Feeding Manouria emys
Ngasih makan Kura Kaki Gajah (Manouria emys) salah satu kura kaki darat terbesar di Asia. Dipersembahkan oleh Biodiversitas Indonesia, www.biodiversitas-indonesia.org
Feeding Manouria emys
handfeeding a group of Asian forest tortoises (Manouria emys) (both subspecies)
manouria emys, kura kaki gajah,
video yang diunggah dari ponsel saya
Robot EMYS as a Personal Assistant
Robot EMYS is a fully open source and hardware project. Build your own EMYS and start programing your scenario right now.
Current FLASH Robotics team research concerns developing new robot competencies and examining the possibility of establishing and maintaining relationships with humans during long-term interaction. The human need for information will stimulate contacts with personal robot, and
The next generation of expressive robotic head called EMYS.
More info:
Wrocław University of Technology
Manouria Emys Emys Nest Building
Manouria emys building nest
female Manouria emys building her nest one week after mating
kura kura emys di jual
misi barang kali cari kura kura emys harga 2jt nego hub 08888262626
LIREC, WRUT, Emys set of emotions
The film presents a set of emotions expressed by the robot emys.
The European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis).
The European pond turtle (also called the European pond terrapin), Emys orbicularis is a long-living freshwater species of turtle. It is found in southern and central Europe, West Asia and North Africa. In the early post-glacial period, the pond turtle had a much wider distribution, being found as far north as southern Sweden. Emys orbicularis turtles prefer to live in wetlands surrounded by a lar
EMYS YACHTS - Innovation By Tradition
Emys si è preso cura di ogni dettaglio.
Ogni componente è stato progettato e costruito nel rispetto delle severe norme rina ed al fine di offrire un'esperienza che yacht di tali dimensioni non sono mai stati in grado di fare fino ad ora.
The Emys 22 in the 53° International Genoa Boat Show 2013
Emys 22 in the 53° International Genoa Boat Show 2013 (Salone Nautico di Genova) - Emys Yachts S.r.l. - Via Pisacane, 176/B - 55049 Viareggio (Lucca) - Italy - Phone: +39 348 2216166 - www.emysyachtssrl.it - Film Copyright 2013 by ACDfilms of Angelo Cacciola Donati - www.acdfilms
Болотная черепаха (Emys orbicularis) wildlife
Wildlife przyrody Tierwelt дикая природа
Статья на нашем блоге: 04575428
Болотная черепаха (Emys orbicularis) – Красная Книга РБ. Категория охраны – III. Сотрудники заказника «Выгонощанское» обнаружили несколько песчаных островов среди болот, где черепахи откладывают яйца. Почему болотная черепаха занесена в Красную Книгу, что является причиной их исчезновения и как сохранить данный вид пресноводн
Болотные черепахи (Emys orbicularis) - определение пола
Болотные черепахи вырастают до 20 см и более. Территория обитания - в России от Смоленской области по границе с Белоруссией и Украиной на юг, в верховьях и нижнем течении Дона, на средней Волге, левобережье реки Урал, в Прикаспийской низменности, на Кавказе. Белоруссия, Литва, Украина, в Южная и Центральная Европа, Передняя Азия, Северо-запад Африки, Турция, Северный Иран, Приаралье, Кавказ, Закав
Babykatze? Ja! | Emys Blog ❤
Haut Katzen Namen in die Kommis, bitte! Danke.❤😘
LIREC, WRUT, EMYS Experiment
A robotic head EMYS (EMotive headY System) has been designed and built within the EU FP7 LIREC project. The head EMYS is a mechanoidal type robot. Its design has been inspired by characters from cartoon and movie series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The perception of the human-robot interactions was examined in a series of experiments. One of them were invol
Emys orbicularis en Ourense
O broasca testoasa de apa, pe uscat, Emys orbicularis
EMYS Presents "Resilience"
What would you do if someone close to you was down, broken, or visibly depressed? Would you lend a helping hand? Would you raise awareness by taking up discussion on the matter? Or would you let it pass and expect things to get better?
This year, EMYS and Cypher Citizens graduates take on character portrayals of individuals going through specific issues common with young people today such as; bull
Emys Tortoise Enjoy Watermelon
Baby emys tortoise from Indonesia enjoy watermelon
Tortoise manouria emys
Eating carrot
Robot EMYS as a Home Assistant - first release.
Current FLASH Robotics team research concerns developing new robot competencies and examining the possibility of establishing and maintaining relationships with humans during long-term interaction. The human need for information will stimulate contacts with personal robot, and the variable nature of information will assure non-schematic interactions. Therefore social robots must be enriched with f
Progetto LifeEmys: rilascio in natura degli esemplari di testuggine palustre Emys
Savona, 9 luglio 2014
Esemplari di testuggine palustre (Emys orbicularis ingauna) sono stati rilasciati in habitat naturali presso due siti di Interesse Comunitario della Piana di Albenga, la cava Valloni e uno stagno nell'alveo del fiume Centa, nella zona di Bastia, oggetto quest'anno della rimozione degli esemplari di testuggini alloctone finanziata all'interno del progetto europeo LIFEEMYS.
Feeding Manouria emys
Ngasih makan Kura Kaki Gajah (Manouria emys) salah satu kura kaki darat terbesar di Asia. Dipersembahkan oleh Biodiversitas Indonesia, www.biodiversitas-indones...
Ngasih makan Kura Kaki Gajah (Manouria emys) salah satu kura kaki darat terbesar di Asia. Dipersembahkan oleh Biodiversitas Indonesia, www.biodiversitas-indonesia.org
wn.com/Feeding Manouria Emys
Ngasih makan Kura Kaki Gajah (Manouria emys) salah satu kura kaki darat terbesar di Asia. Dipersembahkan oleh Biodiversitas Indonesia, www.biodiversitas-indonesia.org
- published: 13 Jul 2013
- views: 1366
Feeding Manouria emys
handfeeding a group of Asian forest tortoises (Manouria emys) (both subspecies)...
handfeeding a group of Asian forest tortoises (Manouria emys) (both subspecies)
wn.com/Feeding Manouria Emys
handfeeding a group of Asian forest tortoises (Manouria emys) (both subspecies)
- published: 26 Aug 2011
- views: 1939
manouria emys, kura kaki gajah,
video yang diunggah dari ponsel saya...
video yang diunggah dari ponsel saya
wn.com/Manouria Emys, Kura Kaki Gajah,
video yang diunggah dari ponsel saya
- published: 08 Jun 2013
- views: 1362
Robot EMYS as a Personal Assistant
Robot EMYS is a fully open source and hardware project. Build your own EMYS and start programing your scenario right now.
Current FLASH Robotics team research ...
Robot EMYS is a fully open source and hardware project. Build your own EMYS and start programing your scenario right now.
Current FLASH Robotics team research concerns developing new robot competencies and examining the possibility of establishing and maintaining relationships with humans during long-term interaction. The human need for information will stimulate contacts with personal robot, and the variable nature of information will assure non-schematic interactions. Therefore social robots must be enriched with functions allowing people to find and read news from the Internet, utilise search engines, communicate via social networking services like FB, send text messages, MMS and e-mails.
HOMEPAGE: http://www.flash-robotics.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/wrut.flash
The project has received funding from National Science Center, grant no. 2012/05/N/ST7/01098
wn.com/Robot Emys As A Personal Assistant
Robot EMYS is a fully open source and hardware project. Build your own EMYS and start programing your scenario right now.
Current FLASH Robotics team research concerns developing new robot competencies and examining the possibility of establishing and maintaining relationships with humans during long-term interaction. The human need for information will stimulate contacts with personal robot, and the variable nature of information will assure non-schematic interactions. Therefore social robots must be enriched with functions allowing people to find and read news from the Internet, utilise search engines, communicate via social networking services like FB, send text messages, MMS and e-mails.
HOMEPAGE: http://www.flash-robotics.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/wrut.flash
The project has received funding from National Science Center, grant no. 2012/05/N/ST7/01098
- published: 04 Mar 2015
- views: 2484
The next generation of expressive robotic head called EMYS.
More info:
Wrocław University of T...
The next generation of expressive robotic head called EMYS.
More info:
Wrocław University of Technology
wn.com/Emys Mkii
The next generation of expressive robotic head called EMYS.
More info:
Wrocław University of Technology
- published: 07 Jul 2014
- views: 4749
Manouria emys building nest
female Manouria emys building her nest one week after mating...
female Manouria emys building her nest one week after mating
wn.com/Manouria Emys Building Nest
female Manouria emys building her nest one week after mating
- published: 21 Jun 2008
- views: 2015
kura kura emys di jual
misi barang kali cari kura kura emys harga 2jt nego hub 08888262626...
misi barang kali cari kura kura emys harga 2jt nego hub 08888262626
wn.com/Kura Kura Emys Di Jual
misi barang kali cari kura kura emys harga 2jt nego hub 08888262626
- published: 07 Sep 2014
- views: 682
LIREC, WRUT, Emys set of emotions
The film presents a set of emotions expressed by the robot emys....
The film presents a set of emotions expressed by the robot emys.
wn.com/Lirec, Wrut, Emys Set Of Emotions
The film presents a set of emotions expressed by the robot emys.
- published: 03 Feb 2011
- views: 7216
The European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis).
The European pond turtle (also called the European pond terrapin), Emys orbicularis is a long-living freshwater species of turtle. It is found in southern and c...
The European pond turtle (also called the European pond terrapin), Emys orbicularis is a long-living freshwater species of turtle. It is found in southern and central Europe, West Asia and North Africa. In the early post-glacial period, the pond turtle had a much wider distribution, being found as far north as southern Sweden. Emys orbicularis turtles prefer to live in wetlands surrounded by a large proportion of natural, wooded, landscape. Specimens of Emys orbicularis are also found in upland environments for feeding. Emys orbicularis is usually considered semi-aquatic, as their terrestrial movements can span 1000 meters, and occasionally found traveling up to 4000 meters, away from the water. The European pond turtle is a medium size turtle and varies quite a bit across its distribution, from 12 to 38 cm length. Due to evident patterns of sexual dimorphism, Emys orbicularis adult males are always found to be smaller than females. Emys orbicularis turtles eat a mixed diet of plants and animal matter that can increase the efficiency of their digestive process. Although it is assumed that Emys orbicularis turtles are strictly carnivorous, it seems that not all Emys orbicularis are entirely carnivorous as their diet also consists of plant material. Most freshwater turtles lay their eggs on land, typically near a water body, but some species of Emys have been found to lay their eggs distances less than 150 meters from water. The search of a nesting areas by adult females can last several hours to more than one day. Once the location of the nest is established, females spend time for the construction of the nest, laying of the eggs, and closing the nest which can take up to another 4 hours. Emys orbicularis species have become rare in most countries even though they are widely distributed in Europe. The building of roads and driving of cars through natural habitats of Emys is a possible factor that threatens the populations of the European pond turtle. Road networks and traffic often carry complex ecological effects to animal populations such as fragmenting natural habitats and creating barriers for animal movement. Mortality on the road is most likely due to females selecting nests near roads which places a potential danger for the hatchlings as well. Life span is 40--60 years. They can live over 100 years but it is very rare and unusual. (Wikipedia)
For more information visit our website Filming VarWild.
wn.com/The European Pond Turtle (Emys Orbicularis).
The European pond turtle (also called the European pond terrapin), Emys orbicularis is a long-living freshwater species of turtle. It is found in southern and central Europe, West Asia and North Africa. In the early post-glacial period, the pond turtle had a much wider distribution, being found as far north as southern Sweden. Emys orbicularis turtles prefer to live in wetlands surrounded by a large proportion of natural, wooded, landscape. Specimens of Emys orbicularis are also found in upland environments for feeding. Emys orbicularis is usually considered semi-aquatic, as their terrestrial movements can span 1000 meters, and occasionally found traveling up to 4000 meters, away from the water. The European pond turtle is a medium size turtle and varies quite a bit across its distribution, from 12 to 38 cm length. Due to evident patterns of sexual dimorphism, Emys orbicularis adult males are always found to be smaller than females. Emys orbicularis turtles eat a mixed diet of plants and animal matter that can increase the efficiency of their digestive process. Although it is assumed that Emys orbicularis turtles are strictly carnivorous, it seems that not all Emys orbicularis are entirely carnivorous as their diet also consists of plant material. Most freshwater turtles lay their eggs on land, typically near a water body, but some species of Emys have been found to lay their eggs distances less than 150 meters from water. The search of a nesting areas by adult females can last several hours to more than one day. Once the location of the nest is established, females spend time for the construction of the nest, laying of the eggs, and closing the nest which can take up to another 4 hours. Emys orbicularis species have become rare in most countries even though they are widely distributed in Europe. The building of roads and driving of cars through natural habitats of Emys is a possible factor that threatens the populations of the European pond turtle. Road networks and traffic often carry complex ecological effects to animal populations such as fragmenting natural habitats and creating barriers for animal movement. Mortality on the road is most likely due to females selecting nests near roads which places a potential danger for the hatchlings as well. Life span is 40--60 years. They can live over 100 years but it is very rare and unusual. (Wikipedia)
For more information visit our website Filming VarWild.
- published: 31 Oct 2013
- views: 5451
EMYS YACHTS - Innovation By Tradition
Emys si è preso cura di ogni dettaglio.
Ogni componente è stato progettato e costruito nel rispetto delle severe norme rina ed al fine di offrire un'esperienza ...
Emys si è preso cura di ogni dettaglio.
Ogni componente è stato progettato e costruito nel rispetto delle severe norme rina ed al fine di offrire un'esperienza che yacht di tali dimensioni non sono mai stati in grado di fare fino ad ora.
wn.com/Emys Yachts Innovation By Tradition
Emys si è preso cura di ogni dettaglio.
Ogni componente è stato progettato e costruito nel rispetto delle severe norme rina ed al fine di offrire un'esperienza che yacht di tali dimensioni non sono mai stati in grado di fare fino ad ora.
- published: 18 Nov 2013
- views: 615
The Emys 22 in the 53° International Genoa Boat Show 2013
Emys 22 in the 53° International Genoa Boat Show 2013 (Salone Nautico di Genova) - Emys Yachts S.r.l. - Via Pisacane, 176/B - 55049 Viareggio (Lucca) - Italy -...
Emys 22 in the 53° International Genoa Boat Show 2013 (Salone Nautico di Genova) - Emys Yachts S.r.l. - Via Pisacane, 176/B - 55049 Viareggio (Lucca) - Italy - Phone: +39 348 2216166 - www.emysyachtssrl.it - Film Copyright 2013 by ACDfilms of Angelo Cacciola Donati - www.acdfilms
wn.com/The Emys 22 In The 53° International Genoa Boat Show 2013
Emys 22 in the 53° International Genoa Boat Show 2013 (Salone Nautico di Genova) - Emys Yachts S.r.l. - Via Pisacane, 176/B - 55049 Viareggio (Lucca) - Italy - Phone: +39 348 2216166 - www.emysyachtssrl.it - Film Copyright 2013 by ACDfilms of Angelo Cacciola Donati - www.acdfilms
- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 898
Болотная черепаха (Emys orbicularis) wildlife
Wildlife przyrody Tierwelt дикая природа
Статья на нашем блоге: 04575428
Болотная черепаха (Emys orbicularis) – Красная Книга РБ. Категория охраны – III. Сотруд...
Wildlife przyrody Tierwelt дикая природа
Статья на нашем блоге: 04575428
Болотная черепаха (Emys orbicularis) – Красная Книга РБ. Категория охраны – III. Сотрудники заказника «Выгонощанское» обнаружили несколько песчаных островов среди болот, где черепахи откладывают яйца. Почему болотная черепаха занесена в Красную Книгу, что является причиной их исчезновения и как сохранить данный вид пресноводных – все это вы узнаете на нашем канале. А также найдете информацию о том, когда будут проводится экскурсии, целью которых является посещение мест дикой природы Беларуси, в том числе и мест обитания болотной черепахи.
wn.com/Болотная Черепаха (Emys Orbicularis) Wildlife
Wildlife przyrody Tierwelt дикая природа
Статья на нашем блоге: 04575428
Болотная черепаха (Emys orbicularis) – Красная Книга РБ. Категория охраны – III. Сотрудники заказника «Выгонощанское» обнаружили несколько песчаных островов среди болот, где черепахи откладывают яйца. Почему болотная черепаха занесена в Красную Книгу, что является причиной их исчезновения и как сохранить данный вид пресноводных – все это вы узнаете на нашем канале. А также найдете информацию о том, когда будут проводится экскурсии, целью которых является посещение мест дикой природы Беларуси, в том числе и мест обитания болотной черепахи.
- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 1770
Болотные черепахи (Emys orbicularis) - определение пола
Болотные черепахи вырастают до 20 см и более. Территория обитания - в России от Смоленской области по границе с Белоруссией и Украиной на юг, в верховьях и нижн...
Болотные черепахи вырастают до 20 см и более. Территория обитания - в России от Смоленской области по границе с Белоруссией и Украиной на юг, в верховьях и нижнем течении Дона, на средней Волге, левобережье реки Урал, в Прикаспийской низменности, на Кавказе. Белоруссия, Литва, Украина, в Южная и Центральная Европа, Передняя Азия, Северо-запад Африки, Турция, Северный Иран, Приаралье, Кавказ, Закавказье.
Черепахи - хищники, питаются рыбой и немного водными растениями.
wn.com/Болотные Черепахи (Emys Orbicularis) Определение Пола
Болотные черепахи вырастают до 20 см и более. Территория обитания - в России от Смоленской области по границе с Белоруссией и Украиной на юг, в верховьях и нижнем течении Дона, на средней Волге, левобережье реки Урал, в Прикаспийской низменности, на Кавказе. Белоруссия, Литва, Украина, в Южная и Центральная Европа, Передняя Азия, Северо-запад Африки, Турция, Северный Иран, Приаралье, Кавказ, Закавказье.
Черепахи - хищники, питаются рыбой и немного водными растениями.
- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 19953
Babykatze? Ja! | Emys Blog ❤
Haut Katzen Namen in die Kommis, bitte! Danke.❤😘...
Haut Katzen Namen in die Kommis, bitte! Danke.❤😘
wn.com/Babykatze Ja | Emys Blog ❤
Haut Katzen Namen in die Kommis, bitte! Danke.❤😘
- published: 30 Sep 2015
- views: 86
LIREC, WRUT, EMYS Experiment
A robotic head EMYS (EMotive headY System) has been designed and built within the EU FP7 LIREC project. The head EMYS is...
A robotic head EMYS (EMotive headY System) has been designed and built within the EU FP7 LIREC project. The head EMYS is a mechanoidal type robot. Its design has been inspired by characters from cartoon and movie series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The perception of the human-robot interactions was examined in a series of experiments. One of them were involving schoolchildren aged 9-13 years. These experiments were designed for examining how the robot's emotions affect the interaction. Scenarios of the EMYS behaviour were prepared in collaboration with the University of a Bamberg, LIREC partner. The robot was programmed to realize two game scenarios. The first one, called making faces, relied on encouraging children to repeat some facial expressions made by EMYS. In the second scenario, the robot was expressing some emotions, and asked children to show a toy corresponding to them. The duration of the interaction full autonomous experiment with a single child was about 5-10 minutes.
We have observed that during the experiments the children were showing great interest in the robot behaviour, in most cases treating him like a pet. The robot mechanics and the voice synthesiser did not distract the children from having fun. After each session, every participant was asked to describe what he/she felt during the game, what he liked and disliked in the robot behaviour. Generally, EMYS aroused very positive emotions. The children pointed out that the robot is intelligent, kind and helpful. They suggested possible applications of the robot in entertainment, language training, or as a homework assistant. Recorded materials from the experiments are being analysed by University of Bamberg partners.
wn.com/Lirec, Wrut, Emys Experiment
A robotic head EMYS (EMotive headY System) has been designed and built within the EU FP7 LIREC project. The head EMYS is a mechanoidal type robot. Its design has been inspired by characters from cartoon and movie series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The perception of the human-robot interactions was examined in a series of experiments. One of them were involving schoolchildren aged 9-13 years. These experiments were designed for examining how the robot's emotions affect the interaction. Scenarios of the EMYS behaviour were prepared in collaboration with the University of a Bamberg, LIREC partner. The robot was programmed to realize two game scenarios. The first one, called making faces, relied on encouraging children to repeat some facial expressions made by EMYS. In the second scenario, the robot was expressing some emotions, and asked children to show a toy corresponding to them. The duration of the interaction full autonomous experiment with a single child was about 5-10 minutes.
We have observed that during the experiments the children were showing great interest in the robot behaviour, in most cases treating him like a pet. The robot mechanics and the voice synthesiser did not distract the children from having fun. After each session, every participant was asked to describe what he/she felt during the game, what he liked and disliked in the robot behaviour. Generally, EMYS aroused very positive emotions. The children pointed out that the robot is intelligent, kind and helpful. They suggested possible applications of the robot in entertainment, language training, or as a homework assistant. Recorded materials from the experiments are being analysed by University of Bamberg partners.
- published: 16 Sep 2011
- views: 1648
EMYS Presents "Resilience"
What would you do if someone close to you was down, broken, or visibly depressed? Would you lend a helping hand? Would you raise awareness by taking up discussi...
What would you do if someone close to you was down, broken, or visibly depressed? Would you lend a helping hand? Would you raise awareness by taking up discussion on the matter? Or would you let it pass and expect things to get better?
This year, EMYS and Cypher Citizens graduates take on character portrayals of individuals going through specific issues common with young people today such as; bullying, social anxiety, depression, perfectionism, anger, and dependancy. Sewn together as vignettes, these stories display the strength and ultimate courage it takes for these characters to overcome adversity.
“Resilience”, is an original Dance Theatre Piece created by Yukoners for Yukoners expressed through a hybrid of contemporary and street dance, and accompanied by live musicians.
With an original score by MC and Producer Kelvin Smoler, singer songwriters; Emily Ross, Sarah Ott, Selina Heyligers-Hare, Emma Blair, Madi Dixon, and Sean Ryan Balsillie. Choreographed by EMYS alumni; Karly Fredrickson, Jada Powell, Valérie Herdes, Talia Woodland and Mellisa Murray, Groundwork Sessions' Riley Simpson-Fowler, NLSD alumni; Iris Binger and Allyn Walton, and Leaping Feats Faculty, Sachi
Miyashi Kambara, and Michelle FisherMayr. costumes by EMYS alumni, Nicole Murdoch, and Alex Robinson (Groundwork Sessions) as Technical Director.
wn.com/Emys Presents Resilience
What would you do if someone close to you was down, broken, or visibly depressed? Would you lend a helping hand? Would you raise awareness by taking up discussion on the matter? Or would you let it pass and expect things to get better?
This year, EMYS and Cypher Citizens graduates take on character portrayals of individuals going through specific issues common with young people today such as; bullying, social anxiety, depression, perfectionism, anger, and dependancy. Sewn together as vignettes, these stories display the strength and ultimate courage it takes for these characters to overcome adversity.
“Resilience”, is an original Dance Theatre Piece created by Yukoners for Yukoners expressed through a hybrid of contemporary and street dance, and accompanied by live musicians.
With an original score by MC and Producer Kelvin Smoler, singer songwriters; Emily Ross, Sarah Ott, Selina Heyligers-Hare, Emma Blair, Madi Dixon, and Sean Ryan Balsillie. Choreographed by EMYS alumni; Karly Fredrickson, Jada Powell, Valérie Herdes, Talia Woodland and Mellisa Murray, Groundwork Sessions' Riley Simpson-Fowler, NLSD alumni; Iris Binger and Allyn Walton, and Leaping Feats Faculty, Sachi
Miyashi Kambara, and Michelle FisherMayr. costumes by EMYS alumni, Nicole Murdoch, and Alex Robinson (Groundwork Sessions) as Technical Director.
- published: 21 May 2015
- views: 494
Emys Tortoise Enjoy Watermelon
Baby emys tortoise from Indonesia enjoy watermelon...
Baby emys tortoise from Indonesia enjoy watermelon
wn.com/Emys Tortoise Enjoy Watermelon
Baby emys tortoise from Indonesia enjoy watermelon
- published: 20 Oct 2014
- views: 249
Robot EMYS as a Home Assistant - first release.
Current FLASH Robotics team research concerns developing new robot competencies and examining the possibility of establishing and maintaining relationships with...
Current FLASH Robotics team research concerns developing new robot competencies and examining the possibility of establishing and maintaining relationships with humans during long-term interaction. The human need for information will stimulate contacts with personal robot, and the variable nature of information will assure non-schematic interactions. Therefore social robots must be enriched with functions allowing people to find and read news from the Internet, utilise search engines, communicate via social networking services like FB, send text messages, MMS and e-mails.
This is the first movie in a series of EMYS home applications. More movies soon...
HOMEPAGE: http://flash.iiar.pwr.edu.pl
FB: https://www.facebook.com/wrut.flash
The project has received funding from National Science Center, grant no. 2012/05/N/ST7/01098
wn.com/Robot Emys As A Home Assistant First Release.
Current FLASH Robotics team research concerns developing new robot competencies and examining the possibility of establishing and maintaining relationships with humans during long-term interaction. The human need for information will stimulate contacts with personal robot, and the variable nature of information will assure non-schematic interactions. Therefore social robots must be enriched with functions allowing people to find and read news from the Internet, utilise search engines, communicate via social networking services like FB, send text messages, MMS and e-mails.
This is the first movie in a series of EMYS home applications. More movies soon...
HOMEPAGE: http://flash.iiar.pwr.edu.pl
FB: https://www.facebook.com/wrut.flash
The project has received funding from National Science Center, grant no. 2012/05/N/ST7/01098
- published: 26 Feb 2015
- views: 3108
Progetto LifeEmys: rilascio in natura degli esemplari di testuggine palustre Emys
Savona, 9 luglio 2014
Esemplari di testuggine palustre (Emys orbicularis ingauna) sono stati rilasciati in habitat naturali presso due siti di Interesse Comuni...
Savona, 9 luglio 2014
Esemplari di testuggine palustre (Emys orbicularis ingauna) sono stati rilasciati in habitat naturali presso due siti di Interesse Comunitario della Piana di Albenga, la cava Valloni e uno stagno nell'alveo del fiume Centa, nella zona di Bastia, oggetto quest'anno della rimozione degli esemplari di testuggini alloctone finanziata all'interno del progetto europeo LIFEEMYS.
wn.com/Progetto Lifeemys Rilascio In Natura Degli Esemplari Di Testuggine Palustre Emys
Savona, 9 luglio 2014
Esemplari di testuggine palustre (Emys orbicularis ingauna) sono stati rilasciati in habitat naturali presso due siti di Interesse Comunitario della Piana di Albenga, la cava Valloni e uno stagno nell'alveo del fiume Centa, nella zona di Bastia, oggetto quest'anno della rimozione degli esemplari di testuggini alloctone finanziata all'interno del progetto europeo LIFEEMYS.
- published: 10 Jul 2014
- views: 595