Sorry for the lack of Updates

To whom it may concern. sorry for the lack of updates, this was due to us being unable to edit anything on this site, the problem is now solved.  

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Welcome to Green Anarchy

Another page has turned in the story of Green Anarchy, and we hope to have this site up and running again soon after the hiatus. We hope to get a little better about updating this site. We hope to have …
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eco defence news

Arsonists attack Hellas gold mine in northern Greece A Up to 50 intruders raided the complex at Skouries in northern Greece after midnight on Sunday February 16th ,  using petrol bombs and flammable liquid to set fire to machinery, vehicles and …
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anarchist news updates

Freedom firebombed T London’s Freedom Bookshop has suffered a firebomb attack. It looks as though lots of books have been damaged. —- Their website gives an idea of what’s been going on: —- Freedom firebombed —- The clean-up continues —- …
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Lastest prisoner List

ECO-DEFENSE PRISONERS Marco Camenisch, Postfach 3143, CH-8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland. Serving 18 years: Ten years for using explosives to destroy electricity pylons leading from nuclear power stations and Eight years for the murder of a Swiss Boarder Guard whilst on the …
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ELF Russia Strike again

: “On the night of april the 20th, 2011, we torched harvester used at the toll highway construction in Khimki forest. A guard spotted us at the moment of lighting the fire, but was too scared to intervene. We did …
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Chernobyl/Belarus: Arrests and Brutality 25 years on

While the opposition leaders who had “survived” after the election campaign discussed how to organise the Chernobyl March-2011 (an anual antinuclear demonstration in Belarus) and agreed to make another action “for themselves” in the Park of Peoples’ Friendship, Belarusian anarchists decided …
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Anarchists Arrest in Louisville, Montreal on May Day

Several protesters found themselves in trouble with the law during a pro-laborMay Day rally. —- May Day is similar to Labor Day, and it was marked with protests and rallies around the world. —- Those who took part in Louisville say the …
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MAY Day in London

Speakers * Music * Infostalls * Fun — In the winter of 2010 the nation’s school and university students showed that it isn’t only opinion polls or media corporations that can set the agenda, but also the mass actions of …
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Response to the Death of Patricia Heras in Barcelona

The night of Thursday, 28 April, we attacked two banks on Rogent street with hammers. We did it to respond to the death of a comrade; to allow our rage to erupt rather than anaesthetizing it; so that those who …
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