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Nepal: PM Oli’s (un) Successful visit to India: Update No. 329

Note No. 761                                  Dated 02-Mar-2016

By Dr. S. Chandrasekharan     

Prime Minister Oli finally condescended to make an official six days visit to India from 19th February.  Despite some advice from his close friends to visit China first and thus give a message to India, he chose to wait for the supposed “blockade” to be withdrawn before he could visit Delhi.  There is an impression current in the valley that he has done India a “favour.”

Nepal: Terai Erupts Again: Update No. 328

Note No. 760                                 Dated 28-Jan-2016
By Dr. S.Chandrasekharan
Protests erupted again after a lull in many of the districts of Terai ( Madhes).    
Firing incident at Rangeli Bazar in Morang District:

Nepal: Madhesi Agitation Continues: Talks Fail: Update No.327

Note No.759                                     Dated 21-Jan-2015
By Dr. S.Chandrasekharan
The Madhesi Agitation started on August 17, 2015 and so far 57 lives have been lost and hundreds were injured.  Some of those injured were the main bread winners of their families.

Nepal: Mainstream Parties Should give up their arrogance and find a solution: Update no. 326

Note No. 757                                                    Dated 7-Jan-2016

By Dr. S. Chandrasekharan

Disturbing news continue to come from Nepal.  The Ruling Parties are taking  their own time to file the constitutional amendments.  The Madhesi groups having rejected the amendments are also prolonging  their agitation. 

Nepal: Cabinet moves for Constitutional Amendments-India “Delighted”- Update No. 325

Note No. 756                                 Dated 24-Dec-2015

By Dr. S. Chandrasekharan

On 20th December, the Nepal Cabinet finally decided to move for constitutional amendments supposedly to please the marginalised communities including the Madhes groups. The Deputy Prime Minister Kamal Thapa called up his Indian counterpart to inform her of the good news the same night.  India was delighted. 

Nepal: Tripartite Talks Fail: The Show goes on: Update No. 324

Note No. 755                                   Dated 15-Dec-2015
By Dr. S.Chandrasekharan
Talks Fail:
On the 10th of December, after many false starts the agitating Madhesi Group UDMF consisting of its four leaders met the representatives of the ruling coalition and the Nepali Congress leaders  at Singha Durbar to discuss the demands of the Madhesi leaders.

Nepal: Coalition Government Finally Moving Amendments to Constitution: Update No. 323

Note No. 754                                 Dated 26-Nov-2015
By Dr.  S.Chandrasekharan.
The Coalition Government led by K.P. Oli has finally decided to move amendments to constitution.  These relate to two of the three major issues that had led to the present agitation.  These amendments were suggested by the former Sushil Koirala led government but held in abeyance for over a month for reasons best known to them.  


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