Socialism and the Fight Against War
Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International 
18 February 2016

The International Committee of the Fourth International calls for the widest discussion of the analysis presented in this statement. We call on the tens of thousands of readers of the World Socialist Web Site to study it and to fight for its widest circulation. We urge that the principles presented in this statement serve as the foundation of the building of a new international anti-war movement.

Click here to read the statement


Australia: Fairfax journalists strike over job cuts
18 March 2016
The latest attack is part of a decade-long process of job destruction and restructuring at Fairfax Media.
Australian journalists condemn the axing of more Fairfax jobs
18 March 2016
Striking editorial staff speak out against the latest attack on jobs and conditions by one of Australia’s largest media corporations.
Anti-protest laws attack democratic rights in Australia
18 March 2016
New laws in three states impose draconian punishments for allegedly disrupting or hindering business operations.
Australian Greens join government in ramming through Senate voting changes
17 March 2016
In the machinations over the electoral laws, the Greens have stepped forward, not just to assist the government, but to try to shore up the parliamentary system itself.

Australian media whips up fear campaign against African youth
16 March 2016
The state Labor government has seized on police clashes with youth in Melbourne on Saturday to demand greater police powers to “smash gang violence.”
A socialist program to fight the Coalition-Labor-Greens assault on education in Australia
16 March 2016
The IYSSE is fighting for the development of an independent, socialist movement of the working class in opposition to the assault on education and the gutting of social spending.
Australia: Despite deaths, no youth mental facility in Brisbane
14 March 2016
The official inquiry is an attempt to cover up the refusal of successive state and federal governments to provide adequate mental health services.
Australian primary teachers resign in protest at standardised, assessment-based education
14 March 2016
The two teachers decided to go public, hoping to encourage other teachers to speak out about the escalating education crisis.