
2016 Next Generation Climate Justice Action Camp

Save the date for the CLDC’s 3rd annual Next Generation Justice Action Camp!

This summer, the Civil Liberties Defense Center is hosting the third annual action camp for young people ages 14-18 to gain knowledge and skills to organize for climate justice! The camp will include a youth led public event focused on a climate justice campaign!

The camp will be from Tuesday July 12th-19th, 2016! People should plan on being at the campsite by 2pm on Tuesday, July 12th and depart by 10am Tuesday, July 19th.

The camp is being held at the same location as the 2015 camp, Apserkaha Park at Howard Prairie Lake 40 minutes east of Ashland.

The Camp registration fee is $150.00, but no one will be turned away if they can’t afford the fee. We have full and partial scholarships to cover the registration cost and we even try to provide transportation to everyone who needs it.

Register Here! (Register even if you are applying for a scholarship)

Want to help fund the camp? You can make a donation here!

What NGCJAC-woods-2is the Next Generation Climate Justice Action Camp?

The Next Generation Climate Justice Action Camp (NGCJAC) is a seven day action camp to empower youth around the state of Oregon and northern California by providing age-appropriate training and mentoring. The workshops, trainings, and activities will provide a group of approximately 50 young activists between the ages of 14 and 18 with the tools and underlying information that they need in order to properly engage in systemic climate justice organizing with a cross-movement emphasis. Teens will come together to form alliances, learn from experienced mentors and frontline organizers, and gain skills in a dedicated setting.


Who should attend?NGCJAC-training

This camp is for teens ages 14-18 who are interested in social and environmental issues and want to gain hands on skills. The camp will provide information on social movement history, climate justice campaigns, how to plan and run a campaign, non-violent protest planning, media and outreach skills, arts and protest, cultural sensitivity trainings, as well as know-your-rights trainings.




Why is this important?

The accelerating climate disaster is intensifying the need for unified action and diverse partnerships more than ever before. Our present generation must be ready to confront this global crisis that connects the environment, economy, energy and social justice. Unfortunately, most public school classrooms or books do not offer the appropriate lessons on constitutional rights, liberties and organizing as community members. Without these lessons, our young generation is missing an important foundation on which to base their participation in society. Removing the knowledge barrier is a crucial step in order to plant the seed for successful and healthy activism.


What skills and workshops will be offered?171

Right now we will be offering trainings on campaign organizing, media skills, demonstration planning, know your rights trainings, art for activism, drumming for demonstrations, intersectionality, cultural sensitivity and more! We are still working on content, if you have of specific trainings you would like to see, or if you have any skills to share, let us know! All of the workshops and trainings will be integrated into the youth-led event that will take place on July 18th.


How do I get there?

Carpool of course! We will be organizing vans from Portland, Eugene, Southern Oregon, Northern California and other areas as needed. You are also welcome to drop someone of, the camp is located at Howard Prairie Lake, about 40 minutes East of Ashland.


Check out what happened at the 2015 camp!

Recap from the 2015 camp with videos and photos can found here: Youth Rise Up to Address Climate Change

Video of Activist speech at Vogel Plaza

Here is the video from the Office occupation Pacific Connector 

What do I need to bring?

Below is a suggested packing list, if you don’t have some of the items, contact us and we can try to find extras!

  • Blank shirt for screen printing
  • Notebook and pen
  • Mess kit – personal plate, utensils, cup and mug
  • Tent with a rain fly
  • Sleeping pad and pillow
  • Headlamp/flashlight
  • Water bottle
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug repellent
  • Your toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush)
  • Any medications you need
  • Extra socks and underwear
  • Clothes for hot weather including swimsuit
  • Warm non-cotton clothing layers (fleece/wool)
  • Rain Jacket
  • Any snacks or comfort food you like

Optional items

  • Camping chairs
  • Musical instruments
  • Frisbee, Hackysack, Football, Soccer Ball or Volleyball
  • Camera (make sure to ask permission before taking pictures of people!)

Do not bring

  • Drugs or alcohol
  • Pets (service animals permitted)
  • Anything of value (we are not responsible for lost or stolen items)
Further Questions please call or email us,, 541-687-9180

Camp Sponsors and Partners

We are extremely grateful to the business, foundations, and other organizations who are helping to make the 2016 camp a huge success! If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for the camp please contact us at

LUSH Charity Pot


Mountain Rose Herbs



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