Work-Life Balance Programs


Get Proven Tools to Work Smarter, Cut Stress Costs, Drive Performance

We help your team navigate a crazy-busy world with tools that allow them to work more effectively, be more engaged, and build a better work-life. Joe Robinson (featured on CNN, Today) supports your staff with popular, research-based presentations that give them proven strategies to cut stress and overwhelm, control email overload, manage interruptions, increase productivity, and upgrade satisfaction on the job and off. Boost work-life survey scores and the bottom line with the fully engaged mind. See Programs... 

Employee Engagement, TIME MANAGEMENT, Stress Management Workshops

 Teams are happier, more productive with work-life balance

WORK-LIFE: Work Smarter, Live Better

A credible work-life balance program is one of the most cost-effective ways to boost engagement, morale, and performance. Our programs build the skills that fuel success, providing tools to manage stress, devices, and workload and improve wellness and life balance. More...

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 Stressed-out employee at wits end

TIME MANAGEMENT: Manage Crazy-Busy Work 

Are information overload, interruptions, and distractions driving attention and productivity south? Get tools proven by the science to increase focus, manage distractions, and get more done, from setting the terms of engagement with devices to interruption management. More...

 Stress management, calling

STRESS MANAGEMENT: Calm in the Storm

Stress is contagious. It fuels crisis mentality, conflict, absenteeism, bad decisions, and higher health costs. This critical training offers the most effective tools to stop stress in its tracks. Shut off the false danger signal, and the stress stops in four minutes. More...

 Business meeting Small


Firms with the highest employee engagement deliver triple the shareholder return. Give your organization the tools to unleash the extra effort in every employee. Our program uses the latest science on motivation to drive self-initiative, trust, purpose and results. More...

Email Overload Training

Yes, You CAN Control Endless Email

Every email results in an average of six emails—three going, three coming back. They're like rabbits. They proliferate. It's time to spay and neuter email. Put an end to the time-wasting and lost productivity with our "Control Email Overload" training. We help your team create systems based on the latest research that control unbounded messaging. Participants in the training get a free digital copy of Joe Robinson's  “Email Overload Survival Kit.” This 37-minute audio is the complete guide to email management. Cut the distraction derby with practical strategies you can put to work today. More...

Working Smarter Blog - Tips, Tools

Latest Post: The Most Important Stress Management Tool We Don't Know We Need

By Joe RobinsonTime_urgency_stress.jpg


WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY, and it’s us. That’s certainly true when it comes to one of the biggest hazards to life, limb, and functioning organizations: stress. Contrary to what we all instinctively believe, stress is not caused by anyone or anything else. No, the culprit is you.

I hate to tell you, but you’re stressing yourself out. The danger signal that trips the stress response is triggered, not by outside events, but by what you think about those events. It’s your reaction to what happens to you, namely, the story you tell yourself about what happened, that activates stress. More...