
We offer a wide range of different legal, organizing, & other trainings for activists and at-risk communities. Please look through the list of resources, trainings, & primers below. If you don’t find what you are looking for, have specific questions, or would like to request a training you can fill out this request form.

Know Your Rights

Our Know Your Rights (KYR) training is our most regular and widely held educational event. Each workshop is tailored to the needs of the particular group of participants. Below you can find a list of Know Your Rights resources and videos. If you are interested in us giving a training you can make a request here.

Action Legal Resources: Legal Observer, Police Liaison, Copwatch & Jail Support Resources

Online Legal Primers: Laws that may affect your organizing

A Brief History of the Green Scare

Grand Juries

Next Generation-Youth

American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

Prisoner Support

Police Misconduct (militarization of police, use of force, citizen complaints, tort claims, etc.)

Allies and other Resources

[more to come]