
  1. . you could put those predictions in a sealed envelope like and had Weatherill and Marshall do.

  2. 轉推

    The problem with making predictions about cabinet reshuffles... is if you stuff up one portfolio, you probably stuff up several.

  3. 轉推

    I have written some bold predictions about how will share cabinet portfolios. If I'm wrong, you'll never see them.

  4. 轉推

    US Secret Service agent, tasked to the President, found drunk, passed out in Amsterdam.. reports

  5. its RT : .: The Government must deliver on their election promise of one million new jobs

  6. 轉推

    Well Quentin is certainly getting a unique send-off.

  7. 轉推

    "This program is not captioned" - Ummm...

  8. What about the other 30%? RT : . “Opinion polls show that 48% of Australians support a republic, 32% don't”


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