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netsperience 2.x
Drupal web development and other stuff

Welcome to netsperience 2.x

This is the personal web site of Randall Goya aka decibel.places

I develop, maintain, and extend web sites and web applications, mostly for Enterpise clients in publishing, media, education, marketing, and non-profit.

I build most of my projects with the Drupal content management framework. My profile on -- my Drupal Certified to Rock score is 4

My Facebook & Twitter & Foursquare & Google+ & LinkedIn & Github & IMDb

View/Download my CV » more About Me » my portfolio » some tunes by me

You're probably wondering, "If this is netsperience 2.x, what happened to netsperience 1.0?" It was at GeoCities Free Hosting for over ten years, but now it's gone along with the rest of GeoCities - you can still view much of the old GeoCities site where I experimented with JavaScript and DHTML at ReoCities

Use Drupal? Join the Drupal Association!

Drupal Association Membership Drive

(because there's $ in numbers)

Help Grow Drupal Association MembershipThe Drupal Association plays an important part in keeping the community healthy and in keeping up and running. However, lots of people don't know about the Association, or don't realize the extent of the work we do. With this membership campaign, we're raising awareness of the Drupal Association, raising funds for community improvement projects like Community Cultivation Grants, and giving more of the Drupal community a sense of stewardship over and our ecosystem.
We want to raise $100,000 and get 1,000 new/renewed members before December 30. We currently have 3,200 members, so this goal is pretty big. We're aiming high, but know we can make it with your help.

How you can help

Share this campaign far and wide. Post on social media, your blog, your office bulletin board, your chat room, via smoke signal, or the next time you meet other Drupalers for a meal.



Wiped HDDs Tell No Tales - But Stickers Do

I buy used laptops on and donate them after installing Linux Mint. The HDDs are wiped. Often I also upgrade the DDRAM and I have to buy an AC power supply. Sometimes I have to replace a battery or DVD drive. The item description will tell you if the HDD or caddy are missing, or there other problems.

They average about $80 total, a pretty fair price for a laptop. My hobby is funded partly through a GoFundMe campaign: Donate Refurbished Laptops

Property Room advertises that they sell items confiscated by law enforcement officials, and that they also sell items being liquidated by government agencies, plus they have a few other partners, like estate jewelers. I once bought a Peavey guitar practice amplifier that arrived with a manila tag with a detective's name and the case number attached.

My latest laptop purchase came with some interesting stickers.

Below the keyboard:

This medium is classified SECRET U.S. Government Property

On the lid:

6207 Namon Wallace Dr, Ryan Grayson, JHamilton

So I did some detective work myself.

We know the laptop has something to do with 6207 Namon Wallace Drive in Cumming, GA, associated with Deputy Sheriff Stephen Roberson, and the property was sold in 2011 for $65K. Ryan Grayson, who started his own agency, International Specialized Investigations A18949, in the San Luis Potosi Area, Mexico shortly after the date on the laptop, may also be involved. JHamilton is possibly John Hamilton, Deputy Sheriff (retired) at Philadelphia county Sheriff's Office, from Dacula, Georgia who collected (?) it on 03/07/2013. Something about the laptop may have brought together law enforcement agents from Georgia, Texas, and Pennsylvania. It was held somewhere, then the HDD was wiped and it made its way to Property Room for sale last month.

Here's how I found out:

First I searched the address 6207 Namon Wallace Drive. The property is located in Cumming, GA 30028, and sold for $65K on 10/14/2011. I also found a picture of the house:

6207 Namon Wallace Drive on homesnap

A search for that address came up with the name Stephen Roberson in Cumming, GA on

A LinkedIn search for Stephen Roberson near zipcode 30028 tells us he is a Deputy Sheriff with a background in IT:

stephen roberson on LinkedIn

Congratulations! You’ve gained the ‘Community’ role on

An email explains the super-powers granted to Community role users:

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From now on, you may occasionally see a small ‘confirm’ button on
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When you see this button, please take another look at what the person posted.
If their content looks valid and not spammy, just click ‘confirm’. By
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improve their daily experience on the site.

You can read more about user roles at and about the community
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Thanks for helping us make a better place!

- Team

Errors and Inconsistencies on Twitter

Social Networking sites like Twitter are fantastic - but often they #fail in their UI/UX. I collect and report problems on other networks like LinkedIn already. Here are some on Twitter. I am decibelplaces on Twitter, you are welcome to connect with me on all my social accounts, here is my Appearoo profile (formerly XeeMe) with links to them.

My Writers List on Twitter Stopped Working

One of my lists is for writers. I added about 10 people to it. Then I stopped being able to add members. I contacted Twitter, but they didn't help. I created a second list for writers, and copied the members from the original list.

When trying to add someone to the list, I click on the checkbox next to the list name and nothing happens. When trying to modify or delete the bad list, I get an Internal server error message.

cannot deleta writers list on twitter


Philosopher Susan Schneider: Less Than 50 Years Before Sophisticated Internet Connections Are Wired Directly Into Our Brains

"Aliens" Are Probably Robots With Sophisticated AI; Perhaps Humans Will Evolve That Way Too

Neural Implants Enhancing Human Brains Are An Intermediate Step

I have often said that "Web 3.0" will involve a direct neural connection of the brain to the Internet, without tactile devices like mouse and keyboard.

In a research paper and presentation at the NASA/Library of Congress Astrobiology SymposiumDr. Susan Schneider (Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, The University of Connecticut, and Fellow, American Council of Learned Societies) proposes that any aliens encountered by humans are likely to be super-intelligent robots. Schneider is particularly interested in BISAs: Biologically-Inspired Superintelligent Agents.

Exo-biologists say one reason human attempts to contact alien life have not produced results is that we are looking for biological life, not "robotic life."

In The Eerie Silence: Renewing Our Search for Alien Intelligence (2010) Paul Davies, chair of the SETI: Post-Detection Science and Technology Taskgroup of the International Academy of Astronautics, posits that extraterrestrial intelligence might not be interested in the physical world at all and would instead take on the form of a quantum computer.

"I think it very likely – in fact inevitable – that biological intelligence is only a transitory phenomenon, a fleeting phase in the evolution of the universe," Davies writes in The Eerie Silence. "If we ever encounter extraterrestrial intelligence, I believe it is overwhelmingly likely to be post-biological in nature."

Seth Shostak, director of NASA’s Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) program says:

“As soon as a civilization invents radio, they’re within fifty years of computers, then, probably, only another fifty to a hundred years from inventing AI. At that point, soft, squishy brains become an outdated model.”

Schneider calls this "The Short Window Observation": 

Once a society creates the technology that could put them in touch with the cosmos, they are only a few hundred years away from changing their own paradigm from biology to AI.

Schneider describes current medical neural implant projects, and the eventual general use of neural implant technology:
Devices such as the Google Glass promise to bring the Internet into more direct contact with our bodies, and it is probably a matter of less than fifty years before sophisticated internet connections are wired directly into our brains. Indeed, implants for Parkinson’s are already in use, and in the United States the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has started to develop neural implants that interface directly with the nervous system, regulating conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, arthritis, depression, and Crohn’s disease. DARPA’s program, called “ElectRx”, aims to replace certain medications with “closed-loop” neural implants, implants that continually assess the state of one’s health, and provide the necessary nerve stimulation to keep one’s biological systems functioning properly.
Eventually, implants will be developed to enhance normal brain functioning, rather than for medical purposes.
The implication is that mankind is poised for an evolutionary step moving human consciousness from a biological basis to machine AI.
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