Sunday, March 13, 2016

Links 3/13/16

aye aye links

Hoisted From Comments: American Education, Then and Now

A query to readers with children in or who have very recently graduated from public school: has education stagnated, as experts suggest, or is it getting worse?

Gaius Publius: When Trump Talks Trade, Voters Listen

It’s easier for liberals to blame Trump voters for racism than to blame themselves for the job-loss and pain of the working class.

Links 3/12/16

chimpmunk links

Radioactive Waste Still Leaking Five Years After Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

The Fukushima site is still leaking radioactive water and the cleanup and remediation will take decades.

Louis Proyect: Boom Bust Boom

Boom Bust Boom a wickedly funny but mind-expanding analysis of 2008 crisis driven by the proposition that the capitalist system is inherently unstable.

2:00PM Water Cooler 3/11/2016

By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Readers, I’m traveling today, and so wrote this yesterday and scheduled it for the future, now the present. I’m a little primaried out, so I’m just going to throw out a few topics for discussion: 1) If you garden, what did you order from your seed catalogs, and what are […]

Brexit Endangers London’s Status as a Financial Hub

Brexit could damage London’s attractiveness as the centre of European banking, as an entry point to the EU and as a global financial hub.

Links 3/11/16

penguin chicks links

Gaius Publius: The Goal of the Neo-Liberal Consensus Is to Manage the Decline

Neoliberals want ordinary people to accept that their standard of living will decline. It’s not hard to see whose interest that story promotes.

HSBC’s Money Laundering Nightmare (2): Mossack Fonseca, a Year in Words and Pictures, March 2015-March 2016

Mossack Fonseca and its trail of street protests: they are in it up to their thighs, and HSBC’s Stuart Gulliver has “no idea”.

John Helmer: US War Aim Fails, Putin Gains, Medvedev Loses

Approval ratings for Putin remain high despite corruption scandals because they believe no one is as capable of defending them against the US

2:00PM Water Cooler 3/10/2016

Today’s Water Cooler: Trade shortly to become campaign issue, Democratic debate, Michigan, bulls and bears, 2°C by 2030?, Chelsea and Ivanka

Wolf Richter: Desperate “Dumb Money” from China Now Chasing Unicorns

The influx of money from China is increasingly going into bubbly markets and sectors.

Links 3/10/16

dog and cow