Star Entertainment forces Queens Wharf satire offline with legal threats

The corporation behind Brisbane's Queens Wharf casino and entertainment precinct has use legal threats to force a satirical video criticising the development offline.

Jonathan Sri, a Greens candidate for The Gabba ward in the upcoming Brisbane City Council election, posted the video on YouTube about two weeks ago.

Concept images for the Queens Wharf development in Brisbane.
Concept images for the Queens Wharf development in Brisbane. Photo: Supplied

In the video, Mr Sri overdubbed Destination Brisbane's flyover video with his own narration, which was highly critical of the project.

"Welcome to the centrepiece of Australia's new world city," Mr Sri said as Queens Wharf comes into view.

"Queens Wharf will not only change the face of Brisbane, but will put this city on the map, because apparently it wasn't on the map already.

"Destination Brisbane consortium designed the Queens Wharf precinct to create the superficial impression of an innovative cosmopolitan landmark while maximising profits for wealthy investors.

"…A luxury integrated resort will shelter privileged elites from ordinary residents.

"The world class skydeck will offer rich customers panoramic views of the river, which floods periodically and may gradually erode the tower's foundation."

And on it went.

Mr Sri said he took the video down last week after he received a cease and desist letter from Star Entertainment's lawyers.

He said although he believed he had legal protection because he was satirising the project, he still felt compelled to take it down.

"I think the company knows that legally it doesn't have a strong case. They're basically trying to scare me into silence," Mr Sri said.

"I firmly believe that ordinary citizens should be free to speak out against major corporate developments that threaten our city, but I've taken down the video for the time being because I can't afford to defend myself in court against such a huge company."

Mr Sri said the high cost of legal action meant large companies, such as Star, could "bully ordinary residents into silence".

"Videos of this kind are crucial for informed public debate," he said.

"This casino development will have a significant and lasting negative impact on the entire city, and it's disappointing that the Queensland government failed to engage in widespread public consultation before approving this project.

"This video was a creative attempt to inspire more conversation about alternative possible uses of the Queens Wharf site and it's a shame that the company wouldn't tolerate even the slightest hint of public dissent."

Mr Sri said if such legal threats became the norm, nobody would speak out about such matter "for fear of being sued".

A spokeswoman for Star Entertainment defended its legal action as a means to protect the company's intellectual property.

"As a responsible corporate entity, we have acted in a way to protect intellectual property rights relating to the Queen's Wharf Brisbane development and the standing of this significant project for Queensland," she said.

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