Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Which Church is hosting the Sons of Confederate Veterans Confederate service in Richardson, Texas?

The counter-campaign against the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) 2016 Reunion is started. There is a Facebook page,

There you can find out what is happening in the counter campaign against the SCV.

The SCV is planning on meeting in Richardson, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, TX July 13-16, 2015

This is an article about the racism of the SCV.

What the counter campaign is going to focus on is against churches hosting the SCV.

There is a web page about the whole issue of churches hosting neo-Confederate groups.

And specifically the reunion in Dallas. Richardson is a suburb next to Dallas.


1. Ask your denomination about their stand on hosting neo-Confederate groups. The five leading denominations to do so are: Episcopalian, Roman Catholic, United Methodist Church, Presbyterian USA, and Southern Baptists. Don't presume your denomination wouldn't because unless it is a historically African American denomination it has likely already done so.

2. Join the Facebook counter campaign page.

3. If you are in the Dallas area and a member of a religious group check that it isn't your church. DON'T PRESUME it isn't.

4. Let others know about the campaign.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Kevin Levin and James I. Robertson and Levin's establishmentarianism

I blog on Kevin Levin because he represents a certain mentality among some Civil War historians.

This is the link to a post of his where he expresses disappointment in James I. Robertson.

The point of the post is valid. The Confederate battle flag was not stolen from the South. Some extremist groups did not seize the Confederate battle flag and give it a a racist meaning that it previously didn't have.

However, what is interesting, and revealing of Levin's blind establishmentarianism is that he is surprised and disappointed at what James I. Robertson has to say about the Confederate battle flag and also that he has "a great deal of respect for Professor Robertson."

"Professor" Robertson interviewed in the Southern Partisan in the 3rd Quarter 1997 issue.  That the Southern Partisan was a neo-Confederate magazine and had a racist agenda he certainly knew about.

In the 3rd Quarter, 1990, Vol. 10 issue of Southern Partisan in a letter to the editor of the Southern Partisan complaining about some comments about him printed in the magazine.

"Such statements, appearing in a publication whose purpose and content I have previously admired, is a disservice to you and a degradation to me."
That's right Roberts "admired" the "purpose and content" of the Southern Partisan, he "admired" the endlessly bigoted Southern Partisan.

 However, you don't need to have access or know about the Southern Partisan magazine to know about Robertson's views. It has been fairly obvious to those who know about Robertson. Or knew about the Civil War Centennial. Why this is a surprise to Levin is a wonder.

Presentation on M.E. Bradford went well

My presentation on M.E. Bradford at the Texas State Historical Association went well. It was the last session so the meeting room wasn't packed, but it had a reasonably good attendance.

The important thing is that I need to continue work on my Bradford manuscript and decide how I am going to move forward.

There are two possibilities.

1. Just work towards publishing a book.

2. Do a series of academic papers and then publish a book.

Bradford's writing is a phantasmagoria of hysterical writings in some of his essays. My one regret that in 20 minutes I had and with the demand to cover all the aspects of his career, I didn't have time for some extended quotes of Bradford's writings. .

One interesting thing about Bradford is that he was enabled and accepted in the field of Southern Studies and paleoconservatism and this says a lot about both.

I am thinking about writing about Southern studies and racism and the term "South" as an ideological construct. So I might expand my scope also.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Finishing paper on M.E. Bradford, presenting on March 5, 2016 at the Texas State Historical Association convention

I haven't blogged too much since I am busy finishing my paper on M.E. Bradford and I am also preparing my 20 minute presentation on M.E. Bradford.

It is scheduled on March 5, 2016 and there is a lot more to M.E. Bradford than I planned.

This is the program. I am on page 27.

SESSION 38 10:30 a.m. RANGOON Elite Racism in Texas in the Twentieth-Century, Keith Volanto presiding, Collin College The Purifying Knife: The Stranger Career of Eugenics in Texas, 1850-1940, Michael Phillips, Collin College Constructing a Reactionary Southern Nationalism: M.E. Bradford and the Modern NeoConfederate Movement, Edward Sebesta, Independent Scholar, Dallas

I am finding Bradford to be fascinating, because of his use of literature and history and theories of government to oppose civil rights and support a racist society, without using the usual pseudo-scientific talk of I.Q.s and skull sizes.

Also, it is about the construction of a reactionary Southern identity.

In the last year I have had to read a huge amount of Bradford writings which are repetitive to some extent. He is also pretentious in his writing and found of being archaic. I have over the years purchased most everything Bradford had written and now I have read it.

The Univ. of Dallas still has an annual debate in his honor. At the first annual debate they waved Confederate flag.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Cliven Bundy's ranch next? UPDATE: UPDATE2: Cliven Bundy arrested. Last Malheur occupiers surrendering 2/11/16.



I have a post on the strategy being used to deal with those occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.

It is about the clever policy of Obama's administration regarding the occupiers at Malheur Wildlife Refuge. Just let the occupiers sit there until everyone is really, really sick of them, and the militia reveals what goof balls they are and how self-serving and self-aggrandizing they are.

The public was reminded that these public lands are for the public benefit and learned that the "Sagebrush rebellion" was mostly a desire to use the public's land as if it was their own, it was an argument over government welfare, it was self-entitlement.

The federal government just waited until the local people in the county, the Governor of Oregon, and the Paiute tribe were screaming to have them removed.

It seems that Ammon Bundy and the other militia members forgot that they were committing insurrection and left off for a speaking engagement and on an isolated stretch of highway going through vast stretches of empty plains the FBI just stopped them and arrested them, except for one idiot who didn't realize that the game was over. It didn't take much strategy by the FBI to get the militia to think they had some type of immunity and become reckless.

Four members remain at the Refuge and they are negotiating their surrender. The FBI seems content to wait them out as their food runs out and as these remaining goof balls realize that they have no options and they aren't negotiating with their high school principal and their whiny excuses are not going to be accepted.

After the Malheur occupation is finally over I am sure we will have reports of the damage that the militia did and what a mess it is to cleanup further discrediting not only the occupation but militias in general.

So once the whole Malheur Wildlife Refuge mess is over what next?

I think that the next move will be to go and collect the grazing fees that Cliven Bundy  owes the federal government.

It will be a good time to do this for multiple reasons.

1. The public blames the Malheur Wildlife Refuge mess on the federal government's response to Cliven Bundy's standoff and they will be supportive of measures to get this matter with Cliven Bundy finished so there is no more of these occupations.

2. Rural counties everywhere are now likely to be identifying with Harney County and their plight instead of being sympathetic to the Bundy's.

3. Militia crazies watching the pathetic end of the Malheur occupiers will likely realize that they  don't want to end up whining on Facebook and then in prison. Cliven Bundy will undoubtedly get some militia crazies showing up, but probably not too many. These militia types are mostly blowhards and doing play acting. They don't want to go to jail.

4. The public has gotten a good look at the militia and how they are really goofs. The militias out there and other right wing crank groups won't want to be identified with anything Bundy and any actions that remind the public of Malheur Wildlife Refuge. They won't want to show up at Cliven Bundy's ranch.  Also, politicians that supported the Bundy's will likely have second thoughts.

5. Obama gave the nation a civics lesson on why there is the law and what happens when the lawless are not stopped by the law.

6. The militia learned that in the end the federal government will shoot. They learned that delusional play acting can have real consequences.

The government will want to move quickly while the Malheur occupation is fresh in people's mind.

Also, this type of nonsense where Bureau of Land Management people are shot at in Nevada can't be tolerated.

When this is all over I think that various types of blustering play acting will continue to look ridiculous. Other extremist groups may still do this type of play acting but will know if it just that. For those extremist groups that continue they will realize that the federal government is willing to act.

Most importantly these extremists will learn that they could end up looking ridiculous, pathetic and in jail and that will act as a great restraint on them.

Also, nonsense, like reported in this story, is not likely to be tolerated anymore.

Take a bulldozer to federal land and the government now is empowered and you will go to jail and lose the bulldozer.


Cliven Bundy has been arrested.

Thursday morning 2/11/2016 plan is for the last occupiers to surrender.

Update 3

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Reconstruction


I should point out that Bill Clinton wrote three letters of congratulations to the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

Also, I sent a questionnaire to Hillary about presidential policies relevant to fighting neo-Confederacy and I didn't get a response.

The story is all over the internet. I would like Hillary Clinton to answer the questionnaire.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Lew Rockwell defending Ammon Bundy's loony militia, then thinks better of it.

You can follow the developments of the seizure at the Oregon Public Broadcast here

Pro-secession Lew Rockwell has been running stories on Ammon Bundy and his militia occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon.

In this post Ron Paul sees the militia occupation as the beginning of great civil unrest.

This is another Lew Rockwell posting seeing imminent revolution. 

Some other Lew Rockwell posts on the Malheur occupation. 

Justin Raimondo is probably regretting this story. 

Now even Lew Rockwell has figured out the U.S. governments strategy in dealing with Ammon Bundy and his militia and posts about it appear to have stopped. . It is an old strategy of "Give him enough rope and he will hang himself." Lew Rockwell postings in support of the Refuge have stopped. 

Obama has figured out that letting these clowns continue to occupy the Refuge is a great way to damage the reputation of some opposition groups to the Democrats. Every day they are out there, the occupying militia more and more appear as fools. With idleness pressing upon them they do crazy things. How long will it be before they are fighting among themselves? 

Democrats must love stories like this.

Frustrated, Bundy's militia people are now inventing their own government for a country they are not from and start issuing statements and judgments so they can threaten local officials elected by local people. 

They are also starting to destroy public property. They are desperate for some reaction to make themselves look like heroes instead of goof balls. 

Ammon Bundy's militia's continuing antics will continue to taint anti-government rhetoric in general. 

Also, there are a lot of rural counties with not too many people and they are watching and seeing what is happening in Harney County in Oregon and beginning to realize that their safety is dependent on the rule of law and the ability of the state and federal governments to be there and uphold the law. 

Locally in these rural counties there must be a turning tide against militia talk. Who wants some heavily armed goof balls coming to their town? 

Obama has to just wait quietly until locals in Oregon are screaming for him to do something about the militia and then he might.  Or perhaps not getting any reaction from the U.S. government the militia will just up and leave and then over the next month after they leave they can all be individually arrested. 

Meantime the so-called Sagebrush Rebellion is getting its reputation trashed as these goof balls continue to get national attention. The public tolerance of militias is going down by the day. 

Ammon Bundy was planning on a showdown and now is desperate to have one. It seems that he didn't have a plan B. Being goof balls of course they didn't. 

Also, it has gotten some local groups to start standing up for the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. This is a link to a video by a local Oregon group of hunters and anglers who are against the militia and they went out and tore down the militia sign that was hung over the entry way sign to the Refuge.

It won't be long before every group of hunters and anglers will realize that the militia movement is a threat. 

The League of the South has realized that these guys are bad news. 

The Council of Conservative Citizens had one Jan. 8, 2016 post but seem to have otherwise lost interest.

Neo-Confederates like to use heated rhetoric.

I suspect there will be a lot less tolerance for that type of talk.

Finally what was the Confederacy but a violent insurrection.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Russian interest in damaging the United States through supporting secession and insurrection continues

The following link is to an article about the militia occupiers of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and is obviously sympathetic to the militia. It is a Russian news outlet.

I also find again my blog has heavy Russian readership, greater than the American readership. (See screen capture from this morning of Google statistics of my readership at the bottom of this blog post.)

This is not the first time I have had a surge of interest in my blog from Russia

Movements can be aided in many ways besides money and materials. Often a movement most needs prestige to recruit members and gain credibility with the larger public. The League of the South has been getting just such type of support from the Russians.

This blog posting refers to an article in The New York Review of Books explaining how Putin is using the media to undermine the West.

I think that it is clear that the Russian government is eager to back any insurrection or secession movement as a counter measure to the United States.

I am sure the Russians have concluded that the League of the South is of little significance, but I think they are hedging their bets. Movements can suddenly  grow. Though I think that if there is a significant  Southern nationalist movement the League of the South won't be leading it.

It is understandable that people react with amusement and laughter to these groups, but it should be understood also that there are powers out there with great resources very interested in these groups These hostile powers prowl and sniff seeking opportunity seeking opportunities to injure the United States.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Free State of Jones movie to be released May 2016

The movie Free State of Jones starring Matthew McConaughey is scheduled to be released May 2016.

The link to the movie website is

The You Tube video with the official trailer is

The Facebook page is

It is about Newton Knight and his revolt in Mississippi against the Confederates during the Civil War.

As you know my URL for this blog is named after Newton Knight.

Double click on the video to see it all full screen and to not have the right side chopped off.

I see the trailer has over 1.7 million views as of 1/10/2016.

Friday, January 08, 2016

Dothan, Alabama

There is an article about Dothan, Alabama and the recent controversy at

It seems that it is a somewhat tangled affair where some claims about the police there can't be substantiated and other items seem to be true.

It is known however that the police chief was a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV). The police chief has admitted to having been a member but claims to no longer to be a member.

I was contacted about the SCV and I supplied a lot of primary documentation.

This is the article.

I am hoping to get the general public aware of what type of organization the SCV is and so this will help.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Petition to get rid of a Jefferson Davis monument in Brownsville, Texas

The above is a link to a petition to get rid of the Jefferson Davis memorial in Brownsville, Texas.

Please help this person by signing the petition.

Jefferson Davis was a vicious racist.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Denied it was racially motivated

A person working at the Army Corps of Engineers who had had loud confrontations with an African American co-worker decided after the massacre in Charleston to print out a Confederate flag from a computer and secretly place it on the co-worker's desk.

There was investigation and the person putting the flag on the desk lied to a federal officer and as a consequence was convicted of this lying and has been sent to jail. What is interesting about this story is:
Thompson eventually confirmed she had been angry with the person but denied it was racially motivated.
Since we don't have instruments to read people's minds we can't refute this with any concrete evidence.  However, I think you would have to be an idiot to believe this person's claims that there wasn't racial motivation.

This person might sincerely think that they are not racist because the person doesn't wear funny clothes or use racial slurs narrowly defining a racist to only those who are belligerent.

The neo-Confederates are always denying being racist. Even when they are caught out, they have sort a strategy that could be summed up as "I was racist 15 minutes ago, but now I am not."

In this article the Ku Klux Klan in Pennsylvania is claiming that they are not a racist organization.

Richard Quinn, editor for nearly two decades of the Southern Partisan, when he was running Lindsey Graham's campaign claimed that he had changed.

Neo-Confederates will continue to assert they aren't racist and I suppose that will provide an excuse for those who really don't care about the issue of racism to accept these groups as legitimate.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

St. Louis committee recommends removal of Confederate monument

A committee appointed to consider the matter has decided to have a major Confederate monument in St. Louis removed.

With the monuments removed from New Orleans and St. Louis it will set the momentum rolling for more monuments to be removed. Memphis is getting rid of its Forrest monument. If Baltimore doesn't move on removing its monuments it will seem very anomalous.

The tendency is developing for monuments in major cities to be removed.

Every Confederate monument removed makes the remaining Confederate monuments seem more anomalous and the failure act to remove them a negative mark on a community.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Lindsey Graham out of the Presidential race, hopefully will be defeated for re-election

Lindsey Graham has dropped out of the presidential race. His campaign never did particularly well and then became irrelevant.

Lindsey Graham interviewed in the 1st Quarter 1999 Southern Partisan.  He was given a free pass on this by Columbia, South Carolina newspaper The State.

For his 2015-16 presidential campaign he hired the former editor of the Southern Partisan, Richard Quinn.

Now his presidential campaign has become irrelevant and to naught except that it is now on record that he never really regretted pandering to neo-Confederates. It would have been terrible if someone who had interviewed with the Southern Partisan was even one of the presidential candidates of a major party.

Hopefully he isn't re-elected U.S. Senator either. What is delicious irony is that the same forces which he pandered to in the Southern Partisan are the same people who are going to try to end his political career in South Carolina. It is a fate that Graham richly deserves.

There aren't too many Republican office holders who interviewed in the Southern Partisan who are still in office, but I look forward to the day when there are none.

I think  U.S. Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi is the last one.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Shouting in New Orleans, Kevin Levin horrified.

The City Council in New Orleans has voted 6 to 1 to get rid of three Confederate monuments and one monument that celebrated the restoration of white supremacy in New Orleans through violence.

Evidently there was rancor in debating this issue.

This has horrified Kevin Levin who referred to this article in his recent posting that Richmond could show New Orleans the way on Confederate monuments and is critical of the efforts in New Orleans to get rid of the monuments.

I track Kevin Levin as representative of a certain type of mentality that tends to find one reason or another to criticize any effort to remove the Confederacy and end a racialized landscape. The concept of a "racialized landscape" won't appear in Levin's blogging.

Some things are immediately obvious. Richmond isn't getting rid of any of its Confederate monuments. New Orleans is getting rid of its Confederate monuments. It seems Richmond might look to New Orleans rather than the other way around.

Levin's link is to the New Orleans major daily paper and it might occur to him that the newspaper might not be very sympathetic to the monument removal, but for the purpose of argument, let's accept that the reporting is accurate. This leads to an observation about Levin's rational that controversy is to be avoided at all cost.

During the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s and 60s a lot of people didn't oppose civil rights directly, argued instead that it needed to be gradual so that violence and outrage could be avoided. As if African Americans should have their rights denied so some racist white people wouldn't be upset.

Levin's argument is an exact parallel to this.

Levin's example, which he puts forth as counter example to what happened in New Orleans, is the discussion in Richmond about memorializing the slave trade in Shockoe Bottom. This isn't about eliminating a white racialized landscape or doing something about it. It isn't about removing Confederate monuments. However, they evidently don't have heated conversations which is Levin's criteria for judging the process of addressing the landscape. But it is nothing about the Confederacy. It is inane to use it as a counter example.

It doesn't occur to Levin that perhaps this memorial is a ploy to keep the Confederate monuments on monument avenue.

Or more likely it is a ploy to get some of the African American groups to go along with the gentrification of Shockoe Bottom which is going to displace poor African Americans. As explained in this article.

I don't necessarily know all the issues about what is happening in Schockoe Bottom but I am not holding out Schokoe Bottoms development as a reason to slap New Orleans. It also shows how superficial and uncritical Levin's thinking is.

The real obstacle to getting rid of the Confederacy and white racialized landscapes is not just groups like the United Daughters of the Confederacy or the Sons of Confederate Veterans and crank white extremists. It is people like Levin who find all sorts of complications and needs for interpretations and their professional input which seem to keep these racialized landscapes in place.

In the following link you can read about how people like Kevin Levin in various historical societies in New Orleans tried to keep the Confederate monuments with their various rationalizations and how they were rejected by the African American community.

What it is, is that the loss of these monuments means the loss of white privilege and various professionals and individuals and historians start instinctively to come up with rationalizations to keep the monuments.

That The Atlantic has him write on Civil War related matters and controversies over Confederate monuments is revealing of the The Atlantic magazine.

Kevin Levin should realize that historical memory isn't the exclusive province of elites nor is it going to be decided by the League of Self-Important Civil War historians.

P.S. My article on white banal nationalism.

Texas Nationalist Movement Petition, What happened? /Prospects for Texas Nationalist Movement

The Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM)  on their web page was reporting on the progress of their petition to get a secessionist measure on the Texas Republican Primary ballot.

The deadline was Dec. 15, 2015. So how many signatures did the Texas Nationalist Movement get?

This was one news item at their web page on the petition that is still online.

They evidently had a online event about what to do next after the petition campaign.

How many signatures? Did they reach their goals?

My guess is that they fell somewhat short of signatures, and they only had to get 68 thousand some signatures. A discussion of actually how many signatures they got would show how insubstantial their movement is. I am surprised, I thought they could have gotten the signatures. In a state of 27 million plus people, 11 million plus white people I thought they would have gotten enough signatures.

I think they just didn't have enough volunteers to collect signatures and face people who are going to express that you are crazy.

The TNM best opportunities seem to be to pressure the Texas State Republican Party which seems to be beholden to fringe groups and are not willing to stand up to any fringe group. This is especially important given that the TNM doesn't have any real popular support.

So they are continuing to advance their agenda in the Republican Party.One member of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) is going to push to put secession into the Republican Party referendum.

The posting writes:

"... he specifically responded to the groundswell of support surrounding a vote on Texas independence.
But evidently not enough of a groundswell to get the required signatures. There is this constant claim of some popular support for Texas secession but there really isn't. That is why the TNM is focused on the Texas Republican Party, their best chance of success is pressuring political groups and not hoping for popular support.

It shows you the state of the Texas Republican Party that the TNM could find any member of the SREC to support secession.

The Democrats locally and nationally are absolutely hoping that secession gets into the Texas Republican Party platform.  It would destroy U.S. Senator Ted Cruz's campaign to be United States President. It would be disastrous to any Republican running for public office, not only in Texas, but nationally. Texas secession would be a national issue.

What was interesting was that the SREC members were afraid to go on record as being against Texas secession and did a voice vote instead of a roll call vote.

You would think standing up for America would be a given for Republicans, but it doesn't seem to be. This tells you more about how crazy the Texas conservative movement has become.

However, the window for any type of Texas secession is closing. By 2020 the demographic changes in Texas, it being more urban, there being more generational change in the electorate, more people having moved to Texas, there being more minority voters might very well make Texas a Democrat state and not a Republican one. The dominating political forces won't have any interest in Texas secession.

The chances for success of the Texas Nationalist Movement within the Republican Party might increase as the Republicans become more alienated and more fringe. A party that is obviously going to be out of power for a long time, can often become a party for fringe elements to vent their rage.

For the time being it seems that the TNM will be something that is reported on when the Texas Republican Party is having to deal with it as an occasional story for laughs.

Also, again this shows how delusional the neo-Confederates claim that there is some global trend towards secession. The TNM petition effort failed.

Podemos Victory Squashes Catalan Secession Advocates.

In a real election, instead of a privately run event pretending to be a vote or referendum, it seems that there isn't a super majority for secession in Catalonia. From Reuters:

MADRID, Dec 20 Left-wing newcomer Podemos, which opposes a split of Catalonia from Spain, topped polls in the northeastern region in Sunday's Spanish general election, dealing a blow to Catalan separatists already struggling with divisions in their movement. 
Podemos, the only national party to back a Catalan referendum on independence from Spain although it has said it would recommend voting against secession, won 12 parliamentary seats in the wealthy region of 7 million. 
Altogether, parties opposing a Catalan split from Spain, including the Socialists, Ciudadanos and the People's Party (PP), garnered 30 seats.

That compared with the 17 seats won by the pro-independence camp - nine for leftist party Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya and eight for centre-right Democracia I Llibertat, the party of acting regional government head Artur Mas.
There were internet claims that there was some overwhelming desire for independence in Catalonia based on a staged private event pretending to be a referendum which showed supposedly some overwhelming super majority in favor of secession. These claims are now shown to be just so many fables. (

Also, one thing to be considered is that through the Spanish language, Spaniards are culturally connected to all of Spanish speaking Latin America. Neo-Confederates, very often enthusiasts for Donald Trump, ( and ( of course place no value on the culture of Latin America given their attitudes towards non-whites and Latinos. ( and ( Neo-Confederates can't see the value in being connected to Latin America culturally.

The Catalan independence movement did plan on joining the European Union and to continue to be part of that system which is integrating national states into a European Union. Even the Catalan secessionists plan on not being an isolated nation, but part of larger supranational groups.

The Catalan secessionists are not right wing cranks planning on some isolationist republic fending off the modern world.

Secession movements are contingent on local factors. In Catalonia there was suppression of Catalan language by the Franco fascist government in an increasingly distant past. However, there are other solutions to dealing with secessionist movements, such as various accommodations.

Neo-Confederates desperately hope that secession elsewhere will aid secessionist movements here. They might give hope to those already alienated because the United States is a multi-racial democracy and not a white supremacist nation, but beyond that there isn't support for it except for cranks which includes Kirkpatrick Sales.

There is an assertion that secession is the wave of the future, but these mirages dissipate when there are actual elections such as in Scotland where secession was rejected and now in Catalonia where the leading political parties are against secession.. In Quebec secession seems to be less likely a prospect of secession each year.

When you read a neo-Confederate internet claim that some place some where is on the brink of secession it would be well to examine these claims closely. Also, examine the local history driving a secession movement. Chances are whatever is driving secession there is not likely to  be a driving force for an independent republic of Vermont or Texas or East Swampy County or 14th Street.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Dixie Highway renamed after Obama in Florida City

Neo-Confederates in Florida must be having a fit.

Another article on the name change from a local paper.

One benefit of what is currently happening is that there are two many changes for the Sons of Confederate to fight all at once.

The neo-Confederate world is crumbling.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Popular culture going against Confederate monuments. Article in "Vice"

Above is a link to the article.

What is interesting is that this article would not likely run if the editors of Vice didn't think it would be a popular article with its readership and that the readership would be receptive to it.

The article is important because besides promoting the idea that this is important and the monuments need to go, it also provides arguments against the usual rationalizations for these types of monuments and represents the people that argue for the monuments as stupid.

What ever the opinion polls might say about the Confederacy and the general public, among those who set trends, among younger people, among the educated the Confederate is being rejected.

Support for the Confederacy  is tending to be concentrated with those who are ranting and raging against the modern world.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

"The Library of Evil and the University of Missouri Press" published by "Black Commentator"

The article is at this link:

When the Univ. of Missouri was in the news recently I wasn't entirely surprised and it was a location which I was very familiar with since I had already purchased a great many books from them as part of my research into the neo-Confederates.

The other press of interest is Transaction Press at Rutgers in New Jersey. 

Hopefully this article will get the public aware of the issue and other presses will think about what they are doing. 

I am not saying that these author's shouldn't be able to get their books published, what I am raising with university presses is why are you deciding that you want to publish this stuff and lend your reputation to this and is publishing this material in keeping with your purported mission.

If Liberty University was publishing this material I wouldn't see it as being contrary to its mission at all. 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Tanya Robertson submits a ballot secession resolution to Texas State Republican Executive Committee/ Is this a gift to the Democratic party? UPDATE: SREC votes against ballot measure.

Tanya Robertson, member of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) has submitted a secession ballot resolution to be put on the Republican primary ballot.

The leadership  of the Texas Republican Party is against the resolution. I am thinking that Robertson submitted the resolution to force a vote. It is some factional battle in which the Texas Republican establishment members of the SREC will be forced to vote against it and then they can be targeted by Tea Party Republicans.

The Texas Nationalist Movement (TMN) is still collecting signatures. They claim that they have 75% of the signatures, that they are close as they explain at this link.

Though the estimate of 75% includes what they estimate are signatures on lists in the field and not turned in. Perhaps a few petitions fell under the sofa or behind the desk. The new deadline is Dec. 15, 2015. So it seems that signatures are not coming in as fast as they thought. They need 68,000 some signatures to get on the Republican Primary Ballot. I would have thought they could have gotten these signatures easily, but  evidently even in Texas there aren't that many far right secessionists.

Maybe the movement is just a website mostly with a small membership.

I think the Democrats are waiting with great hopes that the petition is successful. How tempting it must be for a leading Democrat to condemn publicly the TMN and help them get the necessary signatures. A condemnation by Obama probably would get them the signatures in a couple days out of a reflexive opposition to any opinion Obama has.

Yet it would be so obvious a move that Democrats could be criticized for aiding and abetting a noxious movement inimical to the United States.

However, if either the petition or the SREC places a secession measure on the Texas Republican Party ballot it would be a great benefit to the Democrats.

Changing the international borders of the United States of America is a national issue. Suddenly every Congressional Representative, every U.S. Senator, every presidential candidate, every candidate for national office will have to have a position on Texas secession, the right of a state to secede, and what would be their policy if a state attempted to secede.

I suspect Donald Trump will be caught in a bind. He is the candidate of ignorant opinion, but even for him, Texas secession might give him pause, or maybe not.

Every Texas state elected official would suddenly have to have a position on the same questions. Even local officials would have to take a stand. Questions will come up about Texas secession at the start of the Civil War.

Democrats would speak out against it.

Opinion polls would be taken in Texas. I think there would be enough Texas Republicans that would say they are for it, even though they really aren't, just to express some anti-government or anti-Obama sentiment to amount to some significant percentage that would be for the ballot measure.

National opinion polls would be taken. After all it is a national issue. What policy do people support if a state does attempt to secede.

In Texas there are probably sections of the state which might want to proposed seceding from Texas to be part of the United States of America in the event of a Texas secession. Local groups everywhere would be passing resolutions for and against.

It could provoke a real backlash against the Republicans nationally. The excitement would enable every fringe and crack pot group.

The whole issue of the Confederacy would be drawn into it. Confederate monuments would be looked at differently when secession is no longer a dead issue, no longer settled long ago.

What I think will likely happen though is that the TNM will fall short in their petition drive, but they will have gotten a fairly good list of names to outreach to and to approach when they attempt this again. But also a defeat might make people give up on the movement and a tiny remnant will persist.

The SREC won't adopted Tanya Robertson's resolution, but she has probably earned the determined enmity of the Republican Party establishment which won't be happy until her political career is entirely ended.

Dec. 15th is a date to mark on your calendar.


The SREC voted against the ballot measure this afternoon 12/5/2015.

The signature effort is still going and they have 6 days. The recent news coverage has probably been of help in getting signatures since they have gotten some publicity.

I think the national Republican party probably freaked out when the Resolution Committee voted for it. It would put Texas secession into the presidential campaigns as an issue.

Republicans were worried that it would make them a "laughingstock." hmmm.

Tanya Robertson has given the Republican Party a lot of heartburn. Perhaps her career can be ended.

I think though she did this to get ahead in politics, and probably knew that it would be defeated by the general vote.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Article on the Lincoln Highway

One of the persons who shot at the Black Lives Matter protesters in Minneapolis has the Bonnie Blue Confederate flag. UPDATE:

One thing that persons sympathetic to the Confederacy do and think it is clever is fly the Bonnie Blue flag. It is a lesser known flag of the Confederacy.

It has a deep blue field with one large five pointed white star in the center. Most people don't realize it is a Confederate flag and so it is a way of signaling Confederate sympathies in plain view to other Confederate enthusiasts without the public knowing about it.

Well, until now.

This is a picture on the Facebook page of a Lance Scarsella. Reports says that from information on the page it seems to indicate that this is the same Lance Scarsella arrested in the matter of Black Lives Matter protesters in Minneapolis. The comment by Scarsella is that it isn't the flag of Somalia.

As reported in Gawker activists found this Facebook page and noticed the Bonnie Blue flag.

After today if you think you are going to fly the Bonnie Blue flag and not have people realize it is a Confederate flag, you are very wrong.

With friends like this, the Confederacy doesn't need enemies.

The Confederacy was a violent insurrection over white supremacy and slavery, it shouldn't be surprising that persons who are violent and white supremacists fly the Confederate flag.

Also, there is a fraternity which I have seen flying the Bonnie Blue flag in Dallas and I wonder if they will continue to do this.


There was a video on YouTube which has been taken down showing the white group involved filming the #Black Lives Matter group, including one of the shooters, saying all sorts of racist trash with two Confederate flags.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Is the Texas Nationalist Movement resolution actually going to get on the ballot? UPDATE: Tanya Robertson did submit the Texas Nationalist Movement ballot measure

WOAI radio is reporting that Texas Nationalist Movement (TMN) has made a break through in getting a resolution on independence on the ballot.

According to the TNM their resolution had previously been rebuffed by the State Republican Election Committee, but this recently changed.
"That changed this week when SREC member Tanya Robertson formally introduced the TNM’s resolution for consideration by the Resolutions Committee in December."

However, I checked Tanya Robertson's Facebook page and didn't see that she had mentioned that she was going to introduce the measure. I would think that something big like this would be mentioned. 

The WOAI article states:
Resolutions on issues to be placed before the voters in the primary can only be presented by members of the State Republican Executive Committee.
So Miller says SREC member Tanya Robertson has formally introduced their TNM's resolution for consideration by the Resolutions Committee in December.

WOAI article doesn't mentioned whether they confirmed that Robertson has actually done this.

The TNM also states on their website
The language of the resolution is substantially similar to the TNM’s resolution introduced in the Texas Legislature by State Representative James White as HCR 77 and places the question of Texas independence on the ballot in much the same way as the petition campaign.
Again, in checking the Facebook page I can't find any statement by James White about the TNM. I am checking the link that the TNM page gave. James White's HCR 77 says that Texas has the right to secede, but it doesn't say that Texas should. However, it should be thought of as pandering to secessionists. Other online sources do suggest that Texas State Rep. did actually submit HCR 77. I think going forward it should be understood that White can't take the oath of any Federal office in good faith. 

Both Robertson and White may well support the TNM. I am just not finding confirmation using Google.

I think the State Republican Election Committee would be very opposed to getting a TNM measure on the ballot.

The deadline for signatures is December 1, 2015. The TNM website isn't reporting numbers.

If the TNM measure did get on the Republican Party primary ballot it would be a huge benefit to the Democrats in Texas and across the country. It would be a disaster for the Republicans.

The Texas Republicans would have to decide whether to debate against it or for it.

If they argue against it they are indirectly rejecting secession, the Confederacy, and the general spirit of cranky anti-Federalism that now pervades the Republican Party. Are they going to argue that remaining a part of the United States of America and the Federal government a good thing and at the same time rail against all things Federal as good Tea Party members.

If they argue for it, then they join the ranks of the officially crazy in the public mind. It undermines the image of the Republican Party as being more patriotic than the Democrats. A Republican who argues for the TNM position will find that he or she will have to face their record as having supported the TNM in any election they face, and any institution that works with them will be criticized. Whether they can take the oath of office for a Federal position in good faith can be doubted.

For the Democrats this can be used nationally to discredit the Republicans, more so if it passes. It would bring under suspicion Republicans everywhere whether their patriotism for the United States is basically contingent.  Also, if the TNM resolution passed, or even made a better than expected showing, fringe groups everywhere would feel empowered. Republican Party establishments everywhere would be besieged by secessionists groups.

I do think that the TNM is struggling to get the necessary signatures. If they were making real progress I would think they would be posting numbers to encourage petition collectors to work the home stretch with only about 15 days to go. 

The Texas Republican Party establishment strategy is to ignore them to avoid giving them free publicity. WOIA probably well understands that their coverage aides the TNM.

If it was every thought that the TNM had any reasonable chance it would be disastrous for the Texas economy.  How many national headquarters of major businesses would have to leave? What would be the value of mortgages on property in Texas? Would companies want to build national distribution centers in Texas?

In the national job market, many would not want to move to a state and buy a home that they might not be able to sell if they had to move out of Texas. Companies in Texas, universities in Texas might find it difficult to recruit people from a national labor pool.

Finally, why would secession stop as an issue at the state level. If large sections of Texas don't want to secede wouldn't it be reasonable to break up Texas so some sections could stay part of the United States of America? That is one question secessionists don't really consider. They want a geographic area to secede, but aren't too fond of further secession.

However, all of this very likely idle speculation since it is not likely that this measure will get on the ballot.

If it does get on the ballot it brings to the front Confederate statues and flags and other such things. After all when you honor violent secessionists doesn't that send a message of encouragement to people who make up  groups such as the TNM?

I personally love the idea of an America where you can drive for thousands of miles.


Tanya Robertson did submit the Texas Nationalist Republic ballot measure to the SREC and defends doing so. Our exchange is as follows:
Conversation started Saturday
·, 3:12pm
Is it true that you submitted the Texas Nationalist Movement resolution to the SREC?
·         Wednesday
11/18, 10:54pm
I submitted it to be added as a March 1st Republican Primary ballot initiative.
How unpatriotic. I don't see how you can do the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag in good faith. Also, I want my home in Texas to remain in America. Also, are you aware that the 1st Republican president was Abraham Lincoln who preserved the Union?
I presumed you were being misrepresented.
11/18, 11:04pm
Whether you agree with it or not, the people of TX should have a voice in the matter.
We live in a Republic not a democracy, both at the national and state level. Let them see what means they can find to get something like this on the ballot. Not every measure goes on the ballot, there is a requirement for signatures for a reason. Yet you have aided them. You have assisted a group which seeks to disunite the United States of America. You can not claim to love our country.

Monday, October 26, 2015

"The Chronicles of Higher Education" has article about universities which allow United Daughters of the Confederacy Awards.

The link to the article is:

I was interviewed by Peter Schmidt some months ago. I am quoted in the article.

This article covers the fact that the U.S. military academies have Confederate awards and some of them named after racists.

I believe the Univ. of Virginia still has a UDC Jefferson Davis award also.

This publication is widely read by university leaders and professors everywhere and anyone of consequence in academic institutions.  Administrators at these universities are probably wondering if they have a UDC connection of some sort and should seek to end it.

I plan on sending this articles to the heads of the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) so that they realize that these issues get in the news. They have been either not responding to my letters or giving meaningless replies. There is nothing like the prospect that you might be in the news having to explain yourself to give moral clarity to the thinking of a government functionary.

One of the primary themes of Schmidt's article is that Bowdoin College suddenly changed their mind after the Charleston massacre even though just a few months earlier they said that they weren't planning to get rid of the Jefferson Davis award.

On record are the military academies saying that the Confederate awards are alright, even if named after nasty racists. They are probably thinking of changing their minds also.

Other writers have brought up different aspects of the U.S. military honoring the Confederacy or aiding and abetting neo-Confederacy.

The article also brings up my 2011 letter to Obama about the Arlington Confederate Monument and has a link to it.

As I have said, one Confederate defeat leads to another. I am really planning on pressing on.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Bowdoin College drops Jefferson Davis Award UPDATE: Chronicle Education does article on Bowdoin dropping the UDC. Discusses other university with UDC connections. Mentioned in article.

The law college at Bowdoin College in Maine has dropped the Jefferson Davis award and is giving the award's endowment back to the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC).

The UDC each year would mention the award and who got it in their magazine. It has been on my to do list to write all the U.S. military service academies asking them to stop working with the UDC. This will be a good article to send along with that letter. Precedent often has an effect on decision making.

However, this event is important for other reasons than that its elimination makes other such awards seem anomalous and a cycle which works to make the Confederacy less and less legitimate as the elimination of one thing leads to the elimination of other Confederate things.

This is the effect on the UDC itself. As the award is rejected, the UDC is rejected. Giving the award to Bowdoin College gave the UDC prestige with its membership. Rejection not only reduces one item for which annually the giving of the award was also giving the UDC prestige. There is an old saying, "We honor others to honor ourselves."  I am not sure it is always true, but with UDC their giving an award was always self-promotional.

As the UDC finds its awards rejected it loses prestige among its members.


Article brings up the U.S. Military service academies and the fact that they work with the UDC and the fact that the awards are named after racists.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Confederacy vanishing, losing legitimization day by day

These are just some of the events where practices which legitimized the Confederacy are being eliminated.

The Florida Senate dumps the Confederate battleflag from its seal.

Capitol of Arkansas renames Confederate Boulevard.

This is a counter effort to raise the Confederate flag voted down by 20 to 1.

The above is just one day of Google alerts.

As I have stated before, as each Confederate symbol vanishes the remaining Confederate symbols seem to be more anomalous which increases the pressure to get rid of them, and when one of them is removed it then makes the remaining Confederate symbols, now fewer in number, seem even more anomalous, which repeats the process.

Also, each specific type of Confederate symbol removal sets a precedent. Such as the Florida Senate getting rid of the Confederate flag from their seal. It makes people in other states start to wonder what the seals of their legislative bodies contain, and what other seals of other institutions contain.

I expect the effort to slow down after awhile because there won't be as many Confederate symbols to remove and those that remain will be in reactionary areas and places not amenable to change. These remaining Confederate symbols will look very anomalous and the local chamber of commerce will be very interested in getting rid of them so their local community won't look like idiots.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Breitbart article against the Confederate flag

The Lost Cause is really lost when the more "expressive" conservative media is against you.

I think the conservative movement has decided that the whole Lost Cause thing is baggage they don't need, don't want to have to drag along, don't want.  Also, if some conservatives don't like it they can vote Democratic.

With friends like this, you don't need enemies dept.: Republican party election official asked to resign over his racial comments and pro-Confederate comments.

Butner made national news last year for Facebook postings extolling the Confederacy, denouncing gays and lesbians, and blasting demonstrators protesting the priorities of Republican legislative leaders and Gov. Pat McCrory.
On Facebook, Butner displayed a photo taken at one demonstration in Raleigh and noted the black participants. "I GUESS THE WHITE FOLK COULD NOT GET OFF BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO BUSY BEING PRODUCTIVE GOOD CITIZENS," Butner wrote in 2013.
Butner also commented on Twitter about Oprah Winfrey receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom: "@Oprah WELL YOU GOT YOUR MOF THANKS TO YOUR BLACK PREZ AND A LOT OF WHITE WOMEN. CAN YOU EVER DO ANYTHING ON YOUR OWN?"
Butner was chairman of a local housing agency at the time and a public housing resident complained anonymously to a U.S. Housing and Urban Development official in Greensboro. Butner did not seek reappointment when his term ended in August 2014.

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