23 Sep 2014

Islamophobia: Australia's Newest National Sport

By Amy McQuire

The only Australians who should be feeling under threat right now are Muslims, the targets of hateful abuse and morally bankrupt politics. Amy McQuire explains.

Australia is one of the safest countries in the world. Until last week we didn’t particularly fear “terrorism” or war on home soil, because these horrible events are far removed from our daily reality, encased in 30-second soundbites we ignore over our dinners.

We’re more likely to fear bushfires and the holiday road death tolls along with our world-beating killer spiders, snakes, sharks and occasionally, crocodiles.

But we don’t fear these things regularly. We’re unlikely to come into contact with them on a daily basis. We do, however, come into contact with people. And if you live in western and north-western Sydney, where the majority of the “anti-terror” raids occurred last week, you are likely to run into *shock horror* a Muslim.

Last week, Australia woke to the front pages and shrill cries of breakfast radio and TV anchors acting as a government mouthpiece, trying to convince Australians that the war against the Islamic State, the militant Sunni group which has taken over large swathes of Iraq and Syria, had arrived on our shores.

And not just on our shores, like the “hordes of boat people” who apparently threaten the freedoms we enjoy, but also flourishing in our suburbs – near hospitals and schools and shopping centres.

Every day places so far from the dusty battle fields in the Middle East.

For most Australians, the information on IS, also known as ISIS or ISIL has been limited, filtered through sexed-up stories of “Jihadi war brides”, shocking images of beheadings and crucifixions and the sensationalist executions of three westerners – two journalists and an aid worker – filmed with all the suspense of a Hollywood drama.

The reality that nearly 60 Australians are estimated to have left the country to fight with IS forces has been abused constantly by the Abbott government to try and draw Australians into believing IS is a threat to the freedoms Australia has built off Aboriginal suffering and poverty for the past 200 years.

These events are undoubtedly shocking, but if your main source of information is the mainstream media, you’ve been sorely let down. There has been very little analysis on whether these threats are valid, and certainly no explanation of how it justifies an estimated $500 million a year “humanitarian” military intervention into a foreign country, and far-reaching, invasive laws which target one section of the Australian community. 

Today, renowned American journalist Glenn Greenwald condemned the Australian political class’ “unhinged, fear mongering orgy over terrorism”.

On the Abbott government’s concerning anti-terror laws he wrote:

“The Australian government wasted no time at all exploiting this event to demand ‘broad new security powers to combat what it says is a rising threat from militant Islamists.”

Even by the warped standards of the west’s 9/11 era liberty abridgments, these powers are extreme, including making it ‘a crime for an Australian citizen to travel to any area overseas once the government has declared it off limits’.

“Already pending in that country is a proposal by the Attorney General to make it a criminal offense ‘punishable by five years in jail for ‘any person who disclosed information relating to ‘special intelligence operations’; the bill is clearly intended to outright criminalise WikiLeaks-and Snowden-type reporting and the government thus expressly refuses to exempt journalists.”

Greenwald criticises Abbott’s recent speech to Parliament as a “shameless” exploitation of terrorism fears to “seize greater power”.

“Abbott assumed the grave demeanor and resolute tone that politicians in these situations don to convince others that they’re the modern incarnation of Winston Churchill: purposeful, unyielding, and courageously ready for the fight. He depicted his fight as one of Pure Good v. Pure Evil, and vehemently denied that his nation’s 10-year support for the invasion and occupation of Iraq plays any role whatsoever in animosity toward his country in that region (perish the thought! – ‘It’s our acceptance that people can live and worship in the way they choose that bothers them, not our foreign policy’). And, most impressively, he just came right out and candidly acknowledged his real purpose: to exploit the emotions surrounding the terrorist arrests to erode liberty and increase state power, telling citizens that they will die if they do not meekly acquiesce.”

Sadly, just as all over the world, the greatest victims of “terrorism" have been Muslims themselves. How you define “terrorism” is up to you, but I would suggest the tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians killed by western forces would count as victims as well, just as the innocent children of Gaza who are still recovering from a murderous assault by Israel earlier this year.

And the people who are most likely affected by Abbott’s response to this purported IS threat are Muslim Australians, who represent diverse ethnic groups across the country and yet are being targeted as one homogenous mass.

I attended the Lakemba rally held on the day of the shocking raids last week. The anger was clear, but the mood was solemn. A 12-year-old boy whose home was the subject of one of the raids spoke of his experience and was so obviously traumatised it raised the question of how the Abbott government can expect to placate a community who are so used to being targeted and ostracised by mainstream society, and whose hurt only continues to compound.

Since the raids, a torrent of hate has been unleashed towards Muslims across the country. Last week, a Muslim woman in Auburn awoke to find her car spray-painted with anti-Muslim slogans.

A rally on the Sunshine Coast against a planned mosque descended into outright hate with 500 people turning up.

One man, quoted by the Sunshine Coast Daily said, “It’s a disgusting religion. I’m in the Catholic Church over the road and I’d hate to think it was opposite. It’s evil and I’m totally against it.”

The waves of abuse on social media has also highlighted how open bigotry has become, as if the disgust around the Islamic State has given a free pass to intolerance.

Secretary of Salam Care, Rebecca Kay told the Sydney Morning Herald earlier this week that she had received a number of reports of intimidation across western Sydney.

“We had some Aussie ladies standing making gun movements with their fingers towards some Muslim ladies,” Ms Kay told the newspaper.

“It’s trivial… but it does affect people…. They seem to be more upset at first rather than scared. But then they do get scared that it might happen again, and they start worrying about whether they need to protect their children.”

While anti-semitic remarks and other racial attacks regularly attract condemnation in Australia - in fact can be used as justification to fire a popular newspaper columnist - the widespread vitriol against Muslims in the wake of these terror raids has been sadly underplayed.

Why is this so?

The biggest victims of this “terror threat” are not the suburban keyboard warriors afraid of random alleged beheadings, but Muslims, who should have the right to practice their religion free from persecution.

Sure, it's easier to fear them than more immediate threats. It's easier to take out our fears from a position of power, backed by a media that has been actively promoting Islamophobia. You can't abuse a shark or crocodile or a holiday road death toll.

But that doesn't make it ok. And it doesn't smooth over the fact that this government is trying to exploit a foreign fear of terrorism to pass severely invasive powers over a targeted community just because you don’t feel safe. 

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Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 15:49

To date the Government has not demonstated why additional so-called anti-terrorist powers are required.  Their argument simply seems to be that additional powers are required because of the rise of IS in the Middle East and because the AFP and ASIO (the experts) have requested them.

Of course the AFP and ASIO will request additional powers.  I'm pretty sure they've  also requested additional funds as well but this of itself doesn't mean they need them to do their job.

I understand that since September 11 there has been 19 Australians convicted of  offences under existing anti-terror laws and several terrorist attacks thwarted.  This indicates to me that the existing laws and powers are sufficient and additio0nal powers may not be required.

As the "Haneef" case of 2008 shows, the AFP and ASIO don't always get it right and Parliament should not give them additional powers unless it is absolutely certain they are required in order to protect Australians  against terrorist attacks.  

I look forward to hearing from the government as to why additional powers are required.


Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 16:42

If Muslims feel the way the author describes them, then they have to ask themselves:   why is it so?   What am I doing wrong?  Am I introducing into the lifestyles and culture of the host society?  Should I not change and move into the 21st century rather than cling to a culture and religion of yesteryear, more appropriate to the harsh life in a desert ?

Just a few of the questions they should ask themselves.

cardinal fang
Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 16:48

With all the talk about Isis and nazis. People should remember that hitler was elected and used the fear of communism to seize power. Suspend parliament and declare himself dictator.

Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 17:20

Howard and subsequents govts use the NT Interventions for 80,000 Australians who arent so equal.

Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 17:38

"Since the raids, a torrent of hate has been unleashed towards Muslims across the country. Last week, a Muslim woman in Auburn awoke to find her car spray-painted with anti-Muslim slogans."

A "torrent of hate"?  No mosque burnings, forced conversions to Christianity, sexual enslavement, beheadings or ethnic cleansing of Muslims --so far the Kuffar population has been remarkably restrained. 

Of course Abbott and his cronies are using the 'security threat' as a distraction, but let's get some perspective, so far, there has been no "torrent of hate", just some incidents of bigotry. 


Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 19:14

no Marga

Muslims do not need to look at themselves collectively, within Australia, and wonder anything.

The right wing need to wonder at the purpose behind their confected fear and hysteria. If this is the price we pay for this current govt to feel all mighty and powerful, it really makes you wonder at their own issues.

The racism and villification currently being broadcast in Australia is disgusting.

Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 20:03

Does that also apply to Dagos, Chinks, Niggers and Gooks?

Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 20:33

Muslims in western countries have no right to complain about racism given the foul anti Semitic abuse many subjected the jewish population to in western countries. Lets also not forget muslim violence and death threats towards the jewish communities.

Finally if muslims want tolerance maybe they could start promoting it in their home countries. Muslim dominated countries in general treat non-muslim minorities horribly. Sure Australia has the odd racist bigot but Australians aren't committing genocide against ethnic and religious minorities in the name of Islam.

The average Australian certainly show much more tolerance to other then the average muslim.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. thomasee73
Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 22:51

Yeah, good one Aaron. Ten out of ten for logic. But I guess I we couldn't really expect much more intelligent commentary from you, given the dim-witted remarks made by my work colleage, Aaron, in the lunch room today. 

And then there was that majorly foolish episode in Exodus, when Moses' brother, Aaron, made a Golden calf for the Israelites to worship. Sacrilege, that was. Just dumb.

When are you Aarons going to contribute anything meaningful to society?

If you want to be taken seriously, perhaps instead of whining that no-one listens to what you have actually said, but just calls you the stupid idiot that you are, you might, just might, start by making sure other Aarons treat people with respect, and think before they open their numbskull mouths.

Sure, I might not be making a lot of sense, but I'm making a hell of a lot more sense than this ugly idiot, https://www.facebook.com/174728679261341 , so why should I make any sense when I'm talking to you?


Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 23:08

This intentional demonisation of a section of Australian society based on events based overseas and possibly, maybe someone might have thought about doing something here is a disgusting abuse of power by the government, the spooks and the police.

I had someone try to tell me that the government would only act if they had solid proof. I linked them to information on Dr Haneef and they countered with Lee Rigby. So now the proof that all Australians are not safe on the streets is the murder of one person in England. This is the sort of hysterical mindset that the government is counting on. The government is terrorising Australian people for political gain. They are terrorising the stupid and scared to lift their polls and terrorising Muslims because stupid and scared people need an enemy to be scared of.

At no time do they provide any solid evidence for their claims. They lied to take us into Iraq in the first place. They lied about Labor to gain power. Now they are lying to create unnecessary fear to make themselves look tough. They have no shame. They are unfit to govern. 

Global warming is the greatest threat to our future but they smear, ignore and lie about scientists and renewable energy. I used to just think that right wingers were selfish and that lefties cared more about making society better for the majority of people. A mere difference in priorities but in recent years, by their words and actions, the leading lights of right wing thought and power are showing themselves to be criminal psychopaths who are divorced from reality. 

Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 23:12

The other point is that if you keep sticking fire crackers into an ants nest eventually you will get stung. When that happens just wait till the guys with the crackers shout 'I told you so, they are dangerous'. Then they will plan to use bigger crackers to get revenge and on it goes. Insanity in action. 

This government is terrorising Australia and making us a greater terrorist target at the same time. 

Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 23:25

Aaron. The most populous Muslim country in the world is Indonesia. They are friendly, happy and very welcoming on the whole. Nothing like you have painted. Perhaps you are only looking through one jaundiced eye. 

There is a tiny segment in Indonesia that has been radicalised by Wahabist literature exported from a great and good ally Saudi Arabia. The same Saudi Arabia that Bin Laden came from and the vast majority of the 9/11 terrorists and the ones who finance most of the worlds terrorism. The same Saudi Arabia who with the US supported the formation of IS. But what do we do? Bomb Iraq and demean our own Muslim population. 

As for anti-semetic? Heh, Israel is occupying Palestinian land and keeping the citizens of Gaza locked up in a big concentration camp. They occasionally go in a blow large sections of it up including numerous civilians and at the same time keep building settlements in the Occupied West Bank stealing more land. You would wonder why such a great bunch of guys are not more popular. 

Posted Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 23:56

My Macquarie dictionary defines 'prejudice' as: any preconceived opinion or feeling, favourable or unfavourable. So to have a positive or supportive opinion of Islam, without first reading the Koran, is to be guilty of prejudice.

Whenever Islam's evils are exposed, you always get someone claiming that Christianity is 'just as bad'. Such people like to demonstrate their ignorance by pointing to the Old Testament, which was written for a small ethnic, political and religious group, fighting for its existence and a small slice of territory in the Middle East. They also point to Matthew 10:36, in which Jesus warns his followers that their families will become angry with them because of their acceptance of the new faith, and tells them to expect to be persecuted for following Him.

The idea being that if Christians no longer burn people at the stake, then Muslims can be expected to give up aping the seventh century warmonger Mohammed, and therefore will never be a danger to non-Muslims. 

It is difficult for anyone who has read the Quran, to take seriously the claims of moderate Muslims that the activities of ISIS are unislamic. ISIS is following the Quran to the letter, and behaving in much the same way as Mohammed did in the seventh century.

It is a very sad day when Australians don't hate slavery (Q4:25), the marriage of prepubescent girls (Q33:49), wife-beating (Q4:34), and the denial of legal equality to women (Q2:28).

O. Puhleez
Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 06:11


It is difficult for anyone who has read the Quran, to take seriously the claims of moderate Muslims that the activities of ISIS are unislamic. ISIS is following the Quran to the letter, and behaving in much the same way as Mohammed did in the seventh century.


It is a very sad day when Australians don't hate slavery (Q4:25), the marriage of prepubescent girls (Q33:49), wife-beating (Q4:34), and the denial of legal equality to women (Q2:28).

I think you are right on the money there.

I am not exactly an Islamic scholar, but I have seen enough blood-curdling quotes from the Quran (or Koran or however one spells it) to know that it's not exactly a child's garden of verses. It is more a manual written by an Arabian warlord for the purpose of achieving mental uniformity and submission ('Islam' means 'submission') of all the desert tribes he was trying to weld together into a single large and conquering army. In that project, he was spectacularly successful.

But as many of them rightly point out, Muslims in the vast majority are not terrorists, but rather law-abiding and productive citizens of whatever countries they inhabit. This fact I put down to the good old human inclination to cherry-pick. We quote from whatever Holy Text whatever it suits us to quote. The result, as Ibn Warraq points out in his excellent book Why I Am Not a Muslim, is that the great achievements of Islamic civilisation: its science, literature, art, architecture, mathematics... , have emerged not because of the Quran, or the body of doctrine, law etc constituting Islam, but in spite of it.

BTW 'Ibn Warraq' is not his real name. Though born and raised I understand in the Islamic culture of Pakistan, he is enough of a realist to know that cherry-pickers of a different inclination are likely to terminate him with extreme prejudice if he ever lets his real identity be known.

Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 07:32

I watched Julia Gillard on TV last night.  What did we have and what have we got now ?

O. Puhleez
Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 07:51


Sure, it's easier to fear them than more immediate threats. It's easier to take out our fears from a position of power, backed by a media that has been actively promoting Islamophobia... 

What do you mean by 'Islamophobia'? After all, your article here is all about it, but you don't say what you understand it to be.

This is a trap; a bit like the one Jaqui Lambie set for herself when she started talking about 'Shari's Law' and then couldn't say what it was when asked (in a TV interview which has been replayed countless times since.)

Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 11:08

The Old Testament of the Holy Bible was mostly written in circa 500 BC in present-day Iraq and the Holy Quran was written in the early 7th century AD. One can cherry-pick horrendous examples of punishments from either that reflect the mores of the time e.g.  stoning to death for adultery, apostasy or blasphemy.

What matters is what people  practise today and that in turn is determined by their progression to modernity.  Thus an eminent and highly-honored Australian Muslim academic, Professor Riaz Hassan ( Department of Sociology, Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia) has written a very important book, “Inside Muslim Minds”,  that deals in a scientific fashion with the actual attitudes of the people of the highly varied, 1,500 million-strong  Muslim World who constitute about 20% of Humanity. Everyone should read and every library should carry this important book. This is a “must read” for anyone commenting on Islam, Muslims and the horrendous, continuing  Western occupation and devastation of the Muslim World - thus the  neoliberal greed- and racist Zionist-promoted US War on Muslims has been associated, so far, with  12 million Muslim deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation whereas Muslim –origin non-state  terrorists have  murdered only  2000 Westerners in the  last half century (the US did 9-11; see “Experts: US did 9-11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/  and  “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/  ) .

A notable finding is that the Muslims of Kazakhstan with the benefit of 70 years of secular, Communist  rule  have attitudes on all kinds of matters similar to  those of secular Australians. However the progress to modernity of much of  the Muslim world has been hampered by genocidal Western imperialism,  genocidally racist Zionist colonization and ethnic cleansing of Palestine and Anglo-American subversion and  wars for oil and hegemony  (see Gideon Polya, "Book Review - “Inside Muslim Minds” by Riaz Hassan.  Understanding Muslims for Peace, Justice & Planet", MWC News:, 17 January 2009”:  https://sites.google.com/site/bookreviewsbydrgideonpolya/hassan-riaz-inside-muslim-minds ).

I have the extreme good fortune to know many, many  Muslims who range from non-adherence except for weddings, funerals and feasts (like most Australian  Christians) to strict observance.  My numerous Muslim friends from the non-observant to the strictly observant are all unfailingly  courteous, generous, peaceable  and hospitable – great assets to Australia.

Unfortunately lying, racist, holocaust-ignoring  Mainstream media and politicians have created a “terror hysteria” fantasy world for Western citizens that utterly ignores the horrendous realities of invasion, occupation and devastation of US- or US surrogate-occupied Muslim countries  including (West to East) Occupied Somalia, Occupied Palestine, Occupied Syria,  post-occupation but devastated Lebanon, Occupied Iraq, Occupied Afghanistan, US robot-bombed Waziristan in Pakistan and acutely US- and Israeli-threatened Iran that is a world leader in the fight against opiate drugs from the US-restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry that kills about 0.1 million people annually including  about 500 Australians.

There is an ongoing Muslim Holocaust that is simply ignored by the West and only briefly alluded to in “Inside Muslim Minds”. Thus post-1950 avoidable deaths (excess deaths, deaths that did not have to happen) total 1.3 billion (the World), 1.2 billion (the non-European World) and 0.6 billion (the Muslim World), these estimates being consonant with estimates of post-1950 under-5 year old infant deaths totalling 0.88 billion (the World), 0.85 billion (the non-European World) and 0.4 billion (the Muslim World). 16 million people die avoidably each year on a Spaceship Earth (roughly half of them Muslims) with a racist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, genocidal, pro-Zionist and Zionist-dominated  US  at the helm. Yet this ongoing Muslim Holocaust is utterly ignored  in the racist, lying, Zionist-dominated Western Murdochracies (for details see Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” that inlcudesd an avoidabl emnoirtlaity-based hisoty o evry country fromNeolithic tkes and is now available for free perusal on the web: ).

Decent Muslim and non-Muslim Australians  will utterly reject the utterly mendacious, warmongering, mass murdering, war criminal, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, Neocon American and Zionist  Imperialist (NAZI)-perverted, militant, extremist , Lib-Lab state terrorists (aka the Liberal-Laboral state terrorists or Coalition state terrorists  and Labor Right state terrorists) , vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last (see Gideon Polya, “ Australian State Terrorism -  zero Australian terrorism deaths, 1 million preventable Australian deaths & 10 million Muslims killed by US Alliance since 9-11”,  Countercurrents, 23 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya230914.htm ).

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Uroyjr
Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 11:37

Wow Marga such perceptive analysis,

Yes I'm sure if moslems ask themselves these thought provoking questions, they will abandon they're religion and culture, get a few southern cross tattoos,  get pissed every night to the point where critical thinking is no longer needed, and can thus comply with your exacting standards on what it means to be Australian.

Syd Walker
Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 13:21

A good article by Amy McQuire.

She asks:

"While anti-semitic remarks and other racial attacks regularly attract condemnation in Australia - in fact can be used as justification to fire a popular newspaper columnist - the widespread vitriol against Muslims in the wake of these terror raids has been sadly underplayed.

"Why is this so?"

That is a very important question. How has it come to pass that the kind of verbal sniping against Islam and Muslims one now sees so often - even here in the comments below New Matilda articles - has come to be considered "normal"?

The answer lies largely in the media itself.

How has the Australian mass media failed to cover the many, many facts that make mincemeat of the official narratives of events such as 9/11 - the foundational myths of 21st century Islamophobia? How has it have been so utterly useless as a guardian of the truth?

One brief example. Anyone older than 30 with a memory should recall that the first tranche of US "anti-terrorism" laws were rushed through Congress in a state of panic in late 2001. Why the panic? Above all, the panic was due to the ANTHRAX attacks that were underway at the time, attacks publicly blamed on Muslim extremists.

Yet when the attempt to frame Muslims for the anthrax attacks fell through (presumably because key scientists in the US microbiology refused to go along with the official lies), the anthrax story largely vanished from the mainstream media narrative. It made ripples a few years later, when a suitable patsy, Bruce Ivins, was identified by the FBI (he conveniently "suicided" so no trial was needed). 

The saga is explained at some length by Dr Graeme Macqueen in his must-see presentation to an audience at Havard a few years ago: The Fictional Basis of the War on Terror

This material is CRUCIAL to undertsanding contemporary affairs. How can it be that the entire Australian mass media has ignored the OBVIOUS FACT that in 2001 there was AT LEAST one systematic, high-level plot in the USA to frame Muslims for a heinous terrorist crime they OBVIOUSLY didn't commit?

Yet it did. Even Crikey dropped the ball. To my knowledge, not one Australian "journalist" ever reported this story and its dramatic implications.

If Australian journalists now ask why Muslims are unfairly taregtted, look in the mirror. Collectively, you failed to speak up for the truth. You bottled out. You blew it.

Face that, honestly, and there's plenty of opportunity for real change..


Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 14:12


When are you starting to think?

Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 14:40

Unbelievable amount of BS
Shall we wait until a jihadist beheads a family member? Or bombs your neighbor?
Unfortunately not even one of your 'moderate' nice Muslim friends will shed one tear for the loss of an infidel, even if that infidel is your peaceful father, mother or daughter. I would never condone discrimination or hate against any person or another's chosen religion, but I would and I do hold the silent majority of Muslims accountable for NoT standing up and speaking out against their violent Muslim brethren, who wish to create a united Islamic State and ultimately an Islamic World caliphate. Even at the peril and extinction of all other religious or non-religious people alike. Infidels is what you consider us. Infidels which you consider lower than a dog.
No they won't hesitate to do any evil deed, all in the name of jihad, in pursuit of their caliphate.
"by any means necessary"...remember.
There is only one religion that I know, that has 'Love' as the most important rule.
Where you are asked to love your neighbor as yourself, do unto others as you would have them do for you, and even tells you to pray for those who persecute you. Obviously this is NoT the values of Islam, and It is up to the rest of us to watch out for each other. That's not hate, that's common sense.
God bless Australia

Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 16:01

On ABC radio recently a young mother from Merrylands who happily lives in that multicultural suburb described a recent unsettling experience at the shopping centre. A man of middle Eastern appearance was gleefully showing his friends a photo on his iphone of the first journalist to be beheaded and giving the thumbs up sign.  She was shaken and reluctant to return to those shops the following day.  ALL Australian society has to behave with civility - no one group is blameless.

O. Puhleez
Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 18:59


The 1996 Runnymede Trust definition was "dread or hatred of Islam and therefore, [the] fear and dislike of all Muslims"

That definition was a 3-card trick. Hostility to Islam as a doctrine, political system, religion… call it what you will, is conflated there with hostility to Muslims.

I am one who finds the doctrine of Islam damned objectionable on philosophical grounds. As far as I am concerned, it is continuous with the totalitarian doctrine of fascism, though there is still room for debate as to where the one stops and the other starts.

But I get on well with those Muslims I know, all of whom as far as I can see have been born and raised in Islam. I have no time for those who are hostile to Muslims because they are Muslims. So I suppose, according to the definition, I am simultaneously Islamophobic and not Islamophobic.

It can get confusing.

O. Puhleez
Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 21:11


A man of middle Eastern appearance was gleefully showing his friends a photo on his iphone of the first journalist to be beheaded and giving the thumbs up sign. 

If that was the case, then it sounds to me like the bastard ought to go back to where he came from.

Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 21:59

@O Puhleez,


But as many of them rightly point out, Muslims in the vast majority are not terrorists, but rather law-abiding and productive citizens of whatever countries they inhabit. This fact I put down to the good old human inclination to cherry-pick. We quote from whatever Holy Text whatever it suits us to quote. The result, as Ibn Warraq points out in his excellent book Why I Am Not a Muslim, is that the great achievements of Islamic civilisation: its science, literature, art, architecture, mathematics... , have emerged not because of the Quran, or the body of doctrine, law etc constituting Islam, but in spite of it.

This is to some degree the same argument used by Wilders, i.e. Islam is not actually capable of pluralistic interpretation, but is a fixed ideology which is accepted either wholly or in part. The premise of this argument, is that what he (or you) interpret or decide upon as 'Islam', is the standard by which anyone declaring themselves Muslims is to be judged. For Wilders, if his interpretation is accepted wholly, then ipso facto one is a true Muslim. Alternatively, if one has not accepted those parts of his interpretations he considers critical, then while he is happy to refer to such people as (non practicing) Muslims, he considers them not to actually be following Islam.

"Most Muslims are moderate, but this does not mean there is such a thing as a moderate Islam. People who reject Islam's violent and intolerant commandments are not practising "moderate Islam" -- they are not practising Islam at all." - Geert Wilders, Feb 18, 2013.

Ironically this is the same fallacious argument, based on a propositional fallacy, used by those extremist Muslims who are wantonly killing other Muslims, and who form the raison d'etre for his criticism of (his) Islam.

The term Islamophobia is imprecise in its current use, and seems to have been coined as a convenient term encompassing everything from fear to hostility at Islam. The tradition of prefix words being added upon the word phobia for an ultimately broader potential meaning had already been established, e.g. homophobia. And like homophobia, those labelled with the term will not necessarily fit either the literal or implied meaning.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. thomasee73
Posted Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 22:48

Hey - I recognise that. It's the "No true Scotsman" fallacy.

O. Puhleez
Posted Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 00:07



You say re Wilders:

The premise of this argument, is that what he (or you) interpret or decide upon as 'Islam', is the standard by which anyone declaring themselves Muslims is to be judged.

No. What I would call 'Islam' is (a) its holy texts, and (b) Its actual practice.

Thje holy texts are only a start. They are cherry-picked by the faithful; we select what we want to select, and believe what we want to believe. What is selected and/or emphasised varies with geography. So Indonesian Islam is not the same as Saudi Islam.

For those inclined to authoritarianism and violence, there is plenty of Koranic justification available. For those wishing to practice the more contemplative side (eg the Sufis) there is plenty there as well.

In life, I prefer to go by what people do, rather than by what they say. 'Actions speak louder than words.' So this is also Islam: the current Saudi variety.

I don't think it can be defended, from Australia or anywhere else. As another prophet said: "By their fruits ye shall know them." And those of authoritarian Islam are pretty rotten.

Syd Walker
Posted Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 03:32

If Amy is correct - and Islamophobia is Australia's latest national sport - then the pro-Israeli apologist who posts here under the handle of 'O Puhleez' is certainly a champ.

I for one would be delighted if this unpleasant bigot could move his/her activities entirely to New Matilda's Sports Section, so those of us interested in political debate could avoid his/her poisonous filth entirely.

O. Puhleez
Posted Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 08:18

I for one would be delighted if this unpleasant bigot could move...

No doubt you would, Syd. No doubt you would. After all, when all you have to contribute to the ongoing conversation is waffling generalisations and conspiracy theory, that desire of yours is readily understandable.

But I honestly think that, rather than live cooped up in that mental attic you inhabit,  you would be better off doing a bit more exploring of what the world has to offer.

jules s
Posted Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 10:53

O puhleez everything you say about Islam at 25 sept 0.07 could apply to any belief system or ideology, religious or otherwise.  (if you replace "Holy text" with any dogmatic text, for example Anders Breivik's manifesto.)

It could even apply to supporting sports teams, as neo nazi football hooligans in places such as the UK in the late 80s or Ukraine today show.

The fruits of authoritarian anything are horrible.

O. Puhleez
Posted Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 13:52


The fruits of authoritarian anything are horrible.


O puhleez, everything you say about Islam at 25 sept 0.07 could apply to any belief system or ideology, religious or otherwise.

Not all ideologies. The Koran openly encourages violence, if only by the fact that it arose out of a violent 7th C military campaign on the Arabian Peninsula. It can easily be taken to heart by the violence-prone.

But militant Buddhism is a rarity. Its documents condemn violence. Zoroastrians are not noted for violence. My own 'belief system' is free thought and rationalism. Not noted for violence either.

Nazism I would say was a religion, as was communism. Both had their militant armies and 'holy texts.' But I would maintain that the founding text of fascism was not 'Mein Kampf'  but the Koran.

Islam carries within it the seeds of 'Islamic fascism'. The move from one to the other is pretty easy for those who wish to try it.


Delian League
Posted Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 14:24

"Since the raids, a torrent of hate has been unleashed towards Muslims across the country. Last week, a Muslim woman in Auburn awoke to find her car spray-painted with anti-Muslim slogans."

Ohhh come on now. TORRENTS of HATE !?

As a long time resident in the inner west of Melbourne, with a large muslim population, there have been no incidents that I know of. My neighbours are Lebanese Muslims!

The vast majority of intelligent Australians know that this whole circus is not much more than a circus and a convenient one for the Liberal Government at that.


jules s
Posted Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 14:35

Depending on how you read it the new testament could be a document that espouses fascism.  Look at Christianity today, especially the evangelical sort (kenneth copeland changed his show's name to "the believers voice of victory" following the invasion of Iraq.)  The only thing that keeps it in check is our democracy and that was a hard fought thing.

Buddhism is as capable of violence as anything, thats my point.  Anyone can interpret anything any way they want.  Militant buddhism exists, as does militant Islam, but militant Islam exists in the context of encouragement by the west then betrayal by the west - ok the buddhists in Vietnam didn't join the NVA or VC (as far as I know) but look at what happens in Burma.  I dunno about zoroastronism but if you were Greek over 2000 years ago you may have thought the Persian Empire was fascist.  And rationalism was sposed to be the basis of communism.

Allowing others free thought is perhaps the only way to prevent the possibility of fascism.

have you ever read the Koran from start to finish?  What about the original in Arabic?  I haven't so i'm a little unsure whether I could take anyone's opinion on what it says too seriously.

O. Puhleez
Posted Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 15:25

have you ever read the Koran from start to finish?  What about the original in Arabic?  I haven't so i'm a little unsure whether I could take anyone's opinion on what it says too seriously.

I got hold of a Koran in the original Arabic once, and read it as far as my Arabic would take me.


As I said elsewhere, people cherry-pick. Even from the Koran. Maybe even from Mein Kampf. I dunno. But violent Buddhists are nowhere as common as violent Muslims, even on a per capita basis.

There is a limit to the extent you can say "all religions are the same." They are not, becuse they come out of different histoircal movements, and fulfil different needs.

jules s
Posted Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 20:44

I would argue that Buddhism isn't actually a religion, if it came down to it, and that might be why its lacking an excessive violent side.

But the religion of japan during ww2 was fairly strongly influenced by Buddhism.  Well Buddhism of a sort.

Posted Friday, September 26, 2014 - 23:33

Muslims are being made a scapegoat by the fascist powers that be, as much as they pretend to be democracy's.  Exactly how the Germans portrayed the Jews.  The media said they were the devil and the people lapped it up and treated them as such.


Thankfully there were a few that realized that blanketing an entire group of people like that is impossible.  As such treated them normally, without expecting them to try and murder them and steal their belongings.

So before you fall in head over heels and believing the hype that all Muslims are bad just because they are Muslim.  remember who is saying this, how often they are caught lying to cover their own crimes.


Look over there it's an evil Muslim, focus on him and ignore me while I steal from the schools budget to line my own pockets, and snoop on your wife in the shower.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. mattg
Posted Wednesday, December 3, 2014 - 01:34

Written at the time of the Big Beheading Scare.

So the Authorities are trying to scare us all into some kind of eternal war footing by facing us with the prospect of having our heads cut off at any time or place, by people who may or may not have visited an Islamic bookshop sometime in the past. Well, they are not trying hard enough. Beheading is a relatively painless and quick way to send you to meet the Celestial Tribunal, and there really aren't enough Bikie types of Middle-Eastern appearance around to make the threat convincing.

Looking at the internet "Chatter", there are alternatives screaming out to be promoted....

- A group of Pagans advocating on-the-spot Cruxificion looks promising, but they need more members who can hump all that lumber about.

-There are followers of Kali who will garrot you, causing painful suffocation and perhaps severing the carotid artery. But they're just thugs.

- While we are talking about sub-continentals, a mob of Hindu Fakirs is threatening to roam the streets of our cities, planting parasitic tree seedlings into the palms of anyone they dont like the look of. The growing plants will eventually kill you, but it takes far too long to meet mainstream media requirements.

-The Maple Leaf Murderers are Canadian ex-pats (sponsored by the CIA), who disguise themselves as businessmen meeting in coffee shops around the suburbs.  Their MO is to wait until their random victim is non-vigilant, and then suddenly club them to death with heavy batons. Classy.

-If you see someone who looks Asian, look out! They could be a member of one of many gangs who dig pits filled with sharpened bamboo cuttings that they have urinated on, and then wait around the corner until someone falls in. The hideous results are then tweeted around the world. The pits are camouflaged so they look like a normal footpath section.

- French fundamentalists copy the beheading caper, using hand-held guillotines and crying out " Voila! Le livre es en la pont!" as they go about their grisly business in the early hours near your house.

-ASIO is very concerned about recent African migrant groups, who are now expanding into regional Australian population centres. Apparently they use cheap international parcel services to illegally import lions, vultures, hyenas and other large carnivores, which they feed with White Australian Children snatched from playgrounds.

However, the best Threat, in my opinion, is the old-fashioned Christian favourite being planned by an insidious cult of Baptist vigilantes and Catholic clergy. They intend to target ordinary Australians (it could be YOU) and simply burn them alive. The coordinated missions are to take place around Xmas, when there is plenty of xmas tree fuel in shopping centres. The victims, sometimes entire families, will scream for ages as the skin is seared off their muscles and their vital organs shut down from the terrible trauma.

Beheading. Ha, That's for losers.