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Time to end tax exemptions for religious groups: Sex Party

Australian Sex Party leader, Fiona Patten.

Australian Sex Party leader, Fiona Patten. Photo: Melissa Davis

Religious institutions should pay more state-based taxes, the Sex Party says, as it pushes to overturn long-standing exemptions.

The party wants new laws to be introduced to force religious groups to take on an increased share of the tax burden.

Sex Party Upper House MP Fiona Patten said charitable groups and activities operated by religious organisations should retain their tax exemptions. But other operations should attract taxes, she said.

"We're struggling to pay for infrastructure in this state," she said. "But at the same time we're saying that religious organisations that may own considerable amounts of very valuable property automatically receive exemptions."

Treasurer Tim Pallas said the government had no plans to change the way religious institutions are taxed.

And any move to revoke tax concessions could provoke a fierce response from religious groups.

Australian Christian Lobby Victorian director Dan Flynn said the Sex Party could expect "considerable pushback" from churches if the plan proceeds.

Mr Flynn said churches did great social good and saved money for the government by taking responsibility for building communities and relationships.  

He said applying taxes to some smaller congregations might crush them altogether.

"Land tax would be a very heavy burden," he said.

He questioned whether Ms Patten was trying to diminish the church's influence on society more broadly.

But the Sex Party hopes that publicly debating the proposal will generate publicity and attract public support. "It's time to have the debate," Ms Patten said.

The party is currently drawing up a bill that would result in greater taxes for religious groups.

Changing laws relating to tax exemptions is complicated for Ms Patten, partly because bills relating to government tax or expenditure are not initiated in the Upper House.

But Ms Patten said she may seek to change the definition of charities to remove promoting religion as a tax-exempt purpose.

She hopes to introduce a bill into Parliament later this year.

Ms Patten said she was confident her proposal would gain some support from Victorians.

"I think there is growing community support for growing transparency of religious institutions."

According to the State Revenue Office, religious institutions may be exempt from some taxes, including payroll tax and stamp duties.

Charitable organisations can claim the advancement of religion as their main objective. However, some tax concessions for charities, such as the GST, occur at a federal level.

The push to tax religious groups comes after the Sex Party successfully initiated a parliamentary inquiry into drugs. Ms Patten also led a successful campaign to establish buffer zones around abortion clinics.

Ms Patten holds an important vote in the Upper House, where the government has 14 of 40 seats, while the Greens hold five in addition to four other crossbenchers. 

HuffPost Australia

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