Another Earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti?
Dady Chery


By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Haiti’s densely populated greater Port-au-Prince area is seismically more active than previously thought, and there will be another earthquake there. It is impossible to predict when this will happen. A study by a team of French … Continue reading

Haitian People: Let Us Recover Our Dignity


By Michel-Ange Cadet Haiti Chery Translated from the French by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery Several Haitian cities rose up under strong tension in December 2010. The sky was black with smoke. The burning tires, the deafening noise of protesters in … Continue reading

Haiti Must Invalidate Decree to Cede La Gonave


Editorial comment Has Haiti’s 38-square-mile offshore island, Ile de La Gonâve been sold outright to foreign interests or transformed into a tax haven where Haiti maintains ownership only of the territory? Neither of these. Not if we fight. On January 7, 2016 Michel Martelly published a … Continue reading

Haiti’s Parliament of Owls Hatches Jocelerme Privert as Interim President
Dady Chery


By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Some things are better done under cover of night. This appears to be when Jocelerme Privert functions best. At 3:43 a.m. on Sunday, February 14, 2016, Mr. Privert got decked in a red-and-blue sash and was … Continue reading

Disinformation & Propaganda 101: Haiti Elections
Dady Chery


UPDATES UPDATE #1, February 9, 2016. With regard to Haiti, the current mantra of the world’s propagandists, being infinitely echoed through their news channels, is that the country needs a president because Martelly is gone, but the legislature will save the … Continue reading

Aid-Money Laundering as an NGO Racket
Dady Chery


Dady Chery Haiti Chery It took the January 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti to expose the rot in the world’s charities. Well-meaning people and their governments donated about $12 billion dollars of emergency aid, virtually none of which reached individual … Continue reading

Haiti: Enough Is Enough, Bring on the Revolution!
Dady Chery


By Dady Chery Haiti Chery Ask Haitians on the street why they have put their wiry bodies in the paths of the bullets and tear-gas canisters of Haiti’s various mercenary forces, foreign and domestic, and they will tell you it … Continue reading

Peuple Haitien: Retrouvons Notre Dignité


Par Michel-Ange Cadet Haiti Chery Plusieurs villes de la République d’Haïti se levaient sous fortes tensions en décembre 2010. Le ciel de certaines villes était noir de fumée. Des pneus brûlaient, des bruits assourdissants de manifestants dans un commun refrain de protestations … Continue reading

Haiti’s Ecological Tale of the Love Between a Girl and a Fish
Dady Chery


Tezen Nan Dlo By Dady Chery Haiti Chery About the story. Tezen Nan Dlo is one of Haiti’s most popular folk tales. The Kreyòl “te” indicates the past tense, and “zen” means “hook.” At its heart are the enticements of the natural world, … Continue reading

Amaral Duclona: Bogeyman of Haiti’s Foreign Occupation
Dady Chery


UPDATES UPDATE #1, February 12, 2016. Incredibly, Amaral Duclona was acquitted of all charges today on appeal! By Dady Chery Haiti Chery If you did not know the man’s name, and you were unfamiliar with the Western press’ habit of … Continue reading

Haiti’s G-8 Denounces ‘Martelly-Parliament Deal’


UPDATES UPDATE #3, FEBRUARY 14, 2016. As a Valentine’s day gift to itself and the international community, Haiti’s fraudulent parliament elected Jocelerme Privert as Interim President of the Republic; he is the same speaker of the senate who signed the deal with OAS and … Continue reading

Haïti élections: Désinformation et propagande
Dady Chery


Par Dady Chery Haïti Chery La lutte pour Haïti est pleinement en vigueur. Depuis que les Haïtiens ont contrecarré les élections frauduleuses et ont commencé à faire leurs propres projets, l’occupation étrangère est devenue désespérée pour concocter une solution pseudo-haïtienne à … Continue reading

Haiti’s G-8 Calls for Interim Consensus Government

A man kicks a canister with a tear gas during a protest in Port-au-Prince on January 22, 2016. 
Demonstrators marched to protest against the presidential elections. Haiti's electoral authority has postponed Sunday's planned presidential run-off amid mounting opposition street protests and voting fraud allegations. The second round of presidential elections was scheduled for January 24 between ruling party candidate Jovenel Moise and Jude Celestin but was suspended by CEP. / AFP / HECTOR RETAMAL        (Photo credit should read HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images)

UPDATES UPDATE #1, February 5, 2016. In a February 4 press release, Haiti’s Group of Eight presidential candidates (G-8) reiterated its requirement for a provisional government to represent vital sectors of the national life, headed by two executives: an interim president from the … Continue reading

The Fake Left
Dady Chery


By Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier Haiti Chery All writers with a desire to rattle people out of their torpor occasionally wonder if it is worthwhile to continue to try to raise their voices over the din of lies and … Continue reading