Thursday 17 March 2016


David Cameron's four key demands to remain in the EU revealed

David Cameron and his Cabinet allies name their price for Britain to stay part of Europe

At Chequers on Friday, Cameron warned Merkel that there was 'still much to be worked through' to reach an acceptable deal
David Cameron and Angela Merkel at Chequers  Photo: EPA

David Cameron and his closest Cabinet allies have drawn up a four-point plan of key demands as the price for keeping Britain in the European Union.

Diplomats have been sent to win support from 27 European countries for a new deal between Britain and Brussels ahead of an “in-out” referendum.

A new campaign will on Monday attempt to persuade voters to choose to stay in the EU, after Eurosceptics who want to pull out of Europe started a rival operation last week.

Cabinet sources have told the Telegraph they are confident they can find a way to keep Britain inside the EU with better terms of membership. Their plan involves:

  • Forcing Brussels to make “an explicit statement” that Britain will be kept out of any move towards a European superstate. This will require an exemption for the UK from the EU’s founding principle of “ever closer union”.
  • An “explicit statement” that the euro is not the official currency of the EU, making clear that Europe is a “multi-currency” union. Ministers want this declaration in order to protect the status of the pound sterling as a legitimate currency that will always exist.
  • A new “red card” system to bring power back from Brussels to Britain. This would give groups of national parliaments the power to stop unwanted directives being handed down and to scrap existing EU laws.
  • A new structure for the EU itself. The block of 28 nations must be reorganised to prevent the nine countries that are not in the eurozone being dominated by the 19 member states that are, with particular protections for the City of London.

Diplomats believe this plan represents the most likely deal they can achieve because it is so difficult to negotiate a solution that is acceptable to 27 other EU member states, as well as the European Commission and the European Parliament.

  Critics, including Cabinet ministers on the Right of the Tory party, are unlikely to be satisfied by this plan because it does not include legally binding changes to the EU’s governing treaties.

But government figures say there is not enough time to deliver treaty changes before the referendum is held, by the end of 2017.

One senior minister said: “Our EU partners are not thanking us. They think we’re barking mad because the thing they all fear most is a referendum on Europe.

“But they now recognise that we are serious. This is happening and there is no way out. They realise we have to fight together if we are going to keep Britain in the EU.”

In a further development, sources said any hope of major changes to the EU’s migration laws has been all but abandoned because smaller countries such as Hungary, Slovakia and Poland have refused point-blank to consider limits on migrant numbers. This will add weight to the Eurosceptics’ claims that Mr Cameron’s negotiations will fail to deliver meaningful reform.

The outline of Mr Cameron’s negotiating position emerged at a critical time in the debate over whether Britain should stay in the European Union.

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On Monday the “In” campaign will launch its bid to persuade voters to remain part of the EU, backed by Lord Rose, the former Marks & Spencer boss, Lord Mandelson, the former Labour Cabinet minister, and Danny Alexander, who was Liberal Democrat chief secretary to the Treasury in the Coalition.

Next week, Mr Cameron will press his case during talks with other European leaders at a summit in Brussels. Over dinner at Chequers on Friday night, he warned Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, that there was “still much to be worked through” to reach an acceptable deal.

However, the package of changes that Mr Cameron is pursuing is unlikely to deliver the kind of far-reaching revisions to the EU’s legally-binding treaties that Eurosceptic Tories want before the referendum takes place.

Further details of the Prime Minister’s negotiation plan remain secret. In a tactic that has infuriated EU politicians, Downing Street has refused to send a written list of Mr Cameron’s objectives to Brussels.

Ministers fear nations that are hostile to Britain’s renegotiation will try to pick off the proposals one by one.

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“Every member state has a ‘veto’ over whether to accept our proposals. Reforming free movement is a red line for some of the smaller countries,” a senior figure warned.

Ministers are pushing the French and German governments to agree to Britain’s demands as soon as possible.

In private, senior British ministers are urging France and Germany – the two most powerful EU countries – that they must speed up the pace of negotiations over a new deal for the UK if they want to keep Britain in the EU. If a deal can be struck at December’s European Council summit, the referendum could be held as early as spring next year. However, as progress continues to be slow, a vote in the autumn of 2016 is regarded as more likely.

One senior Tory said: “France and Germany both want what they call ‘the British problem’ to be settled well before they have elections. But if we don’t get a deal until later next year, the referendum will have to be in 2017. They need to up the pace.”

Tory Eurosceptics fear that an early referendum will fail to deliver radical changes. Vague promises of future concessions for Britain may be the best that Mr Cameron can achieve in the time left before a deal is reached, they believe. This would mean no legal guarantee that Britain’s new deal would be honoured.

One leading Eurosceptic minister warned that such an outcome would be unacceptable to Right-wing Tories. “I don’t think it would be remotely credible to turn up with a package that could just be thrown out two weeks after the referendum,” the minister said.

Meanwhile, Olivier Blanchard, the outgoing chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, has warned that the eurozone is doomed to fail as plans for common tax and spending policies between countries will fail to bring prosperity to member states.


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