March 2016
Volume 29
Number 3


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Z Magazine is an independent monthly magazine founded in 1988. Our mission is to publish in depth articles that critique society's political, economic, social life and institutions. We see the race, class, and gender dimensions of personal life as equally important in understanding current circumstances and as necessary for developing visions and strategies for progressive change.






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OK, carpet bombing is bombing an entire area, including homes, schools, and clinics. It is illegal under international law—that the...
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If Hillary Clinton was Queen of Chaos, Obama is surely King. Iraq, Libya, and Syria have been reduced to a chaotic state, and Obama has a heavy responsibility for these developments. There was also Obama’s widening use of drone warfare and declared right and intention to bomb any perceived threat to U.S. “national security” anyplace on earth.

More than anything, Flint and our whole nation desperately need a revitalized movement to ensure that public health decisions—and indeed all decisions of public concern—are made with full democratic scrutiny by those who will be affected

What if instead banks became a public utility with an end to speculation? Proposals are being floated in the U.S. to create state banks, perhaps on the model of the successful Bank of North Dakota

the B61 Model 12. This redesigned nuclear weapon is the country’s first precision-guided atomic bomb, with a computer brain and maneuverable fins that enable it to more accurately target sites for destruction. It also has a “dial-a-yield” feature that allows its handlers to adjust the level of its explosive power

Despite what you have heard, the cause of our current heroin epidemic is not as simple as doctors overprescribing narcotics


CIA destabilization operations have assumed many forms. First is the outright murder of political leaders. Second, and also familiar, are the direct conspiracies with terrorists, mercenaries or (usually) military factions within a country to disrupt or overthrow a government in disfavor

In the U.S., the shadow government represents the capitalist class—made up of extremely wealthy plutocratic families—its hierarchal values and vested interests, not rank and file Americans.

Pretty much all Republicans, and too many Democrats, buy into the notion that ISIS is a serious threat to the United States. Of course it’s not, as the President reminded us, before pretty much contradicting himself and arguing the need for the U.S. to wipe out ISIS. Why?

For the Bundys, then, nothing really happened before the 1870s. They do not mention Spanish explorers in 1532 or French Canadian trappers, or the British occupation after the war of 1812 or Oregon statehood in the 1850s.

At the core of the systemic fragility-global instability relationship, it was argued, is a fundamental and defining shift in global capitalism in the 21st century: a shift toward investing increasingly in financial assets and securities, which in turn has been responsible for growing financial instability


Indigenous communities have been disproportionately impacted as approximately 75 percent of AUMs are located on federal and tribal lands. A majority of AUMs are located in 15 western states with the potential to impact more than 50 million people.

Organized labor should develop its own plan for expanding jobs by meeting the Paris climate goals. Such a plan can take as its starting point the “Clean Energy Future” report and similar studies.


Lots of American industrialists have skeletons in the family closet. Charles and David Koch, however, are in a league of their own.

Far-right forces are on the move in and out of the U.S.

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PRISON - The 6th annual Beyond the Bars Conference will take place March 4-6, 2016 at Columbia University. This year’s conference, Connecting the Struggles, aims to connect the many ways in which mass incarceration has impacted individuals, families and communities.


U.S/SAUDI ARABIA - CODEPINK, along with the Nation Magazine, Institute for Policy Studies, Peace Action, and many other organizations, is hosting a two-day summit examining the policies and practices of Saudi Arabia and U.S.-Saudi ties, March 5-6, in Washington, DC.

Contact: 2016saudisummit.

LABOR/WOMEN - The Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition connects individuals and organizations with the March 23, 1911 Triangle Factory Fire. Commemoration events are planned through the month in New York City, beginning March 6.

Contact: http://rememberthe

FERGUSON/SPRING BREAK - Civic leaders and activists in Ferguson, MO. have designed an alternative break experience as one of the next steps in their community’s rebuilding and healing process, March 7- April 11.

Contact: FergusonAlternativeSpring; http://ferguson alternativ

WOMYN - March 8 is International Womyn’s Day. Events are planned worldwide. Musician Irka Mateo is releasing song Palenqueras, a tribute to the Palenquera women of Colombia, cultural and historical icons of San Basilio de Palenque, the first free town of African descendants in America.


LGBTQ -  Rainbow Health Ontario hosts Canada’s largest LGBTQ health conference, March 9-11, in London, Ontario.

Contact: Rainbow Health Ontario, Sherbourne Health Centre, 333 Sherbourne Street, Toronto ON M5A 2S5; 416.324.4100; http://www.rainbow

ARTS - Arts Day is March 9, in Madison, WI. It’s a day of celebrating, networking, learning and speaking up, with people who care about Wisconsin’s future.

Contact: PO Box 1054, Madison, WI 53701; 608-255-8316; info@arts;

TRANSGENDER - The Keystone Conference: A Celebration of Gender Diversity, will be held March 9-13, in Harrisburg, PA.


YOUNG FEMINIST - The 12th Annual National Young Feminist Leadership Conference will be held March 12-14, in Washington, DC, sponsored by the Feminist Majority Foundation.

Contact: 1600 Wilson Blvd, Suite 801, Arlington, VA 22209; 866-444-3652;; http://www.feminist

CANNABIS - The annual National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference will be held March 18-22, in Washington, DC, hosted by Americans For Safe Access and others.

Contact: 202-857-4272; info@safeaccess;

YOUTH POETRY - Louder Than A Bomb, the largest youth poetry festival in the world, through March 19, in Chicago, hosted by Youth Chicago Authors.


SOFTWARE - The LibrePlanet conference will be held March 19-20, in Cambridge, MA. LibrePlanet is an annual conference hosted by the Free Software Foundation for people who care about their digital freedoms, bringing together software developers, policy experts, activists, and computer users to learn skills, share accomplishments, and address challenges facing the free software movement. LibrePlanet 2016 will feature programming for a wide range of ages and experience levels.


DRONES - March 27-April 2, a national mobilization is planned at Creech Drone Base in Nevada, to shut down assassin drone operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen. Sponsored by CODEPINK: Women for Peace, Nevada Desert Experience, Veterans for Peace and Voices for Creative Nonviolence.

Contact: 216 South Meramec Ave., St. Louis, MO, 63105; 314-725-6005; bfp@; http://www.veterans

LABOR-  Railroad Workers United Biennial Convention will be held March 30-April 1, in Chicago.

Contact: Railroad Workers United, PO Box 2131, Reno, NV 89505; 206-984-3051; http://railroadworker

HIP-HOP - “Show & Prove” Hip Hop Studies Conference is dedicated to being a platform for scholars from around the world who do focused work on Hip Hop culture. April 8-9, in Riverside, CA.

Contact: 900 University Ave, Riverside, CA 92521; 951-827-1012;

ABORTION - CLPP (Civil Liberties and Public Policy) 35th anniversary annual conference, From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom, will take place April 8-10, 2016 at Hampshire College in Amherst, MA.

Contact: Civil Liberties and Public Policy, 893 West Street, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA 01002; 413-559-6976;;

MILITARY SPENDING - April 13 is a Global Day of Action on Military Spending. Events are planned worldwide.


POETRY - The annual Split This Rock Poetry Festival: Poems of Provocation & Witness 2016 will be held April 14-17, in Washington, DC. This year’s theme is Poems of Provocation & Witness.

Contact: Split This Rock, 1112 16th Street NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036; 202-787-5210;;

ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR - The 10th Annual New York City Anarchist Book Fair will be held in its original site at Judson Memorial Church, April 16, with workshops, books, childcare, video projections, art, panels, more. The Anarchist Art Festival will be April 15-16.


EDUCATION - The 3rd Annual Network for Public Education Conference will be held April 16-17, in Chicago, under the theme, And Justice for All: Strengthening Public Education for Each Child, with keynote speakers and workshops.

Contact: P.O. Box 44200; Tuscon, AZ 85733; 520-324-0881; http://www .networkfor

DIGITAL BLACKNESS - The Digital Blackness Conference will be held April 22-23, 2016 at Rutgers University. It will bring together scholars, students, activists, and artists to interrogate the many new modes, customs, and arrangements of racial identity as they are mediated through digital technologies.

Contact: digitalblackness@rutgersdigita; http://www.rutgersdigita

MAY DAY - May 1 is May Day. Workers of the world will celebrate the 125th anniversary of International WorkerÆs Day. Born out of a call for an eight-hour workday in the United States, this day is an opportunity for all workers to show their solidarity with one another, as well as to renew the call for labor rights.

IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES - Grant- makers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) will host the GCIR’s National Convening, Immigrants, Philanthropy, and the American Dream, May 3-5, in Austin, TX.

Contact: PO Box 1100, Sebastopol, CA 95473-1100; 707-824-4374; https://

WORKERS / FILM - The 5th Annual Workers Unite Film Festival will be May 4-21, in New York City.

Contact: http://www.workersunite

MARIJUANA - On May 7, the first Saturday in May, marijuana legalization activists will hold informational and educational events, rallies and marches in over 300 cities around the world.


MOTHER’S DAY - The 19th Annual Mother’s Day Walk For Peace will be May 8, in Dorchester, MA.

Contact: http://mothersdaywalk4

INCARCERATION/YOUTH - May 15-21 is National Week of Action Against Incarcerating Youth. Events are organized in cities nationwide.


MALCOLM X - May 19th is the birthday of Malcolm X. Calls have been issued for a holiday, Claim Malcolm X Day, to celebrate the birthday of a freedom fighter.

FOOD/MONSANTO - March Against Monsanto will be May 21 in New York City and elsewhere.

Contact: http://www.march-against-

LEFT FORUM - The 2016 Left Forum will be held May 20-22, at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City.

Contact: 212-817-2003; leftforum;

FEMINISM/SCI-FI - The feminist science fiction convention WisCon 40 is scheduled for May 27-30 in Madison, WI.

Contact: WisCon, SF3, PO Box 1624, Madison, WI 53701; concom37@;

MULTICULTURE- The annual National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE) will take place May 31-June 4, in San Francisco, CA.

Contact: SWCHRS, 3200 Marshall Avenue, Suite 290, Norman, OK 73072; 405-325-3694;;

JUSTICE - The Justice Conference will be held in Chicago, June 3-4. The Justice Conference is an annual national primary conference that seeks to educate, inspire and connect people around a shared concern for biblical and social justice, the vulnerable and oppressed.


BIKES - Bikes Not Bombs is holding its 29th annual Bike-A-Thon in Boston, MA on June 5.

Contact: Bikes Not Bombs, 284 Amory St., Jamaica Plain, MA 02130; 617-522-0222;; www.bikesnot

RADIO - The 40th Annual National Federation of Community Broadcasters Community Media Conference will be held June 8-11, in Denver, CO, with break-out sessions, two keynotes, affinity group summits, panel discussions and tours around the host city.

Contact: 1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20004; 202-756-2268; comments;

PEACE CONFERENCE - Peace, Justice and Security is an international conference on conflict resolution and festival hosted in Columbus, OH, June 8-13.


CLASS - The Center for Study of Working Class Life at SUNY Stony Brook will host the How Class Works 2016 conference at Stony Brook: June 9-11, 2016.


JUNETEENTH - June 16 is Juneteenth, a holiday celebrating the announcement of the end of slavery in Texas and in the rest of the U.S. through the Emancipation Proclamation; June 19 is Juneteenth Independence Day.

Contact: Juneteenth_Movement.html.

MEDIA - The 18th annual Allied Media Conference will be held June 16-19, in Detroit. Held every summer, the conference brings together a community of people using media to incite change: filmmakers, radio producers, technologists, youth organizers, writers, entrepreneurs, musicians, dancers, and artists.

Contact: Allied Media Projects, 4126 Third St., Detroit, MI 48201; 313-718-2267;

VEGAN FEST - The annual Mad City Vegan Fest will be held in Madison, WI, June 18. The annual event features food, speakers, and exhibitors.

Contact: 122 State Street, Suite 405 B, Madison, WI 53701; madcityveganfest;


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