Another Europe is possible

Egypt, Giulio Regeni case: EU must reconsider relations with al-Sisi’s regime

After the adoption of a resolution in the European Parliament condemning the violence of the...

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Banking Union still doesn’t protect taxpayers against ‘too big to fail’ banks

GUE/NGL MEPs have denounced the first annual report on the Banking Union which was presented in the...

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Zika virus: steps needed to ensure women and girls’ reproductive health rights and services

MEPs discussed the outbreak of the Zika virus in the European Parliament this morning. This virus...

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GUE/NGL MEPs add pressure for EU-level protection of whistle-blowers

Following the Commission's statement on international protection of whistle-blowers, GUE/NGL MEPs...

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Lack of progress in FYROM’s 2015 report

MEPs discussed the European Commission's 2015 progress report on the Former Yugoslav Republic of...

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GUE/NGL MEPs show support for the Freedom Flotilla, the Women’s Boat to Gaza, in the EP

MEPs from the GUE / NGL group in the European Parliament expressed their support for the women’s...

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