night, despite holding recent discussions with South Sudanese community leaders about the heightened threat of gang attacks.

A Triple-0 operator was tipped off at 6pm on Saturday that a confrontation between two gangs in the city was imminent, but their alert was dismissed as "shit" by a senior officer, according to a police source.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and police Deputy Commissioner Andrew Crisp at a press conference at Saturday night's ...
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and police Deputy Commissioner Andrew Crisp at a press conference at Saturday night's gang violence in Melbourne. Photo: Penny Stephens

Despite the warning – and other specific information provided by African community groups – Deputy Commissioner Andrew Crisp insisted that the wild brawl had caught them unprepared, while Premier Daniel Andrews vowed to "smash" the gangs. 

Mr Crisp denied the warning from a Channel Seven reporter had been ignored, but said it could not be substantiated by police intelligence. 

"It wasn't verified, we didn't see any need to significantly increase our resources at that time," he said on Monday. 

But Fairfax Media understands police had earlier warned Moomba's management of possible violence.

A City of Melbourne spokeswoman said police had told Moomba organisers at 5pm on Saturday "that there had been posts on social media about a possible altercation planned that night in the city".

Security staff working at the festival were subsequently briefed, she said.

Members of the Apex gang, who are predominantly of South Sudanese descent, and members of the Islander 23 gang clashed in Federation Square and along Swanston Street, where families had gathered to celebrate Melbourne's Moomba festival.

At one stage, it is understood that just six officers attempted to quell up to 100 rampaging youths in Federation Square before reinforcements arrived.

Mr Crisp denied this on Monday, but declined to say how many officers had been deployed.

Police have been monitoring the South Sudanese youths for several months, following a surge in car thefts and violent home invasions, particularly in Melbourne's south-east. 

In the past month, senior police have twice met South Sudanese community leaders, multicultural groups and government advisers about simmering tensions among younger, disenfranchised members of the community. 

The issue of gang violence was raised at both meetings, according to a source.

The wild violence that marred Moomba celebrations over the weekend has fuelled debate about Victoria Police's new policy on racial profiling introduced last year, after the force settled a legal case with two African men who had been repeatedly discriminated against in Flemington and North Melbourne.

The Victoria Police Manual now defines racial profiling as "making policing decisions that are not based on objective or reasonable justification, but on stereotypical assumptions about race, colour, language, ethnicity, ancestry or religion".

In the aftermath of the weekend's riot, Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton and other senior police have assiduously avoided any reference to the race or nationality of those involved.

Mr Crisp circulated an email to members after the incident to reinforce the force's zero tolerance position on racial profiling.

But some community leaders and youth counsellors have complained about a lack of engagement by police and the state government to address the underlying causes of social dislocation, including spiralling rates of youth unemployment that exceed 50 per cent in some African communities.

Salvation Army Major Brendan Nottle said he was been labelled racist after previous attempts to raise concerns about the disconnection of some African and Islander youth.

He said New Year's Eve clashes of African groups in the CBD had become "almost predictable" – with two violent incidents this year on Swanston and Russell streets in the early hours of the morning.

"What we saw New Year's Eve was pretty frightening. We have been talking to police, but no one has appeared to speak out," Major Nottle said.

"There appears to be a very deep sense of anger with African youth … I'm not sure what we are doing to address the deeper issue."

One of the nation's most respected African leaders warned the state government and police last year about hotspots of isolated young refugees who did not obey the law.

Australian of the Year finalist Berhan​ Ahmed spoke to authorities in November about "out of control" young refugees who did not understand the consequences of breaking the law.

He identified Broadmeadows, Sunshine, Fitzroy and Dandenong as hotspots for troubled youth.

Dr Ahmed put forward a proposal to police and Multicultural Affairs Minister Robin Scott for a program to educate young refugees about respecting the law, but was told it would not be funded.